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Posts posted by LiamTheBig

  1. Ladies and gentlebots, due to a miscommunication between myself, and the City of Abresi, the event meant tooccur on Saturday, November 16, will be held the following Saturday, November 23. The contest will be taking place in the square, and all contestants should try their best to message me if they have any questions or concerns about said contest. With that said, See you all out in the ring!

  2. *Leonardo glances at the poster and shrugs.*

    "Good way to earn money... I might join in... It depends how they fight."

    ((Just wanna know, it's an RP fist fight, no? Or PvP mechanics))

    "No shirts, no shoes. Good ol' bar fight style." 

    *Donny laughs.*

    ((It's pvp mechanics, due to time constraints. RP boxing matches would take too long for a tournament to be viable.))

  3. The following message is scattered in the form of flyers that seemed to litter the streets and walls of Abresi:


    Do YOU think you're tough?

    -~==~- the-end-of-an-era-king-of-the-bare-knuck -~==~-

    Come one, come all! Test your weak little frames against others in Oren's own capital! Your chance to beat the piss out of the big, the bad, and the ugly! Sign up today at the Captured Kha, each who enter get a free mug of Bad Castle Brew! 

    Welcome to Uncle Donny's "How Tough Are Ye'?" Bare Knuckle Boxing Tournament, brought to you by the City of Abresi, and The Captured Kha' Tavern, home of Bad Castle Brew. 

    Cost of Entry: Free to any with the balls to apply

    Prize: 1,000 Minas, and free beer for a year!

    House Rules:

    I. If ye' opponent yells stop, or is knocked out, the fight is over.

    II. Only two blokes a fight.

    III. No Shirts, no shoes, just fists.

    IV. Fights will go on 'til one man is a bloody pulp.

    V. If ye' kill yer opponent, Donny'll give ye' a free beer. Ye' disqualified though. Sorry bub.


    OOC: The event is to take place Saturday, November 23, at 1:30 PM EST. ENTRY IS CLOSED! 
    Tourney Brackets:


  4. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - LiamTheBig
    How old are you?: - 20
    What time-zone do you live in?: - EST
    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes, I have roleplayed on Runescapebefore. 
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: -Not a minecraft server, no. 
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - Yes, only recently:
    How did you hear about us?: - My friend Jimmie
    What do you think the server will be like? - I believe he server will be enjoyable, and engaging, filled wih all manner of fun and advanture.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes.
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - No metagamming. Of all the unsightly occurences of my roleplaying experience, nothing has taken the joy and immersion out of the experience than this. I am happy it is a disticntive and important rule to this server.  
    What is roleplaying?: - The activity of leaving reality behind. To enter a world of your own creation, and to fall gently into that world's embrace, as you enjoy your time there.
    What’s metagaming?: - The act of utilizing out of character knowledge, in a manner that affects in character actions.
    What’s powergaming?: - Powerplaying, to force an action upon someon. Ie, *I punch you in the face*
    In-Character Information
    What’s your character called?: - Donavin Vekon
    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Northern Human
    What sex are they?: - Male
    How old are they?: - 53
    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): - 
    Born in Ager, Donavin was the eldest son of a shepherd. Although his father spoke of his military time as a veteran man-at-arms of the Oren Lances, it wasn't until is younger brother, Vectis, was of age did he begin to receive lessons in sword play. His only purpose, it seemed, was to be a target for his younger brother. HIs mother, a very godly woman, had taught him how to read and write, using holy books and scripture as rescource. Due to this, he himself is a very religious man. When he came of age to take on household duties, he was sent to a nearby town, to learn how to work the forge as an apprentice. In the years he spent under the service of his master, Maleek, he rarely saw his brother, or his family. It was not until later in his life, he would see his brother again.
    Shortly after Donavin turned twenty-five, he met with his brother, who was on his way to join the Salvus Shields. Maleek, seeing his apprentice flourish into quite the smith, advised that Donavin should follow his brother into military service. After all, someone had to forge the steel there, why not Donavin? After a few days of catching up with his brother, the two set off together, to join the Salvus Shields, where DOnavin would spend the rest of his military career. 
    Although his duties as a smith kept him out of battle, there was always the rare chance of a defensive battle. Only then was he given the option of joining the fray. Including a time when forigners invaded Salvus. During one defensive battle, Donavin defended his forge from barbaric invaders, beating them to death with his hammer. He still has the fur curiass of one of the invaders, and wears it often as a trophy. There are still bits of his opponent's brain still embedded in the fur. His brother, Vectis the golden child, had quickly rose through the military ranks, and even left for greater acts of glory and duty. This eventually rekindled a resentment he still carries for his brother. After many years of service, he finally retired from duty at the age of 40.
    Shortly after leaving his service in the SHields behind him, he found his brother Vectis had died. Saddened by his brother's death, he returned to help look after his nephews, in hopes that he could perhaps reforge his family's name in the fires of his dedication.
    What are they like (personality)?: - 
    Mildly lazy, Donavin feels as if his time spent in the military has earned him some manner of rest. He is openly cheery, and easy to speak to, although he is long to allow people to get to the level where they can talk to him. He tends to stay quiet, thinking to himself. He holds resentment for his brother's military sucess, and from time to time, takes it out on his nephews, although loving and caring toward his family. He has a soft heart for the elderly, and animals, mainly dogs.
    What are their ambitions?: - 
    Donavin, feeling he has fuffilled himself as a military smith, wishes nothing else than to settle down with the rest of his family, and assist in the raising of both his house, and his brother's children. He has always wanted to live a simple life, laboring away, as his children, and his children's children stay safe within his family's land. 
    Do they have any special skills?: - 
    Donavin was a smith for the Salvus Shields, where he remained for almost all of his military career. Experienced in his craft, he was a valued asset  to the Shields. Due to his work as a smith, he did not see much combat, save for during a defensive battle. Although he never truly experienced battle, he was trained extensivly alongside his comrades. Along with his training as a soldier, and his gift as a smith, he is filled with wisdom, and has been, even when he was young. He is soft spoken, yet his words carry much weight.
    What are their weaknesses?: - 
    He has a vivid memory of warfare, and the bloodshed and death it caused. With almost every strike of his hammer upo the anvil, he remembers everything. Every arm torn from every torso, every spear thrust through every innocent body. In a way, his greatest weakness, is brought out by his greatest strength.
    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - 
    Donavin is tall, just under six feet tall. He is a thickly muscled man, taking time out ofeveryday to train and keep his large frame in shape. His onyx hair is contrasted by his light amber eyes, his hair cut short to his head. His facial hair his groomed an neatly trimmed. He is often found wearing the fur curiass he took off the body of the foriegn invader he took as trophy. He often wears a grin on his face, his eyes carrying with them a solemn happiness.
    Anything else you want to say about them?: - 
    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - 
  5. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.
    Minecraft Account Name: LiamTheBig
    How old are you?:20
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes.
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: Runescape Roleplay, 3 years experience.
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: My friend Jimmie.
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: N/A.
    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above):
    Have you read the Human lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes
    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:
    Role-playing: The activity of leaving reality behind. To enter a world of your own creation, and to fall gently into that world's embrace, as you enjoy your time there.
    Meta-gaming: The act of utilizing out of character knowledge, in a manner that affects in character actions.
    Power-emoting: Powerplaying, to force an action upon someon. Ie, *I punch you in the face*
    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:
    Full Name: Donavin Vekon
    Current Age: 43
    Sub-race (if any):Northern Human
    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long): 
    Born in Ager, Donavin was the eldest son of a shepherd. Although his father spoke of his military time as a veteran man-at-arms of the Oren Lances, it wasn't until is younger brother, Vectis, was of age did he begin to receive lessons in sword play. His only purpose, it seemed, was to be a target for his younger brother. HIs mother, a very godly woman, had taught him how to read and write, using holy books and scripture as rescource. Due to this, he himself is a very religious man. When he came of age to take on household duties, he was sent to a nearby town, to learn how to work the forge as an apprentice. In the years he spent under the service of his master, Maleek, he rarely saw his brother, or his family. It was not until later in his life, he would see his brother again.
    Shortly after Donavin turned twenty-five, he met with his brother, who was on his way to join the Salvus Shields. Maleek, seeing his apprentice flourish into quite the smith, advised that Donavin should follow his brother into military service. After all, someone had to forge the steel there, why not Donavin? After a few days of catching up with his brother, the two set off together, to join the Salvus Shields, where DOnavin would spend the rest of his military career. 
    Although his duties as a smith kept him out of battle, there was always the rare chance of a defensive battle. Only then was he given the option of joining the fray. Including a time when forigners invaded Salvus. During one defensive battle, Donavin defended his forge from barbaric invaders, beating them to death with his hammer. He still has the fur curiass of one of the invaders, and wears it often as a trophy. There are still bits of his opponent's brain still embedded in the fur. His brother, Vectis the golden child, had quickly rose through the military ranks, and even left for greater acts of glory and duty. This eventually rekindled a resentment he still carries for his brother. After many years of service, he finally retired from duty at the age of 40.
    Shortly after leaving his service in the SHields behind him, he found his brother Vectis had died. Saddened by his brother's death, he returned to help look after his nephews, in hopes that he could perhaps reforge his family's name in the fires of his dedication.
    Ambitions for the Future: Donavin, feeling he has fuffilled himself as a military smith, wishes nothing else than to settle down with the rest of his family, and assist in the raising of both his house, and his brother's children. He has always wanted to live a simple life, laboring away, as his children, and his children's children stay safe within his family's land. 
    Personality: Mildly lazy, Donavin feels as if his time spent in the military has earned him some manner of rest. He is openly cheery, and easy to speak to, although he is long to allow people to get to the level where they can talk to him. He tends to stay quiet, thinking to himself. He holds resentment for his brother's military sucess, and from time to time, takes it out on his nephews, although loving and caring toward his family. He has a soft heart for the elderly, and animals, mainly dogs.
    Skills: Donavin was a smith for the Salvus Shields, where he remained for almost all of his military career. Experienced in his craft, he was a valued asset  to the Shields. Due to his work as a smith, he did not see much combat, save for during a defensive battle. Although he never truly experienced battle, he was trained extensivly alongside his comrades. Along with his training as a soldier, and his gift as a smith, he is filled with wisdom, and has been, even when he was young. He is soft spoken, yet his words carry much weight.
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): 
    Donavin is tall, just under six feet tall. He is a thickly muscled man, taking time out ofeveryday to train and keep his large frame in shape. His onyx hair is contrasted by his light amber eyes, his hair cut short to his head. His facial hair his groomed an neatly trimmed. He is often found wearing the fur curiass he took off the body of the foriegn invader he took as trophy. He often wears a grin on his face, his eyes carrying with them a solemn happiness.
    Any other details you wish to share about your character:
    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.
    1. Whilst in the mighty human capital you notice a dark-clothed figure stealthily making his way towards the Emperor’s palace - he is clearly up to no good. There are guards within shouting distance - what do you do?
    Answer: He eyes the man, his amber sight locking onto the cloaked figure, before thinking fully about his choice. Donavin would shrug, the man wasn't his problem. He'd already bled enough for monarchs and rulers, why make an effort to save this one? With a near silent huff, he turns, sauntering off. He would continue his walk, ignoring the man, as he heads off to the nearest pub for a tankard of ale. 
    On the way, he hears a sound behind him, the alarming of guards. He didn't even need to do anything, as orginally thought. He chuckles, thinking quite highly of his foresight, as he swings the pub door open, looking to the barman, as he adjusts his onyx hair, which had fallen in his face. He needed a haircut. He walks over to the barman, as he orders his usual, speaking to the barman by name. 
    2. Whilst wandering in the deep oak forest you come across a large clearing, in which sits a small cobbled cottage. Outside it stands an unstable old man armed with a small iron blade, surrounded by two heavily armed bandits - they appear to be threatening him. You are armed with leather armour and an iron longsword, how do you react?
    Answer: Donavin would approach the scene, weapon not drawn. "Excuse me, gentlemen....what seems to be the problem here?"  One of the bandits give him the evil eye, as he speaks in a rugged, uneducated tone. 
    "Oi, piss off then y' little buggah! Ain't none y' business, is it?" He adjusts his posture, foreseeing a battle between he and the bandits, his hand resting gently on his sword. "And if I say no? What then?" The bigger and uglier of the two steps forward, brandishing his two handed sword, the tip pointed at Donavin. "Maybe I jus' cut y' loins t' chops I will. Would y' like that pretty boy?" 
    Donavin chuckles deeply, having dealt with fools with bigger sticks than this nitwit before. "How about this." Donavin spoke clearly, using small words when he could. "I don't kill both of you outright, and you let this old man go. Sound fair?" His hand still resting lightly on his sword, as his posture left his blade leaning backward, his right foot forward. The old man shakes slightly, although he seems mildly comforted by another person being there to fight alongside him. 
    "Y'think y'funnie, don'tcha? Let's see how you like this then!" The large, ugly one pulls back his sword, lunging forward. This being the most obvious of attacks for the bandit to make, Donavin turns his body away from the lunge, as he draws his sword, blocking the sweep big and ugly makes following his lunge. Utilizing the width of his longsword to defend against the blow, Donavin steps forward, dragging his blade along the length of his opponent's two handed sword, before moving his hand to grip the wrist of his attacker. With a quick twist of his opponent's wrist, the sword should be released, as Donavin brings up his blade, moving to knock Big & Ugly back wards, with little effect, due to his opponent's sheer weight.
    The smaller, and equally stupid one tosses his buddy his sword, a longsword, about the same length as Donavin's. He makes an inaudible grunt, as he catches his friend's blade, looking back to DOnavin, who stood there, waiting patiently. "Last chance. Leave the old man alone, or I'll kill both of you." 
    The old man, seeing that Small & Stupid was distracted, decided, to deposit his dagger into the bandit's clavicle, making for a messy scene. Big & Ugly now distracted as well, Donavin hops forward, he moving to move past him, going to slash at the back of the giant's knee, this blow causing him to drop to a single knee. "I tried to warn you."
    He goes to kick the man in the back, knocking him on his stomach, before stepping on the hand gripping the blade. "I am going to leave you with the old man, you know. I hope whatever you were trying to take from him was worth you and your mate's life." He moves to kick Big & Ugly in the back of the head, as he walks over to the old man sheathing his sword. "He's all yours, gramps. Be gentle, he bruises easily." 
    He then walks off, wiping the onyx hair from his amber eyes.
    3. You are standing within the mighty human capital when you notice a small man standing behind a colourful stall. You approach the stall and notice that the man is selling a variety of general goods - he says that he is selling just about anything and that he has no set prices. He is willing to allow you to haggle and choose prices. What do you do? (Explain: your haggling, items of choice and the discussion that happens).
    Answer: As Donavin approaches the small man, he looks about the man's wares. Glistening swords, herbs of every kind, gems and jewels galore, none of this interested Donavin. The man went about his barking, trying to gather as many people as possible to gaze upon his fine products. The small man's voice droning on and on, before growing quiet, looking to the large, muscled man before him. "Hello, good sir! My name is Flairyoin, welcome to my shop!" Donavin looks to him, his amber eyes darting between the short man, and the short man's wares. "Yea, you've said that." He says, looking over to a small pile of rocks. "Have any of my wares enticed you, kind sir?" The small man says as Donavin approaches the mound of ore on the table. "Maybe....what's this then?" He gestures with a movement of his powerful arm, poised at the ore pile. "Ah, that would be the finest of iron. All the way from the port of Flotsam." The small salesman says. Donavin stares down at the collection of ore. "How much for the stack? I'll pay you no more than a hundred Minas." Donavin looks to the merchant, the man seeming not to enjoy the offer. "Ridiculous! That is at least ten pounds of raw iron!" Donavin chuckles. "Looks like it's mostly rock to me. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to extract the metal from that kind of rocky shell? I'll raise it to one hundred-fifty Minas, but that's all I'll pay for low quality iron like that. I don't want to pay that much for Raevir iron." The merchant looks around. He leans in, and whispers. "Alright, alright. Not so loud. I'll take the one hundred-fifty, and I'll even throw in a shiny amulet. Just...keep your voice down." Donavin nods, waiting for the man to ring him up. He removes the hundred-fifty Minas from his pouch, as the merchant hands him a rucsack with the ten pounds of iron ore, along with a gold amulet. Donavin walks off, thinking of what exactly he could do with such terrible quality iron. 
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