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Fexonocks Flamebringer

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Posts posted by Fexonocks Flamebringer

  1. Out-Of-Character Information

    The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.


    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: -fexonocks

    How old are you?: -14

    What time-zone do you live in?: - Eastern Standard Time (America)

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes, I have played on several smaller roleplay servers in minecraft.

    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: -Yes.

    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): -http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/93064-elf-fexonocks/

    How did you hear about us?: -A friend recommended it.

    What do you think the server will be like? -An immersive experience with other people who share the same interests me. There is also a chance it will be funner than the other roleplay servers I have played on, which have a lot fewer people than Lord of the Craft.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: -Yes.

    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - I have encountered powergaming before on servers. They really take out the fun. I think it is very important that powergaming is prevented.


    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!


    What is roleplaying?: -Speaking and acting as a fictional character. Instead of thinking, living, and speaking as the real me, I think, live, and speak as my character.


    What’s metagaming?: -Roleplaying  in character using knowledge that your character would not know. Example: Having an in-character conversation with another player and then talking about your latest computer, which doesn't exist in the world of Anthos. Metagaming though is usually used for the players own advantage, for example using a characters secret as blackmail by reading about it in the out-of-character forums.


    What’s powergaming?: -Forcing your actions on another character, leaving them no way to avoid it. Example: Player 1 stabbed Player 2 in the heart. This can be avoided by saying: Player 1 tries to stab Player 2 in the heart.


    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    What’s your character called?: -Faedryn Legadia


    What race are they (and sub-race)?: -Elf, Wood Elf


    What sex are they?: -Male


    How old are they?: -24


    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family: -Faedryn Legadia was born a wood elf in his father's small shack deep within the woods of Malinor. He was an only child isolated from the rest of the world, so, he spent most of his time exploring the surrounding woods. Throughout his childhood he encountered very few other elves. So he became very attached to his parents but also very independent. Every once in a couple years his father would bring him to the nearest town to buy from the market and grow comfortable with the city life, which Faedryn's father hoped Faedryn would live in the future. Faedryn was astounded by the number of elves and huge homes and shops. In the town market, Faedryn had his first experience with humans. As he walked down the marketplace, a strange merchant on the side of the path. He was wearing exotic clothing selling strange food and spices. Faedryn noticed something off about him and asked his father, who told him that the man was a human merchant who traveled all around Anthos. Faedryn was fascinated. Faedryn's early life was mostly spent outside, but when he grew to six, his mother started teaching him. His mother's aunt was a lady in northern Malinor, so his mother had received a good education. She taught him everything she thought would help him, from politics and culture, to writing and history. His father, on the other hand, was born into a family of miners and had received very little education. One dark night in winter when Faedryn was about to turn seven, he ventured deeper into the forest than he had before, and became lost. He did not know what to do. By midnight, he had given up searching and had climbed a tree to spend the night, safe from the creatures of the night. He awoke to the sound of his name being called by his father.

    It took his parents almost a year to let him go outside alone again, but this time, Faedryn was ready. He used a piece of paper and some ink that his father had given him to slowly map out the area. He started with just a couple hundred meters out of his cabin, marking streams and landmarks, drawing in trees and hills. As he grew older, he explored deeper and deeper, making his map larger and larger, until it stretched for miles.
    One day he was out in the forest, making his map, when he heard a yell. He ran through the forest until he found an old elf, laying on the ground, with a deep cut in his leg. Faedryn was speechless.
    'Sir! What happened?' He asked.
    'Humans.... Bandits.... they attacked...' The old man grumbled through clenched teeth.
    'Which way did they go?' Faedryn asked.
    The old man feebly lifted a finger, pointing at the direction of Faedryn's home. Faedryn leapt up.
    'I will come back for you sir!' Faedryn ran as fast as he could.
    When he got home. He found a flaming shack crumbling. He ran through the flames, but fell on his face burning him from the nose down. Inside he found a charred body, his father. His mother was nowhere to be found. Faedryn was devastated. His parents were the only other people he was close with. He cried and cursed the gods for their cruelty. In his pain, he never went back to the old man.
    He left. He had nothing on him but his map, but he left. He eventually came to the great City of Leumalin. He was very quiet and kept to himself. He found himself a job assisting the local librarian. Eventually he settled in and made some close friends, but he still knows he is different.

    (Sorry if this it too long, I was told I could keep my bio from the other application format. If you want me to shorten it, I will do it.)


    What are they like (personality)?: -Faedryn is mildly pessimistic, but is also kind. He still is quiet but is friendly if you get to know him. His isolation as a child in the woods has left him survivalistic (sorry if I am using this word incorrectly, I am trying to say he thinks of survival before anything else.) , but also almost selfish, thinking of himself before others.


    What are their ambitions?: -Faedryn hopes to do his best at serving his nation of Malinor, maybe by joining the Sentinels. Also, somewhere in the back of his mind, there is always a want for revenge.


    Do they have any special skills?: -Faedryn is remarkably good at map making. And he can also be very stealthy if he so wishes. He is also adept at using a sword.


    What are their weaknesses?: -Faedryn is easily angered, which leads to rash behavior. He is also very afraid of caves or mines, because of his upbringing in the open forest.


    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: -Faedryn is six feet two inches and has light purple eyes. He is of moderate strength, and is always wearing a covering over the scar on the lower half of his face. He has tannish brown skin. He has brown hair that he cuts short, unlike many elves. He normally is found wearing a red cloak.


    Anything else you want to say about them?: -Ever since his parents were killed, he has a permanent mistrust of all humans.


    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: -http://imgur.com/a/3fOPS


    (Just a side note, I think this is a great improvement to the previous application format. Good job!)

  2. [b]Out-Of-Character Information[/b]
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: fexonocks
    How old are you?: 14
    Time-Zone: Eastern Time 
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes.
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Several smaller Minecraft servers.
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: Friends.
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: 
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): I have.
    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes.

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Speaking and acting as a fictional character. Instead of thinking, living, and speaking as the real me, I think, live, and speak as my character.

    Meta-gaming: Roleplaying  in character using knowledge that your character would not know. Example: Having an in-character conversation with another player and then talking about your latest computer, which doesn't exist in the world of Anthos. Metagaming though is usually used for the players own advantage, for example using a characters secret as blackmail by reading about it in the out-of-character forums.

    Power-emoting: Forcing your actions on another character, leaving them no way to avoid it. Example: Player 1 stabbed Player 2 in the heart. This can be avoided by saying: Player 1 tries to stab Player 2 in the heart.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Faedryn Legadia
    Current Age: 24
    Sub-race (if any): Wood Elf
    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):

    Faedryn Legadia was born a wood elf in his father's small shack deep within the woods of Malinor. He was an only child isolated from the rest of the world, so, he spent most of his time exploring the surrounding woods. Throughout his childhood he encountered very few other elves. So he became very attached to his parents but also very independent. Every once in a couple years his father would bring him to the nearest town to buy from the market and grow comfortable with the city life, which Faedryn's father hoped Faedryn would live in the future. Faedryn was astounded by the number of elves and huge homes and shops. In the town market, Faedryn had his first experience with humans. As he walked down the marketplace, a strange merchant on the side of the path. He was wearing exotic clothing selling strange food and spices. Faedryn noticed something off about him and asked his father, who told him that the man was a human merchant who traveled all around Anthos. Faedryn was fascinated. Faedryn's early life was mostly spent outside, but when he grew to six, his mother started teaching him. His mother's aunt was a lady in northern Malinor, so his mother had received a good education. She taught him everything she thought would help him, from politics and culture, to writing and history. His father, on the other hand, was born into a family of miners and had received very little education. One dark night in winter when Faedryn was about to turn seven, he ventured deeper into the forest than he had before, and became lost. He did not know what to do. By midnight, he had given up searching and had climbed a tree to spend the night, safe from the creatures of the night. He awoke to the sound of his name being called by his father.

    It took his parents almost a year to let him go outside alone again, but this time, Faedryn was ready. He used a piece of paper and some ink that his father had given him to slowly map out the area. He started with just a couple hundred meters out of his cabin, marking streams and landmarks, drawing in trees and hills. As he grew older, he explored deeper and deeper, making his map larger and larger, until it stretched for miles.

    One day he was out in the forest, making his map, when he heard a yell. He ran through the forest until he found an old elf, laying on the ground, with a deep cut in his leg. Faedryn was speechless.

    'Sir! What happened?' He asked.

    'Humans.... Bandits.... they attacked...' The old man grumbled through clenched teeth.

    'Which way did they go?' Faedryn asked.

    The old man feebly lifted a finger, pointing at the direction of Faedryn's home. Faedryn leapt up.

    'I will come back for you sir!' Faedryn ran as fast as he could.

    When he got home. He found a flaming shack crumbling. He ran through the flames, but fell on his face burning him from the nose down. Inside he found a charred body, his father. His mother was nowhere to be found. Faedryn was devastated. His parents were the only other people he was close with. He cried and cursed the gods for their cruelty. In his pain, he never went back to the old man.

    He left. He had nothing on him but his map, but he left. He eventually came to the great City of Leumalin. He was very quiet and kept to himself. He found himself a job assisting the local librarian. Eventually he settled in and made some close friends, but he knew he was different. 

    Ambitions for the Future: Faedryn hopes to do his best at serving his nation of Malinor, maybe by joining the Sentinels. Also, somewhere in the back of his mind, there is always a want for revenge.
    Personality: Faedryn is mildly pessimistic, but is also kind. He still is quiet but is friendly if you get to know him. His isolation as a child in the woods has left him survivalistic (sorry if I am using this word incorrectly, I am trying to say he thinks of survival before anything else.) , but also almost selfish, thinking of himself before others. 
    Skills: Faedryn is remarkably good at map making. And he can also be very stealthy if he so wishes. He is also adept at using a sword.
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): Faedryn is six feet two inches and has light purple eyes. He is of moderate strength, and is always wearing a covering over the scar on the lower half of his face. He has tannish brown skin. He has brown hair that he cuts short, unlike many elves.

    Any other details you wish to share about your character: Ever since his parents were killed, he has a permanent mistrust of all humans.

    [i]Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.[/i]

    [b]1. As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you realize that a group of older elves are mocking a small elven child. How do you react?[/b]

    Answer: Faedryn does not wish to be hasty, and hides in the cover of the trees to watch. He takes note of the Elves. The older elves are enjoying themselves, smiles on their faces as they taunt the child. The child is curled up in a ball at the foot of a tree, whimpering. Faedryn watches as the tallest elf, obviously the one in charge, draws a gleaming dagger from his belt.  Faedryn knows he needs to stop them. He looks around on the forest floor until he finds a rock. He proceeds to throw the rock at the tall elf, striking him in the back of the head. The elf stumbles, clutching his head as he looks around for the attacker. The elves run back in the direction of the throw. Faedryn, seeing this, silently moves around the trees to the child. As he reaches the child, the child looks up at him with fear in his eyes, Faedryn responds by motioning him to remain silent, and then picks up the child and moves away, silently. They are far away when Faedryn hears a surprised yell from behind.

    [b]2. Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with a walking stick. He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?[/b]

    Answer: Faedryn looks at the gold,  then back at the old man, weighing his options. He thinks back to the old man he left in the woods. This was a human though. And humans are not to be trusted. He picks up the gold coins. and walks away. After a couple feet he looks back at the old man. Who looks up at Faedryn with pleading eyes. Faedryn quickly looks at his feet, averting his eyes. A silence follows, broken only when Faedryn sighs and returns to the old man. He helps the old man up, who is surprisingly heavy. Faedryn slowly hands the gold back to the man.

    'Here you go.' He says.

    'You take it. It will be more use to you than it will to me.' The old man says.

    Faedryn thanks the man, with slightly more respect for humans than he had before.

    [b]3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion involved).

    Answer: Faedryn walks over to the merchant.

    'Step right up, young elf, let me show what I have!' The merchant says in an annoying sort of way. 'If you see anything you like, just ask me about it.'

    Faedryn looks over his products, debating. 'I need some sheets of paper for a map. Can you get me some?'

    'Why of course good sir! I have some of the finest quality paper in Malinor! Guaranteed to last for years!' The merchant smiles as he opens a small cupboard in the carriage. He pulls out clean paper, which actually looked good quality to Faedryn. He checks his coin pouch, 20 Minas.

    'How much paper do you want?' The merchant asks.

    '8 sheets. How much do you want for it.'

    The merchant smiles. '30 Minas.'

    Faedryn frowns. 'Thats thievery. I refuse to pay that much.'

    'A pity,' The merchant says, 'It is, in fact, high quality.'

    'The most I am paying is 20.' Faedryn says.

    The merchants smile wavers. 'The least I am doing is 25.' He says coldly.

    Faedryn leans in close to the merchant.

    'Listen. You want money, I want paper. Now, we could both get what we want or not, your choice. And tell me, honestly, what are the chances of another elf coming through these woods wanting paper. Tell me.'

    The merchant bites his lip. 'Fine.' He says, finally. '20 Minas.'

    The two proceed to make their trade and go their separate ways. Faedryn looks back once, and sees the merchant sit in a chair, waiting for another customer. 

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