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Posts posted by MartiniFlamez

  1. On February 6, 2016 at 4:24 PM, theingloriousone said:

    Hello, I am currently working on your skin, and have a few questions.
    1. Could you please provide a small mina compensation for my efforts? (I'd be happy with 20 minas.)

    2. Would you like me to use the 2nd layer to give you a removable helmet? (You would turn this on or off by going to Options, skin customisation and then toggling your hat.) 

    Oh and 3. Scars? anything else?

    I will give you all the Minas I have which I think is like 50? No helmet but make the second layer on the head have hair. No scars either. Just make it look BA. 

  2. I need a skin made for my character. My character is a warrior who would wear a lot of animals hides. I want his hides to be made of tiger or cheetah hides with armor and other fabrics. His head needs to look like a human with a beard but not a big dwarf-like beard. A normal human beard. His hair color is brownish red, skin color is tannish but still white, and his eyes are dark green. 

    OH and no HELMET



    Here is a picture for reference, but the description is above 





  3. ((Mc Name)): mjsc10

    Name: Aethos Tyberian

    Race: Wood Elf (Breeding race skill)

    Age: 192

    Other skills levels: Most are proficient at the least.

    Breeding skill level: Believed to be proficient (Able to breed any animal)


    ((Mc Name)): Hammer4_

    Name: Roric Snobjorn

    Race: Human/Highlander

    Age: 34

    Other skills levels: Not sure, though I am capable of farming with a surplus

    Breeding skill level: Adept

    [!] A bird flys to you carrying a letter. You take it out and it reads...

    Accepted! Meet me outside of the Dwarven Capital when your travels take you there. ((Pm me in game or on Skype. Both are MartiniFlamez))

  4. [!] Posters hung on the main roads

    I am looking for someone who has high skills in Breeding and other farm-like skills. The pay will be 30 every stone Sunday when we start making money and can increase depending on how good of a worker you are.


    If you think you are qualified, send your application to Khardaus Doomforged.

    ((Mc Name)):
    Other skills levels:
    Breeding skill level:

  5. [!] A body lies on the shore of the river outside the Frostbeard Clan Hall. On this body there is a note, it reads...


    Dear fellow kinsmen,


    Decisions are made to make us better or worse in our lives. Some decisions are made and will have lasting effects on us. I have made a bad decision.


    Upset with the Irongut clan I made an attempt to join another clan. A shameful act I can admit.


    You are reading this letter because I want to regain honor and respect with my family, clan, and all other Dwarves.


    I leave all my belongings to my cousin Khardaus Fireaxe.




    Ozock Irongut 


    [!] Blood drops and bloody fingerprints cover the page

  6. Mc Name: MartiniFlamez


    Rp Name: Ozock Irongut


    Age: 98


    Relation to Clan: None- wants to join because he is upset with the Irongut clan and would like to pledge himself to a new one.


    Do you swear to follow all of the rules of the clan?: I do


    Why do you wish to join: To fight and gain honor.

  7. Name – Martin Silverhuesos

    Age – 22

    Race – Human

    Reason to join - Martin has been looking for a place where he can use his knowledge and commitment to providing law and justice with protection and potential combat. He has a deep want to be a guard and be vigilant and enforce the law.

    Special Skills - Hunting, tracking, fishing, fighting, confidence, persuasion

  8. OOC

    MC name: MartiniFlamez

    Skype name: MartiniFlamez ( I don't know how much I can use it though.)



    Name: Martyn Drakor

    Gender: Male

    Experience: I was born to a smith father who taught me everything about swords and weapons and how to use them. I am a great fighter from everything he taught me, then only thing he didn't teach me was how to make them. I aspire to fight for Winterguard and become a smith.




    I… do claim a promise of loyalty, to protect and stand for the lands of Herendul, and to always value the Creator’s, and your will, … Kommandant of the Winterguard, and to all your offspring, according to the obligations of the Guard. My sword, my shield, my strength, mine life will serve Herendul, and all it’s kin till the day I am a grave man.

  9. OOC info
    MC Name: MartiniFlamez

    Age: 16

    Skype ((If you have it)): MartiniFlamez (I don't know how much I can use it though)

    IG Info
    Your Name: Martyn Drakor

    Requested Job: Swordsman

    Race: Human

    Age: 18

    Reason for joining: I am looking for a place to call home. I am young and looking for adventure.

    Why I should want to have you: I am an excellent fighter. I never back down from a fight even if it's one that I cannot win.

  10. OOC:

    Minecraft Name: MartiniFlamez

    Timezone: Central

    Do you have teamspeak and/or skype: Skype, (MartiniFlamez) Idk how much I can use it though.

    Do we understand that we do not allow 'minas or die' RP? That we provide Roleplaying combat regularly and use PvP occasionally or if the opposition wants it? That we don't accept poor quality RP?: I understand



    Your name: Martin Ekko

    Your Age: 25

    Your Race: Human (Northener)

    Are you an assassin, bandit, or thief: Assassin/Bandit

    What is it that you do for a living in your criminal and civilian life: Martin is a smith in his civ. life.  He doesn't have a smithy but he considers himself a good smith that can forge anything.  His criminal life is somewhat dry.  He used to steal when he was younger but he never really was a good thief.  He is good at planning attacks where a group of men control an area and steal everything form the people there along with killing a few. When he started learning smithing from his adopted father, Martini Ekko, he learned how to fight.  He mostly likes to engage into small street quarrels with other races but he has killed man and is not afraid of doing it again. 

    Are you aware that if you leave this gang without consent, you will be placed on a blacklist in every city we operate in?:

    Where do you live and/or operate mostly: None I travel around looking for work I do not have a home.  I used to hang around a lot at the Delver's base with my father but I stopped when he died.

  11. “Name?" Martin Ekko

    “Age?” 25

    “Race?” Human, Northener 

    “Skills?” Grew up on the coast, knows a lot about ships and how they work.  Traveled to the cities to learn how to smith. When he started smithing he craft great weapons and learned how to use them. Smart and curious. 

  12. Given name(RP name): Martini Ekko


    (Skype name if you have one):  MartiniFlamez (Idk how much I can use it though)


    True name(MC name): MartiniFlamez


    Race: Elf


    Are you applying as a ranger or an ACCEPTED mage ((As in you have a MA)): Ranger


    If ACCEPTED mage what form of magic ye use?: None


    (Any Ban/Strike reports?):None



    Short Answers for all Applicants;



    Why do you wish to join the Delvers? I am a blacksmith, but because of my other guild, Wolvenguard, I don't have a place to forge weapons because that guild is no longer.  I also am intrigued with adventure and I want to full explore and fine new things.



    Have you belonged to any faction or guild before? Wolvenguard.  Lasted for a while but is now inactive.


    List three words that a guild needs to function and survive.  Fellowship, everyone in the guild should be bonded together and work together. Honesty, everyone should be honest with each other and not tell lie.  Bravery, we should be brave and not be afraid of what we might see.


    In your own words describe what you think a delve is: I think a delve is someone of something in search of something. Not knowing was it is necessarily.



    If you found an artifact and that artifact could do anything. What would it do? If I found an artifact it would be able to make people go insane if they looked at it for a long enough time. It would be a pure source of evil. If a cloak or cloth was thrown over the top of it, it wouldn't be powerful.  

  13. OOC:

    MC Name: MartiniFlamez


    Age: 15


    Country: U.S


    Timezone: Central


    Skype Name: MartiniFlamez


    Do you have Teamspeak?: No I can get it if needed.


    How long have you been playing on the server?: I played a lot during the summer but I stopped and I just started playing again.


    How long you can you be online per day?: I don't know.  When ever I can.


    What past guilds have you been apart of?: Wolvengaurd.


    Have you ever held a leadership role before?: Not on LoTC.  But I've been leaders of factions and kingdoms on other servers.


    Do you have a VA? (What evils?): Not right now. But I intend to have 2a.



    Name: Martini Ekko


    Age: 148


    Race: Elf


    Past Experience in military and combat: I've been using swords my whole life. Not only wielding them but forging them.


    What are your skills?: I am a blacksmith.  I've been blacksmithing for a while but I don't have a smithy to practice my skill.


    What weapon do you prefer?: A sword forges by myself. And a long bow.


    Why do you wish to join the Order?: I am a blacksmith and unfortunately I do not have a smithy right now so I don't have a place to make arms and armour. I also want to deepen my fighting skills although I would rather plan an attack and have a cleaner battle.


    What are some strength’s of yours?: Planing out fights and fighting and making arms and armour.


    Tell us more about yourself (Brief Biography): Born to a family of poor elves Martini raised himself on the streets along with his brother.  When he was of age he joined the army. While traveling along the land an orcish clan attacked the troops killing many of the elves.  Martini fought back killing a few but there were to many and they killed almost all the elves.  After the fight Martini, along with a few other elves looted their fallen kin.  They went to the Druids for help. The druids gave them enough food to get safely back to Malinor. They all quit the army and Martini Looked for a new job. Always remembering his time in the militia.

  14.  Application


    (MC name) : MartiniFlamez


    Name (RP) : Martini Ekko


    Race: Elf


    Reason for joining: Martini is a blacksmith, he was in another guild that is no longer active so he lost his smithy and he has nowhere to go.  He also has years of fighting experience and he wants to use it to fight.


    Are you willing to take an oath?: I am


    Preferred Weapon:


    Salvian Recurve Bow

    Skills: Blacksmithing and fighting.  Martini also tends to enjoy farming and  he has always wanted to start a grape farm.


    (Do you have a VA? If so, provide a link): Not at the moment but I plan to have 2a.


    (Skype name): MartiniFlamez (I don't use it often though)

  15. =Application=




    MC Name: MartiniFlamez


    Time Zone: Central Time


    If you have an accepted VA, please list which evils(None are required): Not currently but I hope to make one.


    Do you have skype? If so, please post your skype name: MartiniFlamez- But I don't use it much.




    What is yer name?: MartiniEkko


    What is yer race?: Elf

    What combat skills have ye?: I'm decent at fighting. I have years of sword skills and plenty of fist skills from my younger days.  I rather spend more time on planning and strategy and have a cleaner fight.  I will still fight though.


    What non-combat skills have ye?: I am a blacksmith.  Unfortunately I don't have a smithy as of right now, so I don't have a place to preform my skill.


    Do ye agree to fight for the greater good, and not be blinded by personal greed, to always strive to improve the world around ye?: I do.  I will always fight for the benefit of other and my kin.

  16. MC Name:


    Rank/Class applied for (Be specific):



    Central Time


    MartiniFlamez ((Idk if I can use it much though))

    Why do you wish to join:

    Martini Ekko is seeking to be a smith in an order.  He wants to deepen his knowledge on Smithing and also help in battles. 

  17. Out-Of-Character Information






    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - MartiniFlamez


    How old are you?: -  14


    What time-zone do you live in?: - Central






    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: -  I have played Skyrim and some other Elder Scrolls games.


    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: -  I played on Herocraft but i didn't enjoy it very much.


    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - 














    How did you hear about us?: - After I watched "The Hobbit' I wanted to find a Minecraft experience where I could roleplay in “Lord of the Rings” earth themed server, as well as build.


    What do you think the server will be like? -  I've only seen videos but I think it will be a lot of roleplaying, exploring, and some battle between races or guilds.


    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: -  Yes.


    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: -  There are separate rules for War.










    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not Google’s.




    What is roleplaying?: -  Roleplaying is when you get into the shoes of a character, using their words, language  or even how they eat.




    What’s metagaming?: - Metagaming is when you use OOC information to find out something IC that you wouldn't be able to find out IC.




    What’s powergaming?: -  Powergaming is where you give yourself the advantage so you can always win no matter the cause.




    In-Character Information




    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.




    What’s your character called?: -  Martini Ekko




    What race are they (and sub-race)?: -  Elf




    What sex are they?: -  Male




    How old are they?: - 148




    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family: -  




        Martini was born to a family of poor elves.  He had one brother, Navir.  Growing up they learned battle techniques, math, and reading on the streets by watching everything.  He and his brother were great friends. 


        Martini barely ever saw his parents.  His parents were both farmers.  They barely had any money but had plenty of food to feed their two growing sons. 


        Years passes Martini became bored.  His parents both left to other towns in search for better jobs so they could get more money.  Martini, leaving his brother went to the military academy so he could become a soldier.


        Martini grew up to be a quite a sturdy elf.  He went on to the elfish army.  He was given chain armour and a stone sword. 


        On the route to a battle with the Orcish Clan, Gorkil, the cavalry was attacked.  Martini wanted to hide but didn’t want to be taken as a prisoner by the Orcs so he attacked back.  Martini only killed a few Orcs but most of the Elves fell to the Orc’s surprise attack.  The final Orcs ran away leaving Martini and a few other Elves.  Martini and the other Elves looted their fallen kin, took their horses and left.


        Martini told the others that they should turn to the Druids for help.  It took them a long time but they made it to Druidic lands.  Martini and the others asked the Druids for help.  The druids supplied them with enough food to reach Malinor where the Elves could return to their lives.


        When the Elves reached Malinor they all decided to quit the army.  Martini, with his travels to the Druidic lands, saw the beauty of the land of Anthos and wanted to build.


        He went around to some other towns to look a the architecture. Martini thought about constructing a town.  He thought that he needed to get a new job so he could pay for the construction of this mighty town.


        Martini decided that he walk the road to Malinor and look for a new job.




    What are they like (personality)?: - Martini is very outgoing, along with being sneaky on the side. He is funny and loves to drink ale, or wine and do some crazy gambling.




    What are their ambitions?: - Martini wants to build a great town for Elves and forest Dwarves to live.




    Do they have any special skills?: -  Martini is an excellent builder he builds with a mediaeval style like none other.  He is also a an okay Warrior, good with a sword or an axe.  Martini is also pretty wise. He can think of a way out of some tricky situations. Martini also has an extraordinary memory he can remember almost anything.




    What are their weaknesses?: - Martini’s main weakness is his fear of death.  He has always been afraid of death ever since he was a little elf. Martini is not too good with a bow, unlike most elves.  




    What do they look like?: -  Martini has blonde hair, he is not much taller then a human, and he has an average body.




    Anything else you want to say about them?: - Nope




    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - It wont upload but here is a link http://imgur.com/gnlI1U5 Thank you :)

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