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Posts posted by ttfking

  1. =Application=




    MC Name: ttfking


    Time Zone: GMT:00


    If you have an accepted VA, please list which evils(None are required): I have none at the moment


    Do you have skype? If so, please post your skype name: PM me for it, I don't wish to post it here




    What is yer name?: James Redwood


    What is yer race?: Human

    What combat skills have ye?: I have 14 years of sword experience and 5 years with the bow. As you can I have bulky and  large muscles, therefore I am strong and capable of lifting heavy items this may come in handy one day. I am loyal and one to be trusted as I to wish to end the evil in these lands.


    What non-combat skills have ye?: Stealth you could say. Despise my size I am rather silent when I need to be, I am rather quick, but depending on the speed I am running I can lose my breath.


    Do ye agree to fight for the greater good, and not be blinded by personal greed, to always strive to improve the world around ye?:

    I agree to fight for the greater good, and not be blinded by personal greed and to always strive to improve the world around me.

  2. MC User Name: ttfking


    In Game Name: James Arthur


    Character Bio:((Optional, Would good too post though):


    James' city in which he lived when he was young was attacked and destroyed. Everyone he held dear was eliminated from this world, he had nothing but a map and a note that his father gave him. The map showed the way to Anthos, but before he set sail he went out to receive special training to avenge his city's fall and to prevent the destruction he was witnessed. He has know arrived in Anthos and seeks out a new life.


    Your Specialty: (Such as some everyday skills or combat skills): Bow precision, longsword fighting, crossbow precision, accuracy with tomahawk/throwing knives.


    What is your character Alignment?: Lawful Good


    Do you have a VA? if so what, for what evils?: Minor for 1a

  3. *Posters are hung up around populated areas of Anthos*


    "People of Anthos, my name is James Arthur

    and I have many things to sell to YOU!

    Send me a bird at this address

    *address written here*

    We will meet at a desired location and speak business!"

    Prices can be discussed

  4. *James sticks a poster to the board it reads-*

    "Do you need resources to build what you desire?

    If so visit the Aderladi manor and ask for James Richard.

    We sell cobble, logs, planks and most of your everyday tools for

    a cheap price!" 

    -If James is not at the manor you may find him at 

    Salvus or Horengrad (Tov avev)-

  5. MC Name: ttfking

    Full RP Name: James Richard

    Race: Human

    Occupation: Possibly a ranger.

    Skype/Teamspeak (other means of communication): (( I will PM it to you ))

    Clan/Guild (Optional): Ranger (Maybe)

    How do you know Ferron? (Optional): Through my older brother, Luke.

    What do you wish to achive in Vaerhaven? (Optional)
    : To serve and protect it against attacks.

  6. Are you in search of iron ingots?

    Perhaps for armour and or swords?

    Then send a bird to James Richard ((ttfking))

    He can be found in Salvus, Horengrad and


    Ingots as cheap as 20 minas.

    (Armour price dependable on iron ingot price)

    We currently have 73 ingots in stock

    We currently have 4 sets of iron armour in stock


    So hurry up and send a bird to James Richard

  7. Name:
    James Richard
    Skill in fighting:
    Lond ranged archery, dagger and tomahawk throwing and speed.
    Weapon you have and wish to train in:
    Tomahawk and bow
    Previous guild or military experience:
    None yet.
    Criminal record:
    None yet.
    OOC Application
    Mc name:
    Skype name:
    (( I'd rather PM it to you ))
    Short Character Bio:
    James' city in which he lived was destroyed my a dangerous group of men.
    Only one of them survived, James underwent 8 years of training
    until he finally found the last remaining man and followed him to Anthos.
    Luke (his brother) told James of his friends within Anthos and who he should trust.
    James now hopes to be accepted into the rangers.
    Accepted Villain Applications: 
    Hours you are online each day:
    Weekdays w/school-
    4pm GMT- 8pmGMT
    Weekdays without w/o school-
    8am GMT- 9pm GMT
    Weekends are the same as weekdays w/o school.
    (Note: These times may change )
  8. Name: James Richard


    Age:  21


    Race: Human 


    Skill in fighting: Long ranged archery, dagger and tomahawk throwing and speed. 


    Weapon you have and wish to train in: I train with a bow and tomahawk


    Previous guilds or military you were in: None.


    Criminal record: None


    OOC Application


    Mc name: ttfking


    Skype name:  (I'd prefer to PM you it )


    Short Character Bio:

    James' home city was attacked everyone killed except himself and his father. His father trained him for 8 years perfecting bow and dagger/tomahawk throwing skills.  He then found out the man responsible for the murder of his city was heading to Anthos and soon after followed him. He got in touch with his older brother Luke and he informed James of everything that was going on in Anthos. James now seeks adventure and friends within the land


    Accepted Villian Applications:  None yet.


    Hours you are on a day:Weekdays- 4pmGMT-8pmGMT

    Weekends 7amGMT-9pmGMT

    (These times may change if under certain circumstances)

  9. [b]Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: ttfking

    How old are you?: 12

    Time-Zone: GMT


    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I have played on many Gmod RP server and that has made me know alot about RP.


    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: My older brother plays it.


    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server:

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): I have posted it


    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: I have.



    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Change of personality to fit a certain role either made by the person or someone else.

    Meta-gaming: Using out of game information in game, thus giving your character the advantage.

    Power-emoting: Forcing an attack or something on a player without their consent. Example-

    *Bob stabs Jeff in the back*

    It should be-

    *Bob attempts to stab Jeff in the back*


    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: James Richard

    Current Age: 21

    Sub-race (if any):


    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long:

    James grew up in a normal environment in a small city. The city's population was around 60-120 people but the city was running quite well. His brother disappeared His mother died during James' birth and his father was to distraught about his wife's passing to carry on, but throughout James' childhood James' father, Thomas, grew more and more happy by the day. James grew up thinking his father was a banker but was really the City's guard Captain. It was James' 13th birthday when he realized his father was not a banker.

    James was celebrating his birthday with the entire city. Even strangers were turning up to the party and celebrating with him. It was then when the city's main gates were knocked down. 3 men entered the city looking rather angry. Thomas, James' father, ordered the guards to arrest the men but to no avail. The guards were shot by arrows that seemed to be coming out of no where. More arrows were flying out of the sky and hitting the civilians. James ran for his life, he headed towards the back exit but saw that there were more of these evil men waiting, he instantly turned when he saw them and made for his secret exit in the basement of his home.

    The end of the secret exit was in the hills, and as he exited through the exit and climbed up the mountain and witnessed the massacre. Everywhere he looked in the city he saw people being shot, stabbed and being taken away. He waited there for hours and hours until he could cope with it no more and ventured down towards the city. As he walked in he saw his father crying and he approached him.

    "Father, who were those men. And clearly you are no banker either" Thomas just simply said nothing and walked out the city with James. He then looked back around and said;

    "Son, from here I am going to train you. I am not able to fight anymore. You will be the one to kill those men who attacked here today"

    For the next 8 years James trained and learnt new skills such as long ranged archery, how to increase his speed, dagger throwing and he learnt how to make his movements silent. For an extra training job he was sent to knock out two bandits that were spotted in the forest, he used his skills to quickly take care of them both and returned to his father.

    "Well done, son. I have taught you well. I have spotted what seems to be a rather large city over there. Perhaps we should head towards it." James and Thomas finally arrived at the city and was welcomed with a free home and supply of food.

    Whilst on this city he saw one of the men who destroyed his village.

    "Father look! He is one of the men who destroyed our village." Thomas replied quickly and told him to follow the man. James then said his goodbyes and followed the man who ended up at the local docks. James overheard his conversation.

    " Alright, Ben. The city raid went brilliantly. Now to head to Anthos and take a look round there. I heard there was a city named Horengrad, the capital. I have seen drawings of it and it looks perfect. The emperors name slips my mind but I believe it was Emperor Godfrey. Either way I am going to scout it out." James waited until the man had left on his ship and then bought his own to Anthos. He did his research and found out that his brother, Luke Richard, was living there. This made him want to go more.

    James finally has landed at Anthos and begins his search for the man who destroyed his city and murdered his friends. He asks around and gets a message to his brother, Luke, and tells him to meet him at a place named the Cloud Temple. Luke then took him to Salvus and showed James the shields. Then James was taken to Malinor where the battle commenced days before. Luke then explained how he was in Kalos and the skys turned to red and everything was being destroyed and how the orcs had a battle with the humans whilst sailing towards Anthos. Luke also told James about the hatred between nations. That the orc nation was mainly shunned upon and that Oren and Malinor were currently enemies. Now with the information about Anthos, James begins his search for the bandit who destroyed his city.




    Ambitions for the Future:[/b] To find the man who destroyed his city and to work with his brother

    Personality:[/b] He is happy and talkative and can be quite cheeky. He is completely random and will say stuff just out of the blue. When the mentioning of parents comes into conversation he gets angry and sad this creates confusion in his mind.

    Skills:[/b] Lond ranged archery, dagger and tomahawk throwing and speed. One flaw is that when he was training with his father he dislocated his arm, this sometimes causes the use with a sword quite difficult.

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):[/b]NYH79ek.png?1?7502


    Any other details you wish to share about your character:[/b] He has a goatee.




    [i]Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.[/i]


    [b]1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperors palace - he is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do you do?[/b]

    Answer: I use my skills that my father taught me about staying silent. I quietly approach the guards and before whispering to them I quickly check back the man, who at the time is almost at the gates.

    "Guards there is a man dangerously close to the palace gates, he could bring bad intentions." I whisper. The guards look over my shoulder and see the man attempting to pick lock the gate. I tell the guards to hide around the corner as I pick up a rock and throw it at the hooded man. He leaves the gate and charges around the corner only to be faced with the guards and I. The man is instantly arrested, I am thanked and I carry on.

    [b]2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it stands an unstable old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with leather armour and an iron longsword, how do you react?[/b]

    Answer: I observe the situation closely trying not to miss anything. I overhear that the old man owes money to the two men and that they don't want to harm him. I get behind the bushes that are directly behind the two men and throw a large rock towards one of their heads. It lands near them and they both turn around. They come towards the bush and then using my speed I pull out my tomahawk and stand up I aim and throw my tomahawk. The bandit uses his sword and somehow deflects the tomahawk. I then pull out both my daggers as they run towards me. One swings and I duck and roll behind him, in a quick move I kick the bandits leg whilst he is not looking and he falls. The other one tries to stamp on me but I jiggle my body around furiously in attempt to roll backwards, I do but the Bandit throws a rock at my face, stumble backwards and pick up my daggers. He runs at me and when he is at point blank range I simply hold out my face as his face comes ever so closer to it. The old man winces as the bandit drops to the ground. I turn to him and say hopefully they won't come back. I drag the bodies off into a stream and continue on my way.

    [b]3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when you notice a small man standing behind a colourful stall. You approach the stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain: your haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).[/b]


    I see a nice iron sword that shimmers in the daylight. I understand I am aloud to barter but wondering how much I should start my bid.

    "That iron sword there, please. " *The dwarf takes it down and places it on the table*

    "Hmm. It has no rust and no visible damage or stains. The handle is in good condition." *I pick up the sword*

    "It swings well too and it's light. Perfect for my bad arm. 50 minas"

    The dwarf replies with a smile

    "That cost me 2 and a half iron ingots to make. How about 55?"

    "55 is a fair deal, but I know someone who sells iron for 20 an ingot. So please. 50 minas."

    The Dwarf acknowledges this as he has heard of this man as well.

    "50 minas then please"

    I hand the money and take the sword and sheath it, looking rather happy with my self.

  10. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: ttfking
    How old are you?: 12
    Time-Zone: GMT
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes I have read them.
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I have been on many other roleplay servers in the past and my experience of role playing has expanded over time.
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: My older brother plays it and it looks pretty good. 
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server:
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above):
    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes I will.

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: The change of ones behavior to fulfill a different role.
    Meta-gaming: When game information outside of the game is used in game to give the player an advantage. E.g-

    A team of dungeon explorers come across an unknown monster in-game. A character knows this monster through out-of-game information. and uses that information in-game to defeat it.
    Power-emoting:  Power-emoting is an act of forcing the result of one's actions on another character without their consent. E.G- *Player1 stabs Player2" Player1 did not give P2 a chance to react to his attack that is power-emoting.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: James Richard
    Current Age: 23
    Sub-race (if any):
    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long): 

    James grew up in the northern lands of Asulon. He was born into fighting and born into selling weapons from a young age.

    His family were quite well known in the North but were quite hated as well. The Richards had many battles with different family's and always came on top. James sold weapons since he was 8 and trained with them since he was 8 as well. After his many years of training he decided he would join his Family's guard and became a knight. He fought well in battle to protect his Father but the other familys had joined up and attacked as one. James was knocked out by a group of angry orcs. When he woke up he discovered that his father had been stabbed and that the murderers were gone. He got what supplies who could, buried his Father and set off to the south where he discovered an Elven land named Malinor. He docked the ships with them as the lands were torn apart by the fireballs. 
    Ambitions for the Future: To serve as a family guard, to find his fathers killer and fight for good.
    Personality: He his quite a happy person normally, but when he hears the word father of Dad he goes all dark. Remembering how he failed his father. Usually he is happy and quite serious.
    Skills: He has skills as a fighter. Good with a long sword and good with a bow. He also is quite fast and agile.
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):









    Any other details you wish to share about your character:

    [i]Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.[/i]

    [b]1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperors palace - he is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do you do?[/b]

    Answer: I would let the guards do their jobs and shout to them. I wouldn't want anyone innocent getting hurt.

    [b]2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it stands an unstable old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with leather armour and an iron longsword, how do you react?[/b]

    Answer: I would go closer and silently go behind the two men, I would swipe one of the bandits feet so he would fall over then I would attack the other bandit with my longsword.Then I would say to the other bandit: "You better go now and not return." I would then return all stolen items back to the old man.

    [b]3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when you notice a small man standing behind a colourful stall. You approach the stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain: your haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).[/b]

    Answer: I would go to buy an iron longsword. 

    Me- 50 minas

    The dwarf looks at me as if to say Your kidding.

    Dwarf- Bah! 75 minas.

    I think about it and try to meet him in the middle.

    Me- 65 minas.

    Dwarf- 70 minas.

    Me- 65 and I will throw in some bread and some wood.

    Dwarf- Deal!

    I give him the money and pass him the wood and bread, then I take my longsword and walk out the shop. 

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