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Posts posted by Jake110112

  1. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: ChicagoNightmare
    How old are you?: 16
    Time-Zone: GMT -5
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes.
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Yes. I role-played at Habbo Hotel for three years and then onto a GTA: SA SA-MP server called Los Santos Role Play. I am a very experienced role player.
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: My friend suggested it to me.
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/88918-human-edmund-wrynn-of-abresi/
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above):

    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes.

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Role playing is the action of creating a unique character and then role playing their actions, thoughts, and opinions. You should immerse yourself into your character to best understand it.
    Meta-gaming: Meta gaming is using OOC information in an IC context, probably to your own advantage. For example, your friend PMs you that you are about to be ambushed by a group of vikings (or something), and you use this OOC information to influence your characters actions.
    Power-emoting: Power emoting or power gaming is roleplaying to your own advantage most likely against another player. Say I'm in a sword fight with a person, and I role play myself being a much better sword-fighter, saying that I have the advantage in the duel and he is doomed.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Edwin MacGowern
    Current Age: 24
    Sub-race (if any): Northerner
    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):

    Edwin MacGowern was born in the village of New Alstion, but moved and lived in Hanseti for the entirety of his adolescent life. His mother died during child birth of his young sister, Lucy, so he and his sister were raised by their father and uncle. His uncle worked as a blacksmith and his father a merchant, so they did not live in such extreme poverty. Edwin apprenticed under his uncle, who trained him in chivalry, swordplay, and the common tasks of a man.


     He prospered under the intense humidity and heat that the workplace produced, and grew into a sterling young man. By the time he was 18, Edwin was weighed in at 210 pounds with a 9.4% bodyfat percentage, and was 6'4". Edwin developed into a charismatic but emotionally-neutral type of person, he would keep his calm in situations and only acted aggressively when needed. Having proven his battle skills, MacGowern decided to enlist in the local militia, and took the attention of a certain knight who employed him as his squire, teaching him more thoroughly and professionally of being a mercenary warrior. After a few years, the boy left the tutorship of the knight to discover his own fate, and travelled to the Holy Oren Empire to find employment.



    Ambitions for the Future: Edwin wished to become known as a great warrior and a great leader, so he went to the Holy Oren Empire to first find work as a paid soldier within an organization. He seeks to find personal wealth and hopefully find a way to secure nobility.
    Personality: Edwin, standing at 6'4" and being a human tree, is awkwardly neutral in his emotions. He thinks before he dives into a conflict, seeking the best way out. He is often punctual when he speaks, but again he rarely does unless it is needed. He is a relatively sound companion, loyal to his friends and even more to his superiors.
    Skills: Due to the years of blacksmithing with his uncle, Edwin has the skills needed to produce and repair weapons, armors, or ammunition. He is more of a physical person, rather than having a skill set; he prefers to be in the face of battle, often travelling into the middle of a scene to fight within a horde of enemies.
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):


    Edwin is 6'4" and roughly 210 pounds, mostly condensed of muscle. His years of rugged combat and training have led him to have an intimidating demeanor. He seems approachable despite all this.
    Any other details you wish to share about your character: Edwin does have a particular set of skills, but can use his logic and physical ability to surpass others in many situations.

    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.

    1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperor’s palace - he is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do you do?

    Answer: Seeing the man up to suspicious activity, Edwin would continue to trail behind him in a non-suspicious nature, until the hooded rogue reaches the entrance of the palace. Edwin would then charge the man and tackle him, effectively subduing him and bringing him to the ground. Naturally, the guards would rush Edwin and due to his appearance, he is not deemed suspicious but the hooded man is. They would apprehend him, and Edwin returns to his mingling around the city, not even bothering to hear the man's verdict. He is confident the guards will do what they have to.

    2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it stands an unstable old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with leather armour and an iron longsword, how do you react?

    Answer: Edwin, ever the conscious objector, decides to help the man but realizes striking them outright would be futile. He instead sheathes his long sword and approaches the bandits until he is within chatting distance. Almost mechanically, they would turn and face Edwin. He nods his head to the fragile old man, signalling for him to strike one. Instinctively, the man jumps onto the back of one of the bandits, slitting his throat without much resistance due to the surprise. The other bandit would see the move, and try to counter the weak elder's resistance.


    Edwin decides to draw his sword and swipe at the bandit's leg, catching him off guard and sending him to the ground. He'd use the initiative to place the longsword's point to his throat, beckoning him to drop his arms. "Okay, okay. You got me." The bandit croaks, to which Edwin smiles to requests the man fetch some rope from his cottage. Promptly coming back, the pair hog tie the bandit and wrench any valuable information from him. Edwin goes inside and prepares a knapsack for both him and the bandit, slinging it over his neck. He removes any valuables or arms from the bandit, and rips a piece of cloth off the other dead bandit's shirt. He ties the cloth around the bandit's eyes, and spins him about five times until he has surely lost his sense of direction. "Walk 200 paces, until you hear a river. Follow that river until you reach civilization. If I ever see you take arms against a weak and frail person, you will be killed. Understood" The bandit would gulp and nod, and follow the directions. Edwin thanks the villager for the supplies and moves onto his next adventure.

    3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when you notice a small man standing behind a colourful stall. You approach the stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain: your haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).

    Answer: "Hail sir. How much for that steel dirk?" Edwin singals with his finger a curved steel blade that covers a small portion of the vendor's stall table. He fingers his coin purse slung around his belt loop hesitantly, browsing over the rest of the array before he focuses on the man.

    "I'll let you take it off my table, for let's say 40 miras?" The merchant slowly develops a starting bid, picking up the dagger and examining the handicraft. "Oh come on now good sir, that's how much I make in a week. How about we settle for something lower?" Edwin speaks in a low growl, conservative and cautious. The merchant looks Edwin up and down before he opens his mouth to negotiate.

    "15 and that silver heirloom across your neck." He points with a jagged finger towards the crucifix Edwin wears about his neck. Promptly, Edwin removes the desired coins and the necklace, passing them over to the merchant. He smiles, taking the dagger and placing it in the rear of his belt. He'd nod towards the merchant, continuing down the line of the alley.

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