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Posts posted by jamesb

  1. Once more, day arrives in Sutica. The previous morning had revealed a gruesome murder and an alarming warning; many were worried that when the sun cast away the shadows, they’d find yet another mutilated head driven through a pike. But it was not so. Where the last mangled cranium had been located, there is nothing. Relief and optimism spreads through the city like a warm shower of light. The Sutican citizens exchange optimistic chatter:


    "This criminal isn't capable of following up on his threats."

    "We needn’t wander the city in fear."

    "We’re safe."


    But one phrase shattered it all.


    “What’s that in the water?”


    The attention of the people shifts to the moat surrounding Sutica. There, bobbing face-down in the murky water, is an old man. Shock and horror runs through the quickly developing crowd. What had such an innocent, aged gentleman done to deserve this grisly fate?




    Eventually, the body is pulled from the water. The man’s old, wrinkled face bears a soaked white beard, and while he lacks a large amount of hair, that which he does have is pale as well.  A clever person could determine that the body hasn’t been in the moat for very long, as minimal decomposition has occurred. Similar to the head of the last elven day, this elderly man was tortured before being killed. His fingers and toes have been lobbed off, both eyes are gouged out, and his body is riddled with bruises. Some might recognize him as Bernard, husband to the woman murdered yesterday.


    In addition to all of this, some words have been carved into his forehead. Just like the last time, the handwriting is crude and jagged.

    “Two down, one to go.”

  2. On March 9, 2017 at 7:47 PM, Gallidron said:

    What is the absolute maximum weight a telekinetic can lift?


    Well! Supremacy actually defines it down to the kg. No need to make rough guesses or be confused.


    On May 14, 2013 at 9:21 PM, Supremacy said:

    Reaching Tier 5: The telekinetic can lift objects up to 300 kilograms in weight. From here telekinetic lifting ability increases by about 5kg per elven week.

  3. Character's Name: Ronan


    Character's Age: 34


    Character's Race: Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Telekinesis


    Teacher's MC Name: DukeofZufenhaus


    Teacher's RP Name: Archrim Elmoran


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes.


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No.

  4. The sun rises steadily, illuminating the city of Sutica and the dense forest that surrounds it. The sweet, crisp singing of the birds resonates throughout the countryside, and a chilly morning breeze drifts through the land. As the sun’s orange hue dispells the darkness of the night, something sinister is revealed. Something that was not there the day before, now is.


    A pike is mounted at the end of Sutica’s bridge. The pike’s sharp tip has been lodged into the head of a woman. The head is that of an elderly lady, with a wrinkled visage and long, grey hair. Her face is horribly mutilated; her eyes are purple and swollen shut. Her cheek has been torn open, and her entire countenance is wrought with dark, crimson blood. It is apparent that, before being beheaded, this old woman was terribly beat.



    For event!!.png

    For those who would recognize her: the head belongs to Nora, wife of Bernard.


    The gruesome scene has one more oddity. Carved into the forehead of the butchered woman, with sharp, jagged handwriting, is a message:


    “One down, two to go.”

    It’s unclear who committed this unspeakable deed, or why, but one thing is certain: there’s worse to come.

  5. Hey Smawton. First of all, great work! This is well written and informative.


    Two questions,

    - I remember once being told that when someone is Flesh Smithed, the person who's granted the extra limb etc. becomes feral. Is this true/still in effect?

    - I'm a bit confused on the drawback section. It probably makes sense to anyone familiar with Shamanism, but I, unfortunately, am not. Does "spirits consumed" refer to how many spirits a Dark Shaman has ever consumed? Or simply how many it has in its "slots" at once? If the latter, does that mean once you consume a Spirit you can "release" it and thusly lower the drawbacks?


    EDIT: Should this be in the guide section?

  6. Full name: Jackson Adams

    Age (must be 18 or older to undergo potentially lethal experiments): 25

    Race (no kha or monkeys allowed): Human

    Gender: Male

    Current residence or place where we may contact you: Bastion

    Any known medical conditions: None

    Any known magics: None

  7. A reply is left,


    Dear Chief Johnny Wilson,


    I have found that mages and the general public tend to ridicule people who look for magic in this sort of public manner. I'd advise you to seek it out in a slightly more subtle way. Either way, I wish you the best.


    - Concerned stranger

  8. Minecraft Name: Crazed


    Skype ID: wearewc


    Time-zone: EST


    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions: Used to be an AT and an FM. I left both teams when I went on a hiatus.


    Where do you grab inspiration from: I’d say the place where I draw most of my inspiration is from music and nature. If I need some sort of creative inspiration, I’ll just walk around my block(I live in a rather rural area) and think. Similarly, if I’m somewhere full of distractions, I can pop in my earbuds and let my mind wander. The lyrics and the noise bring ideas.

    Although those are the two main places I draw inspiration from, I also draw inspiration from books, personal experiences and shows/movies.

    What are your current list of characters, and are you willing to sacrifice any: Jackson (willing to sacrifice, but he's quite fun) and Jon Atatis (not willing to sacrifice.)


    What race, or group, do your events best cater to: Humans, elves, mages or fun-seeking travelers.


    What do you believe are the key factors for a successful event: Flexibility, character development, and originality.

    Flexibility: The players should be able to control the event, and their should be numerous possible outcomes, just like real life. This ties into my other point; without flexibility and the ability to make decisions, there’s very little character development.

    Character Development: Events should be designed to leave a lasting effect on those who participate. If a character leaves an event changed(even slightly), or if the player has been granted some insight on his character’s attributes, then the event was successful. Even if we created our characters, we don’t always think about their most intricate personality traits; a good event will make you.

    Originality: This one’s pretty simple. Getting attacked by undead is great, but when it happens to you four times in a month, it can get boring. This doesn’t mean every event has to be completely new and unique, but even adding a little twist can give the event more flavor, and therefore make it more enjoyable.

    What strengths would you bring to the team: Experience, perspective and communication.

    Experience: I’ve been on the server since 2013(oh my god.)  Therefore, I’m very familiar with lore, commands, and really just how the server works. While many people could boast this, I felt it was worth mentioning. I know what I’m doing.

    Perspective: There was a time when I took everything on LoTC very, very seriously. Every sentence (even OOC ones) was carefully crafted, and I was sure never to step out of line. It made me a bit too attached, and I felt fake. While there was nothing inherently wrong with this, I have a different attitude now. Just to enjoy myself, and help others enjoy themselves too. It doesn’t mean I’m unprofessional, and it doesn’t make my emotes sloppy; it just means I’m more easygoing, and I have a perspective that makes me good for the ET. I just want to have fun, and I want to help everyone else have fun as well. Sorry if that sounded cheesy, but it’s the truth.

    Professional: I’m relaxed on the server, but I also know where the line is. I’m able to do as instructed, and I’m competent. This is requisite of anyone holding a staff position.


    Why do you want to be part of the team: I’d like an oppurtunity to experience and offer others unique and enjoyable roleplay.


    Create three distinct event scenarios based on the servers lore that you would organize:

    Event 1: 2-5 participants


    For a few days, an old man and his dog make themselves known in a city. Chatting it up with the residents, making friends and so on.  Although this part could be cut, it gives the event more meaning. At the end of this three day period, the dog heads out into the city -- alone. He whines and barks; something is clearly amiss! After getting the attention of a few citizens(preferably some of the people who the old man has already met) he leads them back to the old man’s home. The door is ajar. Upon entering, they find the house ransacked! The old man is on the ground with a bloodied head. The rest of the event is up to them. Try to help the old man, ask him who did this,  finish him off and finish robbing the abode, or anything else! Here are a few vague descriptions of the paths the adventurers could take.

    • If they asked, the old man could offer a description of his assailants. Meanwhile, two other ET acting as the assailants would be making themselves known in a nearby city.

    • If they tried to heal him, he could survive, he could die. It depends how the situation is handled. This could be some realistic medical RP for the participants.

    • If they finished cleaning out the house, they would find the burglars overlooked a few valuables. But the dog wouldn't be pleased that they‘re not helping his owner.


    Event 2: 4-7 participants




    A woman runs through the streets of a city, crying for help. She explains that her child has become lost in a mine shaft, and he won’t answer her cries. She promises to reward anyone who helps. When a band of willing helpers is gathered, they’re led to a mineshaft, and told he is within. However, once everyone is inside, she sets off an explosion that seals the entrance! Inside, the adventurers must try to find their way out. The mine shaft itself is unstable and practically a maze. The travelers will face rickety bridges, battle dangerous creatures, and try not to turn on one another food as and water supplies run low. (This event would include lots of decisions. Should we go left or right, who will cross first, how will we ration this food and water, etc. They would also have to decide whether to look for the woman afterwards, and if so, how to deal with her.)



    Event 3: no limit!!



    A mysterious merchant comes to town! Bearing many magical and spectacular goods, they set up shop in a populous city. However, instead of charging minas, she has people complete tasks in order to pay for what they desire. For little things, they may simply have to go out and tell three people in the a distant city about the shop! For larger ones, they’ll have to complete more difficult, possibly sinister tasks… After all, everybody knows human blood is a key component in many potions. The idea is that instead of just paying and hittin' the road with your cool trinkets, the merchant will give you tasks that make you interact with others, and spread RP.




    How long do you plan to be able to work on the team: As long as possible.


    Tell me a joke: The ET team without me on it ;)

  9. MC Name: Crazed


    Character's Name: Sam


    Character's Age: 98


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Human


    Transformed form: Sorvian


    Creator's MC Name: knghtArtorias


    Creator's RP Name: Avenel


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creatures: Sorvians are essentially super-soldiers bound to a set of beliefs, religion or ideology. Everything from appearance to personality is based upon whatever their mission is. For example, an Aspectist Sorvian may very well come to look and act like his wood elven counterparts. Whatever memories, personality traits or looks they had before the transformation are gone. They are simply a husk of their former selves.


    The primary thing to understand about Sorvians is that they have a dedication to their purpose that cannot be hindered, even for the slightest moment. A Sorvian will never doubt his cause. The only exception to this occurs if the ideology that he pursues is decimated. A Sorvian will not stay true to a flimsy set of beliefs, no matter how loyal they once were.


    Because of the fact that the minds, bodies and souls of Sorvians have essentially been put on pause, a number of effects ensue, both positive and negative.


    Sorvians . .

    - Have a high pain tolerance.

    - Do not bleed, and their life-force and genus cannot be manipulated.

    - Can reattach removed limbs, although this process is very painful.

    - Have extreme tolerance for physical duress.

    - Are extremely weak to Voidal Magic.

    - Cannot use any magic.

    - Are incapable of feeling true emotions; they cannot truly enjoy life, for example.

    - Are simply highly incapable nomads when lacking a true purpose.

    - Are incapable of great strength. That said, they can still be fit, but should not wield overly heavy armor or weaponry.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Sam will be incapable of casting all of his magic. This includes: Sensory Illusion, Water Evocation, Electrical Evocation, Telekinesis and Soul Puppetry. I will also link my Mental Magic MA, but I have been unable to cast that for some time now.




    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: I do.


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: I do.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

  10. 14 minutes ago, SimplySteak said:


    Well uhm basically I wrote this as my bio for the application:

    So that idea won't really work, or will it?

    You aren't required to follow your bio once you're in-game; meaning, you could have your character be someone completely different than the one who you applied with. That said, it's recommended you stick to your biography. Some advice to finding roleplay:


    - Stop and introduce yourself to someone passing by.

    - Go get a drink at a tavern. Strike up conversation with the person beside you.

    - PM any of the people on this thread who offered, and ask them if they want to RP ^.^ (I'm up for it, if you want to)

    - Pursue one of your character's goals. Maybe he wants to help the world, by becoming a Paladin or Cleric. Maybe he wants magic. Maybe alchemy, or maybe he just wants to educate himself by reading. The important thing to remember is while doing these things, interact with people. Ask questions, tell them what you're doing there, etc.


    And those are only just a few! Again, I'm happy to RP if you'd like to. PM me, my IGN is Crazed.


    P.S: Your bio was very well written! You clearly have a knack for writing.

  11. What do u know about me? Who am I?

    What are your nicknames? Which do you like the most?

    What's your favorite book?

    Are you more likely to avoid a conflict or engage it head on?

    How many days(if that you weak ****) could you last in solitary confinement?

    Do you have a whole lot of acquaintances are just a few close friends? Why?

    What is the best news you ever received?



    im glad you're feeling better  :^)


  12. 20 minutes ago, The Squirrel said:

    Few questions-

    At what 'tier' can a puppeteer utilize these puppets/advanced curses?

    Is there a certain material these puppets have to be made of?


    Overall, great idea and well written!


    1. Theoretically, any tier -- but it'd be a waste of time before T3, and becoming that talented at making puppets would take lots of experience(about as long as it takes to hit T4, I'd say.) That said, you can still only use curses available to your tier. T1 puppeteers couldn't go around cutting vocal cords, even if they had somehow gotten their hands on a detailed puppet.

    2. No, but just like normal puppets, you could only cast curses specific to the material you're using. So for a T4 Puppeteer to make one of these out of clay would be foolish. 


    Good questions, I'll add both of these into the lore post.

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