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Status Updates posted by Mathius

  1. "Die as cowards, honor less or die as men of Danl! Die fighting by my side!" He yells charging out of the Barracks, the soldiers silent then followed... "What's going on?" "We're fighting back!" the most common question pressed upon the civilians lips, by the time Durlin made it to the gate and signaled the gate master to undo the locks.

  2. "The sky engulfed with darkness and you choose to sit and let the enemy walk freely into our lands!" Durlin yells at the soldiers found do nothing, reading, drawing, just thinking "If this life shall end, do you not wish to enter the next as heroes?" He yells as a soldier turns his gaze to him "If god wishes us dead, let us wish the enemy!" He says grabbing a swo...

  3. The whole city was at his back, soldiers to farmers as the large gates pried open and the orcs appeared, two words... "FOR DANL!" then more "FOR YOU'RE CHILDREN FOR THE GODS!" was the final sentence before battle erupted...

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