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Bran The Fox

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Posts posted by Bran The Fox

  1. I've had the pleasure of working with Drazker in roleplay for many years now, and I can assure you that he's very good at creating and maintaining quality interactions for/with people. He has lots of experience creating roleplay for others and trust me when I say, the ideas he's posed here for events are just a taste of what he can offer for the community.

  2. Well said, Sky. 

    I personally despise PvP default with the burning fury of a thousand and one suns, but I've come to accept it. I've definitely noticed what you pointed out Sky, That being that both parties (People who prefer rp solutions, and people who prefer PvP solutions) handle in character conflicts with little to no finesse, for lack of better phrasing. Pvp defaulters need to remember that this is a ROLEPLAY server, and ample role play need be served before counting down, and people who prefer Rp need to respect the rules of PvP default and not cry on a GM's shoulder whenever a light breeze touches them.

    Talk it out people! We're all reasonable (I can assume). There's no reason a fair solution can't be found in a situation which raises ooc disagreement! The GM's already have a full plate, so don't go running to them every time you stub your toe. Lets all try to take a little initiative and solve our own issues if we can. :)

  3. Brandon Forren, Lord Castellan to the Duke of Northal Vectis Vekon II, draws his sword and holds it to the sunlight, inspecting it with a contemplative look playing across his face behind his mask as the light dances along the tempered metal of the blade.

    "Oh dear, yet more fighting. I pray we find swift victory, war is such a messy affair."

  4. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.
    Minecraft Account Name: vzfoose
    How old are you?: 18
    Time-Zone: EST
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I've been roleplaying on the browser based game "Runescape" for around 6 months now, and have participated in many influential plotlines which effect the in character world in the games roleplay.
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I heard about Lord of the Craft from some friends whom started to play, and recommended that I try it.
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: N/A
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): I Attempted to do so, but for some reason my post would not appear on the thread.
    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Aye.
    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:
    Role-playing: Roleplaying is the interactive co-mingling of characters created with detailed backgrounds and unique personalities to develop a realistic experience of person-to-person interaction.
    Meta-gaming: Metagaming is the utilization of in-character knowledge learnt out of character to further your character's goals, or quite simply, using out of character knowledge of events in character, without your character actually obtaining this knowledge.
    Power-emoting: Power emoting is the use of actions to manipulate another persons character in a manner to which they cannot react.
    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:
    Full Name: Nikkoli Vekon
    Current Age: 22
    Sub-race (if any): None
    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):Nikkoli was raised from humble beginnings. His Mother and Father Steven and Pennelope Vekon, (Steven being Vectis Vekon's cousin), brought Nikkoli up at a small farm outside of Green county. His father was a stern and devoted man, who put his family above all else, and his mother a kind hearted and gentle woman. Their simple abode was plenty enough to sustain their family, a small farm house with plenty enough livestock and farm land to fill their bellies, and they made a modest wage from what they sold as goods.
     Nikkoli proved to be a good child for Steven and Pennelope, soft spoken and obedient. Nikkoli grew up working on the farm, tending to the chickens in their coops, gathering up all the eggs the hens layed each day, milking the dairy cows and carrying the buckets of milk up to set in the house, and filling the hog's slop buckets with food. He also helped his father plant the crops and harvest them at the beginning and end of each season, spreading seeds in the spring, and gathering up the wheat with sickle in-hand each fall. When Nikkoli wasn't helping maintain his parent's farm, he spent his time laying beneath some shady tree, gazing off into the distance and day dreaming of the world that lay beyond, often setting off on some glorious adventure with shining knights and chivalrous deeds within the confines of his imagination.
    One defining point of Nikkoli's life was on his eigth birthday. His father used some spare firewood to whittle him a ragged looking wooden sword. Nikkoli was absolutely ecstatic about the little wooden sword, and he took it with him everywhere he went, slashing at bushes and conquering invisible foes as he played in his free time. From that point in his life, he'd decided that when he was older he was going to become a knight and travel the lands in great adventures, and day dreamed about it during his chores. At the age of 21, now a man, he'd decided it was finally time to make his mark in the world. He gathered up his small bit of clothes and his wooden sword, kissed his mother good-bye and hugged his father, setting off down the road. He'd heard of a town that his cousin, Vectis Vekon, was attempting to create with some other distant cousins that Nikkoli had never met, and he figured that this was his opportunity to begin writing his legacy upon Anthos.
    Ambitions for the Future: Nikkoli wishes to become a knight, and leave his mark upon the world in good deeds and loyal friendships.
    Personality: Nikkoli is very soft spoken and obedient, proving very loyal to his friends. Nikkoli is not one to boast or speak highly of himself; infact, he can seem rather self critical at times, as he feels that there is always room for improvement.
    Skills: Nikkoli is somewhat strong due to working on a farm his entire life, and can wield a weapon decent from his time spent practicing with his wooden sword, however lacking in experience with using a sword against a real opponent. Nikkoli also finds himself lost in deep thought occasionally, getting lost in glorious adventures fueled by his imagination.
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):post-59087-0-47344300-1366388058_thumb.p
    Any other details you wish to share about your character:
    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.
    1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperor’s palace - he is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do you do?
    Answer: Nikkoli found himself walking along the vast expansive streets of the capital when he would spot a shadowed figure skulking about, his directive clearly being the Emperor's palace. Nikkoli would glance between the skulking figure and looking for the source of the guards. Deciding that shouting for the guards might spook the shady individual, he'd watch him for the direction in which he headed, before he'd approach the nearby guards. "Excuse me, Guardsmen." -he'd say somewhat timidly, intimidated by the peace keepers somewhat. "Ye, Wot can we do for ye sir?" -one of the  guards would reply rather deadpan, as his shift was almost over, and he had a glass of ale on his mind. "Uhm, I saw a rather suspicious looking fellow skulking around, and it looked like he might have been heading toward the Emperor's palace, and I figured someone should know about it." Nikkoli would look between each of the guards as he spoke, and once he was finished, they'd look between each other. "We'll go take a look, which way was this man headed, sir?" the second guard would inquire, crossing his arms across his chest. Nikkoli would turn around and point in the direction the man was headed, in particular, an alleyway he'd skulked down. "He went that way, I'd hurry, he seemed to be up to no good." Nikkoli would then bring the arm he was using to point with back to his side, looking to the guards once more. "Alright, thank you for informing us citizen. Stay safe." the second guard would reply, before the two of them would quickly walk off toward the alleyway, their hands placed on the hilts of their sheathed swords. Nikkoli would continue along his path, feeling as though he'd done a good thing in informing the guards of this shadowed figure.
    2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it stands an unstable old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with leather armour and an iron longsword, how do you react?
    Answer: Nikkoli would be exploring in the deep oak forest, examining the trees and peering up wonderously at the massive oaks which had lived to see more years than he had, marvelling at their size and sturdiness. Not long into his travels, he'd found himself in a large clearing, Nikkoli allowing a smile to spread across his face as he'd seen the small cobbled cottage. He'd have approached the cottage from behind, so he hadn't yet discovered the scene unraveling on the other side. "Hello?" he'd call out, "Is anyone home?" Nikkoli scratched his head as he began walking around the side of the building, where he was met with a heavy clad bandit, brandishing a longsword, and looking not to be the friendly type. It would seem Nikkoli's calling had alarmed the bandits, and one of them came to investigate. "Wot are you doin' 'ere?" The bandit would hiss through gritted teeth, his sword held pointed at Nikkoli, his intentions inclined toward confrontation. Nikkoli would've quickly drawn his sword at the sight of the bandit's naked steel, sensing that this man was up to no good. "What of you?" he'd reply shortly, his eyes scanning the bandits person, sizing him up. "Get lost!" The bandit would say in contradiction to his actions, as he threw himself at Nikkoli, his blade arcing downward savagely to try and cleave Nikkoli in twain. Nikkoli let out a gasp in surprise as the sun glinted off of the criminal's steel, and quickly leapt to the side, evading the bandits sword, before using his free hand to punch the bandit in the nose with all of his strength. The bandit would blunder backward holding the bridge of his nose and crying out in pain, blood beginning to flow from his nostrils. Nikkoli would waste no time, while the bandit was stunned, he'd sweep his sword toward the bandits own, knocking it from his grasp. The bandit, clearly surprised by the capabilities of the young man, began his retreat, running past the front of the cabin where his accomplice was stuck in a staring match with the old man, shouting to him to retreat. Confused by the sight of his companion unarmed and with a bloodied nose, would decide to heed his instructions and backed away from the old man, before escaping into the woods with his companion.
    3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when you notice a small man standing behind a colourful stall. You approach the stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain: your haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).
    Answer: Nikkoli would be strolling through the market district of the vast human capitals, marvelling at the massive assortment of different stalls, taking in the scents of sweet rolls and freshly baked breads which drifted from the carts that bakers toted about, shouting their wares. He'd occasionally stop at each stall, examining the bits and baubles that were for sale, before he'd find his attention drawn to a rather vibrant stall with a small man behind it, advertising his wares to passers by. Nikkoli would approach the stall, giving a small gesture of greeting to the man. "Hello, I hope you wouldn't mind me browsing your wares." he'd say politely, giving a quaint smile. "Not at all sir, not one bit! please, look as long as you'd like. I'm sure I'll have something to interest you, and nothing is a set price, feel free to place an offer!" Nikkoli would give a chuckle at the enthusiasm of the merchant, before he'd begin looking over the stalls goods. He'd leaf through a book and inspect a small boot knife, before he'd settle his eyes upon a simple yet sturdy iron sword. "I think I'd like to buy this one." -he'd say with a smile, holding the sword up and inspecting it closely. "How does... say, 80 minas sound?" -he'd inquire, shifting his gaze from the blade to the small man. "I'm afraid that is a bit too low, my friend. I cannot part with that sword for any less than 120 minas, after all, I am running a business here, surely you understand." Nikkoli would nod in understanding to the man, he didn't think the sword was worth that much, but he could see how 80 seemed a bit low. "Well, I'm afraid I only have 80 minas, but perhaps you would accept 80 minas and..."-he'd trail off mid sentance, going to rummage through his bag, before he'd produce a quiver of some iron arrows, around 20 of them. "These Arrows! thats worth a good 100 minas, wouldn't you say?" Nikkoli would finally complete his sentence, holding the quiver of arrows out to the merchant. He'd take them in hand, and begin inspecting the arrows, before he'd give a nod and smile to Nikkoli. "You have yourself a deal sir!" Nikkoli would smile upon his sucessful bartering, fishing out his coinpurse which contained his minas, handing it to the merchant aswell as the arrows, smiling as he took the sword in exchange. "Wonderful, have a nice day sir." -he'd say with a nod, before he'd depart from the stall, the merchant shouting after him. "Please come again! Tell your friends!"
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