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Posts posted by Wut218

  1. MC Name:Wut218

    Timezone?: EST :GMT -5

    RP Name, Age, Race, Sex: Wutland D. Dragalis, 156, Dwarf.

    Experience: IRL: 5 Years in the United States Navy, RP: 8 seasons as a pirate. Apprenticed as blacksmith, and well versed in Navigational Charts. Decent first aid ability but no real medical training.

    TS3: Yes.

    Given name(RP name): Wutner D.  Dragalis
    (Skype name if you have one):wut218
    True name(MC name):wut218
    Authentic magic user?(accepted magic user?):N/A
    If so what form of magic ye use?:N/A
    Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?:Aye.
  3. [b]Out-Of-Character Information[/b]

    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.


    Minecraft Account Name: Wut218

    How old are you?: 20 Years Old.

    Time-Zone: EST: GMT -5.

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: I have read the rules and agree to follow them to the upmost.

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I played on another server for 4 months. I worked my way up to Head of Trade and Public Works of a Nation.

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: Reddit. A comment linked me to the subreddit for LoTC.

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: N/A.

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): I have.

    Have you read the Dwarven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: I have read it and agree to follow it.



    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:


    Role-playing: Role-playing is taking on an alias and playing as that character. As a role player you take on a fiction personality and history, staying within character, until you have exited the fictional setting.

    Meta-gaming: Meta-gaming is using information your character does not have access to or rising above what your character is capable of performing.

    Power-emoting: Also referred to as "PowerGaming", playing as if you posses abilities or can influence actions to an illogical point. Ex. "Bob stabs Rob with the force of a speeding bullet" or "Davis swings his sword like a god. Jones is unable to block it and dies".


    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:


    Full Name: Wutren D. Dragalis 

    Current Age: 84

    Sub-race (if any): Mountain Dwarf.

    Clan (if any):N/A.

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):   Wutren D. Dragalis was born to into a household of no great renewed in a nation of fabled legends, Kal'Karik. Not much is known of his parents but that they were of the sword. Having passed away before they could instill an indelible mark upon him, he grew up in the streets with not but a slight, lingering impression of who they were. The town folk were quite endearing towards him, he did not have the hardest time but still had to fend for himself more than he would have liked. As he aged his talent for finding coin was only surpassed by his aggression. This caught the eye of several businessmen and he soon found himself apprenticing in log trade as a sellsword with the promise of one day he might take over the business. 

      Never backing down from a challenge or any smug to his honor caused many grievance with his employers and those they traded with. He particularly did not get along with High Elves. He always felt they held their noses too high and scoffed at any race besides their own. Eventually this abrasive behavior rubbed wrong and he found himself backs on the streets. Cursing the Ilblees for his fortune and the softness of those above, he set out to ply himself a new trade and earn a name for himself. He found himself wandering the tall mountains of Kal'Karik to the baren, snowy ruins north of Salvus looking for good fortune. A monster, the exiled ThunderFist Clan, anything that would bring him gold. With his sword he found himself a modest living but his appetite for glory and honor soon encompassed his desire for gold. He now sets his eyes on a kingdom of his own, to show those who shunned him the true meaning of being kissed by fire.  [/b]

    Ambitions for the Future: To rule his own lands and keep. To bring glory and honor to his name.

    Personality: Abrasive, aggressive, quick to his sword but equally and quick to his ale to toast with friends. Loyal to the bone and honest to a fault.

    Skills: For what little education he posses he is surprising good at finding ways to make money. An excellent swordsman and wielder of the battle axe he is also decent bowman.

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): http://imgur.com/UiMtC7g

    Any other details you wish to share about your character: His is quite fond of lighthouse and great towers atop mountains. He is not sure why.



    [i]Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.[/i]



    [b]1. Whilst mining deep in the undergrounds of Kalos you see a large deposit of diamond ore at the other side of the ravine you are on. There is a very thin rock bridge that looks precariously unstable, but it is the only way to access the deposit. What do you do?[/b]


    Answer: With little hesitation Wutren D. Dragalis steps confidently forward. This bridge will not stand between he and glory. Wutren was once overheard stating "Aye, on me honor, I swear I never done gave up easy diamonds! Or difficult ones for that matter! Har!" Wutren was a confident dwarf, but not a stupid one. He slowly laid himself flat and the bridge and slowly, slowly pulled himself across on his belly. Rushing onto the bridge might be too much for it to bear but by spreading himself across its length he hoped to ease its burden. Wutren predicts that with his haul he will be pushing his luck but should be able to get back across safely. 


    [b]2. You are sitting in the local tavern with a large pint of ale in your hand - sitting nearby you is a rather young dwarf whom is clearly going through a bad time. He is crying to himself, and clutching a small wooden hammer toy. In the other corner of the room two shady dwarves are sitting whispering to each other and pointing occasionally at the dwarf. They stand up, one with a small dagger in his hand and begin to approach the young dwarf. What do you do?[/b]


    Answer: Sizing up these roughens, Wutren decides to intervene. If not for his honor than his ale. Nothing sours a good mead like bloodshed. "Aye, yer be leaving' that one alone. If yers be needing a song to drown his cry me axe here can sing yer the sweetest song this side o' the mountains" he shouts. He hopes this'll be enough cause for the two cravens to be on their way. If theres ever a time not to draw swords, it'll be while under the hospitality of an inn keep. He's a bit outnumbers but he believes he has the advantage of reach. His axe would sooner kiss them than their dirks to cut his belly and he hopes this'll be enough to have the second one soil himself and turn heel if it came to that.


    [b]3. Whilst wandering through the Dwarven Caverns you hear a voice call out to you; Oi, ye’! Cmere n get yerself an ale!”. You spin on your heel and see a heavily bearded bar-owner looking at you - a huge grin on his face, and a mug of ale in his hand. How do you react?[/b]


    Answer: The temptation is great. Wutren was known to love a tanker or two of ale but he's been swindled of the contents of his pockets after sleeping in his cups a few too many times. Ultimately he decides to hell with caution, theres a tanker of ale and he's a bit parched. He saunters over to the man,"Aye, I be man 'nough ta  have a drink with yer! But I be havin' a question for yer inn keep, have yer every seen a man drink a tavern dry! Har!". He flashed a bright grinned at the inn keep but kept his eye moving around the room. He darned not trust anyone but that does not mean one cannot share stories over a horn or two... or six.

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