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Posts posted by JPach

  1. The four 'big' races are sponsored. I don't actually agree with this at all. The rule is mostly for non-sponsored groups. This includes, halflings, necros, or any other congregation of the four races that aren't apart of their main races nations.

    I might be wrong.

    The Main races are always safe because new players are always joining the Capitals. Mainly experienced players are breaking off into the different sub-factions. That is why this would never happen to a main race. They aren't ELIMINATING halflings. People can still be them. They aren't allowing the Halfling town to have it's own island. If they establish an effective populous, They CAN regain their lost land again. They just need to re-meet the requirements.

  2. I played Hallfings in the past(Anthos). When I returned to this map a little spout of Inactivity due to work and stuff. I returned as a Halfling and I was greeted to the village with no one online. for 2 days. I saw no one in the Halfling village for 4 hrs a day for 2 days. I finally decided to stop waiting and make a human character so I could find a localized roleplay enviroment. 


    While I've been sitting in Wandering Soul and helping new players with their applications, I've seen multiple players want to apply to become Halflings. I was helping them with halfling lore etc. and I was on the verge of just coming out and saying "The Halflings are an inactive race, I'm sorry but I'm going to suggest that you try and pick a new race." but I didn't because back in Anthos it was a great time and I had some faith that these people would put a better taste in the new players mouths than they left in mine... 


    Finally, I believe that the GM's are giving the same treatment to the Halflings as they would anywhere else. If they make a special exception here. What is to stop inactive (insert any other place here) from claiming this incident as leverage against the GM's. I'd also like to inform you that the same warning was Issued to Salvus. I joined when It was issued on my new human. The Gm's are making a VERY fair and good choice. 


    This can happen to any nation at any time. You aren't being picked on. The staff are being professional and fair. 

  3. The Petition for Salvian Reform.


    Date: 8th of The Grand Harvest, 1519

    Petition Organiser: Cassandra Allenda

    Those of us signed below hereby petition the Inner Council of Salvus to be purged in its entirety, on account of incompetence and neglection.  

    Since our arrival in Vailor, Salvus has fallen to lowers than any in its past. Our leaders have failed to properly do the duties of their stations, and our current government is broken beyond measure

    As a result of incompetence and neglect, Salvus has fallen to , in objectively, the worst surviving state in all terms including Population, Economic Strength, and Martial Ability.



    ((Make sure to link your Passport in your signature.))

  4. I know that I'm not a donator and I don't see your point of view. 


    But, as a player in general, I believe the roleplay should be as realistic as possible. So If people could do it in the setting we would be in as if it was real life. Then it should always be the ultimate goal of the server itself to make the server realistic as possible and lockpicking is something that people did and still do. 


    To all the donators out there. I'm assuming you've been around for a fair share of time. So, you should know plenty about getting minas, so getting enough to buy more stuff wouldn't be so much of a problem, and learning to hide your stuff behind paintings and as people said in the past, If you are a high enough donator rank, you have /echest. 


    In the end, I want lockpicking re-implemented with the following parameters 


    1)The person whose chest is being lockpicked should be online


    2) The person whose chest is being lockpicked should be notified OOCly about halfway through the lockpicking process to try and avoid powergaming.


    3)The level of donator should make the lock on said chest harder to pick.

  5. I)


    Full legal name:

    [Cassandra Allenda]



    Place of birth:


     [The Holy Empire of Oren] 


    Age (precise is best, but approximate is accepted):


    ((-Skype name (If you do not have Skype, that's unfortunate. We want to keep organised, and as a community - so, now's the time to make that move. http://www.skype.com...e-for-computer/):





    Choose, one of the following, as your dominant sect (by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate your response). Then, to those it’d concern, indicate (with ‘V’) your interests regarding other, non-dominant sects.


    Industrious sect: of the sciences, mechanics and labour.  [   ]


    Mercantile sect: of trade, Valaise and wealth.  [    ]


    Military sect: of defenses, law enforcement, and arms.  [    ]


    Cultured sect: of arts, dramatic, literature or music.  [  X  ]




    The following questions are to be answered by either ‘Ye’ or ‘Nay’.


    Do you pledge that your sole residence and Citizenship shall only be Salvian, upon completing this application?


    Do you show willingness to pay consistently as a tenant of Government property (that be, once a year)?


    Do you recognize that all non-neutral ties with other must be severed upon being of the neutral Republic of Salvus?


    Do you acknowledge that you are to be involved with Salvian Conscription, as any other Citizen, for a minimum eight year term?


  6. MCname: KiltedDemon31


    Forum Name:KiltedDemon31


    Skype Name: redbellyhedgehog


    Timezone: (GMT -6:00)


    Do you feel you have a solid grasp on our lore and an understanding of the standards we have for applications?


    I feel as If I have acquired quite a vast ,and knowledgeable, understanding of all the aspects of the Lord of the Craft Lore. I also feel like ,while I could use a little bit more studying, I have a really firm grasp on what we are trying to achieve in the quality and the in-depth analysis of the whitelist applications.


    Why do you want to be an AT member and do you have the ability to work with others?: 


    I have 4 parts to why i want to have the opportunity to become an Application team member. 


    1) I wish to heighten the quality of the first impressions we supply to applying members.


    2) We are the "Gatekeepers" to a great experience to anyone who wishes to join. We need to be able to supply the intensity and the enjoyment to those applying and make them want to keep playing and ,if they are denied, give them the determination and guidance to want to revise their application and better themselves in a Roleplaying sense. I want to be apart of this upbringing process.


    3) I want to involve myself into the community in a more constructive aspect. Making Gameplay not only more enjoyable and understandable for the new players but also for the players that have been here a long time.


    4)The Application Team controls the future of the server. Whether we realize it or not those whom we are mentoring or accepting they could go on and become the next Global Moderator or Admin. Everyone Starts somewhere in this process and we are the first step. I want to be the metaphorical "first step".


    When it comes to my ability to work with others, I am very open minded and ready to listen to other peoples ideas while I have the ability to supply my own Ideas and point out windows of opportunity to my team mates and those around me 


    Do you recognize that you will be given extra responsibilities such as working on the LoTC wiki, assisting the AT in creating guides and helping new players with their questions upon logging into LoTC?


    I am aware of the tasks that may be brought upon me and I am willing to take these tasks into my arms willingly. If I get a task that I think I will need help on I will seek out help or guidance with said task, ability to work is great but the ability to admit weakness and seek help is greater.


    Is there anything else you would like to add?


    Those who serves his fellows is of his fellows the greatest. Anyone who should need help or seek help can come to me and expect a greeting with a smile and an answer. Thank you for reviewing my application. 

  7. I) Full Name: Cassandra Allenda

    II) Any existing ties, worth notice:None
    III) Place of origin: Oren
    IV) Intention of desired strand, of the trinity (Arts, music or literature) for specialism: Literature,Music
    V) Current status of Citizenship (Salvian, or otherwise): Salvian (Upon Passport approval)
    VI) Reasoning in becoming of the Bards: I wish to spread peace and joy to all those who seek to listen, and then comfort to those who don't.
    VII) Potential projects you may aspire to do: Joyous Hymns and Comforting novels about those less fortunate than most.
    VIII) Does Salvus represent peace, or war?
    IX) Where is the Republic located, currently?
    Northern Vailor
    X) Which holds more heavier punishment: Racism or Anti-Enlightenment? Racism
    XII) Which body holds highest power within the Republic?
    XII) How often may the Curator of the Bards be changed, and what does this coincide with?
    Every sixteen years.
    OOC Section:
    I) Do you have Skype, for contact and general purposes? If so, what is your Skype name?
    Yes. RedBellyHedgeHog
    II) Do you have any questions, thoughts or confusions about what the Bards are, or what they do: or even, just wanting to challenge its existence?
    I was wondering does the guild has a base of operations. and Are there ranks in this guild or is everyone just one giant coexisting mass of pure love and happiness? 
  8. **A small brown bird flies up to you with a message wrapped around its right leg. There is a seal on the nice yellow parchment.**


    MC Name: KiltedDemon31
    Skype Name: kilteddemon31
    Do you have or are willing to get TS?:yes, Have it.


    Name:Lyle M. Scloses
    Are you of a noble birthline?:No, I'm from a line of Swordsmen and Merchants
    Why do you wish to serve the Knights Lorraine?:My Father, John, was a devout believer of the creator. I wish to carry on the family line.

    ((OOC: I will be getting a new computer here very soon so i can run minecraft more effectively I do not plan on playing within the next few days.))

    **There is a quickly drawn seal of the Scloses family**
    To whom this is directed,
    John Scloses.

  9. Given name(RP name): Throtalin


    (Skype name if you have one):kilteddemon31 


    True name(MC name):KiltedDemon31 


    Race: Dark elf


    Authentic magic user?(accepted magic user?):N/A


    If so what form of magic ye use?:N/A


    Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?: Without these things, What is life? A endless escapade for food and water? Mindless Walking and sleeping? If we wish to have none of these, What are we? A mindless being? A Wise one?

    A Adventurer on an endless quest for something he doesn't know yet? These Three Things. They make up life, happiness, and people themselves.


    All applying will be apply for the applicant position. However should you pass that stage what profession might you take on? Note that if you want to learn magic you must speak to a Delver Arcanist personally: I wish to be a Delver Hand Librarian subtype.


    What combat skills have ye? I was in the HighGaurd of Malinor. I can fight with a shortsword, a Small mace, and a long bow.


    Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye
    would respond:


    1.) You come across a massive ruin of ancient design,
    strange sounds and lights emanate from within.


    I, Personally, feel as if I am not qualified in this matter.  I would make a mental mark and a Physical mark of its location on my map. From there I would hurry back to the others and assemble a group to venture into the ruins and Explore its deep secrets and riches. We may not make it out but you see Adventure is the flame that keeps us all moving forward through life.




    2.)While at a local bar you see two dark hooded figures
    in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite make out
    what they're saying but you clearly hear the word "artifact".


    I, First, Try and make out the size of the hands. Everything that they are saying can be discovered by focusing on the hands and their movements. Whilst I clearly see them becoming fidgety they continue talking and when they leave I quickly take notes within my journal about their actions and tone of voice, to later show to my superior and see if they can decipher it more clearly then I can.  



    3.)Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a
    masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a


    I wish for this to go no further and I tell the Man with the sword to stop threatening the man in the hood. "If you wish to continue to threatening this man, please tell me your reasons and If I find your reasons suitable. I shall allow you to continue. Though if I find them unsuitable you will find yourself in a whole world of trouble." ((What Happens from there idk if you wish for me to elaborate more then contact me and I will.))

  10. MC name:KiltedDemon31
    Race:Dark Elf
    Biography (Few sentences):My Previous Guild Was disbanded. I wish to join this one.
    Do you have a VA? For which evils?: N/A
    Why do you wish to join the Chapter?: Because My previous guild disbanded
    Any past experience in Oren's military?:Phoenix Guardians
    Skills and Abilities?:Decent hand to hand and decent shortsword.
    Criminal record?: N/A
    What do you think the most valuable trait to have is?:Willingness to do anything for your name and Guild/faction.
    Are you applying as a footman or squire? If you are applying as a Squire, you'll need noble blood of an actual offically approved Oren noble house: Footman.

  11. MC Name: KiltedDemon31
    Character Name: Throtalin
    Age: 287
    Race: Dark Elf
    Weapon of Choice: short sword/ bow
    Military Experience (recommended but not required):N/A
    Short Biography (2-5 sentences) or Ambitions: To make a nice home for him and his niece Caleth. Hopes to achieve this through Phoenix Gaurdians.
    VA (recommended but not required): N/A                                        
  12. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.




    Minecraft Account Name:KiltedDemon31

    How old are you?:16


    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes i have.

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?:I play dungeons and dragons in a serious environment.

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?:A close friend is a regular on the server

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server:N/A

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above):Yes.

    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?:Yes.


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:



    Role-playing:Role-playing to me is doing what your character would do even if it is not what you would do yourself. This makes it fun for me to see people i know acting completely different.

    Meta-gaming:Using information gathered out of character for use while you are in character. Ex: War is declared on your village while your character is away and noone tells your character. You use this information to cut your vacation short and rush back to your village to help.


    Power-emoting:One forcing their action on another player without giving them time to act on it.


    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:



    Full Name:Throtalin

    Current Age:287

    Sub-race (if any):Dark elf

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long): 

         When Throtalin was a young elf he was often a follower. His father and mother were both into mining and resource gathering so naturally Throtalin recieved this influence to follow their footsteps and he did. One day out gathering flowers he was attacked by a spider. Right before the spider leapt onto him a retired sentinel jumped in the way and sliced at the spider making it retreat. Throtalin thanked the sentinel and started admiring the greatness of his moves and the fine quality of his sword and bow. The Retired sentinel saw this and said "Hey, I think I have some spare scrap lying around in my humble abode. I could trade you a new sword for some of those flowers!" Throtalin was amazed and became speechless so he reached down and chose some of the finest flower he had and held them out. This is where his swords training began.

         When he was 132 he moved to Normandor and setup a merchants shop for flowers. He met many sentinels and other fine people. Then it happened, One night after a good business day He left exhausted and forgot to lock his shop. He came back the next morning and he had been robbed! Most of his money and all of his flowers have been either destroyed or stolen. He calls for help but nobody wants to get involved so he goes back to his house. He starts job searching and he sees a job to be a gaurd for an old man in the forest so he tends him for the next 12 years until this human dies. He got paid well and is offered the house that the man lived in he accepts and is Happy only now he wishes to be on the Sentinels.

    Ambitions for the Future: To become a large rolemodel for others of his race.

    Personality:Kind,Gentle,Proud,Shy, and sometimes ignorant

    Skills:Decent swordsman, Good not great knowledge of archery. High-Skill Resource gathering

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):Light gray shade of skin, Lighter gray hair color, Green eyes, tattered trousers and well kept shirt. Link:http://imgur.com/gallery/6i0LIqd/new

    Any other details you wish to share about your character:He will fight for the law at all times that he can.


    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.

    1. As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you realize that a group of High Elves are mocking a small Wood Elf child. How do you react?



    Answer:While Throtalin sees the child being mockedand knows the right thing to do would be to confront the group of High elves, he cannot muster the courage to do so. He fades into the shade and waits for it to be over. When the event is over he spys some flowers. He picks them and walks over to the child. He says "Here, bring these to your family and tell them what happened." He escorts the child back to the childs house and says farewell.




    2. Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with a walking stick. He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?



    Answer:Throtalin Sprints over to the old mans side asks says in the most soothing voice possible, "Don't move. Stay still and calm." Then Thortalin would rush to the nearest tree and find the finest branch in his reach and cut it off into a walking stick. He hands it to the old man and picks up his coins and hands them to him. The old man tests the stick and nods gratefully towards Throtalin. Satisfied with himself he asks the man if he needs anymore help. The old man says "No, thank you." And Throtalin continues on his way.



    3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion involved).



    Answer:Throtalin walks over to the cart and says "Hello Tradesman I'd like to take a look at that nice iron shortsword." Trader Hands him the shortsword. "Why this is a fine shortsword indeed. What is the price?" Asks Throtalin. Tradesman says "79 gold peices." Throtalin feels a rage building in him. "Make it 48 and deal." Throtalin declares. The tradesman cowers in fear and says, "59?"in a squimish voice. "48!" Throtalin leans in and says. Tradesman yells "Ok! Ok! Take it for 48 your just diminishing my profits." Throtalin grins pays 48 gold peices and walks down the road.

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