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Posts posted by Warlord

  1. 298434612_childteen.thumb.webp.17841b6702539e1066cede56dc7ed9d1.webp

    Athir al-Sahra (Athir of the Desert)

    Birthdate: Born during SA 156.

    Birthplace: Southeastern Desert

    Race & Culture: Qalasheen Farfolk


    Physical Description

    Height: Below average for his age.

    Build: Lean and agile, adapted to harsh desert conditions.

    Hair: Sun-bleached, short, unkempt.

    Eyes: Sharp, observant, with a hint of underlying sorrow.

    Clothing: Makeshift desert garb, pieced together from various travels and jobs.



    Traits: Resilient, resourceful, quick learner, observant.

    Values: Survival, self-reliance, honor for his family's sacrifices.

    Fears: Loss of loved ones, return to the clutches of warlordism.

    Aspirations: To live a life not defined by revenge but by his own choices.



    Survival: Exceptional at finding resources and adapting to the desert environment.

    Navigation: Proficient in desert navigation and reading environmental signs.

    Cunning: Skilled in bartering, eavesdropping, and blending into the town's crowd.

    Languages: Fluent in Qalashi, some knowledge of other Farfolk dialects.


    Allies and Enemies

    Allies: Former members of the Bedouin communities, various townfolk who respect his tenacity.

    Enemies: General dangers of basic survival, urban environments, and the wilderness.




    In the unforgiving heart of the southeastern desert, a land scorched by a pitiless sun and treacherous dunes, the saga of Athir, a boy whose fate was carved into the very sands that bore witness to his harrowing odyssey, begins. This merciless desert, a sprawling wasteland of relentless heat and shifting sands, served as both the cradle and the crucible for Athir, mercilessly sculpting his destiny beneath its scorching, unblinking eye.


    Athir's father, a man of humble origins but possessed of an unbreakable spirit, had long stood as a defiant thorn in the side of a ruthless Bedouin chieftain. With a courage that bordered on recklessness, he openly challenged the chieftain's despotic reign, inspiring those brave enough to envision a life unshackled from tyranny. His words, like embers in the parched desert air, kindled a blaze of rebellion in the hearts of the oppressed. But such insurgent flames are never tolerated by despots for long. In a vicious and merciless act of suppression, the chieftain snuffed out this beacon of insurrection, silencing Athir's father in a stroke of cold-blooded brutality, plunging their family into the abyss of despair.


    In the shadow of this devastating loss, Athir's mother, a woman of steely resolve and indomitable will, found herself at a terrifying juncture. The chieftain's vengeance knew no bounds, and she realized with a chilling clarity that her son, the living testament to her martyred husband, would forever be hunted under the chieftain's oppressive regime. With a heart laden with sorrow and dread, she made a fateful decision that would irrevocably alter Athir's destiny.


    Shrouded in the secrecy of night, Athir's mother sought the aid of a caravan of traders poised to embark on a perilous journey across the desert. These traders, notorious for their cunning business sense and callous disregard for human suffering, represented her only sliver of hope. In a tense and desperate negotiation, illuminated only by the quivering light of a solitary lantern, she bartered her last possessions – a handful of jewelry, remnants of a once-joyous life, and hushed promises of greater rewards – for her son's safe passage beyond the reach of the tyrant.


    To these traders, Athir was nothing more than an object, a silent, inconvenient asset to be bartered for profit. He became just another secret among the many they concealed within the endless desert. For Athir, a boy merely seven years old, the caravan transformed into his reluctant guardian, escorting him from the only home he ever knew into the unfathomable vastness of the desert.


    Their journey was torturous, riddled with danger and hardship. Under the relentless glare of the sun, the caravan snaked through treacherous dunes and along paths long forgotten by time. Athir, huddled among bales of exotic spices and luxurious fabrics, found himself alienated from the comforting embrace of his mother. The traders, while not overtly malicious, extended no comfort to him, their interactions driven solely by necessity, devoid of any hint of warmth.


    Day by day, as they navigated the infinite expanse of sand, Athir learned the brutal lessons of survival in the desert. He observed intently: the way the traders rationed water, sparing each invaluable drop; how they deciphered the stars to traverse the relentless terrain; their vigilance against the constant dangers of bandits and wild creatures. These lessons Athir absorbed with a quiet resolve.


    At night, as the caravan settled beneath a dome of stars, Athir lay awake, haunted by the echoes of his past. The resonant voice of his father, the anguished farewell of his mother, the menacing shadow of the chieftain's tent against the twilight – these memories became the forge of his determination. In the isolation of those desert nights, Athir made a solemn vow: to endure, to uphold the legacy of his father's valor and his mother's sacrifice.




    As the caravan that had reluctantly shielded Athir across the merciless desert abandoned him in the teeming city of Osanora, his life took a stark and tumultuous turn. The traders, devoid of any semblance of empathy, discarded him like a worn-out tool, their contractual duty discharged. Athir, now a lone, insignificant speck, was engulfed by the chaotic vibrancy of a city that echoed the ancient grandeur and complexity in both its architectural splendor and deep-rooted cultural tapestry.


    Osanora was a city where beauty and brutality coexisted. Its streets, bustling with the cacophony of merchants and permeated by the intoxicating aromas of foreign spices, contrasted sharply with the haunting silence of the desert Athir had traversed. Yet, beneath this colorful veneer, Osanora concealed a sinister personality. Athir, his senses honed in the unforgiving desert, quickly detected the lurking threats veiled beneath the city's lively facade.


    One of Athir's first and most jarring encounters in Osanora was witnessing a bullfight - an event steeped in tradition yet marred by savagery. The deafening cheers of the crowd, the ostentatious garb of the matadors, and the visceral terror emanating from the bull conjured a scene of macabre fascination. The merciless conclusion of the bull's suffering etched a stark image in Athir's mind, a grim reminder that beneath its allure and energy, the city could exhibit a cruelty rivaling that of the desert's harsh embrace.


    In the alleyways of Osanora, Athir quickly learned the unspoken laws of urban survival. The city was infested with skilled thieves and cunning swindlers, their gangs preying on the unsuspecting with a finesse that was alien to the blunt brutality of the desert. Athir's days became a relentless exercise in vigilance, his nights a symphony of restless sleep and constant alertness.


    It was in these streets that Athir encountered a local boy, a young noble with a disarmingly quick smile and even quicker hands. United by their shared love for swordplay, they wielded sticks as swords, their mock battles a dance through the city's alleys. This bond offered Athir a fleeting respite, a glimmer of friendship in the otherwise murky world he was navigating.


    But their carefree escapades were abruptly curtailed. One fateful afternoon, immersed in their swordplay, they were ambushed by a gang of ruthless local thugs. The assault was brutal and swift, driven by territorial animosity and sheer malice. Athir and his newfound friend fought valiantly but were overwhelmingly outmatched.


    In a frantic effort to escape, Athir bolted through the network of alleys, his heart thundering, the taunts of the thugs echoing menacingly behind him. He emerged at the docks outside of Osanora, the briny scent of the river and the distant calls of gulls in stark relief to the pandemonium he had fled. Spying a small fisherman's boat loosely moored, Athir instinctively concealed himself among its nets and barrels.


    As the boat quietly drifted from the docks of Osanora, Athir lay hidden, bruised and battered, his thoughts a whirlwind of uncertainty and fear. The gentle rocking of the boat and the rhythmic sound of waves against its hull transported Athir away from the city that had been both a sanctuary and a battlefield. Unaware of his destination, Athir was unwittingly journeying towards a new city, with its own narratives and perils, where his saga would persist, challenging and refining his resilience in ways yet unknown.




    As the humble fisherman's boat made its way to the murky riverbanks of Valdev, Athir disembarked into a city veiled in an unrelenting fog, a stark and grim contrast to the vivid tumult of Osanora. Valdev, with its network of narrow, whispering alleys, stood as a labyrinth steeped in mystery and survival. Athir, his body and spirit battered by the relentless journey that had cast him here, stepped ashore, engulfed by a mingling sense of dread and intrigue.


    Valdev throbbed to a rhythm all its own, a rhythm born of the struggles and hidden desires of its denizens. The crowded, murky streets, alive with the clamor of trade and the murmur of covert dealings, presented a tapestry of ceaseless activity and lurking threats. Athir, now a shadow of his former self, weakened by illness and the rigors of his odyssey, drifted through the city like a specter, unnoticed in the teeming mass of urban life.


    In Valdev's darkest corners, far from the gaze of the more fortunate, Athir's fight for survival reached new depths of desperation. The city's underbelly, a cesspool of filth and disease, swiftly ensnared Athir, already frail and battered. Days and nights merged into a feverish haze, each waking moment a grueling battle against the relentless disease consuming his body.


    It was in this dire state that Athir encountered a fleeting moment of compassion in a world otherwise steeped in indifference. A ragged vagabond, his own existence carved by the unforgiving streets, noticed the young boy's dire predicament. This man, his face etched with the scars of a hard life, reached out to Athir with a rare act of empathy. In a secluded alley, he shared his meager provisions – a hard crust of bread and a bruised fruit – with Athir, and offered a spot beside a flickering fire. This simple gesture of kindness, so uncommon in the survival-driven streets of Valdev, was a lifeline to Athir, a reminder that even in the deepest abyss of despair, flickers of humanity endured.


    Yet, the brutal reality of Valdev's streets soon reemerged. Athir, a mute observer to the lives around him, witnessed the violence that pervaded the city. A violent altercation erupted within the group that had offered him temporary sanctuary, driven by the simmering tensions and frustrations that haunted their existence. Athir, sensing the imminent peril, vanished into the night, the sounds of the strife ringing in his ears as he escaped.


    During his aimless escape, Athir's path intersected with that of a physician’s brother, a man dedicated to aiding the forgotten souls in the city's shadowy recesses. He found Athir crouched in an alley, a picture of fear and sickness. Recognizing that Athir needed more than transient aid, he brought the boy to his brother's clinic.


    This clinic, a bastion of hope amidst Valdev's chaos, became Athir's sanctuary. The physician, a figure of both skill and empathy, tended to Athir with a blend of gentle care and unwavering resolve, gradually coaxing him back from the brink. Within the clinic's tranquil and orderly confines, Athir discovered a rare sense of calm and security, a sanctuary that had been elusive since his journey's onset. His convalescence was slow but unyielding, a testament to the physician's adeptness and dedication.


    Under the physician's watchful care, Athir underwent a slow yet transformative recovery. Recognizing the need for a nurturing environment to continue Athir's journey of healing and growth, the physician took thoughtful steps for his future. With a deep insight into Athir's resilience and untapped potential, the physician leveraged his network to secure Athir a place in a city renowned for its cultural vibrancy and embracing community, thereby opening a new chapter in Athir's saga of endurance and hope.




    As Athir set foot in Portoregne, a melting pot of diverse cultures and bustling life, he found himself thrust into a realm utterly alien to his tumultuous past. The journey to this lively metropolis, facilitated by the benevolent physician from Valdev, represented a daunting leap into uncharted territories, offering Athir a chance to forge a new path amidst unfamiliar surroundings.


    Portoregne, with its cobblestone streets humming with activity, vibrant marketplaces, and the soothing cadence of the sea lapping at its docks, bombarded Athir's senses. The air was a heady mix of the scent of freshly baked bread, pungent spices, and the zest of the sea. The streets teemed with life – merchants vociferously peddling their goods, fishermen animatedly recounting tales of the sea, and artists endeavoring to capture the city's enchanting allure.


    In this overwhelming maze, Athir, still a boy of reticence and solitude, wandered aimlessly, unnoticed amidst the city's fervor. It was during these wanderings that his path intersected with a soldier. She was not the imposing, armored warrior of legend but rather a figure defined by her pragmatic uniform and the confident purpose in her stride.


    The soldier, noticing the young, disheveled boy adrift in his solitude and hunger, approached him with an unexpected kindness. She offered him a modest meal – bread and cheese, and a cup of water – accompanied by a soft smile. For Athir, whose life had been a tapestry of hardship and scant compassion, this act of kindness was a radiant beacon in the chaotic tapestry of the city.


    One day, in the course of her duties, the soldier invited Athir to a private event in the courtyard of the castle – a lancing tournament. Athir, who had never witnessed such a spectacle, was captivated by the display of skill and discipline inherent in lancing. The participants, including the soldier who had extended her kindness to him, engaged in the tournament with a potent mix of competitive zeal and mutual respect.


    Athir observed, spellbound, as the combatants, astride their horses, charged at each other, lances at the ready. The clash of wood against armor, the roaring acclaim of the crowd, and the palpable energy of the tournament enthralled him. Yet, it was the underlying ethos of discipline, honor, and mutual respect, more than the physical prowess, that deeply impressed him.


    This tournament, along with his subsequent interactions with the soldier, began to fundamentally alter Athir’s perception of the world. In the soldier and her comrades, Athir saw a distinct kind of strength – a disciplined, intentional force, wielded not for subjugation but for protection and service. This represented a stark divergence from the raw, often savage power he had encountered before, opening his eyes to new ideals of honor and purpose.


    Current Goals

    Establish a New Identity and Legacy: Having lost his family and the chance for vengeance, Athir may strive to create a new identity for himself, one not defined by his tragic past. This goal could involve him seeking to become a respected figure in his new community, perhaps as a leader, a skilled tradesman, or a protector. His journey would involve overcoming the stigma of his social status, learning new skills, and earning the trust and respect of those around him. This path could lead him to unexpected alliances and conflicts as he navigates the complex social and political landscapes of society.


    Seek Knowledge and Mastery of Qalasheen Lore: Athir could be driven by a desire to master the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the harsh desert environment that has shaped his life. This goal might lead him to seek out mentors, such as seasoned caravan leaders, wise hermits, or scholars. His quest for knowledge could take him on journeys to distant lands, ancient ruins, and through the depths of Qalasheen culture and history. This pursuit of wisdom and skill could be driven by a desire to prevent others from suffering as he did, perhaps leading him to become a guardian or guide for those traversing the dangerous desert landscapes.


    Build a Community of Refugees and Outcasts: Understanding the pain of loss and the struggle of survival, Athir might aim to create a haven for others who have been displaced or wronged by the infighting among the warlords and chieftains. This goal would involve gathering like-minded individuals, securing a safe location, and building a self-sustaining community. His leadership and survival skills would be crucial in this endeavor. This community could serve as a neutral ground in the turbulent politics of the region, potentially becoming a force for peace and stability. Athir's journey would involve diplomacy, resource management, and the challenges of uniting people from diverse backgrounds under a common cause.

  2. ** If this is placed in the wrong forum, I apologize and kindly ask that it is moved. **


    Good evening, Lord of the Craft! Currently, I am in search for individuals who are willing to fill a role in my Qalasheen-based family. I am not currently looking for adolescent characters, as all of the roles that need to be filled at pre-made and are above the age of 26. Now, before I provide more detail I would like to set a few things straight: This family is NOT a noble family. It will be a middle-class family with a reputable military prestige that will start off with residency in Al-Wakrah (Capital of Khalestine.) Another notable mention is that as the patriarch of this family, I will NOT be in control of your character or your character's life. Everything you choose to do for your character is your own character's choice and I will not ever attempt to OOCly kick you out of the family for any reason, however this does not mean that if you break the family's traditions and rules that it will not be held against you In Character. The purpose of this family is to be apart of small community within the greater community of LOTC and to build IC along with OOC connections and friendships. We will host family events such as IC holidays and celebrate OOC birthdays in collaboration with your character's birthday. With this being said, there are a few requirements before I will accept anyone into the family:


    Ability to use Skype & Teamspeak (No microphone required)

    Been active on LOTC for at least one month and plan to continue activity on the server


    Respect the family by informing me if you choose to leave the family (we can stage an In Character PK) and informing me if you have to go inactive for any reason


    Willing to utilize the "autoage" feature as I intend for this family to continue to grow with natural deaths and births occuring.


    The characters that need to be played are all of the age 26 or older, with a Qlasi mother who died while giving birth to her youngest child. . Each person can provide their own skin otherwise I will provide one for them. Now, with that being said I will list the characters whose roles that need filling from oldest to youngest:


    (RESERVED) Abdul-Jabbar Ibn Athir (33 Years Old; Born in 1482) 

    Abdul-Majid Ibn Athir (31 Years Old; Born in 1484)

    (TAKEN) Abuld-Hamid Ibn Athir (28 Years Old; Born in 1487)

    Adila [First Twin]  (26 Years Old; Born in 1489)

    Aisha [second Twin] (26 Years Old; Born in 1489)


    Further information regarding the family and it's name will be provided after each role is accounted for. Otherwise, if you require a brief explanation about any of these characters, please message me on the forums or PM me in-game as 0ct4v10


    Hope to hear from you soon! Thanks!


  3. 243gsjs.png

    Sentinels of the Caliphate; Emissaries of the Iman Al-Rashidun




     Enacting as the primary fighting force of the Caliphate; the first duty of the faction is the safeguarding of the Caliph and his family, the second duty is ensuring the protection of the lands and the territories of Khalestine, and the third duty is to uphold the Iman Al-Rashidun. These duties are what hold the faction together and are inculcated into each warrior through years of training.





    Directly under the authority of the caliph is the chief commander in charge of the Al-Qahasahabah forces and all martial activities within the caliphate.




    Three advisors are assigned under the position of the amir; these individuals are often wise men with a responsibility of administering the logistical, diplomatic, and strategic aspects of war.




    Senior officers with many years of experience who are often placed in power of a group of muharibs during military expeditions or training sessions.




    Junior officers who display exceptional leadership skills are assigned as assistant leaders to provide aide to the training and leadership of the muharibs.





    Grouped at the bottom the Al-Qalasahabah forces are the well-disciplined footmen and militiamen who serve as the primary protectors of the caliphate and the bulk of the battlefield during war.




    Special unit consisting of elite warrior who exhibit adequate martial expertise in battle; these warriors are especially experienced in one-on-one combat and are often dispatched slay the enemy's champions before battle in order to undermine their troops morale.


    Tulay'a Mutahrikkah

    "Mobile Guard"

    Exclusive cavalry force reserved for experienced warriors who are worthy to be trained in mounted combat; these mounted warriors are required to complete training as foot soldiers before they can be assigned to this group.  



    "My duty as an upholder of the Iman Al-Rashidun now begins.

    I am the shield of Allah,

    Protecting his land and his people.

    I am the sword of Allah,

    Striking down his enemies.

    I am the guardian of Allah's will,

    Spreading his will and his light.

    My bond is eternal.


    My duty as a companion of the Al-Qalasahabah now begins.

    I am my companions' shield,

    I shall defend him when he cannot himself.

    I am my companions' sword,

    I shall strike for him when he cannot himself.

    I am the protector of his honor,

    For we stand as one.

    I will fight alongside my companions.

    I will die alongside my companions.

    My bond is eternal."



    Weaponry preferred by the warriors of the Al-Qalasahabah tend to be quicker, lighter, precise, and influenced by both Qalasheen and Subudai cultures. Likewise, the armor strays away from the heavy plate and chain that many other cultures use which makes the armory of the Al-Qalasahabah relatively unique throughout the Isles of Vailor. The Al-Qalasahabah arsenal consists of spears, sabres, glaives, short bows, and shields and lightweight armour.
    *More information to be added.*



    Those who aspire to join the Al-Qalasahabah are encouraged to contact

    Amir Bahadir Timurogul al-Yelbegkhai (Faunherer)

    Mushir Athir Al-Ghalib (0CT4V10)

    or journey to Al-Wakhrah (X: -2100, Z: 900) for information about enlistment.





    **Please DO NOT respond with OOC content.**

  4. * A gutsy man with a nose that appears to be bigger than his face is seen travelling around with a small herd of goats and occasionally placing a poster on nearby walls.*


    Looking for an assistant innkeeper at the Ruskan Jolly Inn & Tavern in Rosemoor. Housing, food, and a negotiated payment will be provided for service. The job will consist of managing the Inn when I am not around, therefore it is recommended that you have experience in cooking and brewing (although not required.) Also, you will occasionally have to tend the carrot garden. If you are interested, leave a post or stop by at the Inn and tell me yourself. 


    -Godefroi Hemlar Forsard


    (( Looking for someone active in an American timezone to manage the Inn at day-time due to the current owner only being active at nights. ((damn aussie) If you are interested reply in this post. However, it is recommended that you have knowledge on the brewing plugin ahead of time. ))

  5. Imperial Citizenship Form 1.0.0
    Name: Uther
    Surname/House: Aslan
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Citizen Ship Class (A or B): B
    Physical Description
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 195
    Eye Color: Blue
    Hair Color: Blonde
    Skin Color/Shade: Light Skinned
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: N/A
    Personal Information
    Home Address: N/A
    Nation of Residence: Salvus
    Profession/Occupation: Salvus Shield
    Oath(s) of Loyalty
    "I, Uther Aslan, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  6. Imperial Citizenship Form 1.0.0
    Name: Leonard 
    Surname/House: None. (Lowborn)
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Citizenship Class: B
    Physical Description

    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 165lb
    Eye Color: Blue
    Hair Color: Light Brown/Blonde
    Skin Color/Shade: Light Skinned
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: None.
    Personal Information

    Home Address: N/A
    Nation of Residence: Salvus 
    Profession/Occupation: N/A
    Oath(s) of Loyalty
    "I, Leonard, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."

  7. Is there any specific jobs this hunchback would be doing in service to Edward? I was interested in perhaps making a new character.

    Yes, the Chaplain will touch the hunchback's private parts. Just like every other alter boy. ))\



    What are the personality requirments for the character? If any? ))

  8. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: 0CT4V10 (ZERO-C-T-FOUR-V-ONE-ZERO)

    How old are you?: 18

    Time-Zone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have and do.

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I've role played over various different games, as-well as Minecraft's HOGMC.

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I heard of it upon different minecraft servers. My curiousity urged me, and here I am applying.

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: N/A


    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above):   Yes, I have.

    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes, I have.

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Role-playing is taking upon the role of a character and playing it out as you would if you were really that character in his situation. The most important thing about role-playing is building a unique character story.

    Meta-gaming: Meta-gaming is the use of OOC information in an IC situation. This is not aloud because it is unrealistic as your character would not be able to use the OOC information which realistically doesn't exist in his world.

    Power-emoting: Power-emoting would be role-playing another player's actions for them, this is not aloud because it gives players an advantage over other players in role-play.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Magnus Serpens

    Current Age: 18 (Age is to be changed to younger after acceptance.)

    Sub-race (if any): Northerner

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long): 


         Magnus Serpens was born to a lowborn courtier father and mother of the Holy Oren Empire. As a young child he kept a good relation to his father, until his father was drafted into the army to fight in the war against the undead from which he never returned. On the night of his father's death, Magnus received a final gift that was left by his father from the messenger. It was a small dagger that was purchased from a halfing merchant, it was made of unique material and hand the words " parva bellator" embedded on the handle which means "little warrior." Magnus did cry when he learnt of his father's fate, but later accepted it as an honor to have descended from a man that served and died in a war for a noble cause.

        Magnus and his widowed mother moved to the peasant village of Ager as his mother wanted to settle down in a more peaceful area that didn't remind her of her dead husband. Shortly thereafter the death of his mother came as she become ill and died in her sleep. This left him young and alone. Magnus made a negotiated with a farmer from Ager that stated he could live and work on his farm until he was of age to be on his own. This is where he lived until his eighteenth birthday, when he thanked the farmer for his hospitality and packed his belongings to begin his new adventure and discover his true fate. 

    Ambitions for the Future: Further learn the arts of the sword. Find a path towards knighthood and chivalry.


    Personality: Young and confident mindset, very ambitious of his future plans and suffers from great wanderlust. Always attempting to learn new things, and will often pay close attention when something is being taught of him. Shows respect towards people who deserve it, and often speaks harshly towards people who don't deserve it.

    Skills: Advanced learner, quick at picking up new skills. Well educated, reads books often. Apprentice at using a sword, still learning but performs confidently. Charismatic abilities, skilled diplomat.

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): Young and of average build. He has brown hair and followed by green eyes. Usually seen wearing common clothing, unless armored for battle reasons.


    Any other details you wish to share about your character: Will always often keep a positive aura and  attempt to make peace between others, however is slightly racist when it comes to non-humans being involved with him. He believes that humans are the superior race and will usually never show this racist trait unless angered or stressed. His biggest weakness is his self-pride.

    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.

    1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperor’s palace - he is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do you do?

    The purpose of Magnus being in Arethor on this night was in purchase of supplies, he arrived later than expected at night-time and had to purchase a room at the inn until the shops opened in the morning. He noticed the dark-clothed figure as he stepped outside for a breathe of air. Magnus knew instantly that something was suspicious about the man, and ventured back inside the inn where two guards had came to relax and drink ale. "There is a suspicious man heading towards the palace, shouldn't you two be on duty? Surely his intentions are not good, you should go find out for yourself." The two guards looked up at Magnus with lazy expressions, and hesitantly got up to go investigate the man. He would have handled it himself, however he felt it wasn't his duty, and he could have gotten himself into trouble. Magnus did not follow and instead, remained at the inn and was just about to take a sip of freshly ordered ale when yelling was heard outside. Curiously, he got up and headed outside to see what the problem was. The dark-clothed figure that was seen earlier was now on the floor, covered in blood, and one of the guards was injured. The injured guard seemed rather upset from his wound, as the other guard kicked the dead man's body. "Filthy assassin." The guard noticed Magnus. "You! Good looking out peasant, if it weren't for you someone of worth could have been murdered by the hands of this scumbag. Now get inside so we can handle this." Magnus nodded with respect as he headed back inside the inn, gulped down his ale, and entered his room to fall into a deep slumber.

    2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it stands an unstable old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with leather armour and an iron longsword, how do you react?

    Magnus peers through the trees towards the violent situation. He was sent to gather branches for a camp fire by the caravan. One of his thoughts was that he could have went back to the camp and get help, but by the time he got back the old man could have been hurt. Suddenly the old man shouted towards the two men, and defensively began to swing his iron sword to ward the men off. The bandits violently disarmed him without hesitation, and one of them raised his axe to end the old man's life. "Wait!" Magnus shouted, and the bandits responded with pause. They turned towards Magnus with a confusion and shock, as he approached them passively but hastily. "Dont-... don't hurt him." Magnus' voice trembled. "I will pay the taxes for this man's life, please take it all." He unlatched his coin-purse, giving away all of his gold to one of the bandits, whom still confused accepted it and squinted in Magnus' direction. "Fool, now you will die as-well as this old man, regardless that you pay for his debts." the bandit remarked as he raised his axe to strike towards Magnus. "Stop, forget these two, they've paid their debts, it's not worth decaying our weapons and staining our clothes come on, let's leave these fools." The armed bandit hesitated as he lowered his axe and they both left on their horses. Magnus helped the old man to his feet, as he was thanked. "No need to thank me, those bandits were fools as you cant put a price on life." They both traded a few words before Magnus departed towards the encampment. Magnus knew that some people may have considered this a cowardly way to go at the situation, however he didn't care, all that mattered to him was that he had saved the life of an innocent soul.

    3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when you notice a small man standing behind a colourful stall. You approach the stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain: your haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).

    Magnus was travelling to the nearest town for supplies, which is where he spotted this merchant. While passing by his eye was caught by a unique sword. Recently he has been thinking about buying the old farmer, whom he had lived with at a young age, a gift, and the sword was perfect for just that. The merchant explained that there was no set prices and that all of the belongings were items he picked up on his adventures around the continent. Magnus envisioned the sword to be worth a value around 30 coins and was going to attempt to get it as cheap as he could. "I'll give you 20 coins for the sword, it seems to have no sentimental value and I might as-well take it off your hands." The merchant hastily shook his head, and responded with saying "I'll give it to you for 40 coins, it may have no set value, but it is still a perfectly fine weapon that can be used." Magnus frowned to himself as he couldn't afford that amount for the sword, instead he tried to make himself more persistent by saying a new price. "Twenty five coins, although you may be right about the sword, however most people in search of weapons will go to a blacksmith for items that are more properly crafted." The merchant hesitated then finally balanced the price at exactly 30 coins. Although Magnus was hoping he could get it cheaper, he wasn't an experienced haggler, so he respectfully agreed and wrapped the gift up so that he could deliver it to his old friend.

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