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Posts posted by Mad_As_A_Hatter

  1. I guess it really depends on the criminal activity you want you guild to lean towards. you can operate in all criminal areas but you should probably establish a preferred vice. If your a thieves guild then you could do something with the shadows or gold or precious gems or something, where as if your running illegal gambling you should probably go for something on luck or dice. If you lay down some ground work its easier to generate a name

  2. *Bird sent to Mr. Weston

    Dear Mr. Weston,

          I was most relieved to see your flyer. My name is Sol (solar_ice_kream), and I seek to fill your need for a provider of bulk raw wood. If you would like to discuss this matter further, feel free to send me a bird at your earliest convenience.



  3. * Orin over hears the official decree being read by the dwarven prison guards. He chuckles quietly to himself


    " The dwarves accuse Oren of such horrible crimes that the disbandment of the empire is the only exceptable punishment. I can't imagine what would happen to the dwarves if equal punishment came their way. As for honor, I have never met an orc with as little honor as a dwarf. To think that the dwarves have the nerve to claim they are a divine punishment. I pray that when Thorin Grandaxe loses his head to a human sword that he falls on his knees before the his god and begs forgiveness, that his god will only laugh. If only I was born an elf. I want no association with the hypocritical fools of my lineage. Praise be to Oren, less than perfect, but alot better than the dwarves" 


    *Orin spits out the last words with disgust

  4. [b]Out-Of-Character Information[/b]
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: waycoolerthanyou  (I'm not joking, either. I wasn't thinking when I made the name)
    How old are you?:17
    Time-Zone:  (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Really only in table-top Dungeons and Dragons.
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: It was suggested to me by a friend. He showed me a little of the basics and I immediately became intrigued.
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: None
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above):yes
    Have you read the Dwarven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?:Yes

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Role-playing is a form of acting that allows you to take on the personality of another person and live as them for as long as you play.
    Meta-gaming: It's similar to dramatic irony, except the character knows something they couldn't, shouldn't, or simply don't know. It makes for unrealistic and unfair game-play
    Power-emoting: Doing something impossible, or not giving other characters a chance to respond. Example: John stabs Fin in the throat and he dies.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Orin Samovin
    Current Age:Unknown, estimated to be roughly 9 seasons(63 years)
    Sub-race (if any):Mountain
    Clan (if any):Unknown
    Past /
    History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):[/b]    I was a child found in the Elven forests of Malinor by Grendor Builder. As you can imagine, I had a rough childhood; young Elves have cruel tongues, and few adults felt the need to protect a Dwarf. My only refuges from this were the house of my Finder and the companionship of my wolf. I was found with this wolf as a child: a Beast Master from abroad told me it was special, that it would out live me, given the chance. The death of that wolf is what drove me from Malinor.

        Abroad, I worked in many places; I tried my hand at farming, boating, masonry and blacksmithing but lacked the motivation to continue with such boring work. I got into lots of trouble with stealing things that people would never need. I was forced out of the towns I visited by the dull life of farmers and fishermen. I also had a taste for a pretty lady; that got me into more trouble than I care to mention.

        So, I continued my travels across the realm, enjoying the freedom and searching for any job that will pay. I have also began to search for my Finder, he is a good, old Elf and I fear that I have worried him into sadness. Now, I have grown more as an older Dwarf and have come to realize my mistakes.


    Ambitions for the Future: To find Grendor to make amends for my departure: I left in a very disrespectful and sudden manor that did not befit my upbringing and brought shame to him.
    Personality: I am free but caring for others. I will help any who request it, but will defend my honour as a Dwarf among the honour of Elves.
    Skills: Orin is a decent farmer, though he does not enjoy the work. He is great at gathering materials and has learned how to fight with both an Elven bow and a Dwarven ax. Like a true dwarf he is a decent architect Underground, but lacks all competence in above ground work. He has the basics at craftsmanship and can use it to get by, just barely though. 
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): Orin is a strong fighter, naturally muscular from his traits as a Dwarf and working in the Caverns a lot. He has long, golden hair: uncommon in his Mountain Dwarf origin. He thinks it may just be from being around so many Elves. His face is accompanied with a thick, uneven beard slightly darker than the hair upon his head. He has a rough face, but kind eyes that are the colour of the sea. His skin is whiter than the common man from his traits as a dwarf. He does't ever appear to shade darker from exposure to the sun, though.

        Orin often wears old, beaten down paldrons and a neck plate he found exploring the Caverns. Underneath is a dark red tunic, worn and given to him by his Finder along with a spare, green tunic given to him by a shop keeper in Malinor that said it was too large for her son along with a brown, leather belt.

        Covering his legs are the same greaves and sabatons that were found with the upper body armour. Unfortunately, he could not put together an entire suit of armour together, leaving his belly and middle back exposed: a weakness he is not too fond of. He finally applies the last of his armour consisting of rusty vambraces and leather gloves underneath for protection against the rough metal.
    Any other details you wish to share about your character:

    [i]Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.[/i]

    [b]1. Whilst mining deep in the undergrounds of Kalos you see a large deposit of diamond ore at the other side of the ravine you are on. There is a very thin rock bridge that looks precariously unstable, but it is the only way to access the deposit. What do you do?[/b]

    Answer: I found myself in the deep undergrounds of Kalos and, come to my surprise, I found quite a prize. It was a large deposit of diamond, which I would have been paid most handsomely for, if I could get to it. I was thankful for all those hours spent climbing trees and rock-spires in Malinor, for it was across a large ravine and the crossing was an old, overused rock bridge that was shaky and had been missing several pieces. I was sure I could cross it without trouble.

        I took a hefty step, full of confidence and pride to find that the the entire bridge began to shake and rattle with an eerie sound that beat deep within my heart. The next step was cowardly and weak, full of fear and fright. I took a few more careful steps, regretting every one with disgust. My mind began to wonder the consequences of failure to reach the diamonds and I lost the step. I fell through the bridge and lost all grasp on my life. The fall was slow and tiresome as if I was waiting for it to end. Falling, falling. I fell for what seemed like seven of my lives combined, reflecting with images of Grendor, Malinor, my wolf.

        I awoke upon a ledge just fourteen man-lengths from the bridge. My head pounded and all I could think about was my life slipping away. How could I be so lucky? I thought to myself as I clumsily stood. Curse my damned overconfidence. If only I had moved a bit slower I would have had no problem, now I stuck hear and I can't eat diamonds.

        I was stranded on the rock for a day with no food, no water, until a miner glanced over and saw my limp body lying there on the ledge. They lifted me up with a rope tied around my waste. I made it across the bridge with time and, unfortunately, had to pay the men three of the diamonds I found. It was not a setback though. 


    [b]2. You are sitting in the local tavern with a large pint of ale in your hand - sitting nearby you is a rather young dwarf whom is clearly going through a bad time. He is crying to himself, and clutching a small wooden hammer toy. In the other corner of the room two shady dwarves are sitting whispering to each other and pointing occasionally at the dwarf. They stand up, one with a small dagger in his hand and begin to approach the young dwarf. What do you do?[/b]

    Answer: I sat in a tavern, relaxed but tired from the long trek through the lands for work. I had very little luck. I looked over to find a young boy, a dwarf, crying while grasping a small, toy hammer as if it was all he had left. I sat wondering why he was so sad, why he was in such despair for such a young boy. I turned to see two dark figures whispering to each other in a small corner and gesturing towards the boy. One stood out of his chair in silence and grace with a dagger carefully concealed against his wrist and began to walk toward the boy. I stood, casually, and left my empty mug at the round, brown table. I walked over to the boy in a small haste as to not draw attention but to make it to him before his assassin.

        I sat down beside the boy and ask him his troubles. He responded in whimpers and moans and fell into my arms. I was shocked at first. I never played with children, much less soothed them. I awkwardly wrapped my arms around the boy to comfort him and reassured that he was safe with me. I glanced worriedly toward the man with the dagger and he stepped back to his shadow, as if he were threatened, but I could tell he was angry and would possibly confront me in the future.

    [b]3. Whilst wandering through the Dwarven Caverns you hear a voice call out to you; Oi, ye’! Cmere n get yerself an ale!”. You spin on your heel and see a heavily bearded bar-owner looking at you - a huge grin on his face, and a mug of ale in his hand. How do you react?[/b]

    Answer:  I was wandering the Dwarven Caverns when a large, burly man called out to me from across the way, holding a large mug in his hand and a grin on his face. I walked over to the man, slightly suspicious and slightly excited to make a friend. He handed me the mug hurriedly and told me to drink up. I took the ale graciously and thanked him. I was thirsty from the long day in the Caverns with little to drink and the cool ale felt wonderful down my throat.

        I slammed the mug down and another voice came from just down the Cavern. It yelled, claiming the mug was theirs and that I stole their ale and began to run after me. I tried to explain in the little time I had before the man tackled me.

    "There's no use in that," the burly man told me with a smile. "You better just run before he-"

       Just before the man finished his remark, the other man tackled me with an unexpected force that stole my breath. I lay there, stunned for a moment and regained my abilities. He swung a fist down and slams it down to my nose. I could hear a crack as blood began to flood my nose. I rolled over, out of the way of another incoming blow, and stood hastily. I ran off down the Caverns with the man shouting and another laughing.


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