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Status Updates posted by iris1612

  1. I love you Norland guys,

  2. Gone on a trip, will be back in 2 weeks

  3. 1, join up, or give feedback. Please don

  4. no+colors+any+more+i+want+them+to+turn+black

  5. Who+to+talk+to+if+i+want+to+secure+land+for+my+people?+Which+gm?

  6. Kincaid+for+admin

  7. https://gyazo.com/7a890cc10c9c56d76bf71befc3617ec3


    Look at this ******* ****. Google must be run by degenerates when they allow disgustingly sinful ads like this to mar my browsing experience. like this status update for a Crusade against Google

  8. long live the king king in the north king of ruska king of hanseti ave ave ave

  9. my favorite part of lotc is the week leading up to the warclaim when one side is making massive rp posts every time they kill 1 player and the other side is constantly shitposting on said rp posts

  10. Funny Halloween Prank:

     get a knife and stab everyone who comes within 2 feet of you

    You know you want to



  11. *salty liberal tears*

  12. Idk who this cahir guy is but I'd let him bolt my crossbow if you know what I mean ????????????????????????

  13. I just wanted to fight against the evil tyranny of pyro and for the glory of the Kingdom of Courland :/ 

  14. dear dev guys who are responsible for me not being able to log on,




    u suck




    fight me bithc boi

  15. i heard vegetarianism personally hacked the client of every single Oren loyalist so they couldn't get on for the warclaim




    damn you, vegetable

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