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Posts posted by qwertyhim513

  1. [ MC Name: ]Pearsonflynn


    Wut be yer name:Pearson Starbreaker


    Where do ya live: United States


    Wut be yer primary skills: I am a solid smither and miner. I am an excellent archer and average melee fighter. I am also an okay fisherman.


    Short biography about yourself (5+ sentences): My name is Pearson Starbreaker and I was found in a breadbasket in front of a mountain dwarf's hut. He took me in and raised me as his own, but never telling me where I cam from. It was only by the journal he keeps under his bed. Truth ta be told, I'm not even sure if I am a dwarf. I am naturally puny, yet I look like one. When I turned 15 years of age, my adopted father kicked me out and claimed that any dwarf worth his weight in steel can live out in the world now. He probably wanted to kick me out cause he was ashamed of adopting such a weak dwarf, but  I will, nvevertheles, make him proud by proving that a weak bodied dwarf does not always mean a weak spirited one.


    How de ya be related to te Irongut Clan (See family tree, dont create your own father or mother unless you PM Hiebe):Hiebe's Brother


    De ya swear loyalty to te Irongut Clan Lord: I swear utmost loyalty.




    Do you agree to follow all the rules of the Irongut Clan?

    Yes with all me blood and bones.

    Skype name? (we have a clan chat) I don't have skype

  2. Out-Of-Character Information

    The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - pearsonflynn
    How old are you?: - 15
    What time-zone do you live in?: - Eastern 

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: -Perhaps, because it has been a while since I played Minecraft but most likely no.
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - Yes
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - Yes




    How did you hear about us?: -Youtube
    What do you think the server will be like? - A place where I can live the life of a different person.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes.
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - You can't build farms underground. :D


    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: - The act of playing a particular role intentionally according to that guidelines of a character

    What’s metagaming?: - Metagaming is the act of using information not obtained by roleplaying.

    What’s powergaming?: - Powergaming is the act of trying to impose on another character without the other character's freedom to act on the scene.

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Some say that heroes are those who have a unique talent or power and has mastered it. While there are heroes like them, there are also heroes who have risen up from the mundane with no gift but their two hands.

    I was raised as an only child in a family of mountain dwarfs. Though they care for me surely, they were, to put it bluntly, disgraced by me. I did not have the fiery red hair of my heritage nor did I have strength. Truthfully, I think I was adopted for I wield puny strength and only have a knack with making friends with cave dwarfs and forest dwarfs. Supporting this theory that I was adopted, I have heard tiny phrases my parents whisper when they think I'm asleep.


    "Owed him"... "shame he doesn't resemble"... "are you sure its his so..."... "Black Scourge slayed his"


    Whenever I asked my parents about the Black Scourge, they would silence me and tell me to never mention those words again. They would have been ashamed of me, but I must do what must be done. While supposedly during chores, I would learn about this Black Scourge and Seletherin, its leader, from one of my many companions. To be honest, I probably, in a fiendish way, admired and feared him. Whenever such feeling arised, I would just swiftly do my chores, drowning the feeling by during menial duties. 


    The Fated Day

    I can't stand living such a menial life. I will find out my past and make a new life. I will prove to the world that a puny body does not necessarily mean a puny spirit. When I told my parents these ideals, they surprisingly understood. The provided me provisions and sent me on my way. The drops of tears dripping of their steely eyes were a message to me.




    What’s your character called?: - Cyrus

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Dwarf. (most likely Forest Dwarf)

    What sex are they?: - Male

    How old are they?: - 25 seasons

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): -  He has lived a humble life in a humble mountain dwarf family. His childhood consisted of lumber-jacking and making friends with other dwarfs. His family are hard-core , steel-eyed mountain dwarfs who are frankly ashamed of Cyrus's puny strength and lack of fiery crimson in his hair.

    What are they like (personality)?: - Cyrus is an affable and curious dwarf who is eager to learn the ways of others. However, his curiosity also can irritate the most patience dwarf.

    What are their ambitions?: - He seeks to make a name for himself and dissuade the notion that a weak body does not belie a weak spirit. He also seeks to learn about his mysterious past.

    Do they have any special skills?: - He learns quickly and with his training as a child, sneaking away information from his parents, he is adept at sneaking and other "unvirtuous" skills. He also knows a dabbling about druidism and smithing from the cave dwarfs and forest dwarfs.

    What are their weaknesses?: -  His curiosity which often gets himself in trouble and his weak frame.

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - As a dwarf, he barely reaches the top of the back of an adult horse. His face is overrun with tangled hair entwined with the scraps of the wilderness. His eyes  are unique, with pupils that are almost crystal clear. His body is surprisingly weak for such a frame

    Anything else you want to say about them?: -  Cyrus is a dwarf seeking to make a name for himself and find out about his troubled past and weak body.


    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - 

    Fantastic, there you go. No need to write any more - simply post this on our forums (and on MinecraftForum like it says above) and wait!

  3. Out-Of-Character Information

    The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - pearsonflynn
    How old are you?: - 15
    What time-zone do you live in?: - Eastern 

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: -Perhaps, because it has been a while since I played Minecraft but most likely no.
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - Yes
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - Yes



    How did you hear about us?: -Youtube
    What do you think the server will be like? - A place where I can live the life of a different person.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes.
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - You can't build farms underground. :D


    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: - The act of playing a particular role intentionally according to that guidelines of a character

    What’s metagaming?: - Metagaming is the act of using information not obtained by roleplaying.

    What’s powergaming?: - Powergaming is the act of trying to max out a character not in a roleplaying sence

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    I see no light...

    All I remember is....

    just fragments... glimpses of my past... or are they someone's else

    Only the Gods know.....


    I was born into a humble dwarf family in the wilderness. My father... I only remember he was a good man, stern enough to punish, yet generous enough to forgive. My mother ... all I remember was her calm voice singing while cleaning out home--a humble abode consisting of a small cave and a nearby plot of dirt. I think I might of had two older brothers and one little sis. Though I don't remember much about my brothers--they had left for their own adventures when I could barely walk, I remember me and my little sis would play from dawn to dusk.




    For years, my sis and I would care for our parents once they were too feeble to help themselves. On one fateful night just before my sis's birthday, I left our home secretly in search for a surprise present. I remember scavenging around the woods, eventually seeing  what I was searching for. It was the Alcara Flower--a precious and rare flower that is said to bring good luck. I remembered reaching for it and suddenly a cackling laughter and then...




    Burning throat... Burning eyes... Burning skin... I awoke to all of these symptoms. I was in some strange plane filled with darkness except for two glowing orbs. I approached these two lights and realized that one was red another was purple. Curiously and also desperately, I grasped with both of the lights, hoping for some antidote for the pain. Two vials of mysterious origins appeared floating in the air next to me as a poisonously honeyed voice whispered, "If you wish to live, quaff the potion on the left, but as you gain life, death will have one. Drink the right if you wish to die, but life will flourish for a while." I remembered grasping the left and....




    I returned home carrying the flower. Except my home wasn't there. A roaring inferno had replaced it. I heard the brutal sounds of metal against flesh.. a scream.. and then silence... "What have I done?"




    "You have chosen your path. Your wish for life has cursed you, yet I shall be merciful. I shall remove your conscious from this realm and give you the name of that clan which ruined your life--the Doomforge clan."




    I can no longer sense, feel, or reason. Cursed is my existence for I can't even die. Yet in my misery, one has accepted and appreciated my madness. I now serve my dark lord, Setherien, with every cunning tools in my desparing madnesss. As one of his Black Scourge, I have risen in his ranks swiftly for none has given up more for him than me. It was I who led his forces at the Siege of Greywynn. It was my hand that controlled the golem who set the blaze at the Burning of Lenniel, slaughtering innocents by the bushels. It was I who willingly gave up my own existence for him, for he promises me many things. The Dark lord promises me that he will find a way to obliterate me, freeing me from the cursed chains of madness. He promises me oh so much.......



    What’s your character called?: - Cyrus

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Dwarf

    What sex are they?: - Male

    How old are they?: - 25

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): - 

    What are they like (personality)?: - Cyrus used to be one of the most compassionate of dwarves. However, after the incident in which he has quaffed a cursed potion in retaliation to a Doomforged clan which swept his family away, he has lost his mind and has become a soulless madman not held back by any virtue.

    What are their ambitions?: - He has not real ambition other than burn the world to the ground. The doomforge clan is perhaps his most vile enemy and the being he must destroy/

    Do they have any special skills?: - Though he is insane, he is incredibly cunning and patient. He also has dabbled a bit in magic, but no one knows how much he has mastered. Truth to be told, his greatest skill is the insanity of his mind which makes the occult look familiar. He is also incredibly stealthy, as he has survived in the icty of Kal' garud with not a single soul witnessing his being there.

    What are their weaknesses?: -  His weaknesses changes on the fly. One moment he is afraid of kindness, the next he fears water. 

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - As a dwarf, he barely reaches the top of the back of an adult horse. His face is overrun with tangled hair entwined with the scraps of the wilderness. His eyes  are unique, with pupils that are almost crystal clear. His body is surprisingly strong for such a thing frame. When one is to look at him, unless he has a great mind, will feel nauseating and start sweating.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: -  As the ambassador of insanity, he knows neither friend nor foe. An ally has just as much of a chance of a good ol' dagger in the ribs than a fearsome foe


    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - 
     skin.png   40.3KB   0 downloads

    Fantastic, there you go. No need to write any more - simply post this on our forums (and on MinecraftForum like it says above) and wait!

  4. Out-Of-Character Information

    The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - Pearsonflynn
    How old are you?: - 15
    What time-zone do you live in?: - Eastern 

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: -Perhaps, because it has been a while since I played Minecraft but most likely no.
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - Yes
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - Yes


    How did you hear about us?: -Youtube
    What do you think the server will be like? - A place where I can live the life of a different person.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes.
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - You can't build farms underground. :D


    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: - The act of playing a particular role intentionally according to that guidelines of a character

    What’s metagaming?: - Metagaming is the act of using information not obtained by roleplaying.

    What’s powergaming?: - Powergaming is the act of trying to max out a character not in a roleplaying sence

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    I see no light...

    All I remember is....

    just fragments... glimpses of my past... or are they someone's else

    Only the Gods know.....


    I was born into a humble dwarf family in the wilderness. My father... I only remember he was a good man, stern enough to punish, yet generous enough to forgive. My mother ... all I remember was her calm voice singing while cleaning out home--a humble abode consisting of a small cave and a nearby plot of dirt. I think I might of had two older brothers and one little sis. Though I don't remember much about my brothers--they had left for their own adventures when I could barely walk, I remember me and my little sis would play from dawn to dusk.




    For years, my sis and I would care for our parents once they were too feeble to help themselves. On one fateful night just before my sis's birthday, I left our home secretly in search for a surprise present. I remember scavenging around the woods, eventually seeing  what I was searching for. It was the Alcara Flower--a precious and rare flower that is said to bring good luck. I remembered reaching for it and suddenly a cackling laughter and then...




    Burning throat... Burning eyes... Burning skin... I awoke to all of these symptoms. I was in some strange plane filled with darkness except for two glowing orbs. I approached these two lights and realized that one was red another was purple. Curiously and also desperately, I grasped with both of the lights, hoping for some antidote for the pain. Two vials of mysterious origins appeared floating in the air next to me as a poisonously honeyed voice whispered, "If you wish to live, quaff the potion on the left, but as you gain life, death will have one. Drink the right if you wish to die, but life will flourish for a while." I remembered grasping the left and....




    I returned home carrying the flower. Except my home wasn't there. A roaring inferno had replaced it. I heard the brutal sounds of metal against flesh.. a scream.. and then silence... "What have I done?"




    "You have chosen your path. Your wish for life has cursed you, yet I shall be merciful. I shall remove your conscious from this realm and give you the name of that clan which ruined your life--the Doomforge clan."





    What’s your character called?: - Cyrus

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Dwarf

    What sex are they?: - Male

    How old are they?: - 25

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): - 

    What are they like (personality)?: - Cyrus used to be one of the most compassionate of dwarves. However, after the incident in which he has quaffed a cursed potion in retaliation to a Doomforged clan which swept his family away, he has lost his mind and has become a soulless madman not held back by any virtue.

    What are their ambitions?: - He has not real ambition other than burn the world to the ground. The doomforge clan is perhaps his most vile enemy and the being he must destroy/

    Do they have any special skills?: - Though he is insane, he is incredibly cunning and patient. He also has dabbled a bit in magic, but no one knows how much he has mastered. Truth to be told, his greatest skill is the insanity of his mind which makes the occult look familiar. He is also incredibly stealthy, as he has survived in the icty of Kal' garud with not a single soul witnessing his being there.

    What are their weaknesses?: -  His weaknesses changes on the fly. One moment he is afraid of kindness, the next he fears water. 

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - As a dwarf, he barely reaches the top of the back of an adult horse. His face is overrun with tangled hair entwined with the scraps of the wilderness. His eyes  are unique, with pupils that are almost crystal clear. His body is surprisingly strong for such a thing frame. When one is to look at him, unless he has a great mind, will feel nauseating and start sweating.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: -  As the ambassador of insanity, he knows neither friend nor foe. An ally has just as much of a chance of a good ol' dagger in the ribs than a fearsome foe


    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - 

    Fantastic, there you go. No need to write any more - simply post this on our forums (and on MinecraftForum like it says above) and wait!

  5. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and

    ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name:pearsonflynn

    How old are you?: 14

    Time-Zone:Eastern Time

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?:yes

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I have no experience of

    role-playing before.

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I watched a youtuber play


    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server:




















    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do

    so (link above):no

    Have you read the Dwarven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and

    follow it in your biography?:yes


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions

    from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Role-playng isplaying a role or topic in a game. For example, a

    haughty noble would be scornful to those below him. You basically live the life

    of another person.

    Meta-gaming: Using unauthorized information not provided by the server. For

    example, if a server says you can only kill using an axe, using a sword because

    of its advantage would be meta-gaming

    Power-emoting:  Saying something that

    doesn’t allow anyone else to have any imput. An example is if I say that “I

    have killed a noobtoober, then I steal his money.” It basically restricts

    anyone else from implementing their imagination.

    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Pearson

    Current Age:20

    Sub-race (if any):none

    Clan (if any):none

    Past / History (include

    childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):




     I first came to this world
    living in little more thana boxful of hay. My mother’s and my father’s name
    were Lyra and Dangoff. We were born in the streets, living off the crumbs off
    the tables of the nobles. Though, we were poor, we happy. We dined on rats if
    we were fast enough to catch them. We never begged for supplies though, we
    always managed to get just enough nutrition to live on. This would be the way I
    would live until I found an adventurer’s sword.




    Ahh, I remember that day, I barely
    had a beard. I was off during random errands for a  wealthy dwarf. Suddenly, while I was
    transporting some goods into a caravan, something stood out to me. It was a
    tiny flat piece of metal that was sticking out of one of the many chests I had
    to transport. I could not resist inspecting the whole thing. It turned out to
    be a simple iron sword, with a stone handle. Yet, there was some elegance to
    it. Something about it screamed that I was destined to use it. I questioned the
    merchant I was during the errands for. He looked me in the eye closely. I
    remembered gulping with fear.


    Then as if nowhere, he laughed. “You
    got the eyes of an adventurer son” He told me. I pondered about what he said.
    He then gave me the sword free of charge as payment for me working for him. I
    was astonished. Never before has my family obtained such wealth. We have mainly
    wooden items and a few stone furniture. However, we never had a piece of metal.
    This sword’s blade of metal was sure to shock my parents.  However, when I questioned the dwarf’s sanity,
    he vanished.


    I went home that evening with a
    huge grin on my face. However, when my family saw what I had brought to them, my
    parrents tensed. I was too ecstatic of bringing home such a treasure to noticed
    it. I then rambled on about how the dwarf mentioned I was born to be an
    adventurer. My father then promptly put a hand on my shoulders and asked hoarsely,
    “Can you describe this dwarf?” My father winced once I told him about a dwarf
    with wealthy clothes and his sudden vanishment. He then sighed and said, “Son,
    I’m afraid ye is an adventurer.” My mother shed tears that night.


    I remembered that night as I was
    sleeping, my parents were cooking. That was unusual, for they were often too
    tired to cook. When I woke up the next day, my mother gave me several loafs of
    bread and three apples. This was the bounty of all the work my parents had
    done. I was shocked. My father then presented me a small supply of stone tools
    that I have never had seen before. These were obviously unused for they shone
    with a dull glow. These items were obviously incredibly precious for even I
    have never seen so much.  I questioned
    them about this and my father said, ”It’s time for you to make a mark in this
    world son.” My mother just wept.


    I was too confused. This was too
    sudden. For goodness sakes I was just 18 years of age. However, my father
    answered it with our family’s saying. “Young ones come forth ye, when thee is
    called upon by thy oracle.” I questioned it, my father then told me that the
    dwarf who gave me the sword was an oracle. My mother gave me a few advices
    while shedding silent tears. With my family bravely waving me onwards,  I left that day eager to bring honor to my








    Ambitions for the Future:

    Pearson desires to become a wealthy dwarf and to explore forgotten ruins.
















    Personality: Pearson is usually a
    somewhat affable dwarf.

    Yet, when he is struck with the memories of his parents, he becomes solitary

    and filled with rage.

    Skills: Pearson is skilled in combat and a somewhat good archer. He is adept at

    picking locks and pickpocketing. Though he is yet to know this, but he has the

    potential to be a great brewer.

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your


    Any other details you wish to share about your character: He likes to

    explore and discover new things.


    Each question in this section must be

    answered with a

    minimum of one paragraph which must describe

    the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore

    at any point.


    1. Whilst mining deep in the undergrounds

    of Kalos you

    see a large deposit of diamond ore at the other side of the ravine you are

    on. There is a

    very thin rock bridge that looks precariously unstable, but

    it is the

    only way to access the deposit. What do you do?

    Answer: I felt the allure of the diamonds. However, I knew many of the bedtime

    stories told about the downfall of greedy dwarves. Yet, I felt that the

    diamonds were meant for me. I quickly gathered my senses and looked around.




    I then took out a piece of rope
    and a wooden log. I then

    took hours chipping away at the wood until it was in an ideal shape. I then

    tied the rope around the wood. Eventually the chiseled wood and rope turned

    into the shape of a grappling hook.




    I then took it and lassoed it to
    the other side. With a deep

    breath, I jumped and successfully got to the other side.  Grabbing out my
    pick, I then chipped at the

    coveted ore. However, I was careful to bring ongly small amounts of ore with me

    to prevent the rope breaking on my way back. It took twelve trips, but I

    eventually gathered up all the ore. With a quick prayer to the gods, I then

    marched into town, searching for a crafting table.  The next day, I strode
    out of town carrying

    epic diamond armor and of course my trusty diamond sword.


    2. You are

    sitting in the local tavern with a

    large pint of ale in your hand - sitting nearby

    you is a

    rather young dwarf whom is clearly going through a bad

    time. He is crying

    to himself, and clutching a small wooden hammer

    toy. In the

    other corner of the room two shady dwarves are sitting whispering to each

    other and pointing occasionally at the dwarf. They stand

    up, one with a

    small dagger in his hand and begin to approach the young

    dwarf. What do you do?

    Answer: “This is cruel” went through my mind. I crept into a corner of my seat

    and slowly drew out dual diamond swords. However, I was careful to not raise

    alarm. I then pretended to be drunk and dropped my head on the table.  The
    thump alerted the two shady dwarves. With

    closed eyes, I prayed that they would not notice my hidden weapons. With a

    grunt, the two dwarves continued toward the crying dwarf.








    The two shady dwarves crept to
    each side of the crying dwarf

    and whispered something in his ear. I did not catch wind of what it was, but

    the crying dwarve instantly tensed up.


     “I don’t have any more money” he cried.


    “Well, then sell your
    possessions” they responded.




    The crying dwarf obviously had no
    possessions other than the

    toy hammer.  He tried to hide it from the

    shady dwarves but one of them spotted it. Both of them took one of the Dwarf’s

    arms and pinned him down until they could take it from in. One of them lifted

    it up, pointing it towards the dim tavern light. It was of good craftsmanship

    and was definitely worth its weight in gold. The two shady dwarves laughed and

    then left the tavern while jeering at the now sobbing dwarf.




    I could not take it. I drew my
    swords and rested it on to

    the backs of the two shady dwarves. I told them to return it, but they refused

    to. I drew back my arms, ready to swipe. The two shady dwarves then look

    nervous and started begging for forgiveness. They dropped it humbly by the

    crying dwarf and then begged to be forgiven. I granted them a chance, after of

    course I punished them. I stripped the two dwarves of their money and their

    badge of office. Now, they were little more than wandering vagabonds. They

    threatened to get revenge, but I never worry about words, just actions.




    3. Whilst wandering through the Dwarven Caverns you

    hear a voice call out to you; “Oi, ye’! C’mere

    n’get ye’rself

    an ale!”. You spin on your heel and see a heavily


    bar-owner looking at you - a huge grin on his

    face, and a

    mug of ale in his hand. How do you react?

    Answer:  I asked him, what was the catch.

    The barkeeper claimed that it was on the house. So, not wanting to continue to

    look at a gift horse in the mouth, I drank some ale with him. The ale was of

    the apple variety. Once drowning a mugful, I began to feel the tingling feeling

    in my head. I knew it was starting to cloud my senses. I took a glance out of

    the window and saw that the sun was setting. It would be best if I find

    shelter. I asked the barkeeper, “any rooms on sale.”


    He replied in a gruff voice,
    “Sorry mate, got all me rooms

    filled up.”


    I asked if there were any nearby
    inns I could rest at. He

    replied, “None I no of traveler, You can sleep on thee floor tonight matey.”




    I thanked him for the generous
    offer. I ordered up another

    free mug of ale. While drinking this one, I complimented him for serving such a

    flavorful drink. He beamed with joy and started to tell me, “it’s me old

    recipe. It’ll bring the shine to your hair and the iron in your bones. It is

    created us….” However, I didn’t hear the rest, for his voice was the one of a

    storyteller. I soon blanked out .


    Once the rooster crowed I woke
    with a stinging headache. Unused

    to such mental pain, I decided to try and fall asleep again to escape the pain.

    However, that soon turned up fruitless. 

    A voice called out suddenly“Got a head-bonger don’t ya”  shocking me to
    awakeness. The barkeeper

    offered me a wet towel to help with the headache. After washing my face, I

    looked outside. The weather was fine and dandy. I then left the tavern hoping

    to find some adventure. However, before I left, the innkeeper gave me a cask of

    his finest apple ale. He spoke with a wink, “keep this one tah give you some

    good luck on ye adventure.” Unable to refuse such a jolly dwarf, I accepted and

    went eastward, towards adventure and wealth.




    Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and

    ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name:pearsonflynn

    How old are you?: 14

    Time-Zone:Eastern Time

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?:yes

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I have no experience of

    role-playing before.

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I watched a youtuber play


    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server:









    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do

    so (link above):no

    Have you read the Dwarven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and

    follow it in your biography?:yes


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions

    from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Role-playng isplaying a role or topic in a game. For example, a

    haughty noble would be scornful to those below him. You basically live the life

    of another person.

    Meta-gaming: Using unauthorized information not provided by the server. For

    example, if a server says you can only kill using an axe, using a sword because

    of its advantage would be meta-gaming

    Power-emoting:  Saying something that

    doesn’t allow anyone else to have any imput. An example is if I say that “I

    have killed a noobtoober, then I steal his money.” It basically restricts

    anyone else from implementing their imagination.

    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Pearson

    Current Age:20

    Sub-race (if any):none

    Clan (if any):none

    Past / History (include

    childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):


     I first came to this world living in little more than

    a boxful of hay. My mother’s and my father’s name were Lyra and Dangoff. We

    were born in the streets, living off the crumbs off the tables of the

    noblesEven before I could walk, my father taught me to pick a lock and

    pickpocket strangers. He always said in a kind way, “only steal what we need, save

    the rest for others like us.” It would be many seasons before I understood why.

    Though it may seem cruel, it was the only way for dinner to be on the table.

    When I was 7 season old, my father then taught me the lore of Kal’Azgoth and

    how the nobles lived. I remember his voice well whenever he talked about the

    nobles. It was always in a harsh, angry demeanor.  I eventually realized why, for with .




    It all started one day when I was liberating the weight off

    people in the marketplace. I remember holding a hefty amount of vittles.

    Counting my loot, I quickly crept into one of the backstreets.  There would be meat on the table at last. I

    remembered drooling as I walked towards my parent’s house, the roof of one of

    the taverns.


     My father was proud

    that his son had brought in meat, for we didn’t eat any since last month. While

    feasting, I heard a sound.  It was the

    royal messenger of the king blowing his horn, the horn for war. I had never

    heard such a sound, it promised adventure and glory to those brave enough to

    uptake the dangerous quest. Yet, when I looked into my parents’ eyes, I saw

    pure fear. With his hands trembling, my father told my mother and I to stay

    hidden. Then, he went off the roof and walked shakily towards the sound of the

    horn. I remember asking my mother what was happening. I could see that she was

    barely holding back tears. She told me to shush and hide on the roof.


    The Kingdom of Urgan was calling all adult males to join the

    crusade against the Orcs. I remember seeing on the day my father left. He was

    wearing basic leather armor and a stone sword by his side. If I had known he

    was going to join the King’s shock troopers, I would have fought to get him

    out. The shock troopers were the platoon of men who strike hard and fast. They

    often killed off hordes of foes, but at the cost of many lives. It was also not

    rare for entire shock trooper platoons to be wiped out.


    My mother, grieved beyond despair, often went into a coma of

    crying. I tried to cheer her up; giving her the finest food I could swipe.

    However, she refused to eat. I remember her last words to me. They were, “I’m

    sorry Pearson that you weren’t born into a noble family. I’m sorry that you

    will lose your father because he isn’t a noble. I’m so…..sorry.” Three weeks

    after my father’s leave, my mother died from sheer grief.


    Eventually the war was over. I was one of the first at the

    gates. I eagerly waited for my father’s face, as did others. However, the only

    person left in my father’s platoon was a fat dwarf with a pudgy stomach. His fat

    fingers could barely fit into the chainmail glove he was wearing. I knew

    instantly by his choice of armor that he was the leader of the platoon and most

    definitely a noble. He was complaining out loud that he would have crushed the

    Orcs if he only had nobles instead of worthless peasants.




    I was angered beyond belief once I heard those words.  I grabbed a pile of rocks from the gravel

    street and threw them at the noble in anger. “Don’t you ever say that they were

    worthless peasants!” The  noble gave a sound

    of a struck pig. He ordered my arrest. However, I already had my revenge and

    had disappeared into the crowd of worried onlookers. The noble was forever

    shamed in the face of everyone. However, I wasn’t worried about that, for I now

    knew a new lesson. If you are wealthy, you can lead men to greatness, or you

    can lead them to despair. I felt power in my chest. With my dead parents

    walking beside me, I venture forth to create a new order.




    Ambitions for the Future:

    Pearson desires to create a noble guild of dwarfs to squash injustice.




    Personality: Pearson is usually a somewhat affable dwarf.

    Yet, when he is struck with the memories of his parents, he becomes solitary

    and filled with rage.

    Skills: Pearson is skilled in combat and a somewhat good archer. He is adept at

    picking locks and pickpocketing. Though he is yet to know this, but he has the

    potential to be a great brewer.

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your


    Any other details you wish to share about your character: He likes to

    explore and discover new things.


    Each question in this section must be

    answered with a

    minimum of one paragraph which must describe

    the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore

    at any point.


    1. Whilst mining deep in the undergrounds

    of Kalos you

    see a large deposit of diamond ore at the other side of the ravine you are

    on. There is a

    very thin rock bridge that looks precariously unstable, but

    it is the

    only way to access the deposit. What do you do?

    Answer: I felt the allure of the diamonds. However, I knew many of the bedtime

    stories told about the downfall of greedy dwarves. Yet, I felt that the

    diamonds were meant for me. I quickly gathered my senses and looked around.




    I then took out a piece of rope and a wooden log. I then

    took hours chipping away at the wood until it was in an ideal shape. I then

    tied the rope around the wood. Eventually the chiseled wood and rope turned

    into the shape of a grappling hook.




    I then took it and lassoed it to the other side. With a deep

    breath, I jumped and successfully got to the other side.  Grabbing out my pick, I then chipped at the

    coveted ore. However, I was careful to bring ongly small amounts of ore with me

    to prevent the rope breaking on my way back. It took twelve trips, but I

    eventually gathered up all the ore. With a quick prayer to the gods, I then

    marched into town, searching for a crafting table.  The next day, I strode out of town carrying

    epic diamond armor and of course my trusty diamond sword.


    2. You are

    sitting in the local tavern with a

    large pint of ale in your hand - sitting nearby

    you is a

    rather young dwarf whom is clearly going through a bad

    time. He is crying

    to himself, and clutching a small wooden hammer

    toy. In the

    other corner of the room two shady dwarves are sitting whispering to each

    other and pointing occasionally at the dwarf. They stand

    up, one with a

    small dagger in his hand and begin to approach the young

    dwarf. What do you do?

    Answer: “This is cruel” went through my mind. I crept into a corner of my seat

    and slowly drew out dual diamond swords. However, I was careful to not raise

    alarm. I then pretended to be drunk and dropped my head on the table.  The thump alerted the two shady dwarves. With

    closed eyes, I prayed that they would not notice my hidden weapons. With a

    grunt, the two dwarves continued toward the crying dwarf.


    The two shady dwarves crept to each side of the crying dwarf

    and whispered something in his ear. I did not catch wind of what it was, but

    the crying dwarve instantly tensed up.


    “I don’t have any more money” he cried.


    “Well, then sell your possessions” they responded.


    The crying dwarf obviously had no possessions other than the

    toy hammer.  He tried to hide it from the

    shady dwarves but one of them spotted it. Both of them took one of the Dwarf’s

    arms and pinned him down until they could take it from in. One of them lifted

    it up, pointing it towards the dim tavern light. It was of good craftsmanship

    and was definitely worth its weight in gold. The two shady dwarves laughed and

    then left the tavern while jeering at the now sobbing dwarf.


    I could not take it. I drew my swords and rested it on to

    the backs of the two shady dwarves. I told them to return it, but they refused

    to. I drew back my arms, ready to swipe. The two shady dwarves then look

    nervous and started begging for forgiveness. They dropped it humbly by the

    crying dwarf and then begged to be forgiven. I granted them a chance, after of

    course I punished them. I stripped the two dwarves of their money and their

    badge of office. Now, they were little more than wandering vagabonds. They

    threatened to get revenge, but I never worry about words, just actions.


    3. Whilst wandering through the Dwarven Caverns you

    hear a voice call out to you; “Oi, ye’! C’mere

    n’get ye’rself

    an ale!”. You spin on your heel and see a heavily


    bar-owner looking at you - a huge grin on his

    face, and a

    mug of ale in his hand. How do you react?

    Answer:  I asked him, what was the catch.

    The barkeeper claimed that it was on the house. So, not wanting to continue to

    look at a gift horse in the mouth, I drank some ale with him. The ale was of

    the apple variety. Once drowning a mugful, I began to feel the tingling feeling

    in my head. I knew it was starting to cloud my senses. I took a glance out of

    the window and saw that the sun was setting. It would be best if I find

    shelter. I asked the barkeeper, “any rooms on sale.”


    He replied in a gruff voice, “Sorry mate, got all me rooms

    filled up.”


    I asked if there were any nearby inns I could rest at. He

    replied, “None I no of traveler, You can sleep on thee floor tonight matey.”


    I thanked him for the generous offer. I ordered up another

    free mug of ale. While drinking this one, I complimented him for serving such a

    flavorful drink. He beamed with joy and started to tell me, “it’s me old grandmother’s

    recipe. It’ll bring the shine to your hair and the iron in your bones. It is

    created us….” However, I didn’t hear the rest, for his voice was the one of a

    storyteller. I soon blanked out .


    Once the rooster crowed I woke with a stinging headache. Unused

    to such mental pain, I decided to try and fall asleep again to escape the pain.

    However, that soon turned up fruitless. 

    A voice called out suddenly“Got a head-bonger don’t ya”  shocking me to awakeness. The barkeeper

    offered me a wet towel to help with the headache. After washing my face, I

    looked outside. The weather was fine and dandy. I then left the tavern hoping

    to find some adventure. However, before I left, the innkeeper gave me a cask of

    his finest apple ale. He spoke with a wink, “keep this one tah give you some

    good luck on ye adventure.” Unable to refuse such a jolly dwarf, I accepted and

    went eastward, towards adventure and wealth.


  7. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and

    ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name:pearsonflynn

    How old are you?: 14

    Time-Zone:Eastern Time

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?:yes

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I have no experience of

    role-playing before.

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I watched a youtuber play


    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server:








    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do

    so (link above):no

    Have you read the Dwarven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and

    follow it in your biography?:yes


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions

    from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Role-playng isplaying a role or topic in a game. For example, a
    haughty noble would be scornful to those below him. You basically live the life
    of another person.

    Meta-gaming: Using unauthorized information not provided by the server. For
    example, if a server says you can only kill using an axe, using a sword because
    of its advantage would be meta-gaming

    Power-emoting:  Saying something that
    doesn’t allow anyone else to have any imput. An example is if I say that “I
    have killed a noobtoober, then I steal his money.” It basically restricts
    anyone else from implementing their imagination.

    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Pearson

    Current Age:20

    Sub-race (if any):none

    Clan (if any):none

    Past / History (include
    childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):


     I first came to this world living in little more than
    a boxful of hay. My mother’s and my father’s name were Lyra and Dangoff. We
    were born in the streets, living off the crumbs off the tables of the
    noblesEven before I could walk, my father taught me to pick a lock and
    pickpocket strangers. He always said in a kind way, “only steal what we need, save
    the rest for others like us.” It would be many seasons before I understood why.
    Though it may seem cruel, it was the only way for dinner to be on the table.
    When I was 7 season old, my father then taught me the lore of Kal’Azgoth and
    how the nobles lived. I remember his voice well whenever he talked about the
    nobles. It was always in a harsh, angry demeanor.  I eventually realized why, for with .




    It all started one day when I was liberating the weight off
    people in the marketplace. I remember holding a hefty amount of vittles.
    Counting my loot, I quickly crept into one of the backstreets.  There would be meat on the table at last. I
    remembered drooling as I walked towards my parent’s house, the roof of one of
    the taverns.


     My father was proud
    that his son had brought in meat, for we didn’t eat any since last month. While
    feasting, I heard a sound.  It was the
    royal messenger of the king blowing his horn, the horn for war. I had never
    heard such a sound, it promised adventure and glory to those brave enough to
    uptake the dangerous quest. Yet, when I looked into my parents’ eyes, I saw
    pure fear. With his hands trembling, my father told my mother and I to stay
    hidden. Then, he went off the roof and walked shakily towards the sound of the
    horn. I remember asking my mother what was happening. I could see that she was
    barely holding back tears. She told me to shush and hide on the roof.


    The Kingdom of Urgan was calling all adult males to join the
    crusade against the Orcs. I remember seeing on the day my father left. He was
    wearing basic leather armor and a stone sword by his side. If I had known he
    was going to join the King’s shock troopers, I would have fought to get him
    out. The shock troopers were the platoon of men who strike hard and fast. They
    often killed off hordes of foes, but at the cost of many lives. It was also not
    rare for entire shock trooper platoons to be wiped out.


    My mother, grieved beyond despair, often went into a coma of
    crying. I tried to cheer her up; giving her the finest food I could swipe.
    However, she refused to eat. I remember her last words to me. They were, “I’m
    sorry Pearson that you weren’t born into a noble family. I’m sorry that you
    will lose your father because he isn’t a noble. I’m so…..sorry.” Three weeks
    after my father’s leave, my mother died from sheer grief.


    Eventually the war was over. I was one of the first at the
    gates. I eagerly waited for my father’s face, as did others. However, the only
    person left in my father’s platoon was a fat dwarf with a pudgy stomach. His fat
    fingers could barely fit into the chainmail glove he was wearing. I knew
    instantly by his choice of armor that he was the leader of the platoon and most
    definitely a noble. He was complaining out loud that he would have crushed the
    Orcs if he only had nobles instead of worthless peasants.




    I was angered beyond belief once I heard those words.  I grabbed a pile of rocks from the gravel
    street and threw them at the noble in anger. “Don’t you ever say that they were
    worthless peasants!” The  noble gave a sound
    of a struck pig. He ordered my arrest. However, I already had my revenge and
    had disappeared into the crowd of worried onlookers. The noble was forever
    shamed in the face of everyone. However, I wasn’t worried about that, for I now
    knew a new lesson. If you are wealthy, you can lead men to greatness, or you
    can lead them to despair. I felt power in my chest. With my dead parents
    walking beside me, I venture forth to create a new order.




    Ambitions for the Future:

    Pearson desires to create a noble guild of dwarfs to squash injustice.




    Personality: Pearson is usually a somewhat affable dwarf.
    Yet, when he is struck with the memories of his parents, he becomes solitary
    and filled with rage.

    Skills: Pearson is skilled in combat and a somewhat good archer. He is adept at
    picking locks and pickpocketing. Though he is yet to know this, but he has the
    potential to be a great brewer.

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your

    Any other details you wish to share about your character: He likes to

    explore and discover new things.


    Each question in this section must be
    answered with a

    minimum of one paragraph which must describe
    the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore

    at any point.


    1. Whilst mining deep in the undergrounds
    of Kalos you

    see a large deposit of diamond ore at the other side of the ravine you are
    on. There is a

    very thin rock bridge that looks precariously unstable, but
    it is the

    only way to access the deposit. What do you do?

    Answer: I felt the allure of the diamonds. However, I knew many of the bedtime
    stories told about the downfall of greedy dwarves. Yet, I felt that the
    diamonds were meant for me. I quickly gathered my senses and looked around.




    I then took out a piece of rope and a wooden log. I then
    took hours chipping away at the wood until it was in an ideal shape. I then
    tied the rope around the wood. Eventually the chiseled wood and rope turned
    into the shape of a grappling hook.




    I then took it and lassoed it to the other side. With a deep
    breath, I jumped and successfully got to the other side.  Grabbing out my pick, I then chipped at the
    coveted ore. However, I was careful to bring ongly small amounts of ore with me
    to prevent the rope breaking on my way back. It took twelve trips, but I
    eventually gathered up all the ore. With a quick prayer to the gods, I then
    marched into town, searching for a crafting table.  The next day, I strode out of town carrying
    epic diamond armor and of course my trusty diamond sword.


    2. You are
    sitting in the local tavern with a

    large pint of ale in your hand - sitting nearby
    you is a

    rather young dwarf whom is clearly going through a bad
    time. He is crying

    to himself, and clutching a small wooden hammer
    toy. In the

    other corner of the room two shady dwarves are sitting whispering to each

    other and pointing occasionally at the dwarf. They stand
    up, one with a

    small dagger in his hand and begin to approach the young

    dwarf. What do you do?

    Answer: “This is cruel” went through my mind. I crept into a corner of my seat
    and slowly drew out dual diamond swords. However, I was careful to not raise
    alarm. I then pretended to be drunk and dropped my head on the table.  The thump alerted the two shady dwarves. With
    closed eyes, I prayed that they would not notice my hidden weapons. With a
    grunt, the two dwarves continued toward the crying dwarf.


    The two shady dwarves crept to each side of the crying dwarf
    and whispered something in his ear. I did not catch wind of what it was, but
    the crying dwarve instantly tensed up.


    “I don’t have any more money” he cried.


    “Well, then sell your possessions” they responded.


    The crying dwarf obviously had no possessions other than the
    toy hammer.  He tried to hide it from the
    shady dwarves but one of them spotted it. Both of them took one of the Dwarf’s
    arms and pinned him down until they could take it from in. One of them lifted
    it up, pointing it towards the dim tavern light. It was of good craftsmanship
    and was definitely worth its weight in gold. The two shady dwarves laughed and
    then left the tavern while jeering at the now sobbing dwarf.


    I could not take it. I drew my swords and rested it on to
    the backs of the two shady dwarves. I told them to return it, but they refused
    to. I drew back my arms, ready to swipe. The two shady dwarves then look
    nervous and started begging for forgiveness. They dropped it humbly by the
    crying dwarf and then begged to be forgiven. I granted them a chance, after of
    course I punished them. I stripped the two dwarves of their money and their
    badge of office. Now, they were little more than wandering vagabonds. They
    threatened to get revenge, but I never worry about words, just actions.


    3. Whilst wandering through the Dwarven Caverns you

    hear a voice call out to you; “Oi, ye’! C’mere
    n’get ye’rself

    an ale!”. You spin on your heel and see a heavily

    bar-owner looking at you - a huge grin on his
    face, and a

    mug of ale in his hand. How do you react?

    Answer:  I asked him, what was the catch.
    The barkeeper claimed that it was on the house. So, not wanting to continue to
    look at a gift horse in the mouth, I drank some ale with him. The ale was of
    the apple variety. Once drowning a mugful, I began to feel the tingling feeling
    in my head. I knew it was starting to cloud my senses. I took a glance out of
    the window and saw that the sun was setting. It would be best if I find
    shelter. I asked the barkeeper, “any rooms on sale.”


    He replied in a gruff voice, “Sorry mate, got all me rooms
    filled up.”


    I asked if there were any nearby inns I could rest at. He
    replied, “None I no of traveler, You can sleep on thee floor tonight matey.”


    I thanked him for the generous offer. I ordered up another
    free mug of ale. While drinking this one, I complimented him for serving such a
    flavorful drink. He beamed with joy and started to tell me, “it’s me old grandmother’s
    recipe. It’ll bring the shine to your hair and the iron in your bones. It is
    created us….” However, I didn’t hear the rest, for his voice was the one of a
    storyteller. I soon blanked out .


    Once the rooster crowed I woke with a stinging headache. Unused
    to such mental pain, I decided to try and fall asleep again to escape the pain.
    However, that soon turned up fruitless. 
    A voice called out suddenly“Got a head-bonger don’t ya”  shocking me to awakeness. The barkeeper
    offered me a wet towel to help with the headache. After washing my face, I
    looked outside. The weather was fine and dandy. I then left the tavern hoping
    to find some adventure. However, before I left, the innkeeper gave me a cask of
    his finest apple ale. He spoke with a wink, “keep this one tah give you some
    good luck on ye adventure.” Unable to refuse such a jolly dwarf, I accepted and
    went eastward, towards adventure and wealth.



  8. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and
    ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name:pearsonflynn

    How old are you?: 14

    Time-Zone:Eastern Time

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?:yes

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I have no experience of
    role-playing before.

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I watched a youtuber play

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server:http://www.lordofthe...rf-application/

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do
    so (link above):no

    Have you read the Dwarven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and
    follow it in your biography?:yes


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions
    from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing:playing a role or topic in a game. For example, a haughty noble would be scornful to those below him.

    Meta-gaming:using the knowledge of a game to influence your decisions. IN Dungeons and Dragons, if you don't see a trap, your character has a high chance to fall for it.

    Power-emoting: forcing your will on someone else without their consent. An example of power-emoting is what Pol Pot forced down into the throats of his fellow Cambodians.

    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name:Pearson

    Current Age:20

    Sub-race (if any):none

    Clan (if any):none

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):


    The Stone Shield dwarves were a mighty clan who ruled the far north.Though the dwarves were renown for their might in combat, a long peacetime have softened their muscles. Once twelve full moon has passed since the creation of Mongoose Country, an Orc raid overtook the Stone Shields. Caught off guard, the dwarves were forced to fight, some even unarmed. Though they fought valiantly, the dwarves were quickly overcome with sheer numbers. 


    Only a handful of dwarves managed to escaped, carrying the children to safety. For years, the children dwarves hid in an abandoned mine, surviving of maggots. Among the surviving dwarves, Pearson was one of those who were unfortunate to have witness the death of his or her parrents. The handful of elders who escaped, took care of the children as their own. But even dwarves can not escape the power of age. When the death of Gradula, the last elder, had died, the surviving children swore to avenge their clan. Among those who joined Pearson were Raduca, Leytra, Nulic, and Dragurn.


    Dragurn, soon forgotten his vows. His desire for revenge was too strong. Eventually the other dwarves were forced to slay Dragurn, for he was mad for power. He would have killed the others, if they did not slay him. Dragurn thought that those with nothing to lose would be stronger. He planned to assasinate his fellow friends in order to achieve greater strength. Luckily, the others found out and managed to stop Dragurn's mad plan. During his burial rite, the other dwarves made another promise. They would rather slay themselves than to kill their friends.


    Raduca, Leytra, Nulic, and Pearson kept their vows and eventually met up with other fellow dwarves who embarked on the same quest. One their first encounter though, due to their inexperience, Raduca and Leytra died while slaying an Orc mercenary camp. However, Pearson and Nulic, witnessing the death of their friends, chose to be more careful next time. They met up with fellow member of Mongoose Country, training till they were ready.


    However. Nulic, still felt sorrow for his friend. He often would have nightmares about their deaths. Eventually he could not distinguish his thoughts and reality. He left a letter to Pearson, then hung himself. Overcame with sorrow Pearso's hatred to the Orcs. He blamed the Orcs and swore to eliminate the threat of evil Orcs.



    Ambitions for the Future:
    Pearson desires to create a noble guild of dwarfs to squash injustice. He wishes to rebuild the Stone Shields and to strike revengance on the Orcs who overtook his former clan.


    Personality:Pearson is usually a somewhat affable dwarf. Yet, when he is struck with the memmories of his fallen comrades, he becomes solitary and filled with rage. He is distrusting towards any Orc.

    Skills: Pearson is skilled in combat and a somewhat good archer.

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):http://www.minecraft.../dwarf-warrior/

    Any other details you wish to share about your character: He likes to
    explore and discover new things.


    Each question in this section must be answered with a
    minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore
    at any point.


    1. Whilst mining deep in the undergrounds of Kalos you
    see a large deposit of diamond ore at the other side of the ravine you are on. There is a
    very thin rock bridge that looks precariously unstable, but it is the
    only way to access the deposit. What do you do?

    Answer: Pearson feels the allure of wealth in the mines as all young dwarfs
    should. He goes to the nearest town and searched for a ropesmith. Once finding one, he asked him to sell him a good quality grappling hook. The ropesmith had none left though, but he did have some useful information. Apparently there were some spiders who made their nest in Kalos who could spin web so fine and strong, that they rivaled the strength of steel. 


    Pearson went into one of their nests as instructed by the ropesmith. He then brought out his iron pickaxe. He then carefully used it to rub the backs of the sleeping spiders. Like magic, a thin robe of web flowed out of the spiders end. Then as soon as he stopped rubbing, the web stopped and cut off. However, one of the spiders many eyes blinked. Seeing an intruder it called upon its brethren and attacked Pearson. Grabbing the rope in one hand, he quickly made his exit to above ground. Once in the presence of the sun the spiders stopped chasing him. Yet they continued to hiss at him.


    Having the fine web, he quickly made a noose at one end and lassoed it onto the other side of the ravine. The he swung and landed on one of the many perches of the other side. He then parquored to the top and witnessed the sight of diamonds. He then spent a dozen weeks mining there. Once the rich diamond vein was gone, he returned to the surface, now a wealthy dwarf.

    2. You are sitting in the local tavern with a
    large pint of ale in your hand - sitting nearby you is a
    rather young dwarf whom is clearly going through a bad time. He is crying
    to himself, and clutching a small wooden hammer toy. In the
    other corner of the room two shady dwarves are sitting whispering to each
    other and pointing occasionally at the dwarf. They stand up, one with a
    small dagger in his hand and beginto approach the young
    dwarf. What do you do?

    Answer: Pearson swiftly and silently moves to the corner of a tavern. From underneath his cloak, Pearson draws his bow. When the two shady dwarves yell at the crying dwarf to follow them. The young dwarf refused, and thus was dragged by the shady dwarfs outside. Following outside, Pearson soon witness the two shady dwarves trying to steal some money. With a yell, Pearson launched anarrow into one of the dwarf's shoulder. The stuck dwarf let out a shriek of pain. Following the sound of the yell, the unharmed shady dwarf charged at Pearson. However, he was too late, and an arrow was sheathed into his skull.The surviving shady dwarf immediately ran away, leaving a trail of blood. Pearson let him go, more concerned with the crying dwarf, The crying dwarf turned out to be the only dwarf to survive an Orc raid in his village. 


    After conversing with the dwarf, Pearson found they both had a common enemy. They decided to join forces and help rid the land of tyranical Orcs. With one more dwarf to join his band, Pearson found hope in his future goal.

    3. Whilst wandering through the Dwarven Caverns you
    hear a voice call out to you; “Oi, ye’! C’mere n’get ye’rself
    an ale!”. You spin on your heel and see a heavily bearded
    bar-owner looking at you - a huge grin on his face, and a
    mug of ale in his hand. How do you react?

    Answer: Pearson gruffly accepted. While drinking some ale, pearson asked if there was any trouble in the countryside. The barkeeper, took a long swill then replied, "aye, you must be one of those travelers from the great raids." 

    "Great raids?"

    "The Orcish raids which tore apart many dwarves from their clans."

    "How did you know I was one of them?"

    "I didn't, but I had my suspisions when I saw the fire in you eyes. Your question confirmed it."


    Taking time to think what he just heard, he asked the barkeeper, "do you know any others?" The barkeeper replied with a nod. However, he placed hi hands on foward in a stopping motion before Pearson could open his mouth again, Answering Pearson's question glance the barkeeper said," many of them are on the brink of madness. It would be better if you left them alone. Others prefer to just forget about it and live in the present." 


    Pearson angrily slammed his mug down on the bar table.

    "How could anyone choose to live on? They killed and enslaved families!"

    "True, but some worry that if they go on, they would be hit with madness. Surely you have met one of those, haven't you?"


    Pearson could not reply. The death of his friends due to madness was too much. He cried himself uncontrollably. The barkeeper chose to leave him alone, knowing what he went through.Wakening with sore eyes the next days, he rubbed sleep from his eyes."The drink if on the house, if you ever need a place to open up, come here." Pearson thanked the barkeeper and the two shook hands. Pearson promised when the evil Orcs are gone, he would come back and share a drink.

  9. [b]Out-Of-Character Information[/b]
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Main Account Name: pearsonflynn
    Alternate Account Name:
    How old are you?:14
    Time-Zone: Eastern Time
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?:yes
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I have no experience with roleplaying before.

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Role-playing is to play a role or topic in a game.
    Meta-gaming: Meta-gaming is using knowledge of a game to influence your actions.
    Power-emoting: Power emoting is to force your actions on someone else without their consent.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name:Pearson
    Current Age: 21
    Race: Dwarf
    Sub-race (if any):none
    Past /
     History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):

    Many people admire the determination, the courage, and the justice a dwarf can deal out. Yet among his noble comrades, lies a dwarf prince, eager for power. His name was Dangdoff. He ruthlessly stabbed friends and foe alike to raise his power. His lust for wealth had driven him mad. Yet despite his insanity, he was the cleverest of his kind. He hid in the shadows, and struck like a snake. It took the lives of a dozen platoons to bring him down. Yet, as his blood laid dying, he cackled "slay me if you wish, for my heir will avenge my sacrifice.


    His heir being Pearson. Since his birth, he was cursed. Jailed and watched over by squadrons of dwarfs, each one fearing the wrath of Dangdoff's son. Scorned, beaten, and ashamed, the young dwarf Pearson decided to leave his hometown to change his name. His journey has taken him far, but he will not stop until he destroys the curse his father has handed down upon his shoulders. Though Pearson has yet to do any major deeds, he is willing to put his life on the line to do what must be done.


    Ambitions for the Future: Pearson plans to create a mighty guild of fellow dwarfs who are willing to protect justice.

    Personality: Pearson is usually a social dwarf with an affable personality. But, when the madness of his father kicks in, he become shadowy and silent.
    Skills: Pearson is skilled in archery and fighting.
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/1469647/dwarf-warrior/
    Any other details you wish to share about your character: He likes to eat food and explore.



    [b]1. You are roaming the mighty capital of the War Nation Of Uruks, as you near the Arena you spot an Orc, wearing what seems to be human garbs as he looks at you he smiles and say out loud in common not in blah Come friend let me teach you of civilization and break your mind from this orcish savagery!”, how do you react?[/b]


    Pearson walked toward the Orc with open arms, but with a wary eye. As Pearson was within easy grabbing distance of the Orc, the Orc leaps at him while drawing a knife from behind his back. TIme slowed down for Pearson as he grabbed the axe on his back. Then with a swift slash, Pearson cut the Orc from head to toe. Then as soon as he attacked, Pearson's vision turned red. WIth ruthlessness he bashed the Orc's chest, groin, and head with upmost cruelity. When his vision return, Pearson saw that he was close to killing the Orc. The Orc was already unconscious with blood pouring from his nostrils. Aghast with what he done, Pearson took pity and cleaned and bandaged the wounded Orc. As he did so, voices in his head told him to slay his attacker. Yet with a clenched jaw, he ignored them.  He then left a few provisions and with one last look at the Orc, he left the Orc.


    [b]2. As you are watching an Arena fight between two Orcs, the Goj of Krug walks towards the Arena, and shouts Mi brudderz da Feztivel ob Krug iz coummeh! We needz zacrifizez tu zummun da Zpirit ob Krug un diz uzg, go gadder da Warbandz nd raid da landz nd bring mi buck zacrifizez, twiggy nd pinky dat we kan zlauhater upun da alter ob Krug nuw go mi Brudderz!” How do you react to this?[/b]

    Pearson searched for the source of the voice. Once spotting the Goj of Krug, he threw a rock at the Orc. The humiliated Orc looked fanatically everywhere for the disrupter of his speech. Then Pearson screamed out, "The Gods are angry Orc!" Being a superstitious person, the Orc immediately bowed down and cried how may I apease you Gods. After yelling that the gods don't want the Orcs to sacrifice people, Pearson left the Arena swiftly, while laughing as his slyness.
    [b]3. As you are travelling in the barren Orcish deserts you come across a quiet oasis. Beside it sits a small tent where a young orc is preparing a meal of roasted halfling. He calls you over, offering you to join in with his meal. What does your character do?[/b]
    After experiencing a betrayal, Pearson was reluctant to trust another Orc. However, this Orc proved to be true and did not strike. The two shared tales of their adventures while discussing the problems of each of their races. Then as dawn arrived, the two parted ways. Pearson with a full stomach, and the Orc with some bread.
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