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Posts posted by Stormclank

  1. Robert-Alexander-Hillingford-Main.JPG?wi

    The bickering among men and women is heard in the small hall of Nordwen. The squabble at hand is the matter of loyalty to the crown or to the rebelling forces. Members of the hall continue to argue about this until Merv Redwyne stands and bellows for quiet. The rightful holder of the island of Nordwen then goes on to speak.


    "I, Merv of Nordwen, declare Nordwen an independent island under only the Emperor himself.


    This decision has come in the wake of the unjust rebellion formed by the traitorous Duke of Courland, Aleksander Staunton. As the rightful land holder of the Island Nordwen, I Merv Redwyne, want no part of this rebellion and shall not be vassal under a traitor Duke.


    As of this day, the 2nd of the Deep Cold 1563, Nordwen and all of its men are loyal to only the Emperor. The men of the island will continue to serve the Empire instead of joining this unwarranted rebellion.  Peace shall be restored in the Realm of Man and we shall not cease until this goal has been achieved."


    A courier would hurry out with many rolls of parchment containing the information in this document. The courier would deliver copies of this to all significant Lords and Ladies of the Empire.

  2.  Out-Of-Character Information

    What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: - DwarfHD

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?:- Stormclank


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Of course

    Do you understand you can not be on both of these accounts at once?: Aye aye captain

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will the other(s)?: Yep

    How long have you been on LoTC?: 3 Years

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted?: Just the one.



    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Goswald

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Human - Heartlander

    Character’s age: 22

     Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):

    They lived in a small hovel in the outskirts of Summerhall and Goswald was raised to be a soldier. Despite his militant uprbinging, Goswald is rather sickly. He tended not to eat very well, causing him to not really grow much and get quite ill.   Goswald started off life in a very normal fashion. His father was a man of the local Levy in Lorraine and his mother was a maid to Augustus d'Amaury.




    At the age of 15, Goswald decided to go and join the order of the golden crozier, an order under Lord Denis de Bar. He started as just a simple footman, getting a few minas every day for fighting and helping around the place. Goswald worked closely with the Crozier for a few years and he got to like them a lot.  Goswald went on many skirmishes and raids with them which helped to build their friendship. After a while of getting sick of raid after raid, Goswald decided to apply for a month's leave of the order. To his suprise, he was allowed the leave because of his service to the Order. Now Goswald is on his vacation, free to do what he wants. That is where he is today.



    Personality Traits: He's greedy, brave and arrogant. He is usually kind to all that he meets unless there is a reason  

    Ambitions: Goswald has the wish to become a strong military commander. He hasn't been able to get very high up in any order because of his inability to stick to one order. So because of this, he would love to actually stick to one order and become a high ranking man. Other than that, he has the general ambition of getting married, getting a big house, etc.

    Strengths/Talents: He can handle a sword rather well. Goswald is quite clever and is able to think on his feet.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Goswald can't read or write. This holds him back a lot in life. He also is not particularly strong which holds him back also.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): Goswald is a little bit under 5ft. As stated previously, his frame is quiet sickly and weak. His brown hair tumbles over his forehead like a mop. Goswald's skin is a very pale shade of white due to his rather unhealthy lifestyle. He is usually seen wearing the armor of whichever order he is in at the time.



    here Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guideGustaf.png.31e7971e7583556d5298b5557dfda


  3. ·        Minecraft name: Stormclank


    ·        Skype ID: ventios


    ·        Timezone: GMT


    ·        Have you had any bans or strikes? If yes give a link: There is no report, but I have indeed been banned once before for build plagiarism. It was back before Christmas and looking back on it I regret it a whole lot, from ET manager to plagiarising someone's builds is a bad low to stoop to but I am back from that low now.


    ·        Why do you want to be both a builder and an actor for the ET? Back when I was on the team beforehand I originally started as an actor/builder. Through my time on the ET I have learnt that it is the most rewarding thing to provide both the builds and the acting for an entertaining event. I have built many sites for events and there is nothing better than spending ages on a build and then watching people have fun using it. So I want to be a builder and actor so I can provide those experiences to the players.


    ·        What are some of your most treasured builds? (screenshots if possible):  I did all of the terraforming for Summerhall. It is a village near old Brelus that is mainly farming orientated. The village has literally just farms and organic beauties etc. You can visit the town by going to Felsen and using the yellow and dark green carriage.


    ·        Do you hold any other staff positions? Nope.


    ·        What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member? Currently I only play one character who is a Highlander. It wouldn't be much of a struggle to sacrifice him to the ET and I generally would spend my time building and acting anyway so there isn't much time to RP.


    ·        Pick three of the following building styles, and show us a build, of yours, that corresponds to each choice.(terraforming, organic, medieval, high fantasy, underground)




    Terraforming: Summerhall!












    Underground: My Basement..?












    Medieval: Old Boat 













    ·        Are you an independent builder, and are you capable of handling all aspects of a build? Most of my builds are done alone, it helps keep things simple and it's always a struggle when two different builders have different styles. I have done many jobs for the ET previously and they have all ranged in size. From large to small I have always got the job done. If you'd like any references for the work I have done previously then you could ask Tsuyouse or one of the other older ET members but from what I can see Tsu is one of the only last standing ones still around :(


    ·        Create two distinct RP scenarios/events that are based on the lore of LOTC, and that you would organize. 1) For a group of 5-10









    The wind blows lightly in the hamlet of Cerulin, the sound of leaves rustling in trees is present this time of year. Grass waves in the light as farmers harvest their summer crop. The sea breeze still passes through the town despite the lack of wind. If one were to gaze upon the shore a large boat looks to be headed toward land. The boat is be of large origin, a frigate perhaps. It’s black sails are set, not flapping in the wind but catching every last gust of it to propel itself through the cold waters. Red and black striped would the sails be, despite the cloud on the day the player may probably be able to just about make out the boat from afar.


    As it nears the beach it would show no signs of slowing down, upon the deck a few figures would be visible. Though not being able to see the attire the people on the strange ship would wear, one could assume that the figures were males. When the ship is about 100 meters off of the golden sandy shore the water begins to grow shallow. The frigate’s rudder meets with the sand and rocky reefs below the body of water. An awful grinding sound could be heard only by the members of the crew, as a result of the ship’s rudder being completely torn off there would a lack of any kind of steering control. Members of the crew would be seen running around the deck of the ship, flailing their arms around and screaming.


    As all this unfolds the players participating are all going to be sitting happily atop the cliff, watching eagerly at the show of the crashing ship. Most of the population of the crowd may have been taken from their usual routines to the crowd to watch it happen. Farmers, nobles, brigands, knights and all might be watching this catastrophe. The ship would be no more than 50 meters from the shore, a huge grinding can be heard now. All could hear this brutal noise, the patch of sea behind the frigate is now littered with broken planks, parts of wood and barrels. The tension really starts to build now as the crowd continues to watch. The boat still nears at almost full speed. As the frigate moves the men upon the boat would continue to run around, their uniforms are more clear now. It is one of the ‘Alrasian Sea Merchants’ , blue, white and orange colours is the uniform that they wear.


    Not a lot of time passess until the ship meets with the shore with an almighty crash. This crash was not due to the bottom of the boat meeting the sandy floor. It would be from the front of the ship colliding with the base of the cliff face. As it hit the wood  splinters in an almost Michael Bay explosion style, planks and shards of wood fly out. The beach and the sea around are now be littered with wood. Despite all of the commotion the boat managed to stay mostly intact. A large gaping hole in the side and the front, the sail is in tatters and a snapped mast lies on the sand. From afar no life would be seen upon the ship, all men upon the hull side have been almost instantly crushed by the force of the hit. But could some still be alive?


    The players would then aim to head down the cliff and search the ship. Along the way they encounter many little relics from the ship such as hats from the sailors and the odd sharp shard of wood that lies in the sand. As the players look to the ship, still no life signs are seen. As the wind blows a little the sail would flap in the afternoon light. Many players may have chosen to advance toward the ship. When the closest played is about 20 ft from the hole a roar would be heard. This is clearly no roar of a man, this was some kind of beast. A large one at that. The brutal roar echos through the wreck and out past onto the bleak beach. All of the participants of the event will have heard this. Maybe the roar could have attracted all of the players toward the ship entrance. Peering in to the ship appears to be dark, a few light holes penetrate the darkness inside. After the roar nothing else could be heard from inside. The players that chose not to follow on would continue to look through the relics of the dead sailors.


    When the players chose to advance into the darkness there is not a lot visible. A few crates are  scattered around the cargo bay. They would be tipped over and almost emptied, the contents of them are  scattered all over the wreck of the frigate. The more observant of the players may perhaps notice the large scratches that line the wall of the boat. A damp wooden floor is what they would tread, in the dark is where the farmers and peasants be. The floor is  slightly slippery and treacherous, if one was to fall on it there is almost 90% chance that they will get more than a nasty splinter. Most of the players may be inside of the ship when another huge roar is heard. This roar comes from no further than a few meters away from them. At this the players are  covered in a spray of saliva. If one of the unlucky participants was bearing a torch, the group will start to see in front of them a large troll. It’s skin looks to be cut and scarred, the poor thing looks more scared than anything. It’s muscular body stands tall, with it’s hands raised. Behind the troll is a cage, not just a normal cage. A cage that once housed a troll. This was once one very strong cage but due to the amount of shock the boat was under, the cage’s hinges snapped right off. The troll stands there, still as anything but looking to the group with a frightened gaze. As soon as the first player moves a muscle the Troll would begin to attack…


    The end of this event will occur when the players have defeated the troll, although a very strong being by nature this one would have being very malnourished and underfed. To add to that it had been abused and hurt in it’s cage. The troll could be strong for a while until being wounded a few times. After the players manage to take the troll down (If they do) They might discover inside the ship all that the Alras merchant company were carrying, not much in the way of gold but many other valuable exported goods. Leathers, fruits, spices, the occasional weapon could be found, all of these goods are the reward of the event.










    ·        2) For a group of 20+





    Festival Of Fire




    A beautiful Sun’s Smile evening is present in the island of Valor. Business would be of usual and the crops are almost perfect. The wind blows lightly amongst trees and grass. Jolly people trot up and down paths and roads, a beautiful time of year this would  be. With the sun kissed leaves and trees is the occasional flyer nailed nailed to bark columns. The flyer is bright and colourful, it  look like a burning paper from a distance but from up close you could see that it would just be a fantastic work of an artist. Along with many hand drawn pictures of drakaars and various fire breathers there would be some text, right in the middle of the page. It is written in a very neat handwriting and be in black ink,


    “Greetings Travellers Of Valor,


    We of Summerhall invite you to indulge in the beauties of the arts of fire. By this we simply do not mean a show from a pyromancer, to think that you would be very wrong. Our displays are wonderful and spectacular! Nothing like you have ever seen before. I do not know a man that has experienced fountains of fire in front of his eyes! But you have that opportunity, it is not to wasted.


    The festival will start at the grounds of the Summerhall keep on the 27th Sun’s Smile, a ball will occur at sundown so remember to bring your husbands and wives!


                                                                  -Elders of the Summerhall Keep.”


    Many players pass the poster and gaze at it’s mysterious colours, it attracts many happy visitors and tempts them to go. The time of the festival is almost a week away but preparations have started taking place almost months ago. Foreign spices and strange red dyes are seen being transported toward the castle’s direction by carriage and courier.


    Time would go by until the 27th of Sun’s Smile arrived. The night is dawning upon the day. It is around the time of an hour till sundown. It will be soon that guests would start to arrive at the grounds.


    If one were to venture toward the castle from afar you could see a beautiful array of velvet red banners. Atop the keep is many burning flames, they act almost as beacons to the guests, guiding them toward it. The brickwork of the keep is almost alight with flame, the walls are covered with fiery displays. Outside the keep is be the grounds and the garden. The grounds look illuminated with light from the keep, it  emit light from almost it’s inner core. Sundown was almost over at the keep and the guests  start to enter through the front gate. As they walk among the garden the people may gaze upon the wondrous works of art that lay around the area. There are fountains that instead of spewing water, they spew fire, the fire flows like a liquid. Various men stand around the garden, all are dressed in quite strange and barbaric attire. In their hands they hold a torch and a bottle of some rather dull liquid. The players see the men raise the bottles to their mouths, raise the torch and then spit out the liquid. As a result of this a roaring flume of fire is sprouted. These men stand scattered around, entertaining any that come in to the gate. Smaller exhibitions stand in the vicinity, buckets of fire, statues that are on fire, bonfires, all sorts of lovely things.


    When most of the players attending are in the grounds a sudden voice echos from atop the keep. A man with a large horn stands there, but instead of blowing it he speaks through it. His voice seems cheerful and exotic, no harsh or brash tones could be heard at all. “Welcome! To the keep of Summerhall. I hope you are enjoying the displays, but I have to warn you. Be prepared for what is inside the great hall as it is far beyond your wildest dreams!”


    As the man finishes speaking a set of large double doors at the bottom of the keep would open, the gates look heavy and made of wood. Little metal struts would support the weight of them on the walls. The doors open to reveal a bright corridor, lining the walls would be torches that burn bright and colourful. Also there would be various statues of men unknown to any of the guests, they could be random designs or they could have been based off of people. At this many of the players would head down the corridor toward the great hall. As they do their footsteps would echo around. A few of the men from before would stand in the arched stone corridor, they blow fire out of their gaping mouths and smile occasionally to the guests. All of the walls of the long corridor would be bright and laden with the same red banners that sit upon the keep walls.  


    When walking into the great hall the guests see a monstrously large hall, the raised roof soars up for what looked to be 50 meters, it is almost hard to see the ceiling of the room. The setup looks quite like a cathedral, two long benches along the side of the room that span out through the length of the room. Atop of the benches are red cloths to eat upon and candles in the middle of the table. Glasses and various pieces of crockery are up on there too, the seating would prove more than enough for the number of people attending. At the end of the aisle there is a stand, quite a large one at that. It is raised above the floor so that all in the hall could see it. A man stands atop of it, he wears pristine red robes and a strange circular hat which looks quite alike a beret. The man does not look old or tired, his brown eyes and olive skin give the same effect the fire does. After all have taken their seats the man would start to pipe up and speak. He speaks in exactly the same voice as the man atop the keep did, “I welcome you again into our wonderful home! Among the fires of eternal happiness you shall be great at heart. Please do enjoy the food and drink we have served to you out of our kindness. The stage that I now stand upon shall be no less than the dance floor. Do enjoy all!” As he finished he would depart, leaving all to the wonderful party that has been set up. Red clad waiters hurriedly scatter around and serve lots of different drinks and foods to different people. The deep smell of spices and fine wine fills the air around the keep. Sounds of laughing, conversing, drinking and general merry making  are about. People fill the dance floor in a matter of seconds, taking their wives and children into the fun of a nice boogie. Partying would last for hours upon end, a very happy place this would be.


    I like this event because it gives the Build team a chance to really show the public what they’re really made of. This event is more diverse and different than the other ones I thought up. I think that this event would go down very well with the people as it gives them a chance to meet new people that they wouldn’t necessarily meet and get some funny memories of drunken characters!








    ·        How long does it take for you to complete a build? Really does depend on how large the build is, if it is a small build (20-30 blocks.) That will be easily done in under an hour or two. If it is medium sized (30-60 blocks) it would take just over 4 hours. A larger build will take a longer time period, maybe a day or two if constantly working on it.


    ·        Tell us how you plan on constructing a large build, a medium build, and a small build.


     With large builds I would start it off by dividing the build up into sectors. Once I have done that, I then start to fill it up gradually and finish all of the sectors. With medium size builds I will go in and make all of the structures of the building, then what I would do is go around and fill it all up with detail. In smaller builds I really just go all out and do it step by step.


    ·        Additional details (Do you know how to Voxel? World Edit? Craftbook? Etc...): I've had a hell of a lot of experience with world edit and I know the plugin very well. I'm pretty limited on all of the other things though sadly.


    ·        How long do you plan to stay in the ET? I plan to stay for as long as the team needs me and for as long as I stay on the server really. I've sorted my **** out and things have changed a lot since the last time.


    ·        Tell me a trick about building (eg: floating torches, custom heads)


    There are these things called signs and you can put funky text on!!!


    ·        Tell me what you want from the ET.


    As a team they should be able to provide fun, exciting and immersive events for the server. Along with that they need to be able to provide the builds to house those fun events.




  4. Application Format

    MC Name: Stormclank

    IC Name:  Gilro

    Age: 54

    Race: Cave Dwarf

    Minor Backstory: Gilro has lived all his life as a cave dwarf, fighting occasionally under the Grand King against the kingdom of Urguan’s enemies. Through his military service he has picked up skills and been trained briefly. At no point in his life has he lived in luxury or had much to his name. This meant that when the current war between Oren and Urguan Gilro was ready to leave the kingdom at a heartbeat and flee if he felt that the dwarves were going to lose this one. So that’s what he did, and he fled to the marked.

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlBiLNN1NhQ



    Time to say bye bye.


    It’s been nearly three years now since I joined Lord of The Craft. Originally I joined just for a few days to have some fun and mess around but I was inevitably hooked. This server has been a big part of my life for a very long time and to be honest i’m quite sad that I have to let it go.


    My time on the server has been amazing, whichever side I have been on, from the orcs, to the humans to the elves I have been welcomed kindly. I would like to thank the players for a great time and their great hospitality. I wish them all well for their roleplay and for their ooc lives.


    Only recently have I been part of the staff team. Some of you may not know it but I have been the ET Building manager which means I am in charge of all the builders and all of the building that really goes on on the server. I’d like to say my thanks to Rael and Tirenas for giving me the opportunity to have this position in the staff team and I’d like to think that i didn’t do too bad a job leading it. The event team has lost two managers in the last month but i’m sure you lot can cope with the loss of another one. Good luck to all of the staff teams and their leaders, it was a truly amazing experience working with all of you.


    Now onto why and for how long i’m going for. The reason for my sudden departure is something that i’d rather not really share but it is best that way. It will be better for me as I will be able to work harder at school without having to focus on my roles on Lord of the Craft. I am leaving but I may occasionally pop by and visit to see how all is going.

    That’s all really, so have a nice day and see ya’ll around.

  6. Application Format


    MC Name: Stormclank


    IC Name: Ri-Prezd


    Age: 35


    Race: Farfolk


    Minor Backstory: Ri-prézd has lived all of his life as a royal guard to the house of Savoy and to the de Bar family. He was well paid and was living a comfortable life but sadly that didn't satisfy his need for a good old fight. Through his service as a guard of the royals he has earned himself the strange title of 'Sand-rag'. He is a very trustworthy man and is also talented in the arts of alchemy along with fighting.

  7. Wanted: Giant Squid


    Threat Level: High


    Description of Beast: This beast is unlike many others on the hunt at the moment. It lurks in the water with it's two huge eyes that are on the sides of it's slimey head. The Giant squid is atleast 20ft long from reports that people have said. It has a long grey body that could appear to be like a whale from a distance.



    Location: Off the coast of Felsen


    Reward: 300 minas from the Royal  Guard of Felsen, Ri-prézd in particular.

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