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Posts posted by CommunistSpy

  1. Name:  Aislinn

    Age: ~250

    Experience/Degree: Most of my life has been spent involved in combat of some sort.

    Occupations and Labour Skills: Enchanting/Smithing/Leatherworking/Woodworking

    How do you lay claim to the fact you are pure mali'aheral?: Visually one could tell I show no physical signs of impurity, and I have remained pure since the Citadel arose and I resided there.

    How long has one resided with his/her people?: On and off throughout the centuries.

    Will you place the wellbeing of Silver and the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya before any individual desires of your own?: I shall. 


    Username: CommunistSpy

    Timezone: PST

    Skype (can be sent privately if requested): Sure

    Do you have teamspeak ?: Yes

  2. Name: August

    Age: 260

    Race: High Elf

    Previous Positions: Owner/Manager of the Standing Inn, Owner of the Flayed Man tavern in Abresi, owned a few shops in Malinor.

    Why should you be chosen: Anyone who has participated in tavern roleplay can share many stories of average tavern RP taking a turn for the worst. An innocent drink or meal can quickly become a bloodbath. I have seen the most edgy, annoying, lore-breaking creatures and characters crawl into my taverns, and I haven't killed myself yet. I think it takes activity, patience, and security to run a tavern properly. I've had experience running some hot spot taverns, and I'd love to provide a nice rp hub for players.

    Previous Experience: I ran the Standing Inn for a large chunk of Athera, and I helped run it. I've ran a few other taverns too.

  3. Name: August

    Age: 320

    Race: Mali'aheral

    MC Name: Communistspy

    ((Skype)): n/a

    Intention: "I wish to join to better protect my home of Fi'Ceru, and those who reside within."


    Do you pledge yourself to the upholding of Order and the safeguarding of its Blessed Ideals? Yes



  4. Street Address or Area of Residency - 

    (Cheza's house) sorry, not sure which street this is on.

    Full name [CommunistSpy] - 


    Race(Include culture if able) - High Elf


    Are you the Household owner? - No.


    If not, who is the Household owner? - Cheza!


    What faith do you follow? - None at the moment.


    Who else resides within your Home?(Full names & Race [MC names in Brackets]) - Cheza (High Alf)  [Grimhonk]




    If living within the Capital of Al-Wakhrah, does your home have a basement or any self made modifications? (One that has been built by yourself, or by a specially appointed steward.)  -Not that I am aware.



    Citizen door keys will be redistributed to ensure the safety of all citizens. With that, a new law is to be set out for use of the citizen doors located near the docks and the main gate. 


    The Citizenship door near the main gate of the city, as well as by the docks, are to ONLY be used by citizens and trusted companions of that citizen. Citizens are to NEVER let in someone they do not know, especially a large group wishing entrance upon the city. This means you are to never let in a group of bandits or raiders, even if they pay you. If you are found guilty of letting in someone that is banished within Khalestine, bandits, a raiding party, or anyone that enters the city that is not a citizen but ends up breaking the law, you are subjected to the one or more of the following consequences, depending on the severity ; A fine of up to 2000 minas, the possibility of revoking citizen door keys, the possibility of banishment and eviction, the possibility of public execution.


    Do you understand this law, and will ensure to follow it? This also applies to all household members as well. - Yes


    Because they're women, and they seduce men, and the 14 year old teenage boys who play them, then get the tables turned, and they get eaten, and their dreams crushed.



    I found this much funnier than I should have.


    Anyway, I think people hunt frost witches because their lore requires them to mingle with living people. They also have to eat these living people to survive. While theoretically it's possible to hunt in the outskirts of areas, in truth finding scattered roleplay like that is difficult.


    Naturally, this makes them much more accessible than a small group of cultists or necromancers, that prowl around by themselves. 


    Evil characters and creatures themselves have always, ALWAYS been a target for people to kill. Any antagonist, any cultist, any necromancer, any witch has suffered a similar fate. I wouldn't say frosties are being singled out. 

  6. MC name: CommunistSpy


    Character's name and age: August (Aislinn), 243


    Character’s Race: High Elf


    Link to your accepted magic application: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/100310-aislinns-magic-application/?hl=%2Bmental+%2Bmagic+%2Bapplication/r


    What magics do you desire to teach?: Mental Magic


    Summarize the Lore of this Magic: Mental magic is a subtype of Arcane magic, falling in a branch alongside illusion magic. While there are a few similarities between the two subtypes, mental magic differs from illusion in that it focuses on manipulating the mind of a single individual. There are several abilities that a mental mage can use against his target, after a connection to the mind is established.


    1. Telepathy - The easiest ability is to simply communicate telepathically to a person. One thing seperating mental magic’s telepathy from projecting an auditory illusion using illusion magic is that mental magic connects to the mind directly. Language barriers aren’t an issue since one connects with the thoughts of another.

    2. Searching a mind - A trained mental mage can also comb through a mind, looking for memories or current thoughts. This ability is rather powerful because it allows the mental mage to discern truth from lies, and gather information.

    3. Illusions - Illusions involving the senses can also be created when a mental mage has established a connection to the mind of another. It’s also possible to remove senses, giving the mental mage more tools than a normal illusionist might have. The key difference is that, once again, mental magic focuses on a single person. Cataleptic illusions are a special kind of ability known only to mental mages - in short, the mental mage causes their target to slip into a dreaming state. This allows more freedom with illusions, making odd things more believable.

    4. Memory Wipe - Proposed as an alternative to killing someone, a mental mage can remove or modify recent memories (about an elven hour) in a target. This allows a mental mage to make someone forget a few certain things, such as their attacker, while keeping other memories and experiences intact.


    Another thing to mention are mental barriers. Anyone, not just mental mages, can form mental barriers to stifle progress into their mind. Once they know or suspect a mental mage is trying to access their mind, they can form certain strong thoughts or memories to ward the mage away. Physical actions, like a punch or loud noise, can stop both the person making the barrier, or the mental mage.


    Lesson Example! I tried to do it in a situation as close to a real roleplay situation as possible.


    Before August would teach anyone mental magic, he would make sure the student is competent and patient. The example lesson would be after they have had some training together, so it’s assumed basic telepathy and voidal connections have been learned. ALSO - due to being an Okar he is unable to cast the magic. With hundreds of years of experience, he knows virtually all the aspects of the magic. I’m assuming he’s capable of teaching it though!




    August and his student, Kali, sit in the quiet tavern. Two guests engage in idle conversation at a nearby table, and August motions to them with a gentle movement of his hand.


    “You recall connecting to my mind several times over the past few days, do you not?” He murmurs to her in a soft whisper.


    “Yes.” Kali replies, her intent gaze set upon August.

    “Excellent. I’m going to ask you to connect to the dwarf at the other table. We’re going to perform a simple illusion, and I will walk you through it.”


    His student gives a faint nod, and she turns toward the dwarf. Her hands rest on her lap, and her fingers begin to drum in a faint pattern. The other guests seem rather occupied.


    Kali’s fingers continue to twitch and tap her thigh. She continues to maintain her unwavering gaze on the dwarf, and soon her ear flicks. Once, twice, three times.


    “Have you connected to his mind?” August inquires.


    Kali gives a small nod, clearly distracted - with her face scrunched up in a look of concentration.

    “Excellent, it seems there aren’t any barriers, otherwise you’d have been stopped. Now instead of communicating into their mind, I want you to focus on the dwarf’s cup. Look at him and the cup, and connect the two. Feel the cup’s rough, wooden surface. Hear the sloshing of liquid inside.”


    Kali’s fingers give a few rapid twitches, still tapping out a pattern on her thigh. She hardly blinks as her eyes hone in on the dwarf the cup he holds. Her breathing begins to come out in staggered pants.


    “Now I want you to imagine the cup breaking. The handle is weak, you see - decades of use can take a toll on these things.”

    The chattering dwarves let out a series of chuckles, perhaps laughing over some kind of joke. One in particular has his laughter cut short - he holds up his mug and examines it curiously.


    "Whut's teh mattah, 'ogarth?" One asks the other.


    "Et's meh mug. Must ah taken ah beatin' or somet'in'."


    August grins as he listens to the each, leaning in closer to mutter to Kali. “Now look at the handle. It’s so old, I think it might break.”


    His student seems too occupied with her magic to respond verbally, only giving a faint nod.


    Hogarth lets out a surprised gasp as he drops the cup. The full mug hits the table and rolls off, spilling its contents on the floor.


    "Why'd yeh duh t'at? Waste ah perfectleh gud ale!" He shouts.


    "Ah didnae duh aneht'in', teh cup wus broken. Can't yeh seh t'at, yeh fool?"


    Upon completing the illusion, Kali’s gaze breaks from the dwarves. She inhales sharply and her fingers become still. Seeming to be on the verge of passing out, August reaches to clasp his hand around her shoulder.


    “That was perfect. We’ll continue to work on your abilities - this is only a small example of what mental magic can do.”


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