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The Broken Clock

Coal VIP
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Posts posted by The Broken Clock

  1. OOC:


    MC Name: Nnooaahh9

    Skype Name (may be sent via PM’s):

    Agreement to Follow Server Rules: I agree

    Links to VA, both accepted and denied (Va’s are not required for the guild): None

    Links to MA, both accepted and denied (Ma's Are not required for the guild): None




    RP Name: Ansem Ahgra

    Race: Human

    Age: 25

    Short Biography: Ansem is a blacksmith who loves to create things. He has a big interest in making Anthos as a whole a much better place. Ansem was born to a poor family, and his father was a mediocre swordsmith. Ansem took an interest in smithing from a young age, and learned quickly. He soon surpassed his father, without knowing it. Ansems father shunned Ansem for having such great ability though. Ansems father eventually banned Ansem from ever coming home, resulting in Ansem wandering the world in search of a new home and a new Forge to call his own.

    Talents/Skills: Swordsmithing, armorsmithing, and skill at using only his blades.

    Loyalties(where/whom are you loyal to): No loyalties

    Moral Boundaries: Very few Boundaries, Ansem does what needs to be done.

    Reasons why your character may want to join the Order: Ansem learned of the Order of the Hourglass, and felt a strong connection between him and the man who told him about it. Ansem decided that he would willingly serve the man to make Anthos a better place.

  2. Out-Of-Character Information


    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as
    possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.




    Minecraft Account Name: nnooaahh9


    How old are you?: 15 years old


    Time-Zone: Eastern


    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I
    have read the rules.


    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Not
    much for roleplaying, mainly because I have never found a true role playing
    server before. I enjoy making personas for myself in regular minecraft servers,
    just for fun, and I find roleplaying to be very enjoyable.


    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: From a IRL
    friend, who got me very interested in the server.


    Link any applications that you have previously made for the




    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If
    not, then please do so (link above):


    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make
    use of it and follow it in your biography?: I have read the ancient lore, and
    most if not all of the modern lore. I have mentioned a few different items from
    the lore in my biography.






    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take
    any definitions from elsewhere!:




    Role-playing: Role-playing is the act of assuming the role
    of a specific character and deciding what they do or say. The best role players
    are people who are completely immersed in their character, and know how to lose
    and win fairly without over powering their character. They can stay in
    character no matter what happens.


    Meta-gaming: Meta-gaming is the process of using information
    obtained and acknowledged in OOC and applying said knowledge to affect your
    character in IC. For example, should you know of an upcoming raid OOCly and
    then act accordingly in RP without RP knowledge of the situation. Another
    example of meta-gaming is breaking immersion of character and doing something
    your character would not normally do.


    Power-emoting:  Power-gaming is behaving unrealistically and
    giving your character unrealistic and sudden advantages with no context or
    supporting roleplay. For example, being pinned down and randomly pulling out a
    dagger, and using said dagger to insta-kill the assailant. While a dramatic
    example, it’s a valid one. Another example is forcing another character to
    perform a specific action without asking for confirmation of the action, as in
    a man is being robbed, and the robber steals money from the man without a




    In-Character Information:


    Complete the following biography on your character:




    Full Name: Lucio Magni Adelban


    Current Age: 20


    Sub-race (if any): human


    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+
    paragraphs long):


    Lucio was born as a twin to Poppy Leafhelm the fiancé of
    James Adelban: his brother was Sunny. Sunny and Lucio were separated at birth
    almost immediately. When Sunny was born, Lucio was born two minutes later, and
    the wet nurse decided, wrongly, to separate them without consent of the
    parents.  This decision later paid off. Poppy
    Leafhelm died soon after her sons where born, leaving them alone in the world.
    However, their mother did not die from childbirth, but was in fact murdered.
    This event would come into play later. Both were raised unaware of their true
    heritage, and both were made aware of their true identity at the time of their
    father’s death. Their father, James, had hung himself after avenging their




    Despite their past being revealed, their counterpart’s
    existence was never revealed, and they never met. Lucio did not visit his
    homelands while Sunny did, and instead ignored his past out of fear for the
    unknown and denial that the people who raised him weren’t his real family.
    Lucio wandered for a long time, striving to survive by himself in the wild and
    live off of his own harvest. He felt betrayed by the people who raised him; why
    had they not told him before he was nobility? Lucio became a somewhat skilled
    hunter as he roamed the lands of Asulon, hiding from the life of privilege he
    had been destined to obtain as an Adelban. He typically preyed upon smaller
    animals, like squirrels and rabbits, but as his novice skills drifted to
    mastery of the art, he began killing larger game, like bears and bulls.




    Finally, Lucio stumbled into Oren. He resorted to earning his
    way into a guard force of Oren, partly thanks to his years spent hunting wild
    animals and ferocious beasts. He fought long and trained hard to obtain average
    skills with the sword and with the bow. The job was not rewarding, however, and
    he became unsatisfied and disturbed with his job, mainly because of all the
    thoughtless and pointless murder committed by the guards. He was particularly
    traumatized by the blood lust of the men around them and their lack of morales.
    Eventually, Lucio abandoned his job and began mining in the iron mines, working
    long and hard hours. In the irons mines, at least, death came from natural
    occurences rather than the point of a blade.




    It was during one of these mining expeditions he found a
    clock hidden in the rubble of a cave in, with the name of one of the miners on
    it. The name engraved on the clock was long faded and unreadable. Lucio
    realized the mortality of the situation: that in these mines he would toil
    relentlessly and never receive recognition. He realized that if one day he were
    to be buried by rocks with no one to help, he would also be buried under the
    burden of time, disappearing into history like a whisper never mentioned. Lucio
    wished to change the world, to make his own name and defy his past.




     He went in search of
    work, seeking a purpose in Anthos: somewhere he would belong. He wandered into
    Kingston where immediately he was greeted by a “Kill on Sight List.” He thought
    mindlessly it could only mean more violence, until he saw a name on the top
    list. “Gat Collard Adelban: AKA, the Brittle Man.” He was skeptical. Was this
    his brother, or an imposter simply using the name to gain more renown? He felt
    he had found his purpose, to uncover the truth of his family name, and most
    importantly, to locate the man who could be his relative, or his greatest


    Ambitions for the Future: my ambitions are to finally
    come face to face with my family ties, and understand my ancestry. Also, if any
    kinsmen still live, I would like to reunite with them to learn my family’s
    past. I have ignored my ties for too long, and it has come back to haunt me.
    Also, the cruelty I saw in the streets of Oren need to be put to a stop.


    Personality: Lucio is sarcastic, obsessive, overly
    jealous, and meticulous. He loves to fight, and is very passionate about
    anything he gets attached to. He is hard to understand, but is loving to those
    who understand him. Very curious, Lucio rarely takes no from anyone, and even
    though he is very shy at times, he is increasingly stubborn. He doesn’t take
    things at face value, and often tries to understand things that are above him.
    While sometimes slow to take action, Lucio will fight until he dies or his
    opponent does when provoked.


    Skills: slightly above average swordsmanship, and
    sub-par archery. A basic understanding of the written language, and of history.
    Long distance runner, although slow for sprinting. Average stregth, resorting
    to use of daggers and short swords. Surprisingly good skills at hunting and tracking
    his pray.


    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your
    skin): Blonde, blue eyes, blond beard, pale white skin.



    Any other details you wish to share about your


    Twin brother to Gat Collard “Sunny” Adelban (Jtheo2016)[[jtheo2016
    allowed me to play his brother, and MonkeyCoffee is witness]], son of James
    Adelban and Poppy Leafhelm (Twiddlepop).






    Each question in this section must be answered with a
    minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as
    descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.






    1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a
    dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperor’s palace - he
    is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do
    you do?




    Answer: Lucio chases after him waiting for the man to tire
    out, while Lucio arming himself with his dagger. When Lucio gets close enough
    to make sure there is no escape without a struggle, he yells “guards, Come
    quickly! There is a murderer!” While waiting, Lucio questions the person “what
    is it that you are up to, lurking in the shadows like that?” The mysterious man
    snickers “do you think I will tell you?” and slips away. Lucio follows quickly
    behind and throws his dagger at the dark-clothed figures back, knocking him
    down and injuring him, resulting in Lucio catching up. Finally the guards
    arrive and are able to help Lucio apprehend the dark-clothed figure.






    2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come
    across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it
    stands an unstable old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two
    heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with
    leather armour and an iron long sword, how do you react?




    Answer: Lucio stealthily sneak up from behind, and grab one
    of the bandits. He then holds a bandit at dagger point, and promises “I will
    slice his throat if I have to, drop your weapons and leave that man alone!” The
    bandits pause, quickly regain composure, and the one that is free says “what is
    one weak kid against the two of us?” The bandit in Lucio’s grasp elbows him in
    the stomach, causing Lucio to release him. The other bandit swings his sword,
    severely injuring Lucio’s left forearm, and resulting in Lucio to drop his
    blade. Lucio yells “escape while I distract them, old man!” and punches one of
    the bandits in the stomach, sprinting away. Lucio barely get away, with a bad
    scar as his only accomplishment, and regret visible on his face. Him hears a
    cry in the distance, and knows he has failed.




    3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when
    you notice a small man standing behind a colourful stall. You approach the
    stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says
    that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is
    willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain: your
    haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).




    Answer: Lucio spys the man, glancing at his wares. Lucio
    immediately decides to approach him, noticing the delicious pastries in the
    corner of the man’s display case. “How much for those?” Lucio asks the man, Lucio’s
    lips already dripping with saliva as he stares at the food. He salivates
    frequently, and the merchant can see the hunger in Lucio’s eyes. “300 minas for
    the whole sack,” he says. Lucio’s eyes grow wide in shock; who the nether would
    expect that price. Lucio knows the merchant wants to haggle, so with a sly
    gleam in Lucio’s eyes, he demands it for ten minas. The merchant is equally
    impressed that Lucio would risk shooting so low, but Lucio can tell the man
    wants to make some money today. “200,” he starts, “Final offer.” Lucio shakes his
    head and begins to walk away, intentionally making each and every step
    dramatic, hoping to entice the man to think again. “Alright! 150!” he exclaims.
    Lucio runs back in a hurry: not a wise move. “80 minas and we have a deal?” He
    responds immediately, “I will only go so low as 120.” Lucio was fine with that;
    he had just saved 180 minas.



  3. Out-Of-Character Information


    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as
    possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.




    Minecraft Account Name: nnooaahh9


    How old are you?: 15 years old


    Time-Zone: Eastern


    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I
    have read the rules.


    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Not
    much for roleplaying, mainly because I have never found a true role playing
    server before. I enjoy making personas for myself in regular minecraft servers,
    just for fun, and I find roleplaying to be very enjoyable.


    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: From a IRL
    friend, who got me very interested in the server.


    Link any applications that you have previously made for the




    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If
    not, then please do so (link above):


    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make
    use of it and follow it in your biography?: I have read the ancient lore, and
    most if not all of the modern lore. I have mentioned a few different items from
    the lore in my biography.






    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take
    any definitions from elsewhere!:




    Role-playing: Role-playing is the act of assuming the role
    of a specific character and deciding what they do or say. The best role players
    are people who are completely immersed in their character, and know how to lose
    and win fairly without over powering their character. They can stay in character
    no matter what happens.


    Meta-gaming: Meta-gaming is the process of using information
    obtained and acknowledged in OOC and applying said knowledge to affect your
    character in IC. For example, should you know of an upcoming raid OOCly and
    then act accordingly in RP without RP knowledge of the situation. Another
    example of meta-gaming is breaking immersion of character and doing something
    your character would not normally do.


    Power-emoting:  Power-gaming is behaving unrealistically and
    giving your character unrealistic and sudden advantages with no context or
    supporting roleplay. For example, being pinned down and randomly pulling out a
    dagger, and using said dagger to insta-kill the assailant. While a dramatic
    example, it’s a valid one. Another example is forcing another character to
    perform a specific action without asking for confirmation of the action, as in
    a man is being robbed, and the robber steals money from the man without a




    In-Character Information:


    Complete the following biography on your character:




    Full Name: Lucio Magni Adelban


    Current Age: 20


    Sub-race (if any): human


    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+
    paragraphs long):


    Lucio was born as a twin to Poppy Leafhelm the fiancé of
    James Adelban: his brother was Sunny. Sunny and Lucio were separated at birth
    almost immediately. When Sunny was born, Lucio was born two minutes later, and
    the wet nurse decided, wrongly, to separate them without consent of the
    parents.  This decision later paid off.
    Poppy Leafhelm died soon after her sons where born, leaving them alone in the
    world. However, their mother did not die from childbirth, but was in fact
    murdered. This event would come into play later. Both were raised unaware of
    their true heritage, and both were made aware of their true identity at the
    time of their father’s death. Their father, James, had hung himself after
    avenging their mother.




    Despite their past being revealed, their counterpart’s
    existence was never revealed, and they never met. Lucio did not visit his
    homelands while Sunny did, and instead ignored his past out of fear for the
    unknown and denial that the people who raised him weren’t his real family.
    Lucio wandered for a long time, striving to survive by himself in the wild and
    live off of his own harvest. He felt betrayed by the people who raised him; why
    had they not told him before he was nobility? Lucio became a somewhat skilled
    hunter as he roamed the lands of Asulon, hiding from the life of privilege he
    had been destined to obtain as an Adelban. He typically preyed upon smaller
    animals, like squirrels and rabbits, but as his novice skills drifted to
    mastery of the art, he began killing larger game, like bears and bulls.




    Finally, Lucio stumbled into Oren. He resorted to earning
    his way into a guard force of Oren, partly thanks to his years spent hunting
    wild animals and ferocious beasts. He fought long and trained hard to obtain
    average skills with the sword and with the bow. The job was not rewarding,
    however, and he became unsatisfied and disturbed with his job, mainly because
    of all the thoughtless and pointless murder committed by the guards. He was
    particularly traumatized by the blood lust of the men around them and their
    lack of morales. Eventually, Lucio abandoned his job and began mining in the
    iron mines, working long and hard hours. In the irons mines, at least, death
    came from natural occurences rather than the point of a blade.




    It was during one of these mining expeditions he found a
    clock hidden in the rubble of a cave in, with the name of one of the miners on
    it. The name engraved on the clock was long faded and unreadable. Lucio
    realized the mortality of the situation: that in these mines he would toil
    relentlessly and never receive recognition. He realized that if one day he were
    to be buried by rocks with no one to help, he would also be buried under the
    burden of time, disappearing into history like a whisper never mentioned. Lucio
    wished to change the world, to make his own name and defy his past.




     He went in search of
    work, seeking a purpose in Anthos: somewhere he would belong. He wandered into
    Kingston where immediately he was greeted by a “Kill on Sight List.” He thought
    mindlessly it could only mean more violence, until he saw a name on the top
    list. “Gat Collard Adelban: AKA, the Brittle Man.” He was skeptical. Was this
    his brother, or an imposter simply using the name to gain more renown? He felt
    he had found his purpose, to uncover the truth of his family name, and most
    importantly, to locate the man who could be his relative, or his greatest


    Ambitions for the Future: my ambitions are to finally
    come face to face with my family ties, and understand my ancestry. Also, if any
    kinsmen still live, I would like to reunite with them to learn my family’s
    past. I have ignored my ties for too long, and it has come back to haunt me.
    Also, the cruelty I saw in the streets of Oren need to be put to a stop.


    Personality: Lucio is sarcastic, obsessive, overly
    jealous, and meticulous. He loves to fight, and is very passionate about anything
    he gets attached to. He is hard to understand, but is loving to those who
    understand him. Very curious, Lucio rarely takes no from anyone, and even
    though he is very shy at times, he is increasingly stubborn. He doesn’t take
    things at face value, and often tries to understand things that are above him.
    While sometimes slow to take action, Lucio will fight until he dies or his
    opponent does when provoked.


    Skills: slightly above average swordsmanship, and
    sub-par archery. A basic understanding of the written language, and of history.
    Long distance runner, although slow for sprinting. Average stregth, resorting
    to use of daggers and short swords. Surprisingly good skills at hunting and tracking
    his pray.


    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your
    skin): Blonde, blue eyes, blond beard, pale white skin.



    Any other details you wish to share about your


    Twin brother to Gat Collard “Sunny” Adelban (Jtheo2016)[[jtheo2016
    allowed me to play his brother, and MonkeyCoffee is witness]], son of James
    Adelban and Poppy Leafhelm (Twiddlepop).






    Each question in this section must be answered with a
    minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as
    descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.






    1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a
    dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperor’s palace - he
    is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do
    you do?




    Answer: Lucio chases after him waiting for the man to tire
    out, while Lucio arming himself with his dagger. When Lucio gets close enough
    to make sure there is no escape without a struggle, he yells “guards, Come
    quickly! There is a murderer!” While waiting, Lucio questions the person “what
    is it that you are up to, lurking in the shadows like that?” The mysterious man
    snickers “do you think I will tell you?” and slips away. Lucio follows quickly
    behind and throws his dagger at the dark-clothed figures back, knocking him
    down and injuring him, resulting in Lucio catching up. Finally the guards
    arrive and are able to help Lucio apprehend the dark-clothed figure.






    2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come
    across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it
    stands an unstable old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two
    heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with
    leather armour and an iron long sword, how do you react?




    Answer: Lucio stealthily sneak up from behind, and grab one
    of the bandits. He then holds a bandit at dagger point, and promises “I will
    slice his throat if I have to, drop your weapons and leave that man alone!” The
    bandits pause, quickly regain composure, and the one that is free says “what is
    one weak kid against the two of us?” The bandit in Lucio’s grasp elbows him in
    the stomach, causing Lucio to release him. The other bandit swings his sword,
    severely injuring Lucio’s left forearm, and resulting in Lucio to drop his
    blade. Lucio yells “escape while I distract them, old man!” and punches one of
    the bandits in the stomach, sprinting away. Lucio barely get away, with a bad
    scar as his only accomplishment, and regret visible on his face. Him hears a
    cry in the distance, and knows he has failed.




    3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when
    you notice a small man standing behind a colourful stall. You approach the
    stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says
    that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is
    willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain:
    your haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).




    Answer: Lucio spys the man, glancing at his wares. Lucio
    immediately decides to approach him, noticing the delicious pastries in the
    corner of the man’s display case. “How much for those?” Lucio asks the man, Lucio’s
    lips already dripping with saliva as he stares at the food. He salivates
    frequently, and the merchant can see the hunger in Lucio’s eyes. “300 minas for
    the whole sack,” he says. Lucio’s eyes grow wide in shock; who the nether would
    expect that price. Lucio knows the merchant wants to haggle, so with a sly
    gleam in Lucio’s eyes, he demands it for ten minas. The merchant is equally
    impressed that Lucio would risk shooting so low, but Lucio can tell the man
    wants to make some money today. “200,” he starts, “Final offer.” Lucio shakes his
    head and begins to walk away, intentionally making each and every step
    dramatic, hoping to entice the man to think again. “Alright! 150!” he exclaims.
    Lucio runs back in a hurry: not a wise move. “80 minas and we have a deal?” He
    responds immediately, “I will only go so low as 120.” Lucio was fine with that;
    he had just saved 180 minas.



  4. Out-Of-Character Information


    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as
    possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.




    Minecraft Account Name: nnooaahh9


    How old are you?: 15 years old


    Time-Zone: Eastern


    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I
    have read the rules.


    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Not
    much for roleplaying, mainly because I have never found a true role playing
    server before. I enjoy making personas for myself in regular minecraft servers,
    just for fun, and I find roleplaying to be very enjoyable.


    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: From a IRL
    friend, who got me very interested in the server.


    Link any applications that you have previously made for the


    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If
    not, then please do so (link above):


    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make
    use of it and follow it in your biography?: I have read the ancient lore, and
    most if not all of the modern lore. I have mentioned a few different items from
    the lore in my biography.






    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take
    any definitions from elsewhere!:




    Role-playing: Role-playing is the act of assuming the role of
    a specific character and deciding what they do or say. The best role players
    are people who are completely immersed in their character, and know how to lose
    and win fairly without over powering their character. They can stay in
    character no matter what happens.


    Meta-gaming: Meta-gaming is the process of using information
    obtained and acknowledged in OOC and applying said knowledge to affect your
    character in IC. For example, should you know of an upcoming raid OOCly and
    then act accordingly in RP without RP knowledge of the situation. Another
    example of meta-gaming is breaking immersion of character and doing something
    your character would not normally do.


    Power-emoting:  Power-gaming is behaving unrealistically and
    giving your character unrealistic and sudden advantages with no context or
    supporting roleplay. For example, being pinned down and randomly pulling out a
    dagger, and using said dagger to insta-kill the assailant. While a dramatic
    example, it’s a valid one. Another example is forcing another character to
    perform a specific action without asking for confirmation of the action, as in
    a man is being robbed, and the robber steals money from the man without a




    In-Character Information:


    Complete the following biography on your character:




    Full Name: Lucio Magni Adelban


    Current Age: 20


    Sub-race (if any): human


    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+
    paragraphs long):


    Sunny and Lucio were separated at
    birth. When sunny was born, Lucio was born 2 minutes after, and the wet nurse
    decided to separate them. Both were made aware of their father’s identity at
    the time of his death, but they never met, as Lucio did not visit his
    homelands. Lucio wandered for a long time, striving to survive by himself.


    Finally, he stumbled into Oren. He
    resorted to earning his way into a guard force of Oren. He fought long and
    trained hard to obtain average skills with the sword and with the bow. The job
    was not rewarding, however, and he became unsatisfied and disturbed with his
    job, because of all the thoughtless and pointless murder committed by the


    Eventually, Lucio abandoned his job
    and began mining in the iron mines, working long and hard hours. He had found a
    clock hidden in the rubble of a cave in, with the name of one of the miners on
    it. Lucio is disturbed by the realization that many men die without any
    recognition so he quits. He goes in search of work, When he heard of a man who
    was a Kill on Sight in Salvus; Gat Collard “Sunny” Adelban: The Brittle Man. He
    was curious as to the reason for identical last names, so Lucio decided to go
    in search of “Sunny.”


    Ambitions for the Future: my ambitions are to finally
    come face to face with my family ties, and understand my ancestry. Also, if any
    kinsmen still live, I would like to reunite with them to learn my family’s
    past. I have ignored my ties for too long, and it has come back to haunt me.
    Also, the cruelty I saw in the streets of Oren need to be put to a stop.


    Personality: Lucio is sarcastic, obsessive, overly
    jealous, and meticulous. He loves to fight, and is very passionate about
    anything he gets attached to. He is hard to understand, but is loving to those
    who understand him. Very curious, Lucio rarely takes no from anyone, and even
    though he is very shy at times, he is increasingly stubborn. He doesn’t take
    things at face value, and often tries to understand things that are above him.
    While sometimes slow to take action, Lucio will fight until he dies or his
    opponent does when provoked.


    Skills: slightly above average swordsmanship, and
    sub-par archery. A basic understanding of the written language, and of history.
    Long distance runner, although slow for sprinting. Average stregth, resorting
    to use of daggers and short swords.


    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your
    skin): Blonde, blue eyes, blond beard, pale white skin. post-60762-0-16059000-1371837942.pnghttp://imgur.com/uK7HAWP



    Any other details you wish to share about your


    Twin brother to Gat Collard “Sunny” Adelban (Jtheo2106), son
    of James Adelban and Poppy Leafhelm (Twiddlepop).






    Each question in this section must be answered with a
    minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as
    descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.






    1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a
    dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperor’s palace - he
    is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do
    you do?




    Answer: I chase after him waiting for him to tire out, while
    arming myself with my dagger. When I get close enough to make sure there is no
    escape without a struggle, and yell for the guards to come quickly. I question
    the person as to his intentions, and I stall while the guards come running.
    When the man tries to dash away into the dark alleyway, I follow quickly behind
    and throw my dagger at his back, knocking him down and injuring him so that I
    can catch up. Finally the guards arrive and are able to help me detain the
    dark-clothed figure.






    2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come
    across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it
    stands an unstable old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two
    heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with
    leather armour and an iron long sword, how do you react?




    Answer: I will stealthily sneak up from behind, and grab one
    of the bandits. I will then hold him at dagger point, and promise to hurt the
    bandits if they do not leave the old man alone. I will ask them to drop their
    weapons, unfortunately resulting in the other bandit attacking me, severely
    injuring my left forearm, and causing me to drop my blade. I will then yell at
    the old man to escape while I distract them, punch one of the bandits in the
    stomach, and sprint away. I will barely get away, with a bad scar as my only




    3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when
    you notice a small man standing behind a colourful stall. You approach the
    stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says
    that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is
    willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain:
    your haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).




    Answer: I spy the man, glancing at his wares. I immediately
    approach him, noticing the delicious pastries in the corner of his display
    case. “How much for those?” I ask the man, my lips already dripping with saliva
    as I stare at the food. I salivate frequently, and the merchant can see the
    hunger in my eyes. “300 minas for the whole sack,” he says. My eyes grow wide
    in shock; who the nether would expect that price. I know he wants to haggle, so
    with a sly gleam in my eyes, I demand it for ten minas. The merchant is equally
    impressed that I would risk shooting so low, but I can tell he wants to make
    some money today. “200,” he starts, “Final offer.” I shake my head and began to
    walk away, intentionally making each and every step dramatic, hoping to entice
    him to think again. “Alright! 150!” he exclaims. I run back in a hurry: not a
    wise move. “80 minas and we have a deal?” He responds immediately, “I will only
    go so low as 120.” Fine by me; I just saved 180 minas.

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