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Posts posted by ItsKlown

  1. IC

    Name: Vaerath Leydon

    Age: 20

    Race [Human/Elf]: Human

    Status of Blood (Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, etc.): Commoner

    Place of Residence: Vsenk, Metz, and St.Karlsburg

    Martial Knowledge (if any):

    Skills: Trained in the ways of the sword and bow.



    MC Name: jok3rofgaming

    Skype ID: knightxofxdark


    I. Name: Vaerath Leydon
    II. Age: 20
    IIa. Date of Birth [if Known]: N/A
    IIb. Location of Birth [if Known]: N/A
    III. Race [Human/Elf]: Human
    IIIa. Culture [Heartlander, Highlander, Wood Elf, etc.]
    IV. Status of Blood [Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, Former Nobility, etc.]: Commoner 
    V. Place of Residence: Vsenk and St Karlsburg

    VI. Martial Knowledge [Trained in Weaponry, Archer, etc.]: Weaponry and Archery 
    VII. Skilled Labor [Farmer, Lumberjack, etc.]: Miner and Lumberjack
    MC Name: jok3rofgaming
    Skype ID: You have it

  3. [[OOC]]


    MC Name - jok3rofgaming


    Age (Not necessary) - 17


    Do you have skype and/or TS (Skype required, both recommended) - Yes




    Full name - Vaerath


    Why do you wish to join the Huntsguard? - To be apart of a group a brotherhood and have fun rp.


    What section would you prefer? (If Non combatant, write your profession) - I would like to be apart of the guard section. I would also like position as cook because I do enjoy farming and things of that nature in my down time.


    Why should we accept you? - Because I am loyal, hard working, and understanding/helpful


    Oath -


    I -Vaerath- do so swear my life and loyalty to the House of Stafyr, it’s people, it’s lands and the men of the Huntsguard. To always protect those in need and to always act just. To fight for those who can not fight and to speak for those who can not speak. Until the day that I die, I shall keep my oath.


    In Character


    Name: Vaerath

    Age: 19

    Race: Human

    What are your professions and talents?: Farming, Trading, Short sword, and Talking skills.

    Previous military experience: Guardians of furnestock and order of stranniks

    Do you agree to follow the Oath of Allegiance?: Yes


    Out of Character


    MC Name: jok3rofgaming

    Do you have skype? (Not Required): Yes

    Do you have teamspeak? (Not Required):Yes

  5. In Character
    Name: Klown
    Age: 19
    Race: Human
    What are your professions and talents?: Talents are as follows: Smart thinker, Smart talker, handy with a bow and sword, good delegation skills, and critical thinker
    Previous military experience: none ((other then the occasional mobs.))
    Do you agree to follow the Oath of Allegiance?: I do whole heartily agree.
    Out of Character
    MC Name: Jok3rofGaming
    Do you have skype? (Not Required): Yes
    Do you have teamspeak? (Not Required): Yes
    Do you have an accepted villain application? (Include a link to your VA): No, But willing it make one and wanted one. Just had a lack of people to be able to reference.
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