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Posts posted by mrcartires

  1. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: mrcartires

    How old are you?: 14

    Time-Zone: EST

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I have been on a couple minecraft RP servers, RP forums, and 2 Gmod RP servers.

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: My best friend Hudson ((Quavinir_Signus
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server:

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so:

    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes, I have, and I will try my best to use it thouroughly in my app.

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Role-playing at it's core is a form of acting, in which one improvises constantly while being in-character to certain people and stimuli.

    Meta-gaming: Meta-gaming is when one uses out-of-character to influence In-Charcter RP interactions, usualy for one's own benefit. (Example: Player1 sees lore on a special magic in which pear juice makes them completely weak, yett no-one knows about it, yet, player1 uses pear juice on player2, making him powerless. despite the fact that player1 would have no idea IC'ly that pear juice would make the magic useless, thus, screwing RP.

    Power-emoting: Power-emoting is when one emotes or "Does" something that gives them an unfair/out-of-character advantagem such as a child killing an orc with there bare hands, a beginner mage summoning a massive fireball with no loss of energy, or a swordsman simply dodging 5 blows and jabs at once.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Bluvark Thaddeus Signus
    Current Age: 35

    Sub-race: Northerner

    Past / History:
    Bluvark Thaddeus Signus was born in Salvus, Asluon, to an albino mother of clan Signus, and an normal father. And was quite the surprise. Being the second born of a set of twins, Bluvark was not at all expected, as his parents thought that they would only have one child, they were even more surprised to see that Bluvark was born with blue eyes, a rare trait for someone that was albino, and was commonly accepted as an omen of someone having great pain in there life. More surprisingly still, Bluvark was born bruised, and beaten, and yet, his twin Redmond ,had not the slightest bump on him, making Bluvark appear that he beat himself inside the womb.


    So Bluvark's parents deduced that Bluvark would have much pain in his life, and most of it would be self-inflicted.


    At age 3, Bluvark's parents were forced to move to Elysium, the cursed land. And while Bluvark's father favored his twin Redmond, Bluevark's mother favored him. Bluvark bonded closely with his mother, and for the most part of his childhood, would spend the entire day with his mother, helping her clean their meaker home, and cook the meals that his brother and father would need for the day.


    At age 12, Bluvark's mother chose to make some studies for her son, for he had learned no trade, nor bore any want to do any occupation. And his mother began trying to teach him both history, proper language. Yet, none of those intrigued Bluvark as much as math, Bluvark adored math. And upon learning simply basic math, he began to study math meticulously, sometimes  spenindg hours in his room simply theorizing about numbers, and sequences, and by age 15 was able to calculate, and solve complex calculus problems with ease.


    Though, as Bluvark would stay at home, create math problems, and help his mother, Bluvark barely had any social interaction with anyone other than his family, and he began to become socially awkward, tending to avoid ever going outside of his home, unless being completly necessary. Causing him to barely have any physical skills, and upon even attepting to run anywhere, BLuvark would fall flat on his face.


    In the summer of Bluvark's 23rd (after they had moved to Kalos) year his father died at the age of 64, Bluvark was broken. Though, he was not at all close to his father he saw his mother in such pain and loss, that he could barely live to see such pain and agony in someone he loved. And he did his best to console his mother, and in his attempts, Bluvark learned something of himself, and began to see what was truly important in life. He saw how his mother felt such pain from losing someone, how important life was, and how everyday was a blessing.


    From that day forward, Bluvark began to be more open, he journeyed out of the house more often, he began to make friends, and overall, Bluvark was content for many years, never wanting more than he had, and never being said when he lost something he used to have. and overall, bluvark was happy, relying on his brother to make the money for the family, and he himelf caring for his mother in her old age.


    In the winter of Blurvark's 27th year, his mother died, Bluvark again was broken, he adored his mother, she was his pillar, his guide, his life. Yet, Bluvark coped, he passed on, he had to, and so, in the stages of grief, Bluvark rode the boat to Anthos crying, doing math problems to hide his grief.


    Upon arriving in Anthos Bluvark got a small shack outside of Kingston with the small amount money his mother had left to him. And bluvark began using his adept skills in math to barter goods at ever so slightly higher price he bought them at, using calculations of demand, and currency inflation to find the perfect price to sell goods at.


    Though upon the evacuation of Kingston, Bluvark was left with no business, nor any money, so he became a beggar, and was commonly insulted and beaten due to his pale visage, and bearing looks simlar to a corpse. And in the fall of Bluvark's 35th year, many knights of Oren sought it out to kill him, and they almost did. They beat, sliced, stabbed, and strangled Bluvark to what they believed would kill him, for the pale man was defenseless, and was left for dead on the Anthos highway.


    Though, thankfuly, Bluvark was revived by the monks of the cloud temple, And Bluvark began to contemplate what he would do now, hated by Oren, no job, and only the monkbread given to him to sustain his very life, Bluvark thought of his options, and than remebered, his family's presence in Ager, So, Bluvark, now revived, healthy, and with some food, prepares to set off to Ager, to reclaim a living, and restart his life.




    Ambitions for the Future:  Bluvark hopes to simply have a home, and be around people whom he cares about, and nothing more. he does not care for wealth, nor any form of fame, or  popularity.

    Personality: Bluvark is extremly jolly, and is rarely ever unhappy, or sad, and is almost gullible with kindness to people. Though, he is prone to acts of bravodo/heroism which usualy end with injury on his part.

    Skills: Extremly adept bartering and mercantile skills, and cooking.


    Any other details you wish to share about your character: I was mentioned in Redmond's app, and my app co-insides with it. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/88388-human-redmond-signus/?hl=%2Bredmond+%2Bsignus

    I have also been approved too be part of clan Signus by it's patriarch, Quavinir Signus


    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.

    1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperor’s palace - he is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do you do?

    Bluvark sees the man, and looks at the guards, whom are oblivious to the obviouslyshady man's presence, so Bluvark joggs lightly up to the man, "Ello! Shady-mahn? Ello!" The man turns around, a scowl on his face, which quickly transforms into a look of confusion upon seeing the snow-white man. "What do you want?" The man says with a rhaspy voice. "Eh, you look obviously up to no good, and you are valkeeng eento zee palace.." Bluvark says "And so what? what if I am up to no good? and going into the palace? what will you do than?" The shady man says, obviously annoyed "Uh, I vas go-eeng to ask you not to do your shady vork vhile you are here. Eet veel realy roo-een my day eef you go een zere and try to murder or steal somezeeng..." Bluvark says, nodding slightly "And what will you do if I dont listen to you?" the man says, "Vell, I can just follow you, and eef you do anyzeeng zat looks suspeeshus zen I can just yell, and call zee guards." Bluvark says raising his eyebrows "And why would I not run you through if you tried?" the man says, moving his cloak, and displaying a longsword "Vell, Eef you tried, I could just yell, and you vould get caught, and not be able to do your sheeftee vork any time soon." The man curls his lip in anger, and stays silent for a moment "Please? could you please not do you eveel deeds right now? Eet veel realy roo-een alot of good zeengs happeneeng today." Bluvark says, putting his hands to the side, as a gesture of explanation. "You know what? Fine! I wont do my 'Sheefy vork" today..." the man says throwing his hands in the air, and than walks away "Zankyou!" says Bluvark, who smiles at the man, and than follows him down the steps, and back into whatever business he was doing.

    2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it stands an unstable old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with leather armour and an iron longsword, how do you react?

    Answer:  BLuvark see's the old man and the brigands, and stays silent. he furrows his brow, and kneels down a tad low, and trys to listen to the bandits, yet, it is of no avail, Bluvark frowns, and thinks things over  "We need to save the man!" says the heroic part of his mind "Yes, as we have such the abilities and power to do so, You can barely run without falling right on your face!" replies the rational part of his mind. "Shouldnt we do something?" again says the heroic part of his mind. "Yes, we can, we can walk away, and get some help from anyone we see. if we try and  save this man we will die! trying to help would simply be throwing your life away!" says the rational part of his mind, and it wins over. Bluvark quickly begins to jog away from the scene, waiting for someone to come down the road to help the old man.

    3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when you notice a small man standing behind a colourful stall. You approach the stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do?.

    Answer: Bluvark looks over the wares, and finds a descent shovel, and smiles, "Redmond would love a new shovel for his birthday....." he thinks, and tyhan turns to  the stall-keep  "How much for the shovel?" he asks the stall-keep "45 minas!" says the cheery man "45 minas is ridiculous! that shovel is worth no more than 36!" Bluvark replies "How so?" says the man chuckling "Well, Iron is currently being sold for an average of 27 minas, moreso,if a blacksmith bought it for that average, and he would like to make a descent profit, he would sell it for an average of 33 minas, and if youi bought it at that average, than you could sell it for 36 minas, and still make a small profit." Bluvark says "Well, lets say that I dont get it at an average price, lets say I get it at the worst price for 40 minas, and if I wanted to make a descent profit, I would charge 5 minas extra." the man says crossing his arms over his chest. "But this is a trading stall, you could easily get this used shovel for less than 30 minas...som, I offer you 38 minas for that shovel, no more. Bluvark says. The man considers "THere is no swindling you, very well." and the man hands out the shovel, and holds out his other hand for the minas, Bluvark hands over the minas, and takes the shovel, and the man takes the minas gingerly. "Pleasure doing business with ya'" Says the man, "Likewise.." replies Bluvark, whom quickly walks away.

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