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Posts posted by cj_scout

  1. On 6/29/2017 at 4:49 PM, Swgrclan said:

    They're just American-puppeteered pretend terrorists. They will lose when the States want them to. God bless America.


    Might want to get a new tin-foil hat, man. I think your current one is a little tight.

  2. When you start you'll have two character slots that you can switch between using the Nexus system. All you'll have to do is switch skins; all the other info is stored on the in-game character card. 

  3. 56 minutes ago, KiwiFromKiwiLand said:

    7/10 I kinda like it :p

    Btw why is there "Old Fart" written under your username o-o...?


    8/10. I want one.

    (And the Old Fart tag is for us "grizzled lotc veterans" who have been around for a few years, dunno the exact amount of time you get it at.)

  4. #1, if done right. Let's not make this the Fringe plague all over again, that was just plain annoying. I liked the mechanical side of it, but it led mostly to just OOC spreading of the plague and what not. The drought was neat though. On the other hand, Iblees has been done and redone with less success each time in my opinion.

  5. Harvak shakes his head in disbelief at the events that have transpired as he stands atop the walls of Tal'Azmar. His eyes scan the horizons for his clanmates and fellow Dwed. He mutters to those also standing guard.


    "T' think weh fought by t'eir soides at Vsevograd... and then t'ey onleh look fer their own power. Treacherous bastards, one an' all o' t'em."

  6. Leonhard stands solemnly as the late King's funeral procession passes by on the streets of Mardon, nothing more than a reminiscent frown set upon his face. His gaze drops towards the stones of the street, and he shakes his head in some mixture of disbelief and sadness. As the casket passes, he signs a cross on his chest, and his determined eyes rest on the line of men in front of him. Quietly, though to no one at all, he speaks the same words he spoke a decade ago in his departure from Karlsburg.


    "Ave Marius. Ave Haense."

  7. MC Name: Seejayscout

    RP Name: Hjalrik Grandaxe

    Race: Mountain Dwarf

    Skype Name (For communication and rallying): You've got it.

    Do you have teamspeak? (You will need to be on teamspeak during battles): Aye.

    Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.): CST (GMT - 6)

    Professions: Leatherworker

    Have you been in the Legion before? If so, when: Nay, I have not. ((My previous characters have been in the legion in Anthos, Athera, and Axios. Hjalrik has not.))

    Do you swear loyalty to the reigning Grand King: Aye, as long as I am able to serve him, he has my axe.

  8. MC Name: Seejayscout


    Age: 156


    Character Name: Hjalrik Grandaxe


    Character Clan: Grandaxe


    Timezone: CST (GMT - 6)


    Do you have Teamspeak?: Aye


    Skype Name (PM if you wish to keep it private): You have it


    Who sponsors you?(Must be a Kronok within the Brotherhood): Zedgar Ireheart


    Time on Server: Just over 4 years.


    Character bio:

    Hjalrik is a rather young dwarf, but a driven and loyal one. He has become a fully-fledged member of Clan Grandaxe, and has since fought in the war against Norland and assisted in political affairs elsewhere. He is a devout follower of the Brathmordakin, most closely Dungrimm and Ograhad. While he has thus far been a loyal soldier for the legion and has done what he has been able for Urguan, he seeks to serve the Brathmordakin more closely and directly. He is not the reserved, wise type as those who may join the clergy; however, he is none the less closely devoted to the Gods, and preserving their purpose.


    (Do you accept the PK(Permanently killing your Character) clause if you break the Brotherhood’s Blood-Oaths)?: Aye



  9. Hjalrik stands beside the rest of the mourning, enraged, or saddened dwarves, shaking his head in a mixture of disbelief and anger. His eyes droop away from the macabre sight, muttering only to himself in a sorrowful tone.


    "Khorvad's spawn will answer fer t'eir croimes. T'ese cowards will run out o' places t' hoide, an' Urguan will 'ave justice."

  10. Hjalrik Grandaxe stands beside Wulfgar as he speaks, nodding firmly in agreement as the Prophet finishes his words.


    "Aye, Wulfgar said et t'e best. T'ere's nae reason whoi dwed shoul' turn on dwed when weh've enemies elsewhere t' worreh 'bout."



  11. Hello everyone,


    Recently got back into writing, and this is mostly just a bit of practice to brush the dust off. Figured I'd share and get some opinions, or just give some people a good read hopefully. Doesn't have anything to do with LotC, though have fun drawing some parallels if you want to. Hope you all enjoy.


    Beyond the Banners of Men


    A calming drizzle of rain set in beneath the foreboding clouds. The titans of miserable grey that loomed over the trees cast a shadow over the path below, the men below slowly encroached on by the crawling darkness. The shadow set in from the rear ranks to the front, tucking the ranks of men that marched along the road in a blanket of shade. A near collective sigh of relief escaped the mail and plate clad force, echoed only by the sigh of the cool wind that blew from the mountains adjacent to them.


    The soldiers, or men as they would be called now, dragged themselves along the mountain path, now obscured by heavenly shroud and towering stone both. Their golden-tinted tabards were torn, their pikes dragged lonely lines in the snow, and their faces drooped with defeat. These men were broken. Their numbers were less than they had left home with, the ranks that would normally be filled with men absent. Every man was injured. Some had lost blood, some had lost pride, some had lost comrades. They all knew which was the hardest to replace.


    After what seemed like eons of marching, the men arrived at a valley. Two mountains shot into the heavens ahead of them, the unfathomable wall of rock lending the men to appear shrunken, as they perhaps felt they were. Within the chasm of doubt that lie between the mountains, a barricade of red-adorned men spanned the length of the path. They were there to finish off the broken “men” that had lost comrades only hours earlier. Suddenly, the broken “men” were soldiers again.


    A banner of a state that had no representative in the field loomed over the mountain pass, carried by a soldier who had never even seen the “man” the banner stood for. What or who the banner stood for did not matter in this moment regardless. The soldiers who stood at odds with each other were not identified by their nations, their names, their race. They stood there to kill the color opposite them. Gold stood to kill crimson, and crimson stood to kill gold. This was the order of things. The soldiers surged forth, gold and crimson colliding in a flurry of steel and confusion. They were equally matched, the tides of either force drawing closer and closer together. Neither side gave in, as neither side had any choice. Soon there were fifty soldiers left. Then thirty. Then twenty. Ten. Not ten soldiers, but ten humans. A portion of them were physically injured, the rest fumbled to decipher the chaos that had unfolded before their eyes.


    The fighting halted, each human looking to the other as they realized that there was nothing left to fight for. That a soldier only fights for what binds them to fight, and they had expended every one of those binding reasons. Their comrades, broken or dead. Their nations, simply puppeteers steering these young humans to their deaths. Their homes, could easily be departed for from the bloodied battlefield, for those that were still alive. Beyond those things, they were no longer soldiers, but humans who fought for soldiers against peace.They threw down their tabards, their banners, and their swords. These ten humans looked to all that was human about a battle: the result. The scores of men who fell in the battle. The reality that this pointless conflict between men, only sprung out of differences in the mind, would have no effect in the ever-flowing expanses of time. They saw to their dead, abandoned their duty to their state, and picked up their duty to their humanity.

    So the story goes anyway; but, a story like that, it’s a complicated one. It could have been written by a soldier, fighting by words. A human, using human-kind’s deceptiveness to press a message. Or a man, bothered by circumstance and resorting to allegory for a simple message. As they say, there are two sides to every story.


  12. 6 hours ago, Chaw said:

    Eventually a young pikeman, no older even than his youngest son stuck a pike into his back from behind.

    Leonhard, who is actually 30 years old, recalls the battle that he had escaped only by luck. He remembers the time from several years ago where the man only identifying himself as "James" had made a very mysterious introduction in St. Karlsburg; one which Leonhard had never followed up on. Only in battle did he see that man again, his pike being the instrument of greeting. Leonhard would never know whom he had killed. He could only feel as much regret as he did for the rest of the war, and the rest of the men he had killed.

  13. Soviet, I do not personally believe you have the attitude that it takes to be on the Event Team. All I've seen from you are confrontational forum posts, and unnecessary jabs at playerbases such as Haense. The Event Team as an actor is mostly roleplay (which I can't comment on for you), yes, but it also involves working with people for events. That includes working with and for people you don't like, which I don't see working out well from what I've seen. As far as your application, beast events are overdone and if you rely entirely on them the playerbase you will cater to will no doubt tire of them quickly. As former ET, I say if you want a chance at ET, fix your attitude and get some more unique ideas on your application. I'm being as constructive as I can, here.


    -1 from me as of now.

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