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Posts posted by Sheepnut

  1. Name: Dauros of the Lost Clan Illiquin
    Age: 236
    Race: 'ker
    Notable Skills: Shoulders and arms strong enough to shape stone and steel alike. Novice navigator, but a seasoned sailor. Adept survivalist.
    How many will be moving in with you? Only himself
    Do you accept the laws of Ebonglade and by extension Laureh'lin?


    Mc Name: Sheepnut
    Skype: Sheepnut

  2. Name: Dauros Illiquin

    Race: Dark Elf

    Past Groups: Dawnstrider Voyagers, House Illiquin, Church of Cannon

    Skills: Blacksmith, Stonemason, Miner

    Reason for joining: Fortune and Glory, Blood and Thunder



    MC Name: Sheepnut
    Skype: sheepnut79
    Teamspeak (Y/N): Yes
    Will this be your main character: Yes

  3. The Adrian people scramble about Brelus in panic and distress as the approaching Orenian army glows with torches in the distance. As he wipes the sweat from his brow, Argyros opens his personal chest and dusts off an old article of cloth, a level 99 firemaking cape. As war horns begin to bellow, a single tear rolls down his face, echoing the pain he suffered when the Vladovic keep was lost to a siege tower. He felt powerless in the defense against their assault, because he forgot that fire only existed back in his farfolk homeland. He falls to his knees and begins to sob tears of odorless, clean-burning kerosene.



    fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the
    essential details are accurate.


    Account Name:Sheepnut

    old are you?:16


    you read, understood and agreed to the rules?:I have.

    previous experience have you had in role-playing?:WoW, DnD, and just writing it
    for fun.

    did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?:Two friends told me about how
    much fun they had playing it.

    any applications that you have previously made for the server:

    you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so
    (link above):

    you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it
    in your biography?: I have and I shall.



    your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from


    Playing a game in the role of a persona that is fictional for the intention of
    deeper gameplay.

    Using information gained out of character to benefit the character.

    Using an emote that the opposing character cannot fully respond to.



    the following biography on your character:


    Name: Aldveri Dar’Mitan

    Age: 22

    (if any): High Elven

    / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):

            As a younger elf, Aldveri lived an
    increasingly difficult life. At the age of 6, his parents died of a freak
    accident while performing simple incantations and he was immediately moved to
    live with his aunt and uncle. Two years later a similar fate had befallen his
    new guardians and he was again alone and distrusted by his high elven
    community. The elders began to wonder what sorts of supernatural or otherworldly
    afflictions could be impacting this young elf’s life. Soon after the elders
    spent time looking into their ancient tomes to diagnose the curse or spell over
    the young elf, the small high elf outpost-like town was engulfed in a dark fire
    plague and was wiped out within a few months when they did not receive support
    from nearby larger high elf civilizations. After being transported to Lin’Evaral
    to serve in a library, he began to take a large interest in the few books that
    were not written by High Elves. The head librarian, his new guardian, found out
    about this, but decided it was better to not inform authorities of his young
    friend’s new interests in foreign culture.

            A few years of harmony passed for this
    young elf and all was ordinary and good until one day a lone Dwarven trader
    slowly walked into the city square. Aldveri immediately made the mistake of
    rushing the Dwarf and asking all sorts of questions and inquiries about Dwarven
    culture. Though not many of the nearby elves even saw this behavior (as they
    neglected the existence of this dwarf) one did, a member of the high elven
    council. This behavior served as a reason to banish the “bad luck charm” that
    Aldveri was seen to be. Brought before court with no one but an old librarian
    to defend him, Aldveri was banished and outcast from Lin’Evaral and thrown out
    of the city gates. Out on the road, Aldveri was alone once more, nothing out of
    the ordinary for him. Whilst sitting on the side of the road, the old Dwarven
    trader appeared out of nowhere, seemingly, and silently offered Aldveri his
    hand. The two traveled to many places in the world, avoiding trouble as it
    seemed to follow them almost everywhere, but prospering some as well.

            One day Aldveri awoke to the sound of
    his old Dwarven friend choking and gasping furiously. Confused and still half
    asleep, he takes the most immediate action he can and drags his friend into the
    nearest town. The medicine man in town had nothing that could help his friend
    and the dwarf began to turn a pale gray-purple and his veins began to show
    through his skin. Aldveri was forced to stand by his friend outside the city
    walls and watch him be laid to waste by some violent ailment unknown to anyone.

            At the age of 22 now, Aldveri meets the
    man that will quite possibly change his future entirely. By the name of
    Animeius, this man gives Aldveri a glimmer of hope in his life’s dark storm and
    delivers to him a chance to redeem himself, find purpose, and discover what his
    life means for the greater good and safety of those around him. It might be
    fair to say that that death lies in wake of anything Aldveri comes to know, but
    a wake is not the fully correct description, for Aldveri does not do this on
    his own purpose, but rather it follows him invisibly like a riptide, destroying
    all he leaves behind.

    for the Future: Discover why the people around me are doomed to suffer and
    solve this problem.

    Concentrated on the present and future. Can't look back on the past because its filled with death. Friendly towards other races. Despises
    high elves for their attitude towards other races, but is still curious about his
    origins and ancestry.


    Great mental constitution. Willpower of a stubborn mule without the factor of

    (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin):LapBsxH.png


    other details you wish to share about your character: Smells like an elf.




    question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which
    must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not
    break character or lore at any point.



    As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and
    snickering. Upon inspection you realize that a group of older elves are mocking
    a small elven child. How do you react?


    Slowly walk up to the older elves and ask them about why the younger elf is
    being mocked. If it is for the reason I suspect, that this child is being
    considered “impure” then I will to the best of my ability get this child away
    from the older elves. If they try to follow us I will not hold myself above
    engaging in a roundabout of fisticuffs.


    Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with
    a walking stick. He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a
    sharp thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the
    ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there,
    defenseless - what do you do?


    Hail to the old man. If he tells me he needs help I shall. If he hails me away I
    shall leave him be as he wishes, but inform whoever I can about him. Should he
    not respond, I shall rush to him, pick up his belongings for him, and proceed
    to take him to the nearest town for help. If he isn’t elven, I will not bring
    him into town, but I will smuggle things out of the town for him because the
    elves will likely not accept him.


    Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in
    which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over,
    telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about
    everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your
    character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion


    I would make conversation about how the economy is doing while asking for a few
    loaves of bread. I’d want to buy one for about 75 cents, so I would offer my
    starting price at 50 cents to give myself some haggling room. He’s going to
    undoubtedly ask for a higher price than I offer, so I have to ask for a lower
    price than I actually want. I might additionally ask about the nearest towns
    and what I can find inside of them.


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