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Posts posted by TheEnder

  1. EDIT: disregard this reply


    I see no reason for you to be sarcastic about this. The kha' are fine in numbers, most hang around the sanctuary. However, many people are waiting for 4.0 to kick in before they become active again, with this number slowly growing, less people are being left on the server to actually play kha.


    Secondly, whatever business you get into with apes is yours to handle, don't bring the the ruler of the kha' into petty squabbles or trading, that's like asking the king to back you up in a bar fight. The Tla' (Geo) is a pretty cool guy, he just lives in a different time zone and can't afford to be on all the time. By the way, applications were removed due to low player count (idk the true reason) and they are a matter you can discuss with the more elder kha' over PM/IM.


    Finally, I believe we have posts on Kha' magic in our roleplay section, our magic is used mainly by priests, and it requires training to handle, otherwise it is possible to learn normal magic, if not a priest, however you'd have to consult someone more qualified to see which forms are considered heresy to practice. 


    I hope that helped, remember that we're people as well, and you can ask for help without being rude.

  2. Ha, Cheetrah race ams best race.


    For one thing, whatever you might say of the Tigrasi is negated by my headcannon that all Tigrasi are at a lower mental capacity when it comes to deriving complex situations, as well as handicapped thought process (i.e. they think slower to balance their immense strength). Although all Tigrasi I know personally (heh) tend to be warm-hearted and well spoken.


    My argument for the Cheetrah would be that they're quite flexible when worst comes to worst, and they have a "take-things-as-they-come" attitude that lets them breeze by tough situations, making them better prepared for nomadic life. The downside being a shorter life span due to poor decisions, turning a blind eye to the possible outcomes.


    Of course, all of this can be changed if you choose to rp them otherwise, just my thoughts. ((ps all pantera are whores))

  3. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - enderholubec
    How old are you?: - 14
    What time-zone do you live in?: - US Central Time Zone.
    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes, once, on a short-lived Fallout RP server.
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - (see above question)
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - Almost, but I lost my App.
    How did you hear about us?: - My Friend, Goldensword2
    What do you think the server will be like?: - Fun, however very serious.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - yes (insert checked box).
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - The "strip Mining Rule", because it encourages realistic and grueling mining.
    What is roleplaying?: - Pretending to be a certain character in order to tell/create a story.
    What’s metagaming?: - Using knowledge gained from outside RP in RP situations to your advantage.
    What’s powergaming?: - Forcing certain outcomes on other players in RP.
    In-Character Information
    What’s your character called?: - Rahzan
    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Kha' Cheetrah
    What sex are they?: - Male
    How old are they?: - 20 years, by my count.
    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): - To put things gracefully, Rahzan didn't have the most ideal upbringing in comparason to most Kha. Born in Karakatua's final days, his father forewent proper courting etiquette and impregnated Rahzan's mother without second thought, leading to his subsequent banishment. With only his munna to care for him,
    Rahzan had to learn to defend himself and soon underwent the trials. After emerging as a cub he quickly found his life upturned by the hands of Metztli when forced to evacuate Karakatua, losing his mother in the process. Now the last survivor of his dishonered family, he wishes to remake his name and grow stronger in the eyes of Metztli.
    What are they like (personality)?: - Rahzan has been a clever bastard ever since his his illegitiment conception; and maintains many different guises in order to be accepted among his fellow Kharajyr.
    What are their ambitions?: - To make a new name for himself and serve the Metztli, while accomplishing his own agenda...
    Do they have any special skills?: - Running, supremely fast, off into the sunset, supposedly under the excuse that he'd just remember he'd left his blade in some other corpse.
    What are their weaknesses?: - Rahzan often covers his cowardly and devious demeanor with a tough and rash attitude, causing him to escalate situations out of proportion at times.
    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - Relatively short, with yellowish-Orange tussled fur and deep, jet black blotches streaking his fur;along with his olive green eyes.
    Anything else you want to say about them?: - (keep in mind, while devious, Rahzan is NOT evil by any means, just shifty). 
    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - 
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