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Posts posted by 16fire

  1. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and
    ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: 16fire

    How old are you?:13

    Time-Zone: EST

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I've had
    experience  in other MMORPGs' such as world of warcraft, I have role-played
    on massivecraft.com and IRL

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I googled: minecraft roleplay

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: http://www.lordofthe...999-elf-16fire/,http://www.lordofthe...054-elf-16fire/http://www.lordofthe...126-elf-16fire/

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do
    so (link above): Yes, 
    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and
    follow it in your biography?: Yes


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions
    from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Changing your behavior to have a role in a game, community,
    exercise, story. In other words, assuming to role of someone or something to
    participate in an activity.

    Meta-gaming: Meta-gaming
    is using information not RP’ly perceived to help you, in other words, it is use
    of outside info to help you in game. For Example, your friend is evil in an RP
    and has told you this in real life, you go on to tell everyone in this RP that
    he is evil.

    Power-emoting: Forcing your actions on
    another player, controlling role-play, for example killing someone without
    their consent.

    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Botan Alkaline

    Current Age: 1201

    Sub-race (if any): High Elf

    Past / History (include
    childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):

    Botan lived in Laurelin when he was a young boy. His parents were working class
    farmers. On the farm, his brother taught him how to use a bow and a blade. His
    brother was in the army, but he had enough free time to teach his little
    brother, Botan. During his adolescence, Botan still wasn't able to work on his parent’s
    farm, because he was considered too young in elven culture. Because of this
    feeling of inferiority, Botan left home at the age of twenty, and headed toward
    a human city he thought he could find, called Al'Khazar.

    His adventure through the forest toward Al'Khazar, Botan stumbled on something.
    He saw what he thought were ruins in the forest, but after taking a closer
    look, he discovered there were people living in these ruins. But upon even
    further examination, he noticed that this was not a ruin, but a monastery.
    After talking to the kind elves and humans living in the monastery, Botan was
    invited to live there. Since he had not eaten for days and would soon collapse,
    he decided to stay there for the night. That night he had a big feast, and
    listened to a sermon afterword. He went to sleep and, the next day, he went to
    the follow up sermon for the one he had just listened to. It was there that he
    learned they were sending missionaries to Al'Khazar. Botan opted in for this
    task and was accepted into their order. After a successful mission with his
    fellow missionaries, Botan was noticed by the elder priest. After having a long
    chat with him, Botan decided to go to the seminary located in the monastery. It
    was there that he became known as a monk of the order, and eventually went on
    to be a priest. After the tragic murder of a high priest, he assumed his role
    as the new High Priest. Because of the abundance of humans in the monastery,
    moving through the ranks was quite easy for Botan, and he managed to achieve
    High Priesthood at the mere age of 100. Throughout the next 20 years, Botan
    learned much from the Elder Priest. One day when talking to the Abbot, Botan
    realized he had never discovered who killed the previous High Priest. When
    looking into it further, he discovered all the High Priests eventually died by
    murder at the age of 120. Because Botan's 120th Birthday was coming up the next
    day, he decided something had to be done. It was then that Botan realized the
    importance of self-defense and started training, like the way his brother
    taught him. After fending off an attempted murder by the Abbot the next day,
    Botan decided to leave the monastary, even after all his hard work, and spread
    peace everywhere he could think of. He decided to travel back to Al'Khazar and
    spread his ways. But, unfortunately, by the time he got to Al'Khazar, the city
    was under attack by undead. He then decided to leave.

        After taking a ship to Elandriel in Asulon,
    Botan realized that the canopy above it would prove good to a monastery there.
    After several attempts and impending failures to start up a new religion in
    Elandriel because of the fights over the dark forest with Menorcress, Botan
    decided to try somewhere else. Despite his earlier failures with the humans,
    Botan entered the kingdom of Renatus. Because of the massive flow of humans
    coming from Aegis, Botan had some competition. Noticing the strength of his
    competitors, Botan got a job in a library to support him in the meantime. As
    the days passed Botan read more and more about humans and their history. By the
    time the Holy Oren Empire came around, the humans’ religions were too strong
    for a new competitor. Botan knew he had to step up his game, so he left Asulon
    and traveled to Anthos, soon after Asulon fell. By then Botan was too old and
    frail to start up a new religion. Botan decided to travel across the Anthos
    highway, and spread his teachings to anyone who would listen. Botan still
    considers himself a monk to this day, but is no longer a priest.

    Ambitions for the Future:
    To spread peace while protecting the innocent.

    Personality: He is old
    and grumpy, but is also wise with wisdom to share.

    Skills: He is very powerful in speech, and can
    defend himself from petty threats, but is far too weak to challenge others.

    Appearance (this must
    include an in-game
    screenshot of your skin): Wears a hood, and keeps his ears out of
    his hair. He is about 5' 8" and has white-gray hair, and a white-gray beard;
    he also wears the amulet of his religion. Link to my skin: http://www.minecraft...48321/high-elf/

    Any other
    details you wish to share about your character: He does not speak in specific about his
    religion unless you ask him. (It is the belief in the Agum, an all en
    composing force). Botan’s eyes are multi colored because of a dye ritual
    that took place during his Priesthood involving a clear gel and a translucent


    Each question in this section
    must be answered with a
    minimum of one paragraph which must describe theevent in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore
    at any point.


    As you walk through the deep forests you hear the
    sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you
    realize that a group of older elves are mocking a small elven
    child. How do you react?

    Answer: I slowly make my way up to the older elves, I tell them in a wary tone: “What if you
    were this youngster?” If they persist, I
    will take the young-ling away and explain to him: “This happened to
    me when I was your age… I understand your frustration.” and then guide him back to what he was doing, if it stops I will
    give a speech to the older and younger elves. In this speech I will state: "In this diverse society of elves, it is hard to get along with the premature. But in comparison to humans, these elves are geniuses! And I know quite a few smart humans myself."

    2. Whilst wandering
    through the Elven forests you come across a frail old
    man with a walking stick. He collapses in front
    of you, falling to the ground with a sharp
    thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which
    hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the
    pathway. The man lies
    there, defenseless - what do you do?

    Answer: I bend down
    slowly, as to not break my frail back, and clump all the coins back into the small pouch and quickly stuff the pouch back into his
    pockets. I then try to lift him up, but I am too weak and my back makes a quite cracking noise.I feel my back, as if to make sure it is still in tact and I give him my cane and
    tell him: “Hoist your self-up! I’m too weak to do it myself.” I try helping
    him up with what little energy I have leftwhile he provides most of the effort. I then ask him: “Do you think you can make it to a
    doctor?” If he can’t get up I go to the nearest doctor myself and tell him/her: "I found and old man in the woods, he needs help." If he can get up and doesn't
    want to see a doctor I leave him be, and warn the nearest elves I can find of
    his weak condition by shouting “We have a weak one among us! I fear for his well-being!”

    3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come
    across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A
    trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of
    his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about
    everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What
    does your character do? (Please include: - item, haggling for prices and the
    discussion involved).

      I ask him “How
    was your day?” And try to make good friends with him by chatting in this amiable manner. I go on to ask him: “ Do you happen to
    have any bread or wine?”, if he does I then offer him a few gold coins. If he
    doesn't, I walk away grumpily and stomp my feet lightly (otherwise I would hurt myself). If he accepts my offer I will say: “Thank you, I'll be sure to come back sometime soon.”
    And walk back into the forest. If he refuses I will complain and tell him: “I
    only have one more gold coin.” Then, depending on what he says, I’ll either walk
    away happy  with a slight skip to my step, then stumble over and break my back because I was skipping, or give him my last gold coin in my pocket. In the best scenario I walk away happy after that, and in the worst I walk away with my shoulders drooped down and my hands flailing, all while mumbling to myself how it could have been such a good deal.

  2. (Thrid Try)

    Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and
    ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: 16fire

    How old are you?:13

    Time-Zone: EST

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I've had
    experience  in other MMORPGs' such as world of warcraft, I have role-played
    on massivecraft.com and IRL

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I googled: minecraft roleplay

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: http://www.lordofthe...999-elf-16fire/http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/93054-elf-16fire/

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do
    so (link above): Yes, http://www.minecraft.../page__st__3540http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-anthos-officially-t-h-e-1-roleplay-server/page__st__3540#entry23549295

    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and
    follow it in your biography?: Yes


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions
    from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Changing your behavior to have a role in a game, community,
    exercise, story. In other words, assuming to role of someone or something to
    participate in an activity.

    Meta-gaming: Meta-gaming
    is using information not RP’ly perceived to help you, in other words, it is use
    of outside info to help you in game. For Example, your friend is evil in an RP
    and has told you this in real life, you go on to tell everyone in this RP that
    he is evil.

    Power-emoting: Forcing your actions on
    another player, controlling role-play, for example killing someone without
    their consent.

    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Botan Alkaline

    Current Age: 1201

    Sub-race (if any): High Elf

    Past / History (include
    childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):

    Botan lived in Laurelin when he was a young boy. His parents were working class
    farmers. On the farm, his brother taught him how to use a bow and a blade. His
    brother was in the army, but he had enough free time to teach his little
    brother, Botan. During his adolescence, Botan still wasn't able to work on his parent’s
    farm, because he was considered too young in elven culture. Because of this
    feeling of inferiority, Botan left home at the age of twenty, and headed toward
    a human city he thought he could find, called Al'Khazar.


    His adventure through the forest toward Al'Khazar, Botan stumbled on something.
    He saw what he thought were ruins in the forest, but after taking a closer
    look, he discovered there were people living in these ruins. But upon even
    further examination, he noticed that this was not a ruin, but a monastery.
    After talking to the kind elves and humans living in the monastery, Botan was
    invited to live there. Since he had not eaten for days and would soon collapse,
    he decided to stay there for the night. That night he had a big feast, and
    listened to a sermon afterword. He went to sleep and, the next day, he went to
    the follow up sermon for the one he had just listened to. It was there that he
    learned they were sending missionaries to Al'Khazar. Botan opted in for this
    task and was accepted into their order. After a successful mission with his
    fellow missionaries, Botan was noticed by the elder priest. After having a long
    chat with him, Botan decided to go to the seminary located in the monastery. It
    was there that he became known as a monk of the order, and eventually went on
    to be a priest. After the tragic murder of a high priest, he assumed his role
    as the new High Priest. Because of the abundance of humans in the monastery,
    moving through the ranks was quite easy for Botan, and he managed to achieve
    High Priesthood at the mere age of 100. Throughout the next 20 years, Botan
    learned much from the Elder Priest. One day when talking to the Abbot, Botan
    realized he had never discovered who killed the previous High Priest. When
    looking into it further, he discovered all the High Priests eventually died by
    murder at the age of 120. Because Botan's 120th Birthday was coming up the next
    day, he decided something had to be done. It was then that Botan realized the
    importance of self-defense and started training, like the way his brother
    taught him. After fending off an attempted murder by the Abbot the next day,
    Botan decided to leave the monastary, even after all his hard work, and spread
    peace everywhere he could think of. He decided to travel back to Al'Khazar and
    spread his ways. But, unfortunately, by the time he got to Al'Khazar, the city
    was under attack by undead. He then decided to leave.


                After taking a ship to Elandriel in Asulon,
    Botan realized that the canopy above it would prove good to a monastery there.
    After several attempts and impending failures to start up a new religion in
    Elandriel because of the fights over the dark forest with Menorcress, Botan
    decided to try somewhere else. Despite his earlier failures with the humans,
    Botan entered the kingdom of Renatus. Because of the massive flow of humans
    coming from Aegis, Botan had some competition. Noticing the strength of his
    competitors, Botan got a job in a library to support him in the meantime. As
    the days passed Botan read more and more about humans and their history. By the
    time the Holy Oren Empire came around, the humans’ religions were too strong
    for a new competitor. Botan knew he had to step up his game, so he left Asulon
    and traveled to Anthos, soon after Asulon fell. By then Botan was too old and
    frail to start up a new religion. Botan decided to travel across the Anthos
    highway, and spread his teachings to anyone who would listen. Botan still
    considers himself a monk to this day, but is no longer a priest.


    Ambitions for the Future:
    To spread peace while protecting the innocent.

    Personality: He is old
    and grumpy, but is also wise with wisdom to share.

    Skills: He is very powerful in speech, and can
    defend himself from petty threats, but is far too weak to challenge others.

    Appearance (this must
    include an in-game
    screenshot of your skin): Wears a hood, and keeps his ears out of
    his hair. He is about 5' 8" and has white-gray hair, and a white-gray beard;
    he also wears the amulet of his religion. Link to my skin: http://www.minecraft...48321/high-elf/


    Any other
    details you wish to share about your character: He does not speak in specific about his
    religion unless you ask him. (It is the belief in the Agum, an all en
    composing force). Botan’s eyes are multi colored because of a dye ritual
    that took place during his Priesthood involving a clear gel and a translucent


    Each question in this section
    must be answered with a
    minimum of one paragraph which must describe theevent in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore
    at any point.



    As you walk through the deep forests you hear the
    sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you
    realize that a group of older elves are mocking a small elven
    child. How do you react?


    Answer: I slowly make my way up to the older elves, I tell them in a wary tone: “What if you
    were this youngster?” If they persist, I
    will take the young-ling away and explain to him: “This happened to
    me when I was your age… I understand your frustration.” and then guide him back to what he was doing, if it stops I will
    give a speech to the older and younger elves. In this speech I will state: "In this diverse society of elves, it is hard to get along with the premature. But in comparison to humans, these elves are geniuses! And I know quite a few smart humans myself."






    2. Whilst wandering
    through the Elven forests you come across a frail old
    man with a walking stick. He collapses in front
    of you, falling to the ground with a sharp
    thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which
    hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the
    pathway. The man lies
    there, defenseless - what do you do?






    Answer: I bend down
    slowly, as to not break my frail back, and clump all the coins back into the small pouch and quickly stuff the pouch back into his
    pockets. I then try to lift him up, but I am too weak and my back makes a quite cracking noise.I feel my back, as if to make sure it is still in tact and I give him my cane and
    tell him: “Hoist your self-up! I’m too weak to do it myself.” I try helping
    him up with what little energy I have leftwhile he provides most of the effort. I then ask him: “Do you think you can make it to a
    doctor?” If he can’t get up I go to the nearest doctor myself and tell him/her: "I found and old man in the woods, he needs help." If he can get up and doesn't
    want to see a doctor I leave him be, and warn the nearest elves I can find of
    his weak condition by shouting “We have a weak one among us! I fear for his well-being!”






    3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come
    across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A
    trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of
    his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about
    everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What
    does your character do? (Please include: - item, haggling for prices and the
    discussion involved).


      I ask him “How
    was your day?” And try to make good friends with him by chatting in this amiable manner. I go on to ask him: “ Do you happen to
    have any bread or wine?”, if he does I then offer him a few gold coins. If he
    doesn't, I walk away grumpily and stomp my feet lightly (otherwise I would hurt myself). If he accepts my offer I will say: “Thank you, I'll be sure to come back sometime soon.”
    And walk back into the forest. If he refuses I will complain and tell him: “I
    only have one more gold coin.” Then, depending on what he says, I’ll either walk
    away happy  with a slight skip to my step, then stumble over and break my back because I was skipping, or give him my last gold coin in my pocket. In the best scenario I walk away happy after that, and in the worst I walk away with my shoulders drooped down and my hands flailing, all while mumbling to myself how it could have been such a good deal.

  3. (Second Try)

    Out-Of-Character Information

    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and
    ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: 16fire

    How old are you?:13

    Time-Zone: EST

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: I've had
    experience  in other MMORPGs' such as world of warcraft, I have role-played
    on massivecraft.com and IRL

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: I googled: minecraft roleplay

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/92999-elf-16fire/

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do
    so (link above): Yes, http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-anthos-officially-t-h-e-1-roleplay-server/page__st__3540

    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and
    follow it in your biography?: Yes


    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions
    from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Changing your behavior to have a role in a game, community,
    exercise, story. In other words, assuming to role of someone or something to
    participate in an activity.

    Meta-gaming: Meta-gaming
    is using information not RP’ly perceived to help you, in other words, it is use
    of outside info to help you in game. For Example, your friend is evil in an RP
    and has told you this in real life, you go on to tell everyone in this RP that
    he is evil.

    Power-emoting: Forcing your actions on
    another player, controlling role-play, for example killing someone without
    their consent.

    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Botan Alkaline

    Current Age: 1201

    Sub-race (if any): High Elf

    Past / History (include
    childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):

    Botan lived in Laurelin when he was a young boy. His parents were working class
    farmers. On the farm, his brother taught him how to use a bow and a blade. His
    brother was in the army, but he had enough free time to teach his little
    brother, Botan. During his adolescence, Botan still wasn't able to work on his parent’s
    farm, because he was considered too young in elven culture. Because of this
    feeling of inferiority, Botan left home at the age of twenty, and headed toward
    a human city he thought he could find, called Al'Khazar.


    His adventure through the forest toward Al'Khazar, Botan stumbled on something.
    He saw what he thought were ruins in the forest, but after taking a closer
    look, he discovered there were people living in these ruins. But upon even
    further examination, he noticed that this was not a ruin, but a monastery.
    After talking to the kind elves and humans living in the monastery, Botan was
    invited to live there. Since he had not eaten for days and would soon collapse,
    he decided to stay there for the night. That night he had a big feast, and
    listened to a sermon afterword. He went to sleep and, the next day, he went to
    the follow up sermon for the one he had just listened to. It was there that he
    learned they were sending missionaries to Al'Khazar. Botan opted in for this
    task and was accepted into their order. After a successful mission with his
    fellow missionaries, Botan was noticed by the elder priest. After having a long
    chat with him, Botan decided to go to the seminary located in the monastery. It
    was there that he became known as a monk of the order, and eventually went on
    to be a priest. After the tragic murder of a high priest, he assumed his role
    as the new High Priest. Because of the abundance of humans in the monastery,
    moving through the ranks was quite easy for Botan, and he managed to achieve
    High Priesthood at the mere age of 100. Throughout the next 20 years, Botan
    learned much from the Elder Priest. One day when talking to the Abbot, Botan
    realized he had never discovered who killed the previous High Priest. When
    looking into it further, he discovered all the High Priests eventually died by
    murder at the age of 120. Because Botan's 120th Birthday was coming up the next
    day, he decided something had to be done. It was then that Botan realized the
    importance of self-defense and started training, like the way his brother
    taught him. After fending off an attempted murder by the Abbot the next day,
    Botan decided to leave the monastary, even after all his hard work, and spread
    peace everywhere he could think of. He decided to travel back to Al'Khazar and
    spread his ways. But, unfortunately, by the time he got to Al'Khazar, the city
    was under attack by undead. He then decided to leave.


                After taking a ship to Elandriel in Asulon,
    Botan realized that the canopy above it would prove good to a monastery there.
    After several attempts and impending failures to start up a new religion in
    Elandriel because of the fights over the dark forest with Menorcress, Botan
    decided to try somewhere else. Despite his earlier failures with the humans,
    Botan entered the kingdom of Renatus. Because of the massive flow of humans
    coming from Aegis, Botan had some competition. Noticing the strength of his
    competitors, Botan got a job in a library to support him in the meantime. As
    the days passed Botan read more and more about humans and their history. By the
    time the Holy Oren Empire came around, the humans’ religions were too strong
    for a new competitor. Botan knew he had to step up his game, so he left Asulon
    and traveled to Anthos, soon after Asulon fell. By then Botan was too old and
    frail to start up a new religion. Botan decided to travel across the Anthos
    highway, and spread his teachings to anyone who would listen. Botan still
    considers himself a monk to this day, but is no longer a priest.


    Ambitions for the Future:
    To spread peace while protecting the innocent.

    Personality: He is old
    and grumpy, but is also wise with wisdom to share.

    Skills: He is very powerful in speech, and can
    defend himself from petty threats, but is far too weak to challenge others.

    Appearance (this must
    include an in-game
    screenshot of your skin): Wears a hood, and keeps his ears out of
    his hair. He is about 5' 8" and has white-gray hair, and a white-gray beard;
    he also wears the amulet of his religion. Link to my skin: http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/2048321/high-elf/


    Any other
    details you wish to share about your character: He does not speak in specific about his
    religion unless you ask him. (It is the belief in the Agum, an all en
    composing force). Botan’s eyes are multi colored because of a dye ritual
    that took place during his Priesthood involving a clear gel and a translucent


    Each question in this section
    must be answered with a
    minimum of one paragraph which must describe theevent in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore
    at any point.



    As you walk through the deep forests you hear the
    sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you
    realize that a group of older elves are mocking a small elven
    child. How do you react?


    Answer: I slowly make my way up to the older elves, I tell them in a wary tone: “What if you
    were this youngster?” If they persist, I
    will take the young-ling away and explain to him: “This happened to
    me when I was your age… I understand your frustration.” and then guide him back to what he was doing, if it stops I will
    give a speech to the older and younger elves. In this speech I will state: "In this diverse society of elves, it is hard to get along with the premature. But in comparison to humans, these elves are geniuses! And I know quite a few smart humans myself."






    2. Whilst wandering
    through the Elven forests you come across a frail old
    man with a walking stick. He collapses in front
    of you, falling to the ground with a sharp
    thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which
    hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the
    pathway. The man lies
    there, defenseless - what do you do?






    Answer: I bend down
    slowly, as to not break my frail back, and clump all the coins back into the small pouch and quickly stuff the pouch back into his
    pockets. I then try to lift him up, but I am too weak and my back makes a quite cracking noise.I feel my back, as if to make sure it is still in tact and I give him my cane and
    tell him: “Hoist your self-up! I’m too weak to do it myself.” I try helping
    him up with what little energy I have leftwhile he provides most of the effort. I then ask him: “Do you think you can make it to a
    doctor?” If he can’t get up I go to the nearest doctor myself and tell him/her: "I found and old man in the woods, he needs help." If he can get up and doesn't
    want to see a doctor I leave him be, and warn the nearest elves I can find of
    his weak condition by shouting “We have a weak one among us! I fear for his well-being!”






    3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come
    across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A
    trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of
    his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about
    everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What
    does your character do? (Please include: - item, haggling for prices and the
    discussion involved).


      I ask him “How
    was your day?” And try to make good friends with him by chatting in this amiable manner. I go on to ask him: “ Do you happen to
    have any bread or wine?”, if he does I then offer him a few gold coins. If he
    doesn't, I walk away grumpily and stomp my feet lightly (otherwise I would hurt myself). If he accepts my offer I will say: “Thank you, I'll be sure to come back sometime soon.”
    And walk back into the forest. If he refuses I will complain and tell him: “I
    only have one more gold coin.” Then, depending on what he says, I’ll either walk
    away happy  with a slight skip to my step, then stumble over and break my back because I was skipping, or give him my last gold coin in my pocket. In the best scenario I walk away happy after that, and in the worst I walk away with my shoulders drooped down and my hands flailing, all while mumbling to myself how it could have been such a good deal.


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