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Posts posted by Aurelia

  1. ((MC Name)): L0L2012

    Name: Aurelia Okarn

    Gender: Female

    Age: 83

    Origin: Normandor

    Profession (if any): Knowledge-seeker, still searching for a true occupation  However, I am somewhat of a housekeeper.

    Time in Haelun'or or any other settlement of the blessed high elves you now reside with: Ever since our integration from Elysium to Kalos.

    How many mali'aheral do you intend to live with? List their names: None at the moment, however I wouldn't mind sharing a home if need be.

    What does the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya mean to you?: Literally, this means progress and health. To me, progress means to further our knowledge, cultivate our culture, and overall improve as people while health conveys the maintenance of our Mali'aheral citizens' well-being and keeping ourselves and others from straying from the path of purity.

    How can you declare you are mali'thill?: Both my maln and haelun were thill and raised me under their strict high elven beliefs.

  2. ~Aurelia Okarn's Character Profile~

    This is a work in progress! More will be added when more things happen to Aurelia!



    Nicknames: None yet!

    Age: 80

    Gender: Female

    Race: Mali'aheral

    Status: Just trying to fit in.


    Height: 6'2"

    Weight: 128 lbs.

    Body Type: Slim and fit.

    Eyes: An icy baby blue color.

    Hair: Strikingly white.

    Skin: Incredibly pale.

    Markings/Tattoos: Never!

    Health: Healthy, but slightly depressed.

    Personality: Aurelia is a sweet girl as well as more tolerant than most Mali'aheral. At times, she tends to question the things they do, but never speaks out, only follows. IN addition, it's extremely hard to become close to her because of all the barriers she's set up to protect herself form more hurt. Moreover, she may come off as a bit odd and has peculiar mood swings due to all of her conflicting emotions and melancholy past.

    Inventory: Only things necessary for survival. For example, a canteen, lightweight clothing, a couple of knives, dried pork, etc.

    Further Details: Nope! I'm done!


    Life Style:

    Alignment: ​Lawful-Neutral?

    Deity: Deities are overrated!

    Religion: Nope.

    Alliance/Nation/Home: Mali'aheral/ Malinor/ Kalos

    Job/Class: None at the moment.

    Title(s): Nuh-uh.

    Profession(s): Nope.

    Special Skill(s): Surprisingly excels at cleaning and throwing as well as wielding knives. Intelligent and learns things quickly.

    Flaw(s): Not very strong muscle-wise. Has odd mood swings and is pretty judgmental. Has I guess you could call it a 'fear' of dark elves.





    Current Status: None right now!



    Fighting Style: Focuses on staying covered. Hops around and faces the enemy from afar.

    Preferred Weapon: Nimble throwing knives.

    Secondary Weapon: A light short sword, as she has a hard time wielding larger weapons.

    Archery: A simple wooden crossbow.


    Parents: Mirabelle and Douglas Okarn.

    Siblings: None.

    Children: None... Yet.

    Extended Family: Nope.

    Pet(s): I wish!




    During her first fifty years or so of living, Aurelia kept with her parents, absorbing the high elven culture they imposed on her as well as retaining all the knowledge she gained on simple tasks such as writing, reading, cleaning, etc. Although her family wasn’t able to integrate into Haelun’or throughout this time, they were still able to bestow a strict upbringing upon her whilst living in the noisy city of Malinor. It was quite a surprise that her parents were able to keep her pure for so long in the city, however more surprising on how easily they let it slip through their fingers.
    As Aurelia grew, she longed to leave the painful normality of her own home and instead, to face the world around her that she realized she’d been ignoring for so long. Because her parents’ trust in her was strong, she began touring Malinor for days on end and was able to learn much about the city as well as its people. However, being as young and naïve as she was, it was no surprise that she fell for another elf. The only problem was that he wasn’t a fellow Mali’aheral. He was a Mali’ker named Cayden.
    Cayden was Aurelia’s first love which could basically be described as love at first sight. A curious couple they were as they met at a shop that sold pillows. Not only this, but they were quite secretive too. Aurelia knew that loving him was horrible and went against everything she was raised for. She would reprimand herself day after day, but after seeing his smile and the warm glow in his eyes she was so easily reassured and knew that somehow in that sea of wrong there was wave of right. Nevertheless, her parents soon discovered their vile relationship and deemed her as a tainted and worthless impure, tossing her out onto the street and paying no heed to their daughter no matter how much she pleaded to return to them.
    After days of tears came the madness, the raw anger. Aurelia screamed at Cayden for letting her parents assume that her purity was gone, blaming him for all her problems. Quickly, she broke her ties with him, quietly regretting it, but worked for years to obtain redemption. She browsed libraries more often, conversed with professors, learned from masters, and avoided Mali’ker at all costs. Seeing someone, anyone that reminded her of Cayden only hurt too much. Once she believed she had once again become pure enough, she went to visit her parents, only to learn that they had left. Perhaps they moved on to some faraway place, but either way, they were gone, disappearing from her life forever.
    More recently, in Elysium and Kalos, Aurelia dwells by survival as she travels from settlement to settlement. One day, she hopes to be accepted among the Mali’aheral, but knows that she may never tell them about her past. In spite of this, is she really ready to live a lie?








    Credits to Griff for the beautifying art! :)


  3. ((MC Name)): L0L2012


    Name: Aurelia Okarn


    Race: Mali'aheral


    Will you require a home? (If you intend to live with someone who is already a citizen, state who): Most likely, yes.


    Desired District: Mali'aheral.


    Do you agree to follow the laws of Malinor?: Of course.


    Desired job, current job (if applicable): None of the jobs listed, however if needed, farming would be the supposed choice.

  4. I have had this problem as well


    I think it's because the Wandering Soul plugin doesn't really exist right now. :P It was probably removed, but hopefully they'll put it back because being a wandering soul was lovely~ Aaaaand it really helps to get a feeling of the cities in the server! But right now, the best thing to do is read guides and lore! :)

  5. Out-Of-Character Information


    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.


    Minecraft Account Name: L0L2012


    How old are you?: 13

    Time-Zone: PST


    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Of course!


    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I have no role-playing experience whatsoever, but you have to start someplace right? :P

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: Youtube! Specifically one of petridagamenerd’s and teamldu's videos.

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: None! First one! :D

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above):

    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Absolutely!


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:


    Role-playing: Embracing the personality of a character and reacting to certain situations as they would, not how you yourself would.

    Meta-gaming: The use of information obtained through OOC means as knowledge IC that really, your character should have no clue about.

    Power-emoting: Forcing a critical action upon another player without leaving them time to react.

    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Aurelia Okarn

    Current Age: 82

    Sub-race (if any): Mali’aheral

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):


    During her first fifty years or so of living, Aurelia kept with her parents, absorbing the high elven culture they imposed on her as well as retaining all the knowledge she gained on simple tasks such as writing, reading, cleaning, etc. Although her family wasn’t able to integrate into Haelun’or throughout this time, they were still able to bestow a strict upbringing upon her whilst living in the noisy city of Malinor. It was quite a surprise that her parents were able to keep her pure for so long in the city, however more surprising on how easily they let it slip through their fingers.


    As Aurelia grew, she longed to leave the painful normality of her own home and instead, to face the

    world around her that she realized she’d been ignoring for so long. Because her parents’ trust in her was strong, she began touring Malinor for days on end and was able to learn much about the city as well as its people. However, being as young and naïve as she was, it was no surprise that she fell for another elf. The only problem was that he wasn’t a fellow Mali’aheral. He was a Mali’ker named Cayden.


    Cayden was Aurelia’s first love which could basically be described as love at first sight. A curious couple they were as they met at a shop that sold pillows. Not only this, but they were quite secretive too. Aurelia knew that loving him was horrible and went against everything she was raised for. She would reprimand herself day after day, but after seeing his smile and the warm glow in his eyes she was so easily reassured and knew that somehow in that sea of wrong there was wave of right. Nevertheless, her parents soon discovered their vile relationship and deemed her as a tainted and worthless impure, tossing her out onto the street and paying no heed to their daughter no matter how much she pleaded to return to them.

    After days of tears came the madness, the raw anger. Aurelia screamed at Cayden for letting her parents assume that her purity was gone, blaming him for all her problems. Quickly, she broke her ties with him, quietly regretting it, but worked for years to obtain redemption. She browsed libraries more often, conversed with professors, learned from masters, and avoided Mali’ker at all costs. Seeing someone, anyone that reminded her of Cayden only hurt too much. Once she believed she had once again become pure enough, she went to visit her parents, only to learn that they had left. Perhaps they moved on to some faraway place, but either way, they were gone, disappearing from her life forever.

    More recently, in Elysium and Kalos, Aurelia dwells by survival as she travels from settlement to settlement. One day, she hopes to be accepted among the Mali’aheral, but knows that she may never tell them about her past. In spite of this, is she really ready to live a lie?


    Ambitions for the Future: Forget about her past and live for a brighter future with those of her kind.


    Personality: Aurelia is a sweet girl as well as more tolerant than most Mali’aheral. At times, she tends to question the things they do, but never speaks out, only follows. In addition, it’s extremely hard to become close to her because of all the barriers she’s set up to protect herself from more hurt. Moreover, she may come off as a bit odd and has peculiar mood swings due to all of her conflicting emotions and melancholy past.

    Skills: Being a high elf, her greatest asset would be her mind; however she’s an expert at cleaning and can wield plus throw knives with ease. Nevertheless, any larger weapons such as swords and bows are a no-no for her and her feeble strength.


    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): 



    Any other details you wish to share about your character: Nope! That is all!




    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.


    1. As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you realize
    that a group of High Elves are mocking a small Wood Elf child. How do you react?




    Aurelia carefully advanced towards the group, stopping behind a tree to listen to their conversation.

    The high elves scoffed, whispering loudly to each other, “What is this child doing by himself? We should be preserving our youth, not tossing them out into forests! His parents must be incredibly ignorant, or twisted.” They shook their heads, disgusted. “Such foolish Mali’ame…”

    Aurelia poked her head out from the tree and, from further inspection, saw that the child was sleeping peacefully on his own while the high elves chattered away. Frowning slightly, she marched toward them and stopped right in front of the child. “Excuse me, but what’s going on here?”


    The high elves eyed her suspiciously, taking in her genuine white hair and frosty blue eyes. The tallest elf stepped away from the group to confront her. He gave a vague smirk and asked, “Thilln ito nae’leh?”

    Aurelia’s eyes narrowed, but the expression in her face softened. After all, all she wanted was to be accepted, not shut out. Her feet shifted, and she inched towards the group with a sigh. “Yes, yes… What are you- I mean, what is this child doing out here?”

    And so she joined in, babbling away with the other Mali’aheral, criticizing the child and his parents, and eventually leaving, heading back towards the city. But by the tree the child always stayed, “sleeping.”

    2. Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with a walking stick. He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?



    Aurelia watched the man for a moment as he squirmed on the ground before deciding to come to his aid. She pulled his shabby walking stick from the ground, disregarding the gold and strolled over to the old man. “Need any help?”

    The old man whimpered in reply. She tried assisting him in rising, but he shouted. His voice was raspy, “No! Get my minas! It’s all I have! It’s all I need…”

    Aurelia shook her head, revolted at the old man’s fixation on petty minas over his own life, not that it was worth much more. She scooped the shimmering golden coins from the ground along with some dirt and shoved it into the old man’s pockets. She crossed her arms and scowled. “There. Happy?” She tossed him his walking stick and turned her back to him, striding away. “Minas aren’t everything, but good luck old man,” she shouted, then dropped her voice to a whisper, speaking to herself, “Illiterate, old Valah.”


    3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion involved).



    Aurelia grinned widely at the small shop, a childish spark appearing in her eyes. When she was young, her parents would take her out to these kinds of places- Her parents. Aurelia cringed as she waved the thought of them away and approached the man in the carriage. The jolly Mali’ker beamed at her and spoke, “Karinay, miss! How can I help you?”

    She stopped dead in her tracks and turned away from him, her face turning sickly pale and her breathing becoming labored. The man put a hand on her shoulder. “Are you alright?”

    Aurelia flinched, moving away from him and staring the ground. She talked, her voice shaky, “I-I’m f-f-fine…” She began rummaging through all the wares, trying to keep herself busy. She discounted his worried eyes on her and continued searching. But… Searching for what? Again, the elf spoke, “Can I interest you in these pillows? They’re very soft and…” His voice drifted off in Aurelia’s mind. All she heard was pillows. She felt as though her heart would explode. Frantically digging through his wares, she finally found something: a tiny knife.

    Grabbing the knife and pulling the pillow angrily from the trader’s hands she growled, “I’ll take these. How much?” The Mali’ker’s face contorted from worried to anxious. He was speechless at the strange actions of the seemingly normal Mali’aheral woman.

    Aurelia started softly hyperventilating and tossed a large amount of minas at him. “Th-thank you. V-Van’ayla.” She walked a couple feet away from the carriage to a tree. She sat and glared at the pillow, grasping the knife tightly in her hands. The shop owner watched her from afar. Aurelia began slashing at the pillow, ripping it into bits. When finished, she began crying softly as the trader gazed at her with pity. (This response had a lot to do with the bio… So if you’re confused,

    it’s okay! :P)

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