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Posts posted by christian2142

  1. LotC has given settlements the short end of the stick for as long as I can remember (roughly Athera). Honestly the easiest era for settlements was probably Athera, because at least Nexus made it possible for groups of players to claim an area regardless of how wealthy they were or who they lived with. All they required was enough players for how large the plot was that they wanted and for more than half of them to be active for at least a few hours every week. Basic resources were readily available and Nexus Professions, though its own grind and pain, made pretty much every building block accessible and obtainable pretty easily and early on (especially compared to Vortex).


    It's sad to see that the treatment of independent and small settlements has degraded over the years I've been gone. They aren't the RP hubs that nations are, but they have the potential for flavor you don't find in major cities and can focus down on things those nations can't, because those big nations are too caught up in their big pictures and status quos. Some of the most interesting cultures and roleplay I've seen in Athera, Vailor and now Almaris came from independent settlements that in some cases even became nations. I remember in Athera independent or non-nation capital settlements even made up members of the top 3 most active regions at many points. Independent settlements also serve many niches in the player-base, and are a good starting point for new players that may be lost or shy. 


    I was hoping that with this new map LotC would be better, but in every way it's gotten worse. Lots of quality of life features have been stripped out (fast travel outside of regional warps, speed boosted roads, resource pits to an extent), Vortex is a watered down and incomplete Nexus (not to throw any shade at Nick and Llir who have evidently worked hard, but it is factually incomplete and unbalanced- and it shows), settlements are shafted more than ever before and the map isn't even as interesting from what I've explored so far. Even major nations like Oren aren't exactly at their highest point either, from all the posts I've read on these forums the past month and even through in-game OOC chat.


    I really wanted and expected more from this server, but the absolute lack of transparency and communication from those who actually have a voice (like the administration) is disgusting. You have an obligation to this community, and if you don't think you do or won't take it seriously and let things burn like they are now, you shouldn't be a part of a team with so much responsibility for taking care of it. Quit sticking your nose in the affairs of the player-base only when you want to stop or criticize other members of your team from doing what they should: supporting and communicating with it. That's the last thing this server needs right now.


    What is the name of your guild, village, organization, etc.:





    What is the purpose of your guild/village/organization (if sensitive, this can be withheld and then privately shared with whomever is handling the charter):


    Caminus aims to provide a refuge for those seeking community. Its sole purpose is to cultivate a stable settlement that thrives on honor, community, hospitality, and family.



    What plot size are you interested in:





    What tile are you interested in:


    A17 (I have the four corners of the desired 100x100 plot, as well)



    If your tile is currently owned by a nation, do you have that nation's leader's approval:





    Signatures (players should sign their persona/character name and their MC name):



    Afilion: Korglug

    Alleyooper: Larek

    Dark_Elf01: Bolon Stormtaker

    Inquisitater: Auberon de Clare

    Reznc: Urgnarz Nubklomp

    Fetching_Ghost: Cecilia Sugarbean

    Dymase: Ser Duncan Lefay

    Whiteknight_19: Eryn Serene

    YourLocalNath: Kattja Serene

    ItsMeAlex: Aiden Serene

    Armanay: Ser Bennett Elwind, Rion Serene

    hopper2060: Victor Verne

    Neclectus: Fjordin Sylver

    Caranthir_: Alexandre de Aryn

    Killmatronix: John Kowacz




  3. Nice things.


    Really though, the amount of research and effort put into this was extensive and impressive, especially for a nation leader. Bravo.  


    In response to the question proposed, I believe we should reinforce the already sturdy timezones. Focus on bolstering the player retention and activity. Not only are you creating an anchor for the playerbase (or a 'safe-zone' if you will), but in theory those playerbases would eventually influence (and therefore bolster) their neighboring timezones. The information presented already demonstrates the timezones most closely accompanying the most active ones being at least somewhat retentive, with the only outlier being 8-12. Aside from that, it's relatively deserted.





  4. I have a lot of memorable moments in roleplay, almost exclusively revolving around Athera. I'll separate them by spoiler...


    Romantic turmoil...



    There was a lot of turmoil in Athera between my character and his (first and likely last) lover. Though everything started off fine, his partner was corrupted by Lord Knox shortly into the beginning of their relationship. Knox slowly started to turn him against his own humanity, and practically possessed him into committing heinous acts of murder, torture, etc. to both traumatize him and inflict this feeling of self-depreciation and lack of worth.


    It created a very interesting conflict between our characters, where he would despair over whether it were safer to exit the relationship altogether. It became a question of sacrificing our love for my security, even if it came at the cost of himself in the process (since he knew there would be no easy excuse out of the relationship without some type of violence ensuing), or letting the relationship blossom (and eventually wither away at his hands or Knox, resulting in my character's inevitable death). 


    The conclusion to this relationship was grim, and shaped plenty of roleplay in the future fueled by a bitter rivalry and mystery surrounding the conditions of that breakup, which never quite became evident to my character. It desensitized him.



    Snaga shenanigans...


    Another interesting bit of roleplay involved the Iron Uzg in Athera, where I was captured briefly as a slave. After failing to manipulate a cub over the course of an hour, I earned enough favor from the Orcs to warrant my freedom if I could prove myself capable in the arena. After teaming up with a long-time friend ICly to get an edge on the competition (also enslaved at the time), I stabbed him when he least expected it at the end of the fight (after telling him we'd escape the Uzg together after the fight) in order to claim victory and ensure my safe departure from the Uzg.


    Stone Road Slaughter...


    There was also a time in Athera where I logged on LotC and took my routine walk to the Silver Cup tavern (or whatever the quartz, Helven one was across from the Scarlet Lotus), only to see a fair portion of my town being senselessly slaughtered by our own 'allies'. I intervened (which I later found out the reason to be a lie fabricated OOCly for the sake of having 'casus belli' to attack my people for fun) and ended up spending two solid hours back home performing constant medical roleplay to stabilize those that could be saved. 


    Just... ouch...


    Another time I had my lip cut with a blade, and cauterized shortly thereafter, and as a result I didn't 'pronounce' any sounds or letters that would require me to move my lips together. The text was very amusing, and continued well into a few days before the elder monk restored my flesh to its not-so-singed form. 


    Community. 'Nuff said.


    Though I had no military (or guard) to boast of in Athera in my little town, I remember a time the Orcs were threatening our borders with a settlement between the Wilderness fast travel and my land (which was the only shortcut from Cloud Temple to our home). Without needing so much as a request on behalf of my people, all of those available got online and geared themselves up as readily as possible, marching with me to the camp and confronting the potential settlers stating they were not welcome, and would be evicted by force if they staked their claim. To me this was the ultimate example of a successful community both IC and OOC, which worked almost like a hive mind with concern for each other prioritized over ourselves as individuals. It was a very, very touching moment that I often reflect on ICly. 


    There are many more, but I've wasted enough of my time and whoever has the patience to read this. I miss Athera...


    Edit: I said 'almost' exclusively revolving around Athera. Nope. It's simply exclusively revolving around Athera.

  5. [!] Scattered around Sutica and some of the major settlements in Axios, stacks of laminated flyers flutter in the spring breeze... [!]


    "Do you find yourself searching for an establishment to cultivate your interest in herbal or traditional medicine?


    Do you have a (strange) passion for patching holes, cuts, and scrapes of the flesh?


    Do you seek comfortable, yet cheap residency away from the city life? 


    Look no further than the Caligonian General Clinic!"


    [Images of interior and exterior...]







    "Whether an aspiring practitioner, scholar, or master in any of the aforementioned fields, you are welcome to Caligo's doorstep as an employee in the practice of medicine! Though the clinic is quite underwhelming in size, the community plans on establishing a proper 'hospital' in the future. With your help and contribution to our society, we could eventually make that dream a reality and provide for more than just our humble settlement! Forward your interests directly to Fjordin Sylver (christian2142), sending a bird directly to Caligo (east of Sutica)!"


    [!] If you are concerned with the commute between Sutica and Caligo (which is less than an Elven minute by boat), full-time applicants may be entitled to their very own home within Caligo! The taxes are cheap (sitting at 25 mina a week), and the accommodation both plentiful and welcoming! Contact myself, christian2142, on the forums or in-game. I would be more than happy to arrange a meeting ICly or over Skype regarding potential employment and residence. [!] 


    14 hours ago, KittyKat_GirlMC said:

    [OOC Information]



    GN: AWildMel


    Timezone: EST


    Activity Availability: I have school during the day but if I want to get on , I can probably get on.


    *Skype: AWildMel


    *Steam: //


    [IC Information]


    Name (First and Last): Globly


    Age: H'gakhty 


    Race: Twiggy


    Profession(s)/Labor(s): Me nub kare.


    *Personal Qualities: ?


    *Personal Ambition(s): ?


    *Previous/Current Affiliation(s) (Guilds, Mercenary Companies, Militant Organizations, etc.): Snaga 


    Have you visit/toured Caligo Landing prior to filling out this form?: Yub


    Do you have a relationship with any existing Caligonian citizen(s)? If so, who?: Nub


    Do you have any standing citizenship (or otherwise ownership) of property within another settlement? If so, what and where?: Nub


    Have you read and familiarized yourself with the Caligonian constitution?: Yub yub


    Are you willing to commit yourself to the labors, both physical and mental, that comes with being a Caligonian citizen?:

    15 hours ago, John Goodman said:

    [OOC Information]



    John_Goodman, Amordrin



    Activity Availability:

    well, after school hours I can play for an hour or two I suppose. On the weekends I'm free all day unless said otherwise.




    wish i could remember.

    [IC Information]


    Name (First and Last):





    Human, Heartlander.


    Adequate Farmer, Adequate Blacksmith

    *Personal Qualities:

    Friendly, hardworking, stubborn, humble.

    *Personal Ambition(s):

    Promote education and academics in Axios.

    *Previous/Current Affiliation(s) (Guilds, Mercenary Companies, Militant Organizations, etc.):

    Former Felsen guard, former JCP officer/ Sergeant, Bradshaws County Military(?)

    Have you visit/toured Caligo Landing prior to filling out this form?:

    Actually, once when it was being built originally. Otherwise no.

    Do you have a relationship with any existing Caligonian citizen(s)? If so, who?:

    Not that I know of.

    Do you have any standing citizenship (or otherwise ownership) of property within another settlement? If so, what and where?:

    Citizen of Johannesburg.

    Have you read and familiarized yourself with the Caligonian constitution?:

    Got a tour, but I feel as if I have the hang of things.

    Are you willing to commit yourself to the labors, both physical and mental, that comes with being a Caligonian citizen?:

    Yes, I am.

    11 hours ago, Petals4013 said:

    [OOC Information]


    IGN: Petals4013


    Timezone: GMT +8


    Activity Availability: After 5pm (my time) school days I can come on and on weekends I am free most of the day.


    *Skype: Petals4013


    *Steam: Same as above, I think


    [IC Information]


    Name (First and Last): Thea Gauliot


    Age: 43


    Race: Human


    Profession(s)/Labor(s): Chef, part-time seamstress


    *Personal Qualities: Kind, caring, loves children


    *Personal Ambition(s): Own and run my own cafe.


    *Previous/Current Affiliation(s) (Guilds, Mercenary Companies, Militant Organizations, etc.): N/A


    Have you visit/toured Caligo Landing prior to filling out this form?: Yes


    Do you have a relationship with any existing Caligonian citizen(s)? If so, who?: I have met and spoken to Fjordin Sylver.


    Do you have any standing citizenship (or otherwise ownership) of property within another settlement? If so, what and where?: Yes, Johannesburg, but I will be moving out as soon as possible


    Have you read and familiarized yourself with the Caligonian constitution?: Yes


    Are you willing to commit yourself to the labors, both physical and mental, that comes with being a Caligonian citizen?: Yes



    [!] With a hint of satisfaction, Fjordin would process the paperwork alongside his Judicator, and distribute citizenship passes to each respective applicant. [!]


    "Welcome to Caligo!"


    [!] Flyers would be distributed all across Axios. Lands both densely inhabited and sparsely would have one of these papers lurking in one corner or another, beckoning to passer-bys with a captivating gilded text upon dark, coarse parchment. The papers would be laminated with a waxy coating, which protects it from stain and rain. Beneath a rather boldly written introduction, it reads... [!]


    "Attention outcasts, vagabonds, and otherwise discontent or homeless men and women!"


    "If you are new to the lands of Axios, or find yourself discontent with your current whereabouts living, look no further than the great fortune of this flyer! Caligo Landing, the Vassal-state of Sutica, beckons to those young and old, man and woman, short and tall; indeed, it beckons to all. If you are fed up with the life you are currently subjected to; harsh oppression, stifling taxes, or a restless desire for shelter in the coldest and warmest of seasons, take action now! Embark upon Caligo Landing, and find yourself accommodated to cheap and hospitable living; a respectful and open-minded community. Situated upon the sun-bathed shores of the Ceru sea, Caligo Landing is ripe with opportunities for boating, fishing (both large and small!), tranquility, and adventure. The untamed wilderness is host to many woodlands creatures, great mushrooms (made possibly by the thick canopy and humid air), and a multitude of medicinal herbs. Suit yourself to meandering in the agora, the town tavern, or even your neighbors parlor. In Caligo, all of these luxuries (with more to come) can be yours!"


    "Those interested in touring Caligo should contact Fjordin Sylver (christian2142), standing Scholarch. Attached to this flyer are multiple charcoal-printed depictions of the town in its current state. Housing is given on a first-come-first-served basis, and taxation stands at 25 mina per citizen every Elven week. If individual housing is not available (as it is most likely never going to be), you will instead be given a (deemed) compatible 'house-mate'; a system that worked well for decades past. If interested in citizenship, fill out one of the attached forms and send it to the Scholarch via bird."


    [!] As promised, the flyer would be followed by a multitude of imprinted pages of parchment. The machinery involved in replicating these depictions does so with great detail, providing a near-accurate image of what is being represented... [!]













    Housing Registration

    Anything marked with an asterisk (*) is optional information, but will more heavily influence your acceptance to Caligo for the sake of communication and placement!


    [OOC Information]






    Activity Availability:






    [IC Information]


    Name (First and Last):








    *Personal Qualities:


    *Personal Ambition(s):


    *Previous/Current Affiliation(s) (Guilds, Mercenary Companies, Militant Organizations, etc.):


    Have you visit/toured Caligo Landing prior to filling out this form?:


    Do you have a relationship with any existing Caligonian citizen(s)? If so, who?:


    Do you have any standing citizenship (or otherwise ownership) of property within another settlement? If so, what and where?:


    Have you read and familiarized yourself with the Caligonian constitution?:


    Are you willing to commit yourself to the labors, both physical and mental, that comes with being a Caligonian citizen?:










  8. Caligonian Constitution


    To ensure fluidity in the amongst Caligo Landing (vassal-State under Sutica), the constitution lays down the foundations for a strong government which will only be strengthened through the wisdom of the ages.


    This document is herein written by Fjordin Sylver of Sutica, previous governor of the Aesculan province under Oren and Great Architect of the Askalene descendents. The title carries influence so far back as Athera in her prime, when the city of Sylverport made impressions upon the sand not in body, but in the quality of her character.


    Section I. Common Conduct



    I. Caligonian citizens are to maintain a level of respect for one another, as the enemy you make today might be your only shot at survival come tomorrow.


    II. Non-citizens of Caligo are to be respected as equals or greater, unless they pose a direct threat to the pride of Caligo and her people.


    III. Caligonian citizens must register for official paperwork at the (then) designated customs office.


    IV. Under no circumstances may a citizen be caught without official paperwork in their possession (be it at home or on their person). Failure to front legal documents will result in their exile, and the repossession of private property.



    Section II. Taxation and Evasion



    I. Residential taxes are required by the State. Citizens are expected to abide by the taxation imposed by the government, which helps to compensate Sutica for their hospitality and allow for the funding of government projects.


    II. In case of economic crisis, the Scholarch reserves the right to impose further taxation upon the general population, with no particular preference to net worth of the citizens.


    III. In all cases, business establishments will be appropriately taxed according to their net worth.


    IV. Failure to pay taxes or commit tax evasion for two consecutive Elven weeks or more could result in eviction from Caligo, the redaction of citizenship, the repossession of private property, and criminal levels of punishment.



    Section III. Education and Industry



    I. Caligonian citizens are expected to commit themselves and/or their children to an education, or otherwise contribute through government industry and labor.


    II. Discoveries (especially those in the sense of the scientific nature) upon their unveiling should be discussed with the Scholarch for further investigation and/or utilization.


    III. Caligonian’s who are deemed unproductive to society or a hindrance to advancement will be condemned to eviction from Caligo, the redaction of citizenship, repossession of private property, and criminal levels of punishment.



    Section IV. Working Conditions and Standards



    I. Caligonian citizens are expected to work under fair conditions granted by their employer. They should not be subject to unsanitary work (unless specifically consented to) or physical punishment for not meeting their employer’s (or employees of the employer) expectations.  


    II. Failure for an employer to apply appropriate wages (or in the case of internship without payment, the appropriate training) will result in compensation for the employee and the potential termination of their employer.


    III. Employees are not allowed to be harassed by work staff. Harassment can lead to industrial or academic accidents and/or hinderance. It is therefore a State-level crime.


    IV. Caligonian citizens can withdraw from work over an extended time without pay, but must receive proper medical paperwork from a registered Caligonian physician (or the Scholarch themself).



    Section V. Militant Conduct and Policy



    I. Members of the Honour Guard (or any Caligonian militant force) may not impose physical threats or violence unless the subject in question directly damages State property and/or directly harms/commits evil against a citizen.


    II. Members of the Honour Guard (or any Caligonian militant force) may not live outside of their State-specified dwelling unless otherwise instructed.


    III. Members of the Honour Guard (or any Caligonian militant force) are viewed as government property, and therefore an unprovoked attack against them is viewed as an attack against Caligo.


    IV. Members of the Honour Guard (or any Caligonian militant force) are expected to submit any confiscated goods from criminals to the Scholarch, where items of significance might be stowed away for the good of the State or appropriated to their rightful holder(s). Withholding said goods may result in termination of militant service and/or criminal levels of punishment.


    V. Members of the Honour Guard (or any Caligonian militant force) are not allowed to bring personal hostilities into or around Caligo. Personal affairs should not interfere with the safety of Caligo and her people.


    VI. Members of the Honour Guard (or any Caligonian militant force) are not allowed to search or otherwise forcibly enter a dwelling (especially that of an administrator or the Scholarch) unless given direct instruction from the Scholarch (or designated officials) or a declared state of emergency.


    VII. Members of the Honour Guard (or any Caligonian militant force) are not allowed to use State-registered equipment outside of their duties in Caligo unless given direct instruction from the Scholarch (or designated officials). Failure to follow this regulation will be viewed as theft of State property and may result in termination of service and/or criminal levels of punishment.



    Section VI. Administrative Conduct and Policy





    I. Members of the State Administration have the final say in their area of affairs, but the Scholarch holds the power to override these declarations.


    II. Members of the State Administration are to wear their appropriate identification accessories at all times unless given direct instruction from the Scholarch.

    III. Members of the State Administration may not live outside of their State-specified dwellings unless otherwise instructed.


    IV. Members of the State Administration are forbidden from expelling information shared within the Administration. Failure to abide may result in conviction of treason, and result in varying degrees of punishment (up to death).


    V. Members of the State Administration are expected to submit their absolute loyalty to the Scholarch.


    VI. Members of the State Administration are viewed as government property, and therefore an unprovoked attack against them is an attack against Caligo.


    VII. Members of the State Administration are expected to conduct themselves as models of greatness in society, and not shame themselves to tomfooleries or tragedies lesser savages might succumb to.





    Section VII. Loopholes and Amendments



    I. Amendments might be applied only by the Scholarch as time progresses to strengthen the Caligonian Constitution, and fill in the void of space between blurred lines as of the original version of this document.


    II. Exploiting loopholes in the Caligonian Constitution in the court of law will not be tolerated unless within express reason, as it is viewed to be the act of a scoundrel and evasion of justice.



    ~ Fjordin Sylver, Scholarch of Caligo, officially penned the 13th of The First Seed, 1583

  9. Caligo Landing


    Caligo Landing (more regularly referred to as Caligo) is a settlement east of Sutica, on the southern bay of the Ceru sea. The forest it inhabits is vast, clustered with great trees (of various shades of oak) and even greater canopies (which permit little sunlight, thus allowing the growth of colossal mushrooms in the humid environment). Stony, salty shores dominate the coast, and great fish (and greater ducks) flounder in the water. Thus, Caligo is a port town (hence Caligo 'Landing'), which thrives on a unique and largely in-development agricultural practice (coined the 'floating gardens') and fishing. This is due to the relative infertility of the land, and gravely soil, which is suited just barely enough to support minimal livestock. Much like Sutica, it is a settlement that focuses primarily on social and economic development, seeking to bridge a firm gap between the inequalities of her people and create a competitive environment.




    Caligo would appear to be an autocracy, but this is far from truth: the Caligonian government is an oligarchy (government in which multiple persons share political power), which is influenced heavily by the welfare of their people. Though the Scholarch (the presiding leader) holds power over most executive manners, there are branches of government that specialize in other fields. The Procurator (who administrates learning), the Judicator (who administrates law), and the Mercator (who administrates commerce). Under these people may serve as little as one or two assistants to a vast network of spare hands, which help enforce efficiency as well as unburden the Scholarch from the more trivial matters.




    Caligonian citizens are expected to abide by Section I of the Sutican Codex, as well as local laws enforced by the Caligonian Constitution (which is to be displayed in the Great Library of Caligo). 





    Caligonian culture traces back to the Sylvaestinian people (started in early-Athera). Though this culture nearly went extinct, the people of Caligo are considered the newest generation of Sylvaestinian's. Sylvaestinian people are measured by the sharpness of mind, not just sword. They are expected to be honorable, and willingly volunteer their lives for the welfare of their fellow citizens (and therefore Caligo as a whole). Sylvaestinian people find pleasure in recreational duels, races, drinking, and communion (the sharing of food and exchange of emotion through conversation). During particularly festive or otherwise significant acts of communion, the host is expected to present their guests with an emerald as a token of respect. Anyone is capable of being Sylvaestinian (with the exception of necromancers or otherwise malicious groups), so long as they are willing to work and fight when called upon. Their famous saying is 'From clay to steel!' (coined by a certain Sha'adzi A'inlund), which is an ancient reference to their livelihood in the Mesa as a warrior culture.





    Caligonian people are expected to be scholarly, and politically active. This expectation creates a demand for literature revolving around political theory, historical texts, and higher education. The most famous work of Sylvaestinian literature is the 'Canons of Honour' by Berilac Goldworthy, which dates back to Athera as a political text. 





    Historically, no Sylvaestinian has ever produced a great work of visual art. Instead, it manifests itself through architecture. In Caligo, art is taking a turn in the form of stonemasonry and sculpture.  For example, in the agora a statue representing 'fair trade' is present. By the harbor, the 'Shrine of Remembrance' (which has an exquisitely-blown glass emerald in reference to their roots as a culture) stands decorated for all passer-by to see. Additionally, a lesser shrine features an etched depiction of ancient soldiers and battle. 





    Although the elder Sylvaestinian's followed the teachings of Canonism, the society has since become rather secular. Though worship may be conducted in the privacy of one's own home (and indeed, the ordinary citizen may hold sermons in the amphitheater or their own living space), the government does not outright support any specific religion. However, the Shrine of Remembrance commemorates a few individual Sylvaestinian's from decades past, which during their time became people of prominence within the society and were therefore decorated as immortalized role-models (coined 'demi-gods' for their divine qualities, but mortal blood). 














  10. Wow. It's been a long time since I've bothered with the forums.


    Personally, I think the idea of a GM-sponsored fairgrounds is lovely, but I reject the idea simply because I believe it should be an obligation that nation and settlement leaders themselves uphold. The existence of fairs and otherwise public events are both rare and sometimes poorly implemented when done, so I think it would force leaders and their helpers to get creative and competitive with how to retain and attract player activity to their land.


    If nothing else, make the GM fairgrounds a place for events like Krugsmas and the like. Not a place where the players themselves can host their own festivities.

  11. I imagine that when posts like this are made, and people like Tythus are observing the thread, the face of approval lights up as it's evaluated.

    Seriously though; I like option 3 the most. Might force larger armies to tactically plan their reinforcements, and initial force. i.e. start with heavy infantry, and keep cavalry in reserve for reinforcement later on.

  12. This will be a weirdly formatted reply, and a late one at that, but in my experience zombies, which naturally spawn can indeed drop iron armor. Added in the latest versions of MC or so were random variables in which a zombie may spawn into the game wearing armor. This armor is not only functional, and sometimes enchanted (like skeleton bows), but further can be dropped (albeit rarely). I have recorded instances of receiving weightless gold armor, and iron back far back as Athera. Upon trying to repair it however, the weight and knockback values were adjusted appropriately to my blacksmithing level, and what I'd produce from scratch.

    You can obtain weightless gold, iron, and chain armor from /naturally spawned/ zombies. The armored ones /RARELY/ drop weightless versions of what they wear, although just because they drop one doesn't mean the whole suit. It will however be terribly damaged. Unless you are a blacksmith who can produce weightless iron, or gold armor, the armor was cheated in via commands or creative.

    Simple as that.

  13. Because then people will be breaking into everything.

    Correction. Even in knowing what you're looking for, there is no way to know which chest out of a hundred will hold it. Therefore it's not preventing you from breaking into everything. It's forcing you to break into everything until you narrow down to that/those item(s).

  14.        Huh.




           There are a lot of thoughts I have on this. So many it might be difficult to document the majority in a half-arsed forums post before I leave for work in the coming half hour. Might as well get started on them, although I haven't really typed up a proper forums post in a while.


    - clears his throat, and initiates his typical sekc format -


          So first thing is first; My feelings are mixed. Surprised? Probably, and probably not, as it appears most people who have replied to this topic are bent on the eradication, or overhaul of this implementation. Meanwhile others outright adore it. Now here is exactly what I have a beef with, and what I find rather charming to the servers aesthetic/what it could mean the implementation of:


    1. Illogical. Yes this word has been thrown around quite a few times in the past couple pages, and for varying reasons, although there are two key points in which I have thought of myself that would like to readdress:


    First off; why would the Monks be selling lockpicking equipment in their temple grounds? Unless this is your idea of an adorable event line, where the Monks suddenly transform into assassins who plot to take over the world by providing thieves the tools they need to rid Vailor of all the iron it needs to fight back...


    Ahem. Run on sentence.


    Really though. It wouldn't add up, and I highly doubt if we're getting an antagonist that's going to be it. 


    Second off; why would nation leaders advocate to the Sky Gods for the implementation of a lock-pick emporium in their cities? Not sure if you've noticed, but almost every nation is currently engulfed in some sort of conflict with a minor, or major antagonist of their own.


    Civil wars, revolutions, ET-related shenanigans, bandit groups... 


    Some of these nations are so pre-occupied supporting their people, and micro-managing their allies, connections, and lands that the last thing on their mind would be the creation of, -poof- the SKY-PICK EMPORIUM! 


    No right-minded Nation Leader would actively promote, or allow the creation of a production line featuring top-notch lock-picks forged of Sky Steel, which also apparently include a do-it-yourself guide considering they're so easy that somehow anyone can use them. Don't believe me? Just ask the seven-year-old child who is homeless requesting the help of a GM to help her into that mans RP-item stash while he's offline- I mean err 'travelling'.


    2. Obsolete. Stealing an RP-item unless it is designed to be used in combat (i.e. renamed sword or diamond armor) would generally not be beneficial to the thieving player, the ET who designated that RP-item, or the player in previous possession of it. Here are a few reasons as to why:


    First off; Most RP-related items that aren't used in combat have been granted as a part of an ET story-line. Unless easily re-obtainable, which would include items such as a renamed pair of shears to 'surgical scissors', the player in question who takes the item would probably not know what to do with their new possession.


    Even if they had the slightest indication of what it was linked to IC, the only way they'd be able to actively continue the ET story-line would be if they were addressed OOC what the player before them was obligated to do with it, which would only promote meta-gaming and confusion. 


    How would you like to see the item you obtained from an event you actively participated in, which you IC had a perfectly designed plot, and progression-line set up for, only to see it vanish from your chest a day later in the hands of someone who knows nothing to do with it, but throw it away or lay it on display somewhere? Not to mention the ET would be at a loss of what could have been a carefully carved out story, which could heavily contribute to the dynamic their events provide to the LotC environment of Vailor.


    Second off; The obvious "Thieves want precious ferrum, and carbarum (not diamonds as everyone annoyingly calls it)! To Nether with your fancy bowl of ashes!".


    Let me make a little disclaimer; I don't agree with the ability of a player being able to steal items for profit, or pixel prestige! However I also don't see why we should even have lock-picking in the first place if it's going to be so limited that nobody wants it, or it does little to contribute to RP. Lock-picking would already contribute to RP in the most minimalistic sense besides inducing rage upon a character, his/her OOC player, and halting the progression of a story-line it was involved in. Woo. Not to mention most people would just stalk a players home until they log off for the night, and then call in the Sky Gods to let them conveniently pop in with no fear of retaliation. Bearing that in mind I did however see some very potent suggestions above, and namely promote Jistuma's. 


    Jistuma's suggestion was to limit what can be stolen from a chest at any given time to ten items. Not ten stacks, but ten items. Some items with a value of two or three points instead of one, so it can balance out any rough edges. Variables to this suggestion are easily adjustable. Why not promote a system like that? It allows a thief to take within reason of what is realistically possible. Bad enough we can already carry what is almost one thousand logs on our backs, as according to MC-mechanics. When playing a decent survival game, or some RPG's you cannot simply loot-goblin an entire twenty stacks of ferrum ingot. Everything has a different size, which only allows for certain combinations of goods to be carried, or in this case stolen.


    3. Potent. This is going to be my first explanation as to why I support the implementation behind this update. It has potential, but perhaps not in the ways intended. Some points have already been addressed in the previous responses to this topic, but either in a negative connotation, or vaguely. 


    First off; It can influence the designation, and creation of various new concepts. Banks, which have valuable storage vaults operated by pistons, and cooperate with players seeking active security over their valuables. Trapped storage facilities, where some chests are rigged to trigger a defense mechanism, or where multiple chests are thrown about the place in order to prevent easy designation of an intended target. Possibilities could be very-near limitless, and equally positive to the construction of RP, and the servers appearance to the negative aspects.


    Think of the storage facility from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. There was an immense amount of goods stored in the warehouse featured by the opening scene. Artifacts, and sometimes useless rubble boxed up by the government. To locate something would either require closely guarded inside knowledge, or as demonstrated by the video a clever mindset. There are surely items or tactics you could properly RP to locate an item, such as throwing aurum nuggets at chests to see if it would interact with a necromantic artifact you are looking for (which could be properly sought out by the GM to test if your actions yield results). Alternatively a player might designate many chests to be full of useless items, which would drive the thief in question down to his loin cloth in terms of how broke he/she becomes if his luck fails him/her.


    Second off; Stress on the GM team, and interference with their obligations outside of monitoring thievery. 


    I believe as much as most people that the GM's volunteer for the position, and therefore should be held to their responsibilities to the community without slack. Equally I do believe this update would get heavily used, and the GM's should at least be given time reserved for RP, or their more important roles in keeping the server structured (sorry pixel-power-mongers, but your lock-picking isn't as high a priority in my eyes). If we want to keep the server at a playable level, which some people may believe it is not, then we must instead allocate our time and resources to more important duties than this. Perhaps allowing the ET, which is a much more active and plentiful team operate as the lock-pick overseers, would be a more sound solution, or at least passing the obligation onto more than one team.


    Third off; The implementation of this update could expand upon already existing markets, or professions, and allow said markets/professions to manufacture lock-picks, and perhaps even improve upon the standard model with more economic, or powerful variants. Give more purpose to the desire for a tinkerer, or the already-highly-regarded blacksmith. 


    And finally...


    Fourth off; I believe, although initially suggested as a joke that there should be some level of LA's, or Lock-picking Applications. As stated in a passive-aggressive manner before; the idea that you can simply buy a lockpick, and magically have the proficiency to bust open a door, or chest, would be completely beyond me. Alternatively there should be another type of magic involved in which you can literally cast runes on chests/doors to make them more resistant to attempts, or allow blacksmiths/tinkerers of varying degrees in skill to reinforce their 'locks'.


    Those are my thoughts, or at least the majority of them, as I'm already running late on my morning schedule.




    You don't get one. Read my post, or don't. No summary is a decent enough explanation. Sorry. </3


    P.S. Don't take my sarcasm, or passive-aggression seriously. It's not designed to be.

  15. Fjordin Sylver

    Basic Information

    Nicknames: Fjordeen, Herr Sylverport, Sylver


    Age: 139 (As of 2nd, The First Seed, 1518//7/31/15)


    Gender: Male


    Race: Wood Elf/Mali'ame


    Status: Alive, and Active.




    Height: 5'8


    Weight: 157 lbs. 


    Body Type: Muscular, Lean


    Eyes: Brown (with an odd maroon tinge)


    Hair: Dark Brown


    Skin: Lightly Tanned


    Markings: Scarring on shoulder, and three scars on torso.


    Tattoos: N/A


    Health: Average


    Personality: Sadistic, Calculative, Determined, Loyal, Deceiving, Opportunistic, Open-Minded


    Inventory: Ferrum Shortsword (usually accompanied by an Aurum Shortsword), Shortbow, or Crossbow, Aurum Nuggets/Ceramic Brick(s), Sterile Bandaging (Linen), Blissfoil/Mandragora (Powder/Flower), Pestle + Mortar, Wine/Ale, Multiple Arrows/Bolts, Assorted Ferrum Tools, Ferrum Dagger (designed for medical practices), Charcoal + Paper (for copying inscriptions while exploring), and Torches.


    Further Details: Usually adorned in his heavy armor forged in Athera. Adventuring in arid environments calls for a more Caliphate-esque set of armor. Typically wearing a circlet, which is specially designed to hold against otherwise fatal attacks to the skull, and represent his position of leadership.


    Life Style


    Alignment: Lawful Evil


    Deity: N/A


    Religion: Pseudo-Canonist, Agnostic


    Alliance/Nation/Home: Orenian Crownlands, Settlement of Aesculus


    Job: Domestic Grandmaster/Leader, Sergeant of Felsenic Guard


    Class: Swordsman, or Crossbowman


    Title(s): Governor, Grandmaster, Sergeant


    Profession(s): Miner, Lumberjack, Leatherworker, Woodworker, Ex. Breeder, Ex. Farmer


    Special Skill(s): Highly Skilled Traditional Healer, Tactician, and Negotiator


    Flaw(s): Bloodlusting, Sadistic, Short-Sighted




    Current Status: Aspiring Illusionist, but no formal training.


    Arch-type: N/A


    Sub-Type: N/A 


    Rank: N/A 


    Weakness(es): N/A


    Strength(s): N/A


    Current Spell(s): N/A



    Fighting Style: Offensive, Cunning


    Trained Weapon: Shortswords, Daggers, Crossbows


    Favored Weapon: Melee - Shortsword, Ranged - Crossbow


    Archery: Skilled archer, as credit to his racial blood granting him enhanced perception, and strong enough to properly utilize a crossbow.





    Biological Father: Unknown. Died shortly after birth during a city-wide raid.

    Biological Mother: Unknown. Died shortly after childbirth due to stress, and lack of support.


    Adoptive Father: Unknown. Highlander in nature, which owed credit to his name. Abandoned Fjordin in Malinor, as his obligation as a mercenary did not comply with keeping the child.

    Siblings: N/A


    Children: N/A (Briefly adopted Holly of Diamant, but disowned after marrying into the Staunton family)


    Extended Family: N/A, but considers his town council to be the closest to family he has (Kayla Den, Aifric Driscoll, Publius Bracchus, Cealum Nightgrove)


    Pet(s): N/A, except the town Halfling and spymaster, Berilac Goldworthy




    Briefly commanded a small enclave in the Eastern reaches of Athera during the High Elven (and briefly generally Elven) genocide after the assassination of an Orenian King. Later regrouped after its destruction with the last surviving member, and formed the city of Sylverport under Oren. Disbanded Sylverport shortly before Exodus to Vailor, and now pioneering in the reformed settlement of Aesculus behind Felsen.


    Artwork: N/A (For now...)

  16. Took me a long time to find the ability to write this, since I've become close to you both IC and OOC. Furthermore you are a member of my town, which makes any criticism even more difficult... but here we go:


         There are obviously weaknesses which need to be addressed, and I believe the first response post in this thread exemplifies your main weakness well enough. I know a lot of this negative behavior came off the back of your affiliation with other niches on the server, which sometimes promoted a toxic environment, influenced finding loopholes regarding the rules, and handled your OOC disagreements for you. I am intending to change you for the better, however, and as have a few members of your new family on LotC which resides with me- and now with us. In your previous ban report, which is definitely going to act against you in this running, you certainly left off a bad impression to those whom have witnessed it, and that will surely be your biggest obstacle in becoming a member of the ET. However I would like to point out a few people running for ET have received an undying support, despite their previous aggression against the server (which have resulted in even harsher punishments for an even harsher offense), and as such I don't think this singular report should nullify your chances entirely. We spoke for a long time in regards to that ban report, and in the end you fessed up to your mistakes, which proved you were able to overcome your emotional stress despite the unforeseeable consequences.




         Enough of the sappy ranting. Your strong points lie in your OOC behavior/personality beyond that singular example of frustration. You are very open-minded about people, and only see reason in disliking those actively promoting the harassment of individuals for silly conflictions; such as age, sexual orientation, beliefs, etc. You are easy to get along with when not witnessing this behavior from a person, or at least when they're willing to make up for their bigoted/aggressive attitude. You can be a funny, if not meme-ridden individual. You are creative, and have shown dedication to the tasks in which you want carried out, and there have been times where we conspired in the creation of complex events. Your knowledge on lore, especially in herbalism (which is your main persona's specialty) has helped in a multitude of situations, and your tireless effort on a book to help others pursuing this field of roleplay is an example of that. You have been on the server for a very long time, and as such are a minor Oracle of knowledge for past events which transpired. You are strict to the server culture, and despite your past affiliations try to play by the book (as tempted as you are at times to stoop as low as others for the sake of a level playing field). Your role-play is varied, and can accommodate for RP-combat quite nicely, while also letting you focus on 'casual' emotes and actions with ease. Any of these fields in which you lack I see potential in you for improvement.


    For these reasons above I believe you deserve the utmost consideration regardless of past transgression. You can make a valuable ET member, especially when exposed to the wide variety of individuals who help run it. I wish you the best of luck, and despite how hard it has been reaching an unbiased consensus give you a...




  17. (OOC Information)


    [!] IGN: Jaybleezy


    [!] Timezone: Pacific Standard Time


    [!] Days most active/hours per day average: Weekends, between noon and ten o'clock.


    [!] Do you have a Teamspeak (PM if yes, or include here for IP)? No.


    [!] Do you have a Skype (PM if yes, or include here)? Yes, baronvondippschitte.





    (OOC Information)


    [!] IGN: funny981


    [!] Timezone: UTC-6:00


    [!] Days most active/hours per day average: I will mostly be on all summer, unless I go to summer school.


    [!] Do you have a Teamspeak (PM if yes, or include here for IP)?

    No, I don't.

    [!] Do you have a Skype (PM if yes, or include here)?



    [!] Fjordin would be reviewing a few schematics for a new settlement, scribbling hastily into the letters before sending off his Halfling to deliver them [!]


    "Accepted, Comrade. I'll have your housing available by the following Saints Day (IRL Day). Note however that Sylverport is at a halt for progress, and that any arrangements should be considered temporary. Will be filled in as to why at your request when we meet." - Fjordin Sylver, Despot

  18. I don't know what Jistuma is saying, but from my memory Aruzond is still alive.


             Now if this happens to be the case, I'd like to put this into personal perspective for a moment: While I am an absolute advocate for this kind of event, as it would create solid roleplay (which could even go as far as sparking more positive relations between the Elf, Human, and Dwarf triad) in the form of a unified army versus a common foe, there is a level to which I disagree in using a dragon. Considering they are a seemingly limited 'commodity' to roleplay in every map, the prospect of using one in an event where its ultimate fate would be death (lest there is a plot twist) seems wasteful. Such a legendary creature could be put to better use, like the event I had planned for one in which I inquired Jistuma about (which resulted in that Skype message I posted). I'm not trying to sound full of myself in saying that, but I feel as if 'limited' creatures such as the dragon should be reserved for greater purposes than a duel to the death which will last only a couple hours time, and be (potentially) little more than a morale booster in a nation/injection of activity to their capital. There are more delicate events that could substitute that purpose; take the suggestions in which huge scorpions are suggested for example. Perhaps a few miners uncovered a cave in proximity of the Dwarven capital, containing a couple dozen Amber Wolves? Maybe a gryphon, or manticore? Put the other creatures in which have no limitation and almost equal power to use, but less significance to the server lore or history. There is a reason they were implemented into the server lore, after all.

  19. Good luck, and welcome to Athera! Don't wander down the wrong side of the Stone Road, and try not to get indoctrinated into an Order/town without proper introductions to all your options. ;P

  20. Fjordin would write a letter to the man in response. It reads:

    "I have enough leather to supply almost any demand you could realistically make, especially in being an experienced leatherworker personally, and having citizens interested in picking up the craft. Simply tell me the quantity of sets in which you are looking for (plus the promised payment), and I will determine whether or not it's of interest to us."

    - F.S.

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