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Posts posted by kotetsu9000

  1. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as

    possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.


    Minecraft Account Name: grimsight

    How old are you?: 16

    Time-Zone: PST-8

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I have

    played several D&D campaigns.

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: My friend

    indoctrinated me.

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the

    server: N/A

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not,

    then please do so (link above): Not as of writing this question…

    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use

    of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes



    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any

    definitions from elsewhere!:


    Role-playing: When you take on a persona or role alternate to

    yourself. Essentially acting.

    Meta-gaming: Using knowledge that your character couldn’t

    possibly have to your advantage, or having skills that your character couldn’t

    possibly have.

    Power-emoting: To emote an action without giving a player a fair

    chance to respond. I.E: “Fred stabs him in the chest and takes all his stuff.”


    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:


    Full Name: Evar’iyath Akkaris

    Current Age: 18

    Sub-race (if any): Half-Elf (Tali’mali, Half Mali’ame.)

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):

    Evar’iyath was born somewhere in the outskirts of Salvus to the

    human Malek Kenry and Haelpha Akkaris, a wood elf. Healpha died in childbirth,

    lack of proper medical care or the ability to afford it caused her death. A

    grieving Malek gave his son the name Healpha had wished. “Evar’iyath”.

    Evar’iyath grew up travelling with his father as a travelling

    merchant,traversing many places of the Holy Oren Empire and the southern

    Dwarflands of Urguan, seeing many different places in many different nations.

    Live was eventful, as there was always new stuff to see, or people to get into

    brawls with. Upon reaching manhood, Evar’iyath took upon himself the role of

    protecting his caravan, learning the art of swordplay and the finer ways of

    defending his loved ones.

    One dark winters day, while huddling around a fire, Evar’iyath

    heard growls and screams coming from his carriage a distance away, he

    immediately and came rushing to the scene. His father had already been mauled

    by feral wolves. Evar’iyath slew the wolves in a blind rage, lengthy scars and

    wounds covering his arms by the time he was done.

    Nothing was left for him in the caravan, he took all he could,

    and left. Beginning to wander Anthos alone.

    Evar’iyath currently wanders the outskirts of Oren and Urguan,

    finding work where he can, or seeking a cause or a place where one can settle


    Ambitions for the Future: He hopes to be able to help with the reputation of Half-Breeds

    throughout Anthos, as well as put them in a more respectable light. He hopes to

    see the rulers of greater nations, namely Oren, become more tolerant to each

    other or be replaced with people who are.

    Personality: Evar’iyath is fairly easy going and friendly, as well as something

    of a ladies man, and at times quite snarky should he be annoyed. Though like

    all those of the Akkaris family he has a side to him which is blunt and

    straightforward with an attitude of “do what needs to be done.”  

    Skills: Evar’iyath is a smooth speaker of honeyed words. He can be quite

    persuasive at times. Evar’iyath is also well versed in the art of Swordplay, teaching himself

    the art to protect him and his father from the dangers of life as a travelling

    merchant. He specifically prefers the one handed lighter weapons, requiring

    more precision and skill as opposed to brute strength.

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):


    Any other details you wish to share about your character:

    Having grown up as a travelling merchant with his father, he has a

    knife strapped to his leg, being wary of the dangers of travel on the roads.

    Evar’iyath is related to Artimec Akkaris and Lumina Akkaris

    (LeoWarrior14 and penzin26) as a direct cousin.


    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.



    1. As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of

    whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you realize that a group of High Elves are mocking a small Wood Elf child. How do you react?


    Answer: Evar’iyath frowns in interest as he hears sounds through the thicket, upon

    inspecting he notices a group of Mali’Aheral looming in a circle around a

    cowering Mali’ame. He confidently approaches the group, presenting himself in

    an imposing manner.

            “Karin’ayla my Lliran!”

            The high elves

    abruptly turn, noses upturned at the sight of Agardir.

            “A Tali’mali…Filth…mongrel.”

            Evar’iyath seems un-phased, stepping

    forward and speaking in a clear and confident voice.

            “You know what I

    find fun? Making fools of ourselves in the middle of the woods. Are you proving

    a point, showing your superiority?”

            The high elves show

    greater signs of insult, turning away from the wood elf child and towards Evar’iyath, who continues to speak.

            “Purity is all fine

    and good, but what do you make of it? Your kind locks yourselves behind your

    silver walls, while the Mali’ame roam freely, you preach endlessly of your

    superiority, but what can you show of it?”

            The elves approache

    Evar’iyath, looming over him with their

    superior height with clear intent of harm. Evar’iyath frantically shuffles through his sleeves,

    producing the knife he hides, he regains his composure speaking in his

    assertive voice.

            “Do you /really/

    want to do this?”

            The elves glances

    at his weapon nervously, taking steps back, they whisper amongst themselves,

    and promptly walk away, leaving Evar’iyath and the wood elf at peace.


    2. Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with a walking stick. He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud. Out of his pocket falls a small

    pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?

    Evar’iyath eyes the old man on the ground, not once looking at the purse. He

    kneels down, and takes the man’s walking stick while offering him a hand. He

    speaks in a concerned voice.

    “Are you alright old man?”

    The old man nods, slowly standing with the help, standing upright

    once again as Evar’iyath hands him his walking stick. Evar’iyath goes to pick up the man’s pouch and hands it to

    him, watching as he takes it.

    “I-I’ve not seen youth as kind as you in many years…What’s your

    name son?”

    “Evar’iyath Akkaris, Elder.”

    “Evar’iyath? I-I think one like you deserves a reward…!”

    Evar’iyath shakes his head. “Anyone decent would have done what I did.”

    The old man extends his palm, on it holding five shiny gold


    “I insist. Indulge me, youngling.”

    Evar’iyath smiles, and pockets the coin, smiling as he walks away with funds

    for a new pair of shoes.



    3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just

    about everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your

    character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion



    Answer: Evar’iyath smiles as he approaches a caravan much like

    the one he travelled across Anthos with his father in. He approaches the

    carriage, examining his wares, feeling the familiar presence of a merchant

    watching him, hearing him speak.

    “May I help you friend?”

    Evar’iyath waves his hand dismissively.

    “No. Thank you.”

    As Evar’iyath continues to look, his eyes suddenly light up as

    he considers an idea.

    “Ser…I grew up serving as protection for travelling merchants

    like this! Perhaps you could consider taking me on? Travelling the roads can

    get quite perilous, no?”

    The merchant scratches his chin.

    “Hm, perhaps. And I suppose I’d be paying you for such a job?”

    Evar’iyath nods quickly. “Well…I need to make ends meet don’t I?

    How does fifty minas a month sound?”

    The merchant scoffs. “Fifty minas! Do I look like Prince Horen

    to you boy? Twenty five. At the most.”

    Evar’iyath is taken aback. “Twenty five? But…How about…Fourty

    nine minas?”

    The merchant steps forward. “Twenty five, or you can walk away

    from here jobless.”

    Evar’iyath sighs, then nods. “Twenty five it is ser…”

    The merchant grins. “Welcome to the caravan, my new bodyguard!”



  2. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.
    Minecraft Account Name: grimsight
    How old are you?: 16
    Time-Zone: PST-8
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I have played several D&D campaigns. 
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: My friend indoctrinated me. 
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: N/A
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): Not as of writing this question…
    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes
    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:
    Role-playing: When you take on a persona or role alternate to yourself. Essentially acting.
    Meta-gaming: Using knowledge that your character couldn’t possibly have to your advantage, or having skills that your character couldn’t possibly have.
    Power-emoting: To emote an action without giving a player a fair chance to respond. I.E: “Fred stabs him in the chest and takes all his stuff.”
    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:
    Full Name: Evar’iyath Akkaris
    Current Age: 18
    Sub-race (if any): Half-Elf (Tali’mali, Half Mali’ame.)
    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):
    Evar’iyath was born to the human Malek Kenry and Haelpha Akkaris, a wood elf. Healpha died in childbirth, lack of proper medical care or the ability to afford it caused her death. A grieving Malek gave his son the name Healpha had wished. “Evar’iyath”. 
    Evar’iyath grew up travelling with his father as a travelling merchant, seeing many different places in many different nations. Live was eventful, as there was always new stuff to see, or people to get into brawls with. Upon reaching manhood, Evar’iyath took upon himself the role of protecting his caravan, learning the art of swordplay and the finer ways of defending his loved ones. 
    One dark winters day, while huddling around a fire, Evar’iyath heard growls and screams coming from his carriage a distance away, he immediately and came rushing to the scene. His father had already been mauled by feral wolves. Evar’iyath slew the wolves in a blind rage, lengthy scars and wounds covering his arms by the time he was done.
    Nothing was left for him in the caravan, he took all he could, and left. Beginning to wander Anthos alone. 
    Evar’iyath currently wanders Anthos, finding work where he can, or seeking a cause or a place where one can settle down.
    Ambitions for the Future: He hopes to be able to help with the reputation of Half-Breeds throughout Anthos, as well as put them in a more respectable light. He hopes to see the rulers of greater nations, namely Oren, become more tolerant to each other or be replaced with people who are. 
    Personality: Evar’iyath is fairly easy going and friendly, as well as something of a ladiesman, and at times quite snarky should he be annoyed. Though like all those of the Akkaris family he has a side to him which is blunt and straightforward with an attitude of “do what needs to be done.”  
    Skills: Evar’iyath is a smooth speaker of honeyed words. He can be quite persuasive at times. Evar’iyath is also well versed in the art of Swordplay, teaching himself the art to protect him and his father from the dangers of life as a travelling merchant. He specifically prefers the one handed lighter weapons, requiring more precision and skill as opposed to brute strength. 
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): 
    Any other details you wish to share about your character:
    Having grown up as a travelling merchant with his father, he has a knife strapped to his leg, being wary of the dangers of travel on the roads. 
    Agardir is related to Artimec Akkaris and Lumina Akkaris (LeoWarrior14 and penzin26) as a direct cousin.
    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.
    1. As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you realize that a group of High Elves are mocking a small Wood Elf child. How do you react?
    Answer: Evar’iyath frowns in interest as he hears sounds through the thicket, upon inspecting he notices a group of Mali’Aheral looming in a circle around a cowering Mali’ame. He confidently approaches the group, presenting himself in an imposing manner.
        “Karin’ayla my Lliran!”
        The high elves abruptly turn, noses upturned at the sight of Agardir. 
        “A Tali’mali…Filth…mongrel.”
        Evar’iyath seems un-phased, stepping forward and speaking in a clear and confident voice. 
        “You know what I find fun? Making fools of ourselves in the middle of the woods. Are you proving a point, showing your superiority?”
        The high elves show greater signs of insult, turning away from the wood elf child and towards Evar’iyath, who continues to speak. 
        “Purity is all fine and good, but what do you make of it? Your kind locks yourselves behind your silver walls, while the Mali’ame roam freely, you preach endlessly of your superiority, but what can you show of it?”
        The elves approache Evar’iyath, looming over him with their superior height with clear intent of harm. Evar’iyath frantically shuffles through his sleeves, producing the knife he hides, he regains his composure speaking in his assertive voice.
        “Do you /really/ want to do this?”
        The elves glances at his weapon nervously, taking steps back, they whisper amongst themselves, and promptly walk away, leaving Evar’iyath and the wood elf at peace.
    2. Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with a walking stick. He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?
    Evar’iyath eyes the old man on the ground, not once looking at the purse. He kneels down, and takes the man’s walking stick while offering him a hand. He speaks in a concerned voice.
    “Are you alright old man?”
    The old man nods, slowly standing with the help, standing upright once again as Evar’iyath hands him his walking stick. Evar’iyath goes to pick up the man’s pouch and hands it to him, watching as he takes it.
    “I-I’ve not seen youth as kind as you in many years…What’s your name son?”
    “Evar’iyath Akkaris, Elder.” 
    “Evar’iyath? I-I think one like you deserves a reward…!”
    Evar’iyath shakes his head. “Anyone decent would have done what I did.”
    The old man extends his palm, on it holding five shiny gold minas’.
    “I insist. Indulge me, youngling.”
    Evar’iyath smiles, and pockets the coin, smiling as he walks away with funds for a new pair of shoes.
    3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion involved).
    Answer: Evar’iyath smiles as he approaches a caravan much like the one he travelled across Anthos with his father in. He approaches the carriage, examining his wares, feeling the familiar presence of a merchant watching him, hearing him speak.
    “May I help you friend?”
    Evar’iyath waves his hand dismissively. 
    “No. Thank you.”
    As Evar’iyath continues to look, his eyes suddenly light up as he considers an idea.
    “Ser…I grew up serving as protection for travelling merchants like this! Perhaps you could consider taking me on? Travelling the roads can get quite perilous, no?”
    The merchant scratches his chin.
    “Hm, perhaps. And I suppose I’d be paying you for such a job?”
    Evar’iyath nods quickly. “Well…I need to make ends meet don’t I? How does fifty minas a month sound?”
    The merchant scoffs. “Fifty minas! Do I look like Prince Horen to you boy? Twenty five. At the most.”
    Evar’iyath is taken aback. “Twenty five? But…How about…Fourty nine minas?”
    The merchant steps forward. “Twenty five, or you can walk away from here jobless.”
    Evar’iyath sighs, then nods. “Twenty five it is ser…”
    The merchant grins. “Welcome to the caravan, my new bodyguard!”

  3. In-Character

    Complete the
    following biography on your character:


    Full Name: Evar’iyath

    Current Age: 18

    Sub-race (if any):
    Half-Elf (Tali’mali, Half Mali’ame.)

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):

    Evar’iyath was born to
    the human Malek Kenry and Haelpha Akkaris, a wood elf. Healpha died in
    childbirth, lack of proper medical care or the ability to afford it caused her
    death. A grieving Malek gave his son the name Healpha had wished. “Evar’iyath”.

    Evar’iyath grew up
    travelling with his father as a travelling merchant, seeing many different
    places in many different nations. Live was eventful, as there was always new
    stuff to see, or people to get into brawls with. Upon reaching manhood, Evar’iyath
    took upon himself the role of protecting his caravan, learning the art of
    swordplay and the finer ways of defending his loved ones.

    One dark winters day,
    while huddling around a fire, Evar’iyath heard growls and screams coming from
    his carriage a distance away, he immediately and came rushing to the scene. His
    father had already been mauled by feral wolves. Evar’iyath slew the wolves in a
    blind rage, lengthy scars and wounds covering his arms by the time he was done.

    Nothing was left for
    him in the caravan, he took all he could, and left. Beginning to wander Anthos

    Evar’iyath currently
    wanders Anthos, finding work where he can, or seeking a cause or a place where
    one can settle down.

    Ambitions for the Future: He hopes to be able to help with the reputation of Half-Breeds
    throughout Anthos, as well as put them in a more respectable light. He hopes to
    see the rulers of greater nations, namely Oren, become more tolerant to each other
    or be replaced with people who are.

    Personality: Evar’iyath is fairly easy going and friendly, as well as something of a
    ladiesman, and at times quite snarky should he be annoyed. Though like all
    those of the Akkaris family he has a side to him which is blunt and
    straightforward with an attitude of “do what needs to be done.”  

    Skills: Evar’iyath is a smooth speaker of honeyed words. He can be quite
    persuasive at times. Evar’iyath is also well versed in the art of Swordplay, teaching himself
    the art to protect him and his father from the dangers of life as a travelling
    merchant. He specifically prefers the one handed lighter weapons, requiring
    more precision and skill as opposed to brute strength.

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):


    Any other details you wish to share about your character:

    Having grown up as a
    travelling merchant with his father, he has a knife strapped to his leg, being
    wary of the dangers of travel on the roads.

    Agardir is related to
    Artimec Akkaris and Lumina Akkaris (LeoWarrior14 and penzin26) as a direct


    Each question in this section must be
    answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.



    1. As you walk through the
    deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you realize
    that a group of High Elves are mocking a small Wood Elf child. How do you react?




    Evar’iyath frowns in interest as he hears sounds through the thicket, upon
    inspecting he notices a group of Mali’Aheral looming in a circle around a
    cowering Mali’ame. He confidently approaches the group, presenting himself in
    an imposing manner.

            “Karin’ayla my Lliran!”

            The high elves abruptly turn, noses
    upturned at the sight of Agardir.

            “A Tali’mali…Filth…mongrel.”

            Evar’iyath seems un-phased, stepping forward and speaking in a clear and
    confident voice.

            “You know what I find fun? Making fools
    of ourselves in the middle of the woods. Are you proving a point, showing your

            The high elves show greater signs of
    insult, turning away from the wood elf child and towards Evar’iyath, who continues to

            “Purity is all fine and good, but what
    do you make of it? Your kind locks yourselves behind your silver walls, while
    the Mali’ame roam freely, you preach endlessly of your superiority, but what
    can you show of it?”

            The elves approache Evar’iyath, looming over him
    with their superior height with clear intent of harm. Evar’iyath frantically shuffles
    through his sleeves, producing the knife he hides, he regains his composure
    speaking in his assertive voice.

            “Do you /really/ want to do this?”

            The elves glances at his weapon
    nervously, taking steps back, they whisper amongst themselves, and promptly
    walk away, leaving Evar’iyath and the wood elf at peace.


    2. Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across
    a frail old man with a walking stick. He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading
    coins across the pathway. The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?

    Evar’iyath eyes the old man on the ground, not once looking at the purse. He
    kneels down, and takes the man’s walking stick while offering him a hand. He
    speaks in a concerned voice.

    “Are you alright old

    The old man nods, slowly
    standing with the help, standing upright once again as Evar’iyath hands him his walking
    stick. Evar’iyath goes to pick up the man’s pouch and hands it to him, watching as
    he takes it.

    “I-I’ve not seen youth
    as kind as you in many years…What’s your name son?”

    “Evar’iyath Akkaris, Elder.”

    “Evar’iyath? I-I think one like you
    deserves a reward…!”

    Evar’iyath shakes his head. “Anyone decent would have done what I did.”

    The old man extends his
    palm, on it holding five shiny gold minas’.

    “I insist. Indulge me,

    Evar’iyath smiles, and pockets the coin, smiling as he walks away with funds
    for a new pair of shoes.



    3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored
    carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your
    character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion




    smiles as he approaches a caravan much like the one he travelled across Anthos
    with his father in. He approaches the carriage, examining his wares, feeling
    the familiar presence of a merchant watching him, hearing him speak.

    “May I help you

    Evar’iyath waves his
    hand dismissively.

    “No. Thank you.”

    As Evar’iyath continues
    to look, his eyes suddenly light up as he considers an idea.

    “Ser…I grew up serving
    as protection for travelling merchants like this! Perhaps you could consider
    taking me on? Travelling the roads can get quite perilous, no?”

    The merchant scratches
    his chin.

    “Hm, perhaps. And I suppose
    I’d be paying you for such a job?”

    Evar’iyath nods
    quickly. “Well…I need to make ends meet don’t I? How does fifty minas a month

    The merchant scoffs. “Fifty
    minas! Do I look like Prince Horen to you boy? Twenty five. At the most.”

    Evar’iyath is taken
    aback. “Twenty five? But…How about…Fourty nine minas?”

    The merchant steps
    forward. “Twenty five, or you can walk away from here jobless.”

    Evar’iyath sighs, then
    nods. “Twenty five it is ser…”

    The merchant grins. “Welcome
    to the caravan, my new bodyguard!”

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