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Rivk Zavadsky

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Posts posted by Rivk Zavadsky

  1. Ramsey Reimfred

    Basic Information

    Nicknames: None

    Age: 21

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Status: Well


    Height: 6'1"

    Weight: 200

    Body Type: Fit

    Eyes: Purple

    Hair: Blonde

    Skin: White

    Markings/Tattoos: None

    Health: Well

    Personality: Fighting

    Inventory: A Longsword and Armor

    Further Details:

    Life Style

    Alignment: The Emperor

    Deity: The Creator

    Religion: Canon

    Alliance/Nation/Home: Imperial Palace

    Job/Class: Nauzica Guard

    Title(s): None

    Profession(s): Lumberjack

    Special Skill(s): None

    Flaw(s): He is perfect


    Current Status:






    Current Spell(s):




    Fighting Style: Fast and Quick

    Trained Weapon:   Longsword, Broadsword, Axe, and Warhammer. 

    Favored Weapon:






    Extended Family:







    Many wonder where did they go...? Many wonder what happened to the men that were first to step on the field and the last to step off...? Oh where  have they fled to...?Oh where...?The Man, The Myth, The LEGEND.



    Through the rivers and northern lands of Anthos they fought to protect not only humanity, but the realm. Through the valleys and war front of the Fringe they fought and served their Emperor in a great war... Through the mountains and rebellions of Athera they held their ground and crushed enemies of humanity. Where did these legends go? Some say they were killed, some say they left, these were myths. Some say a man with a name wondered the lands of  Vailor with the name Eternal. This was not his name. 



    Rick Felder is known to be one of the most loyal and worthy men in the history of oren. People praise the Felders like gods and thanked them for protection. Rick Felder was said to be poisoned by wine after drinking with Robert Chivay son of Thomas Chivay. The wine knocked him out and he was never seen again was the case. The grave in anthos was only a memorial for the White Rose. All this time, Rick Felder had been in Aeldin. This is a story for another day...


    Rick Felder II is known to be a great fighter and great motivator as he was one of the first men to charge into Barrowyck. 


    Eternal Felder wanders the land as so called "last Felder" remaining. This is not Eternal Felder, it is..........



    Joseph Felder the Second!


  3. All I want to say is I hope this "land" will function like the north. But I guarantee it won''t be as good as the North. I hope you guys make the story lines lead up to a dark force. Having it just be a land filled with monsters is dull. Having corrupted monsters and someone, dark force thing that controls these monsters to be a bad guy. Although this bad guy doesn't want to destroy vailor, or it can which Idc about it. That's something you can think about it. The dungeons and ruins can help make the story line good and efficient. I remember spending about 20 to 40 percent of my time in Anthos in the North. I like the story line and always **** my pants when i saw a harbinger walking around because i knew what they were capable of. Adventuring these lands should be dangerous. ET members actively roaming the lands and finding people to mess with. For an example one time me and the lucienist were just wandering around in the ruined Bohra city in the North. We were in the church chapel thing and a et member came as a bohra and soon as we knew it... A harbinger arrived and a army of Setherien's army was in the city and it was some scary stuff knowing we had no back up or no escape. We brought 20 people along and like only 5 survived. 


    So... Yeah




    Rick Felder died of an assasination. Joseph Felder was killed by his brother. Victor Felder was killed by his nephew. Rick Felder II was gone missing and hasn’t been seen since the Dukes War. The men were said to be gone. The myth was forgotten. The Legend of the Felder was over.


    It isn’t over.


    16th of the Sun’s Smile, 1547.


    On a path walked a heretic. There was a child in the middle of the path. The child was lost and wanted help. The heretic walked up to the child and took out a knife. The child screamed and attempted to run away but couldn’t. The heretic grabbed the child and a loud clanking of armor was heard on the path. The heretic looked behind him and a man with silver thick armor stood before him. This armored man drew a longsword and walked towards the heretic. The heretic dropped his knife in fear, running off into the woods. The armored man took the child and took him to safety. No one knew who the man was. He didn't say his name, didn’t speak, he was all but silent. He knew his name. He knew who he was.


    He is…








    I got on my computer this morning and played a little csgo. Something popped in my head and I realized it's been 3 years since I've joined this community. I've met some pretty fantastic people on lotc and have made good friends with most. Sadly my best friends are all gone and have moved on with their lives. I miss them on this server and it isnt the the same without them. I continue to enjoy the server as it feels there is always something new coming my way when I get on. I have been in so many guilds and have roleplayed some great characters. I miss playing the Felders but I have moved on from that and now I play Ivaylo Garroway. My orc character is still alive but I dont really do anything with him. My favorite group of people I had been with on this server will forver and always be THE ORDER OF THE WHITE ROSE. These people were so cool and chill. The White Rose new how to have fun on the server and I always enjoyed roleplaying with them. I miss the old days but I know that everytime im on lotc it never feels the same.

  6. Character Name

    Basic Information

    Nicknames: Niszczycial

    Age: 24

    Gender: Male

    Race: Race

    Status: Healthy, and Strong


    Height: 5"11

    Weight: 215

    Body Type: Muscular

    Eyes: Eyes have a golden color to them.

    Hair: He has none.

    Skin: His skin is white colored, he has many scars from previous fights.

    Markings/Tattoos: Scars

    Health: Healthy

    Personality: Killing

    Inventory: Carries a Warhammer, A set of armor, and a bow. 

    Further Details:

    Life Style

    Alignment:  He is aligned with House Vladov

    Deity: He does follow the creator, but believes that the creator sent him into the world to destroy anything the offends the creator, and the human race.

    Religion: The main human religion.

    Alliance/Nation/Home: He is in the Vladovic Regiment

    Job/Class: The Frontlines

    Title(s): Super Zolnierza

    Profession(s): Killing

    Special Skill(s): Destroying

    Flaw(s): He is not nice


    Current Status:






    Current Spell(s):




    Fighting Style: Fast, and Quick with a lot of power.

    Trained Weapon: Longsword, Warhammer.
    Favored Weapon: Longsword

    Archery: Crossbow


    Parents:  Ruver Garroway, Julika Garroway.

    Siblings: Non

    Children: A bastard he named Cabbage.

    Extended Family: Non

    Pet(s): Non


    Ivaylo was born in a cave with his family. His parents were cannibals. He was kidnapped by a priest and told that his parents were evil. At the age of fourteen, Ivaylo believed  the creator told him to kill him parents. Ivaylo went to the cave destroying his parents and letting a griffin eat them. 




    The Early Years of Rick Felder



    Rick Felder was just a boy like like no other. He had a dream that his name would be one of the greatest in history. Some say he succeeded, some say he failed. This is the story of the mythical, legendary, and the man named Rick Felder. Rick Felder was born at Ager is Asulon. This was 16 year before the descendants left Asulon. As a kid he learned to do what peasents normally did. Maurice Felder, Rick Felders father, taught Rick how to hunt, cut down trees, and fish. Rick wanted his father to teach him how to use a sword. Maurice didn't want to but thought about it and started to teach Rick Felder. Maurice Felder was part of a militia but left due to problems on the home front. Rick Felder wanted to go on adventures all the time but the closest thing he got to an adventure was going hunting. Rick Felder started to go on hunting trips with his father at the age of thirteen. Rick Felder had two brothers, Marcus and Jonathan. Marcus was born five years after Rick. Jonathan was born on the way to Elysium and Kalos. When the Felders went to Elysium, they lost each other. Marcus and mother Felder took Jonathan while Rick was trusted that he'd go on his own. The third day on Kalos and the curse shows. The Felders were cursed so that they will always die in agony. Rick Felder realized when he went to his mother home where Marcus and Jonathan lived that mother Felder was dead. She was killed with knife that was used for cutting the bread. Marcus and Jonathan were no where to be seen. Rick Felder needed to find them but he tried so much that he gave up. Four years had gone past and Marcus and Jonathan were no where to be seen. Rick Felder decided to join the Valois Banner men. Rick Felder stayed with House Valois. Rick Felder was given a medal while in the group. The medal was for protecting the house against a orc raid. In Anthos, Rick Felder left House Valois for The Salvus Shields. He did everything and anything that he was to do to protect Salvus. He even got his mouth stitched shut once to save citizens from House Blackmont. The Shields commanders werent very fond of Rick Felder and purged him because the thoughts that he was trying to start a rebellion because he was seen talking to the leader of a rebel group. Rick Felder was really negotiating with the rebel leader and saved about 10 lives. As Rick Felder left the city he felt sad and didn't know what to do. He walked to the Westerlands and notice a fortress being built. The fortress was Ard Kerrack. Ard Kerrack was where the Order of the White Rose lived. As Rick Felder walked down the path he met a man. This man was Thomas Chivay, the Master and Commander of the Order.



    To be Continued...

  8. Rick Felder II sat in the abandoned Castle Wett for a whole month, ill. He died as he had no one to get help from. He was the last Felder, may he and his brothers rest in peace. They served Oren with great sacrifice only to receive nothing.

  9. MC Name: supersoldier

    IC Name: Rick Felder II

    Age: 39

    Race: Human

    Minor Backstory: In the beginning I was a squire and a warrior of St. Amyas. I was never made a Knight but was a Vanguard of the Order of St. Lucien. I fought in the Dwarven War of Athera and The Duke's War of early Vailor. I've set aside the happenings in the world and want to fight the beast that truly danger it.

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRcrbDGFiUY


    We Were Once Invicible, Many Moons Ago We Were Invicible.



    Some may still remember Rick Felder, if they did they'd remember the great things he did for innocent people and the world. He put his life on the line everyday, he barely slept, he barely talked to his family. He never did those things because he dedicated his life to one thing, Humanity. Rick Felder looked at humanity as many things such as, strength, power, faithfulness, safety, happiness. The story of how Rick Felder was made a legend didn't start in The White Rose, in that order he was recognized but not followed.

    The story of Rick Felder's power starts here.

    The Ruskans were fighting Adunians, the Adunians had Ard Kerrack which was Rick's home. Rick lived in Kralta and there was a boy by the name of Heinrik. Rick treated Heinrik with great respect and helped him and made the young boy's life happy in a war enviroment. Many years later Heinrik was made King and Rick Felder had large respect in the North. The Order of St. Lucien had Rick Felder and it showed that the men of The Order were not to be messed with. Rick Felder was at war with a Drakkar named Setherien. Rick Felder led many groups of orderman and led them North. Most of the expeditions were more of scouting. Rick Felder also slowed down the forces of Setherien with his patrols. But these patrols weren't enough. One expedition the Order of St. Lucien travelled on horseback. They we're greeted with a large Setherien force made up of his servants. The forces fought for only minutes before the forces of St. Lucien were left with only two men, Rick Felder and Faiz Kharadeen. The force marched to Abresi as Rick Felder and Faiz went back to the keep of Order of St. Lucien to find no men stationed at the base. The men were in the warzone of the Oren and Urguan war. The city of Abresi was overwhelmed with the forces of Setherien. Rick Felder and Faiz Kharadeen snuck through the back and went up to the palace that was on the peak mountain of Abresi. They then fought their way down. Faiz would hold off the forces coming from the bottom of the city. Setheriens soldiers were like grunts just ready to be killed. They were more of a distraction while the Harbingers would come and wipe everything out. Rick Felder fought his way up the guard tower where the city bell was. As Rick Felder got to the bell, he rang it 3 times signalling there was a Harbinger attack on Abresi. Many days passed as Faiz and Rick Felder hid in the guard tower. Resistence fought in the city but couldn’t hold off the forces of evil. On the 3rd day a horn blew. The United Anthos Coalition had came and wiped out Setheriens army. This victory allowed Rick Felder and King Heinrik Carrion and many other human leaders and assets bring the fight to Setherien. The battle of Abresi was the last offensive battle for Setherien. The following battles were The Cloud Temple, The Battle of The North, The battle of Burzumkatutaz. The battle of Burzumkatutaz lasted for 3 elven days. The longest battle the Felders called it. These battle was the last of the war against Setherien. A few weeks later, Rick Felder died and the family was forgotten. Many other Felders tried to restore the family but were to abusive with what Rick had given to them. Except Rick Felder II. He is the latest Felder. He is predicted to be dead but is he? Will this war with the Dwarves bring him back? Will the Super Soldier not fight alongside humanity like he had in the past? Will he decide to not fight ever again and sit back and enjoy life for himself for other people?


    “He is a man that wears black and his tabard has a White Rose on it, he is strong, to mess with him would mean your death”




    As it rained in Kaedrin, Rick Felder II slept under a tree. He was tired of everything, war, civilization, and his friends. Somedays he'd walked around Felsen, no one would notice him due to the amount of facial hair and weight Rick had gained. He kept him armor and weapons where no one could take them. He was looked at as a lonely traveler, looking for nothing. Nothing would be said about him. The Felder dynasty would never be thought of again.


    It had been like they were wiped off the land of Vailor.



    ((This is not a return post. As I think I said I will still hang around on the forums and continue to characteristically develop my character.))

  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ahHWROn8M0




    Me when I started in 2013


    i was a little boy. i was very weak and scared of everything. my first time playing football i was scared. i was always weak. people hit me, made fun of me, didn't care.


    in the start of 7th grade  i was no different. i was a little more respected though as i made more friends that cared about me and they were stronger than the old.


    8th grade......

    in 8th ******* grade i was the kid that made kids hide. i bench about 140 and squated 405 my max. i was strong. my transformation helped me. i became so famous that year. getting the best defensive player award for my football team. i managed a high school basketball team. i had more fun than i had in years.


    this grade year so far...

    im very strong but things worry me. on our highschool football team we have 28 kids playing. only 5 freshman. thats my class. i was rated to be the most anticipated freshman in the past 15 years. i beat the most anticipated freshman from the grade above me. things is though... we've only played 2 gamrs this year, 10 on 10 cuz we only have 10 guys on freshsoph. we should hasve played 4 though. not playing these 4 games have made me weak. i want to hit osmeone hart but i cant. all i do at practice is stand because we never do fresh soph stuff. lotc is something i can no longer focus on. i am a man. this server is what makes me weak. i cannot sit on computer for 7 hours and get out of shape.


    dear steven, do good in usmc


    dear tommy sheumgal, im better than u


    dear vulcus, you may be that alpha male.......... BUT IM THE PRE-ALPHA MALE FLAAAMMEEEEEEE, YEEEEAAAHH BOY


    dear altiak, when's our next squire rp, oh wait.....


    dear corvo, bye kid


    dear axel, your meming career continues i hope


    dear tythus, you were great man, very great


    dear telanir, you were chill


    dear hunwald, talk to you on CM ts k?


    dear jojoma, i will beat you up in the playground


    dear bungo, :)


    dear niccum, you made me a Knight Commander, and trusted me the most, nothing bad happened to that order while i was, you proved many people wrong. Many other people couldn't trust me to take in big positions, but you did. You were a great friend and enemy.


    dear erik0821, being wargoth was honestly my favorite 3rd favorite thing i did on l did on lotc




    Dear White Rose... You are all my friends to the end, without you i would be known as just another person on this server. i am the SUPERSOLDIER, you made rp interesting because we traveled in groups and knew the right way to screw around, not the dumb and annoying way that those amyas boys that made some noise did.


    bye lotc, see you after christmas.

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