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ghskilla (Nyx&VraZhix)

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Posts posted by ghskilla (Nyx&VraZhix)

  1. Vasily ponders in thought for a few moments, evaluating this decision. Would it bring him benefits? Curses, it has to be the long-term gain once more, he thought. Vasily sighs as he readies his quill.

    Your Name:

    Vasily. Vasily Alderi Patchenko.


    Your Age:

    Aged twenty seven.


    Your Race:

    I am of one-hundred percent human origin.

    Are you wishing to join the college as a Mage, or a Pilgrim?:

    Due to my lack of true knowledge in the arcane arts, I shall apply as a Pilgrim.


    If joining as a mage, clarify on if you are currently skilled in the magical arts, or being taught by someone who is:

    Does not apply to myself.


    What affinity of magic are you skilled in?

    Unfortunately at the moment, none. It is of course my purpose to join the guild in order to seek out a way of learning the art of Hydromancy, the magic I wish to learn and eventually become skilled with someday.


    (( OOC:



    MC Name:



    When did you join the server?:

    July 23, 2013


    If applying as a mage, link any currently approved MAs unless grandfathered:



    If applying as a mage, list your magic type and tier:





    ​Vasily seals the application letter, and hands it over to his bird, a colorful red-feathered parrot, before sending him away and blowing out the candle, his room becoming engulfed by darkness.

  2. I may or may not be a LoL nerd but I can safely say that this really looks like an altered version of Zyra.


    Rampant Growth - ability

    Zyra, Rise of the Thorns - champion name

    Rise of Rampant Growth - event name


    The Sivir avatar not enough for ya? ;)


    But yeah, this seems interesting. Maybe replace the walls of Adunia if you catch my drift... 

  3. Last time I checked, this was a roleplay server, not a PVP server. Changing this to PVP is completely unfair to those who have shitty computers, since they will lag all over the place unable to fully function themselves in a pvp battle. And take this into consideration... A knight and a peasant fight, taking it into the default PVP, and the peasant wins the pvp fight, would that make any valid sense at all? RP fighting makes more sense in situations like this. Also, this conflicts with characters that are halflings, animals, and children. PVP default makes literally little to no sense on this server whatsoever. 


    But I guess I don't fully understand this change since I have only been around for a few months. It would be great if you can write a new guide and such about PVP default, since I have no clue on how to apply this on the server since I am not a pvp'er. I'll try it out i suppose.


    Nexus solves this issue.


    BUT, if my opinion is allowed I do say I like RP combat better than PvP combat simply because I can't immerse myself with Minecraft mechanics. Left click, left click, eat food, left click and jump around, maybe shoot arrows. It's binary and repetitive in my opinion. You can't block, roll, parry, counter, or anything like that, just whoever has the better items and buffs will win. I'd support PvP much more if there was a way that Minecraft would immerse its players into combat other than buffing your items and armor, and left clicking to your heart's content. I'm all for change though, but pardon me if I'm not optimistic.

  4. The armored Nyx calmly strolls around Abresi, eavesdropping on conversations to listen in on what he has missed. In hushed voices from a noble he hears of a wedding, between none other than Princess Katlyn herself and some other fellow he has not bothered to remember the name of. He laughs at the thought, the princess is still a girl.


    Although in the back of his mind he has to think, what could he do to possibly ruin that day for her? The little frightened runt should least suffer a heart attack from what I'm going to do, he thought. He quickly rushed ahead to find his stolen jester clothings and began to laugh at himself maniacally, truly an uncommon sight...  

  5. Vasily walks around Abresi, eavesdropping on conversations when he hears of a dead man's body in the Red Dragon tavern, indicating the return of the Black Panther. He is rejoiced by the news. He isn't afraid of some second-rate killer, and hopefully this idiot who decided to make his presence known would take away attention from him.

  6. "Nyx" stands in clear memory. He remembers the woman's glare, taking away the dead body from his hands. In the pouring rain, trickles of water seep down the metal of his helmet, underneath a grin is contained which could only mean his greed is acting up again, the rewards for capturing this woman depicted in thought. "Nyx" tears down the poster after finishing his read, not wanting anyone else to join the hunt.

  7. Character Name: Vasily Patchenko
    Nicknames: None
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Status: Alive and healthy.


    Height: 6"5
    Weight: 190lbs
    Body Type: Fair build
    Eyes: Born with Heterochromia; Brown left eye, Amber right eye
    Hair: Black
    Skin: Pale
    Markings/Tattoos: None
    Health: Prime

    Vasily is an independent, cocky, sweet-talker. He is a very charming person, despite his average looks. Though he is also prone to being suspicious, he generally doesn't expect too much from the people he meets. A regular conversation with Vasily would include laughs and lies. A lot of lies.


    As a thief, he has learned to get to know his victims before stealing from them, making him a slight people-person despite his initially quiet nature in public. If he finds an advantage in using someone, he will do so without regrets. Other peoples' lives come third to him, first is his own life, and second is his wealth.


    Born poor, Vasily has learned a bit of humbleness can get you places when talking to others, despite all of his humility being an act to con people or to take their pity, to make sure that they would least expect him as a thief.
    Inventory: Aside from the common bread and fruit, Vasily carries his weapon, a gilded cup-hilt rapier, a book of his choice, and stolen goods.
    Further Details: Left-handed.


    Life Style
    Alignment: Neutral Evil
    Religion: None
    Alliance/Nation/Home: Home in Darkhaven, Allied with none.
    Job/Class: Upper-middle class thief.
    Title(s): None.
    Profession(s): Thief.
    Special Skill(s): A well-practiced liar, and a knack for breaking-entering. Free-running. Dueling with a rapier. Intelligent.
    Flaw(s): Does not have many "true" friends. Criminal lifestyle causes trouble. Sometimes too suspicious in front of certain people. A tendency to refuse help. Weak against quick dual-weapon users.


    Current Status: A reader on magic. No magical ability at the moment. Intrigued by Necromancy.
    Arch-type: None

    Sub-Type: None
    Rank: Tier-0
    Weakness(es): None
    Strength(s): None
    Current Spell(s): None

    Fighting Style: One-handed duelist. Hit-and-run. Counter-attack.
    Trained WeaponRapier, dagger.
    Favored Weapon: Rapier
    Archery: Vasily does not use archery.



    • Viktor Patchenko (Father, Deceased - Cause: Starvation)
    Sylvia Patchenko (Mother, Deceased - Cause: Cardiac Arrest)


    • Yakov Patchenko (Deceased - Cause: Unknown)
    Dmitri Patchenko (Deceased - Cause: Murder)

    Children: None
    Extended Family:

    • Vladimir Patchenko (Grandfather, Deceased.)
    Katyenka Patchenko (Grandmother, Deceased.)

    Pet(s): None



    Vasily Patchenko was born in a poor family of five, always hungry, and always at the mercy of the tax collectors. At the age of five, Vasily was taken to the streets with his brothers, as his parents could not pay for their home anymore, and it was seized from them. For his whole childhood, Vasily looked to survive in the streets by becoming a cunning and devious person, looking to steal from and con innocents and even out-wit other criminals. A tough life in the streets molded the young Vasily, his greed for things he never had outgrowing his morals. He eventually left his brothers for themselves, and soon after Vasily started to make actual profit as he only paid for his own survival.


    In his teenage years the youngest member of the Patchenko family became the richest, as he stole more and more from people around his town and sold the belongings to the underground trade. He gambled, he conned, he lied, he looted, and he fought. His daily routine of looting homes caused him to stumble upon a noble's personal armory, deep within the confines of the owner's bedroom. Up on the wall, there was a gold-trimmed steel Rapier, ready for the taking. Vasily smiled as he went back to the inn, happy with his own personal prize. He would never sell this weapon, and instead train with it every day in his small rented room. Vasily went hunting with the weapon, getting injured by a large bear at his first try, leaving a giant scar in his left hand, the hand he uses to wield the weapon. Over the course of three years Vasily had trained himself to become adept with the weapon, while looting homes, though not as much as he did before he found the weapon. Satisfied with his wealth and his skill with the weapon, the eighteen-year-old Vasily headed for the libraries.


    Deep within the library of every major city he was in Vasily sat and read. Read tales of magics and sorcery, from Conjuration to Necromancy, to myths and legends, and then academic education such as mathematics and language. For years he studied and read to keep his intelligence up to par with others his age, until he decided he had learned enough. To this day Vasily still visits the libraries, but he does not spend too long in there, only taking out any peculiar book and keeping it in hand.


    Vasily still loots and studies at his current age of twenty-five, but not as often as he did as a youth. However, his time in study has caused him to become informed of the powers of mages from past and present. This caused him to grow a deep desire for power, and knowing he has solved his own personal need for wealth, Vasily foolishly thought he could easily find a way to harness the power of the arcane arts, specifically, the dark art of draining life forces...


    [After some RP]


    Frequent visits to Malinor has shown Vasily some unnerving but intriguing facts. There are those whose payment comes from killing targets. Assassination. It sounded so simple to him, Vasily foolishly thought, but the rewards were extravagant. Dark Brotherhoods, guilds, even renegade assassins, paid for killing. Vasily jumped to conclusions and decided if they were getting money from this, he wanted in.


    He realized he needed to make sure his defining blade, his cup-hilt rapier, was not used as a weapon, for it would be easy to single him out as his weapon is very unique to his own image. No, he needed a different weapon. He visited the blacksmiths of numerous cities, looking to find a weapon which suited himself. Town after town, daggers and iron swords, claymores, battle-axes, some even sold other rapiers, but none suited him. After some talking around town, he heard of a lonely weapon-maker who made these "unusual" and "outclassed weapons." When he visited the man's store, he could not believe his eyes. Ninjatos, Kamas, and several strange weapons surrounded him. One was even just a wooden pole. He didn't know which to choose, so he asked for a fair-sized blade which was lightweight and easily carried.




    He bought two.


    For armor, he had to had something lightweight but also concealed his face. The same blacksmith had also crafted armor, although he had stated his displeasure of crafting heavy armor such as platemails. Perfect. He just needed inspiration for the actual armor. He went to the library. Looking through the books, he sought for the tales of knights and assassins. Some went full-body armor, that was out of the question. All leather was also out of the question; he needed at least some metal to back himself up. He found his image in a book about the legend of an eastern assassin from old. A metal face-mask, with a red cloth draping around the back. Metal shoulder guards with black leather body armor. Gauntlets with black leather gloves. Leather leggings with metal shinguards and lightweight boots.


    The blacksmith was overwhelmed. He told him to come back when he sent a bird. Months passed. A month turned to a year. A year turned into impatience, until a small crow entered through his room's window. It was ready.


    He arrived. There it was, tailored to his size and created carefully. It resulted with a price of over 700 minas. It wasn't what Vasily would have attempted to pay, but he realized the long-term gain of profits rather than what he'd lose that day. He gave the man what he wanted, which resulted in a loss of over 75% of his savings. A part of him regretted the decision, but once he put on the armor, he felt that his sacrifice would be paid by the blood of his targets. He left the store.



    ((The armor looks similar to this. It was my inspiration. The helmet and cloth would look very similar, but the rest of it doesn't. He has shoulder guards but not as trimmed and sharp. No large shurikens behind him, and his armor is leather, not the shiny-sharp-trimmed OP metal plate in the art. Leggings are similar, and he wears normal leather boots with a metal shinguard. His weapon is also just the ninjato, not the razors. The armors look similar, but in game the armor isn't as extreme as it is in this art.))




    He was ready for killing, he just needed to wait for someone to hire him.





    "Blood Trinket of the Thief"



    "Vasily's Golden Cup-Hilt Rapier"

  8. Vasily Patchenko walks around Abresi, flipping a mina in the air and catching it as he notices a small poster sticking out of the wall in an alleyway. As he approaches, he looks behind him to watch for followers. Satisfied in his privacy, Vasily begins to read the note. He raises an eyebrow, before looking back once more and taking out a small stolen necklace with a circular trinket held in the laces. A dagger is taken out of his pocket, and he unrolls his sleeve. Vasily slices a small cut at his right arm, enough to draw blood. As the blood pours, Vasily presses the trinket by the cut, the pain not bothering him in the slightest. He presses the blood-soaked trinket by the poster, his mark showing clear indication of his understanding.




    Vasily turns around, rolls back his sleeve and puts the trinket in his pocket. He whistles as he continues to flip a mina in the air, going by his day.

  9. MC User Name:



    In Game Name:

    Vasily Patchenko


    Character Bio:((Optional, Would good too post though)

    Vasily Patchenko was born in a poor family of five, always hungry, and always at the mercy of the tax collectors. At the age of five, Vasily was taken to the streets with his brothers, as his parents could not pay for their home anymore, and it was seized from them. For his whole childhood, Vasily looked to survive in the streets by becoming a cunning and devious person, looking to steal from and con innocents and even out-wit other criminals. A tough life in the streets molded the young Vasily, his greed for things he never had outgrowing his morals. He eventually left his brothers for themselves, and soon after Vasily started to make actual profit as he only paid for his own survival.


    In his teenage years the youngest member of the Patchenko family became the richest, as he stole more and more from people around his town and sold the belongings to the underground trade. He gambled, he conned, he lied, he looted, and he fought. His daily routine of looting homes caused him to stumble upon a noble's personal armory, deep within the confines of the owner's bedroom. Up on the wall, there was a gold-trimmed steel Rapier, ready for the taking. Vasily smiled as he went back to the inn, happy with his own personal prize. He would never sell this weapon, and instead train with it every day in his small rented room. Vasily went hunting with the weapon, getting injured by a large bear at his first try, leaving a giant scar in his left hand, the hand he uses to wield the weapon. Over the course of three years Vasily had trained himself to become adept with the weapon, while looting homes, though not as much as he did before he found the weapon. Satisfied with his wealth and his skill with the weapon, the eighteen-year-old Vasily headed for the libraries.


    Deep within the library of every major city he was in Vasily sat and read. Read tales of magics and sorcery, from Conjuration to Necromancy, to myths and legends, and then academic education such as mathematics and language. For years he studied and read to keep his intelligence up to par with others his age, until he decided he had learned enough. To this day Vasily still visits the libraries, but he does not spend too long in there, only taking out any peculiar book and keeping it in hand.


    Vasily still loots and studies at his current age of twenty-five, but not as often as he did as a youth. However, his time in study has caused him to become informed of the powers of mages from past and present. This caused him to grow a deep desire for power, and knowing he has solved his own personal need for wealth, Vasily foolishly thought he could easily find a way to harness the power of the arcane arts, specifically, the power to drain life forces...


    Your Specialty: (Such as some everyday skills or combat skills)

    Agile and quick.

    Good at looting homes, stealing, and conning.

    Adept with a rapier.




    What is your character Alignment?

    Neutral Evil


    Do you have a VA? if so what, for what evils?: ( Note getting 3.a is advised as our god is a deamon )

    Minor Evils 1a and 4b.

    (Note, I'll get 3a.)


    (( Any questions feel free to send me a PM and i ask that every one that applies please message me your skype so i can add you. ))

  10. Artemis Luciana calls upon his parrot to deliver a note upon seeing the poster. He ties a small bag of 30 minas in the parrot's leg, and the note is placed inside of it.


    The note reads, "Hello, owner of Wondrous Writings, I would like to buy a single copy of Hydromancy from your store. I have the minas in the pouch along with the bird, and if you would please send the book to my location in *((will say in-game))* that would be appreciated. Good day and good business, sir."


    Artemis sends off the parrot to the said location.

  11. Given name(RP name):

    Artemis Luciana


    (Skype name if you have one): 



    True name(MC name): 






    Authentic magic user?(accepted magic user?): 



    If so what form of magic ye use?:

    I am not a magic user.


    Do ye seek adventure, knowledge, and companionship?:
    Yes, I do, as I would not be living without these three things.


    All applying will be apply for the applicant position. However should you pass that stage what profession might you take on? Note that if you want to learn magic you must speak to a Delver Arcanist personally: 

    Delver Pathfinder, but if possible I'd also look to learn magic in my time.


    What combat skills have ye? 

    Archery, Close-quarters combat (daggers), and I am swift and evasive.


    Short Response for all Applicants, write how ye
    would respond:


    1.) You come across a massive ruin of ancient design,
    strange sounds and lights emanate from within.

    I would proceed with caution. While I, myself, am not familiar with the arcane arts, anything inside of that ruin would seem to hold this power. I grip my bow and hold an arrow before I enter the ruin, looking for riches and knowledge contained inside of it.


    2.)While at a local bar you see two dark hooded figures
    in the corner discussing in a whispered conversation. You can't quite make out
    what they're saying but you clearly hear the word "artifact".

    While the prospect of finding a new artifact would be exciting, these hooded figures look suspicious and could easily kill me if I dig deeper into their concerns. I'll ignore them, for now, because they seem... evil.


    3.)Walking down the Anthos Highway you come across a
    masked man with a sword threatening a hooded figure, claiming he is a

    I'd tell the man with the sword to back away from the man, after reading about some of the horrific effects that Necromancy has to its victims. However, if and when I find out he's a hoax, I will gladly leave him be with the man with a sword.

  12. Your Name:

    Artemis Luciana

    Your Age:


    Your Race:


    Are you wishing to join the college as a Mage, or a Pilgrim?:


    If joining as a mage, clarify on if you are currently skilled in the magical arts, or being taught by someone who is:

    None at the moment. Would prefer to find a teacher willing to teach me the Dark Art of Necromancy.

    What affinity of magic are you skilled in?

    None, but would look to become a skilled Necromancer someday.

    (( OOC:


    MC Name:


    When did you join the server?:

    July 18, 2013

    If applying as a mage, link any currently approved MAs unless grandfathered:


    If applying as a mage, list your magic type and tier:



  13. As Artemis walks past a flyer for a brothel in Abresi, he stops to ponder at the idea and proceeds to go to there.


    He returns with a bow in hand and takes a shot at the flyer. The arrow lands in the center of the notice.


    "At best, they have a mediocre bar." Artemis smirks and continues on with his day.

  14. MC Name: ghskilla


    Skype Name: gtp_ghskilla


    Amount of Time on Server: 1 day


    Link to Villain Application (If any): No villain application


    Have you recieved a ban, strike, or warn before?: Never and will never look to get one.

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