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A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

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Posts posted by A Bunch of Mimics (Knyghtfalcon)

  1. [Application]

    ((MC Name: Knyghtfalcon))


    ((RP)) Name: Loche 


    Known Arcane Arts: 

    Mental Magic




    Position Desired (Student or Instructor): Most likely an instructor, as I don't desire to learn a new field of magical study at the moment and I don't know if I need too much instruction in my own field. If instructors aren't needed then most likely a student, as  I'm sure there's more I could learn.


    I can fill the position of Archanix fairly well.



    When is the best time to contact you for an interview((Discord)): Any time, feel free to find me. (Discord A Bunch of Mimics#8952, I'm in EST, up pretty late)

  2. MC Name: ThePoliteCannibal
    Character Name: Ivy 
    Why do you want to be a Dread Knight?: I see it as a fun, interesting way to roleplay and enjoy myself on the server. I had been a cultist for many months through 3.0-3.5, so I'd like to get back into it and finish my journey of becoming a dread knight.
    Do you understand that you cannot go against the Dread Lord's orders as a Dread Knight?: Of course
    Time zone: est
    Skype Name (You can PM it to me privately): You already have it.


    (This is essentially just re-applying, as I had already been a cultist before, and the same character still exists.)

  3. MC name:  Knyghtfalcon

    Character's name and age: Loche Kindred Faelcyn, 384 years old


    Character’s Race: Corrupted High Elf

    What magic/s did you learn?: Sensory Illusion/Mental Magic


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Loche learned his magical abilities at two seperate times.


    Loche learned Illusion during the time he spent around New Malinor and the Conclave, spying on lessons being taught and taking books and journals from various mages and libraries. Without much to do, he spent a lot of his time studying this, keeping notes and practicing on others, usually much less willing subjects. He wouldn't refer to himself as an expert, or worthy of teaching, but he is well versed in his abilities and has been using them for some time.


    Loche learned the art of Mental Magic from keeping journals, stealing books, and speaking to others more knowledgeable during his time as a Harbinger. As collecting knowledge was a big portion of his time, he was able to come across what he needed. When freed, he stumbled upon his collection of knowledge once more and began to study. Being shunned for his obvious past wrong-doings, he had nothing better to do than to study what he had, inside and out. After gathering all that he could from what he had written, and beginning to understand the concept, he moved on forward and began to experiment with it and learn on his own.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: Sensory Illusion


    The art of altering what a subject perceives. Illusion is used to affect what one sees, feels, hears, touches, smells, and so on. Illusionists must have a strong understanding of what they wish to place into the senses of others, as in order to create a convincing illusion they must almost perfectly recreate said feeling. Creating an image of a mythical beast would be near impossible without experiencing it first hand, as you must learn how it smells, how it appears at all angles, how it sounds, what it feels like. Attempting to do so would create faults, and would expose the illusion as just that, an illusion. This goes not only for creating fake items or creatures, but for different feelings, sounds, smells and so forth. How can you have someone experience something you haven't experienced yourself?


    Mental Magic


    Using the void to locate and connect with another mind within your sight or general vicinity in which you know they are present. This art can be used for communication with the subject, creating illusions within only the subject, or very meticulously digging through the subject's mind. Mental magic is incapable of controlling another, forcing thoughts into their minds as truth, or controlling the emotions of another person. Mental magic is a very complicated and tiring form of magic, requiring a strong focus on the task at hand, leaving them mostly open to anyone who would wish to stop them by any physical means.










  4. Given Name: Sophia Ivy Faelcyn

    True Name (MC Name): PoliteCannibal

    (Skype Name): Knyght.falcon

    Race? Mixed

    Doth ye aspire the path of The Knight, The Mechanist or The Magician? Magician

    Doth ye solemnly swear to protect your Crimson Heart brethren? Of course.

  5. Off near the lands where Aesterwald used to be, the sound of a crew of sailors can be heard, singing their songs and laughing merrily. A few small fishing ships arrive along the coast, and soon the previously decayed area springs to... Life, if you could call it that.


    Strange beings, almost seeming to float, and break apart when moving. They begin to offload their cargo and lumber, and soon begin construction. The dock is completed strangely quickly, and soon small huts are constructed. A lighthouse emerges next, the peak of the structure giving off a faint blue glow.


    The boats tie to the docks, and the wonderful pastime of fishing begins, but it seems that only one of the beings remains. The strange creature can be seen planting a sign down the beaten path to the fishing outpost, the sign reads "Rivermoore Fishing Village"


    The being picks up its fishing rod, and adjusts its tattered fishing cap, drifting down the path to the docks again while whistling a happy tune. Its strange voice pierces the air as it laughs excitedly. "Aye, to'ay be a good day for fishin'."




    The being seems to happily be stockpiling fish, spending his time on the docks and fishing without rest. While the docks may seem a bit run down and decaying, it still seems to support all the activity with surprising efficiency. As you pass by, you may see the spectral creature fishing away, and should you come down to visit who knows what may happen. But, there's certainly fishing and stories to go around, and he seems very eager to share in the wonders of the sea.







    ((Huge thanks to Ziko for taking my crappy fishing village design and turning it into this masterpiece.))

  6. Cappin' takes a look at the note, freshly posted on the pole aside the walkway.


    "Mage? W'at do ye' need magical nonsense for lad? T'is be a waste o'  your time, it is! Fishin' be all ye' need in t'is world."


    The strange spectral fisherman tips his tattered fishing cap to the sign, slinging his rod back over his shoulder and wandering back to his favorite fishing spot.

  7. Long ago there lived a family of various breeds of elves and mixes, a sort of mish mash of different people. Their name was the Faelcyn family, a group of people who over a long time began to come together. Consisting of a main family, a husband and wife and their children, and those they had so kindly adopted and had saved from a life on the streets. Ivy and Germaih Faelcyn began to create a home of which they would bring others in out of the good of their own hearts.


    Over time as their children grew as well as those who they had taken in, they began to expand further. Their children married, and had children of their own. Their children kept the tradition of taking in those less fortunate, expanding their ‘family’ rapidly. With this though, they saw many deaths through their family of both natural causes, sickness, and death through fighting. Even though they were many, many of them died off over a short period of time. eventually returning the decently large family back to a simple few.


    Marci and Ilvayen Faelcyn, a third generation down the line,  had one child named Lyre. After this, troubled by recent deaths in their family and through a troubling marriage, decided to leave, and completely cast out the Faelcyn name, leaving it to rot. Lyre however, growing up, always had an interest in one day beginning the family again. He married a woman named Marien, who gave birth to three children. His plan was to begin the family again, but after his wife died during childbirth to his third child and his second child died to sickness at a young age, he lost the will to reconstruct the family.


    His eldest and last remaining child at the time, Loche, was sent out into the world and away from his grieving father. His father no longer wanted him, as he simply reminded him of his failed ideas and his destroyed family. Over time as the history of his family was forgotten, Loche sought to hunt down any older generations of family members and begin to attempt to rebuild his family once more, although with limited knowledge. Unlike his father though, he was extremely stubborn and hard headed, intent on restoring his family to its long destroyed glory despite numerous setbacks.


    ((I’m looking to build up a family on the server, more of a family of misfits than anything else. I’m looking for people who want to join the family, either with an existing or new character. If you are interested, I’d really appreciate it if you would PM me. If you have anything to offer or any advice, feel free to speak to me. Thanks!))


    News travels of a man seeking to restore himself and his family, not really news out of the ordinary.

  8. Orokana rests at the front of the Tower of Solace, receiving word from one of his spies that the men are preparing for war. He waves off the mortal, as it flees again into the cold night. He retreats to the top of the spire, walking out onto the balcony that overlooks the lands. He speaks quietly into the night, and alerts his brethren through the hive mind. War was coming, and they'd be prepared to drive out the mortals from their frozen home.


    But... Orokana was conflicted, conflicted with his former self, Loche... He'd received no instruction to help, as of yet. The still mortal and moral part of his clouded mind began to wonder... Should he help? Should he stay away, and with that give the mortals a better chance? He wanted so badly, deep within his mind, to help. Yet he couldn't, there was no way to except merely remaining out of the way. He'd do all he could though, deep in thought, sitting atop his tower. He stopped, again the seemingly forced thoughts entering his mind, he had to serve his master. Troubled and uncertain, he stood there for days and nights without moving, just... Thinking...

  9. A rumbling is heard... Louder the closer to dwarven lands you were, and the shaking felt more violent. Something has risen, built and constructed, stretching high into the clouds. A dim red glow can be seen from the night, atop a large spire in Mali'Fenn lands. The Tower of Solace was created, and it stands high above all else, taller than the highest mountains of the land.


    What is it? What is its purpose? Why was it created? That's for you to figure out...




    Orokana stands at the front of the large structure, watching the citizens of the town below scream and run in panic. He however did not care, he had a purpose, a mission to complete...



    ((Just a small post, something new has appeared in the world!))



  10. I just wanted to throw this out there after a lot of thinking. As of a few days ago I've taken a small break from playing my Harbinger, and have decided to collect feedback in the time I'm not playing him. The hope was that I could collect your guys input and improve my RP to make sure everyone is enjoying it.


    I'm approaching the two month mark of being a Harbinger, as just before Christmas last year our lovely admin Viper came to me and asked if I'd like my character to become the first of the new Harbingers. I gladly accepted the position and I've been trying my best to create fun RP for others as my character. I tend to stick to RP over PVP fights, and I try to make things fun and engaging for others. I have a blast playing with everyone, and I'd like to hear back from the people I've interacted with.


    If you have anything you'd like to say, please do. I'd like to know what I can do more of to make things enjoyable, where I can improve, and what things you'd like to see me do in the future. All feedback is appreciated, I'd like it to remain constructive though and that any blatant flame be kept off the thread. If an FM could watch this, I'd appreciate it.


    Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear from everyone who has played with me.


    ((P.S - If this is in the wrong forum for whatever reason, please move it :P))

  11. Kael'salai sit's with his pet Harbinger in the Conclave looking over the scene....tears roll down his eyes as he gently pat's Loche's head. His mind snapping more and more as he simply gazes in horror at the empty home. He hugs Loche and bites down on his lip hard enough to allow a string of blood to begin to form on his lips.

    "I hate them....every last one....Orokana....I wan't them all....to die for this..."

    "As soon as im free of this ward, i'm going to turn you inside out as painfully as I can make it." The captured Harbinger grumbles into the mind of Kael, plotting his demise as the insane man converses with the spectral creature of the north.

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