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Posts posted by chdgdmg

  1. I)


    Full legal name:
    Eamon Elendil



    Place of birth:


    Age (precise is best, but approximate is accepted):


    ((-Skype name (If you do not have Skype, that's unfortunate. We want to keep organised, and as a community - so, now's the time to make that move. http://www.skype.com...e-for-computer/):





    Choose, one of the following, as your dominant sect (by placing an ‘X’ in the appropriate your response). Then, to those it’d concern, indicate (with ‘V’) your interests regarding other, non-dominant sects.


    Industrious sect: of the sciences, mechanics and labour.  [   ]


    Mercantile sect: of trade, Valaise and wealth.  [    ]


    Military sect: of defenses, law enforcement, and arms.  [ x ]


    Cultured sect: of arts, dramatic, literature or music.  [    ]




    The following questions are to be answered by either ‘Ye’ or ‘Nay’.


    Do you pledge that your sole residence and Citizenship shall only be Salvian, upon completing this application?


    Do you show willingness to pay consistently as a tenant of Government property (that be, once a year)?


    Do you recognize that all non-neutral ties with other must be severed upon being of the neutral Republic of Salvus?


    Do you acknowledge that you are to be involved with Salvian Conscription, as any other Citizen, for a minimum eight year term?





    Settler’s Section : to be completed by all Current Salvians already with Passport, for at least one year. Failure to complete this section shall see their Passports being revoked.




    The following questions shall be answered with thorough and complete detail - otherwise, the responses are very likely to be rejected, along with the entire application. Upon reading Examples, please remove them from your response.


    State the street and door number of your place of residence (or, of the building it is contained within). Then, declare the price of tenancy of the property (check this with the S.A - should you not know the exact sum) per year.

    Don't live in a house in Salvus



    State the Guilds you are of, and what role/s you hold within them (please state if you are part of none).

    Not in guild



    State all maintained sources of your income - and approximate amounts of income from each - and the exact street and door numbers of the locale of your work:

    Don't work

  2. Given (MC) Name: Dannysslayinem
    Chosen (RP) Name: Edward Caen
    Race: Human

    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Combat Experience: Trained by Ser Brennen, Ser Marvin, and Ser Wilcon
    Previous Loyalties: Griffins 
    Place of Residence: Perch
    Section (Griffin or Vojak): Griffin

  3. To all who seek some more enjoyment! Anyone at all! There is a bard, and a story teller, looking to perform for you, and give you enjoyment! If you are in need to find them then just send a bird! Their names are Deven (Bard) [Chdgdmg and Bron (Story teller) [ben127127] Just contact one of them! Once you meet them, you will ask how long you wish to  have them, the payment is :


    30 min: 10 minas

    1 hour: 20 minas

    2 hours: 40 minas

    3 hours 80 minas

    4 hours 150 minas (This is our max)


    Anyone may ask of course! Let there be enjoyment among all! [Ooc] “We just want to make your roleplaying fun! If you’re bored, because I’ve noticed a lot of war and stuff, and it gets boring somtimes, so just contact us if you want something besides that.”


    When you ask us, you must tell us;

    Who you are,

    Where should we meet,

    How long you want us to play for you,

    and Where you want us to play for you!

  4. Mc Name: Chdgdmg


    Skype Name (If you have one):







    Race: Human


    Are you a citizen of Leuvaarden: Yes


    Have you had previous experience in fishing or sailing:


    Favorite sea shanty (if you know any):


    Why do you wish to be apart of the Rainy Pond Fishermen: To give music to the sailors, and maybe learn a few things about fishing.


    Name: David Luis

    Race and Sub race: human

    Age: 35

    Are you willing to die for both the Creator, and The Decterum:

    Are you a citizen of Oren:Yes

    Military Experience(None Needed):

    I have used the longsword in multiple battles.


    ~ OOC ~

    MC Name: Chdgdmg

    What is your Skype (If you don't have one, are you able to make one?): Daniel Mangan-Geltman

    Do you have TeamSpeak (Required for battles/events): Yes

    Will you be able to make this your main character:Yes

  6. The place could be somewhere close to the main road that goes into Khaldonia. It would create better rp and less actual pvp. Of course they might have to be someone roleplaying as the dragon, but there would have to be roleplay fighting. The Dragon person wouldn't be able to go out of a certain boundaries, so they couldn't go on a rampage causing mass destruction. Or there could be a teleport area that teleports to a specific part in the nether which serves at the "Dragon's pit."

  7. There would be a whole section of the world where there would just be dragons. It would be fun rp because groups of different races could go and just hunt down dragons. It might be hard to make them but If you could that might be pretty sweat. There would be more rp because you could find dragons and slay them with your friends/comrades.

  8. Name: David

    Race and Subrace: Human

    Age: 30

    Are you willing to die for both the Creator, and The Decterum: Yes

    Are you a citizen of Oren: No

    Military Experience(None Needed): No


    The Decterum Oath

    I ___David_______, swear to uphold the word of the Creator in anyway, shape, or form. I swear to give forth my utmost effort to perform my duties the best way I can, and to bring honor to both myself, and The Decterum. I swear to protect Oren and it’s people from whatever threat dares to show hostile actions towards my Nation, and to protect the Church and the Human Realm from barbaric heretics and those who wish to bring chaos to the Oren government. I swear to never disobey a direct order from my superiors, and to never act in a disrespectful manner while representing The Decterum. I swear, to be a member of The Decterum until I die.




    MC Name: Chdgdmg

    What is your Skype:

    Do you have TeamSpeak: No

    Will you be able to make this your main character: Yes

  9. What is your IGN: chdgdmg

    Have you ever Rped as an animal?: no

    How long have you been Rping?: 4 months
    How long have you been on LotC?: 4 months

    Would you RP as a Cub, or Tiger?: Cub

    What gender would your char be?: Male

    How active can you be?: Very active but sometimes he likes to sleep

    Will this be your main char?: Yes

    Do you understand that IF you are accepted, you must then get permission from a GM for the race?:

  10. ((MC Name: ))

    Name: Draco

    Race: Human

    Why do you wish to join the order? I want to join the order so I can protect the creator and fight for him.

    Desired rank?: Soldier

    Do you have any prior Clergy or Military experience?: Yes military experience and no Clergy

    Do you accept the Creator as the Almighty power of all worlds?: Yes

    Do you accept His divines as his prophets and chosen rulers?: Yes

    Will you respect, follow and uphold the creator's law?: Yes

    you willing to commit to the years of work and study it takes to become
    an order-man?: Yes I will do what I have to do to become an order-man.

  11. Minecraft Account Name: chdgdmg

    How old are you?: 16

    Time-Zone: East Coast

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Only a little bit

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: My friend

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server:

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): http://i.imgur.com/10Td1Td.png

    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Is when you use information of your character and act like someone that you are not.

    Metagaming: It is when you use out of character information in character.

    Power-emoting: Is when you Roleplay an action that cannot be prevented. Example: “Joah swings his axe and cuts off Bill’s head.” Correction: “Joah swings his axe, aiming for Bill’s head.”

    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Elhad

    Current Age: 230

    Sub-race (if any):

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long): My mother Ema, was a normal elf and my father Bahz, was a normal elf, they both were born in Leumailn, and they still live there. My father was in charge of the guards and my mother stayed home. I was born in a hospital four blocks away from their house. I was one of the few chosen to learn the arts of the the bow, dagger, poison, and the art of concealment. I was the best at the bow, not very good at the dagger, poison, and the act of concealment. I had many friends, my best friend was named Shinta, me and Shinta always went into the forest and played with the animals. We had many games, but our favorite game was to play tricks on people. Once there was a man walking in the forest and he felt something on his cheek. He tried to get it off but he couldn’t. So he went to a tiny pond and looked in the reflection of the pond. But before he could see what it was, a big rock fell on the thing that was stuck to him and it got stuck to him too. So now he had a big rock on his cheek. We tried not to laugh but we couldn’t hold it so we had to run very fast. Those were the best days of my life. When I was 18 I had a thirst for adventure, I asked my parents if I could go on my voyage. They agreed because they wanted me to learn the life of nature. When I came back at age 20 I was a new man. I now knew the true power of peace and flourishment. I was now a true elf. I now knew the old truth of the old world. The world with the deity of the creator. I know knew of Krug, Malin, Urguan, and Horen. I would always hail them. I thought I would become a worshipper, but now I know I want to protect the elfs lives. I knew that Ibee turned into a monster with the skin with scales, and fangs growing out of his body, Iblee, the monster, who tried to destroy everything that the creator created, which made me want to kill him with all my might. I learned of the great fight against the Delvers and the Mercenaries, and how they attempted to overtake and replace the Malinor government, but with the Orc’s on our side. I learned of another great battle recently after that, in which Oren attacked Malinor, and even with the help of the Orcs, there was destruction and many deaths. Men, Orcs, and elves all screaming in agony by the sharp deadly blades, axes, or arrows. This was a devastating hit for both Orcs, Humans, and elves. Even though the elves and the Orcs tried Lumaelin was pillaged. On day my parents took me to a festival, it was all for our creator, when I came back from it, I learned a lot more than I used too. I learned of when Iblee who was once the greatest of all the god’s worshippers was cast down into our mortal world and almost destroyed the peacefulness of Aegis forever. I learned that Horen was always anxious and was not able to live long enough to see his city completed and his lands increased. But for god, this, was, all a test. After learning all this, I know for sure I want to help the people of Malinor. I want to join the High Guard, and protect citizens from the villany of Oren.

    Ambitions for the Future: To destroy evil, and help the good.

    Personality: Nice, very curious, and I have a sense of humor

    Skills: The bow, the dagger, poisons, and concealment

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):

    Any other details you wish to share about your character:


    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.


    1. As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you realize that a group of older elves are mocking a small elven child. How do you react?

    Answer: I tell the older elfs “If you want to keep your age, leave this child alone”, and I held the held the boy's hand and walked away. “I will give confidence in you” I said to the young elf. “I will show you that you can do anything if you can believe” I said. I stand for any younger elf in need. “Would you like to join me as my apprentice” I asked the boy if he would like to join me as my apprentice. “If you accept I will teach you all I knew about the elf history and combat training” I said.

    2. Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with a walking stick. He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?

    Answer: “Hello” I said while I picked up the old man’s coins, he weakly said “h... h... hi” groaned  the old man in pain. Then I put the money back into the pouch. “Do you need any assistance?” I asked, “ye.. yes please” whispered the old man, so I helped the old man up and gave him back his pouch. “I owe you so much for your great deed” said the old man, “you don’t owe me anything my dear friend” I said, I will give him the respect that he deserves. “I will protect you until you get back to your home” I said, now I shall say my goodbyes,” I said, and so I left a happy man to live in peacefulness.

    3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion involved).

    I spotted a fine bow, one of the best bows I had ever seen. “How much for the bow” I asked. The man grinned at the bow. “Thats a fine bow. The best I’ve seen in a while.. say.. “500 Minas” said the man. “250 Minas” I said, “I’m going for 400 Minas” said the man. “267” I said, “300 take it or leave it” said the man. “Fine” I said in an  annoyed voice. So once I bought my bow I asked “ would you like to come over to my house and drink some ale with me?” I asked. “Of course” said the man. Once we got to my house we talked about people who the trader traded to. “So was there any strange people who traded with you?” I asked. “Not that I know of” said the man. “Wait, there was one man who had a strange cape over his head” said the trader. “A villain” I whispered. Once we finished our tea we said our goodbyes. “Farewell and safe travels” I yelled after him.

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