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Posts posted by popohum

  1. [b]Out-Of-Character Information[/b]

    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.


    Minecraft Account Name: popohum

    How old are you?: 17

    Time-Zone: Pacific

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes.

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: As strange as it is I was an administrator for a Role Play Police clan on Grand Theft Auto 4 We used intense Rp policies even having to learn real life police codes (I know quite weird) 

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: My friend EmilyBlackheart told me about Lord of the Craft.

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server: N/A

    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-anthos-officially-t-h-e-1-roleplay-server/page__st__3540 (update: for some reason no matter how many times i repost a reply on the MC Forums, my reply doesn't seem to show up even when running appropriate searches within the topic please let me know if there is something im doing wrong.)


    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes.



    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:


    Role-playing: Role playing is basically getting into a character and staying in that character and being that character. Role playing is not breaking character while you are in the game to talk about things that have nothing to do with your character or the world in which they live.

    Meta-gaming: Using things such as nametags that can be seen through walls or other out of character info to your advantage.

    Power-emoting: Typing actions such as “Pulling the bowstring back past his chin he fires an arrow catching the bird in its side and causing it to fall to the ground dead.” or in a pvp case “He lunges at the unsuspecting brute, dagger in hand, then stabs him below the ribs and cuts him open.”


    In-Character Information:

    Complete the following biography on your character:


    Full Name: Maximus Maehr Tayna 

    Current Age: 58

    Sub-race (if any): High Elf

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long): Maximus Maehr Tayna was born to Cyrilla Maehr Tayna and Wyborn Maehr Tayna, in the predominantly human city of Abresi. Because Abresi was a predominantly human city, Cyrilla and Wyborn thought that a human name would be better for their son as it would help him fit in better, so they named him Maximus. Maximus spent his childhood in Abresi, where his parents taught him about the different people and races of the world of Anthos and how to bargain with traders. His father also taught him that there were many in the world who would try to hurt him, so he began teaching Maximus how to defend himself. His father taught him a lot about archery and knife throwing,though Maximus preferred archery. Maximus’ father even gave him a handcrafted bow. Maximus’ mother Cyrilla often told him how lucky they were to have conceived him “Elves our age aren’t usually blessed with more children”, she would say. Maximus’ parents also often told him of a dead sister named Kahlan Maehr Tayna who died when she was only 20. His parents said she died during an attack on their home in the woods by humans which forced Maximus’ parents to flee to Abresi. Shortly thereafter, Maximus was born. When Maximus was 34 he watched in horror from under a bed as his parents were slaughtered by 5 humans because they had hidden a starving young Elven child that had stolen some bread. After The humans left, Maximus grabbed his bow and decided to leave his home and find a new place in the world.

        Maximus wandered Abresi, going from job to job for 24 years never finding a niche or a home. One day while walking along a street looking at the weathered signs in front of the houses that bore the names of their residents, he saw something peculiar. The name on the sign had a human name, Corvo, which was typical because Abresi was predominantly human, but it also had an elven name on it, Kahlan. Maximus had heard of human-elven marriages but had never seen one, there was also something familiar about the elven name, it then dawned on him that his dead sister had the same name. He continued to walk along the street every day and once he even caught a glimpse of the woman, he thought for a split second it was his mother. Realising how absurd the thought was he continued on his way. Maximus went on for several weeks with the thought of the woman with the same name as his dead sister, he just couldn’t shake it. Maximus couldn’t recall ever seeing his sisters grave, so how could his parents be sure she was dead? “Maybe she isn’t” thought Maximus, “Maybe she is here in Abresi!” Just the thought of meeting his sister overjoyed him. Maximus still lives in Abresi where he continues to visit the street where he thinks his sister might still be living. He also works to pursue an education and make ends meet going from job to job, usually preferring jobs in which he can use his bow.

    Ambitions for the Future: Find out what really happened to his sister, find a place to call home.

    Personality: Friendly, Charming, Loyal

    Skills: Trading, Archery, knife-throwing

    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): picture can also be found here


    Maximus is 6'3" tall and weighs 150 LBs he has a boyish face and golden hair which he keeps shorter than most elves to keep it out of his bright blue eyes. Maximus usually is in his white shirt and green trousers with his quiver slung across his back




    an actual in-game screenshot was too big to post here so i uploaded it to photobucket here

    Any other details you wish to share about your character:

    Maximus finds humans intriguing, often following them to study the behviors they exhibit over their very short lifetime. He has learned that many humans can be kind but many can also be cruel. The bow that Maximus’ father gave to him never leaves his side. Maximus is very cautious of people he meets in the wilds often ducking out of sight to avoid people.




    [i]Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.[/i]



    [b]1. As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you realize that a group of older elves are mocking a small elven child. How do you react?[/b


    Answer: Maximus knew hearing whispering in the forests was something to be cautious of so almost reflexively he leaped for cover and stumbled into some nearby shrubbery, he then scanned the forest, seeing nothing, he slowly emerged. The next thing maximus heard was snickering, was someone laughing at his stumble to cover? He went to investigate. What he saw instead of someone mocking him was 2 older elves mocking a small elven child. Maximus had always liked children so he began walking towards the two older elves. Upon seeing Maximus the two older elves beckoned him over to join them, Maximus smiled and said “Van'ayla ilir! Please take this and buy yourselves some drinks at the next brothel you find!” With a smirk Maximus handed them a small pouch with a few gold coins inside. The men seemed to lose interest in the child almost immediately, thanking Maximus for the coin, they headed on their way. Maximus turned to face the elven child but it had disappeared as well. Maximus continued on his way not giving another thought to the incident.




    [b]2. Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with a walking stick. He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?[/b


    Answer: Maximus had always liked taking long walks through the forest especially on sunny beautiful days, and today was one of those days. While walking, Maximus came upon a very frail old Elf with a walking stick, while walking towards the man Maximus gave a small wave to him, and as the man looked up and shakily waved back his walking stick slipped on a pebble and the man collapsed. Maximus ran to the man immediately, as he crouched down next to the man he noticed a small pouch of gold coins had fallen from the man’s pocket and torn open strewing coins all over the path. Maximus first made sure the man was not hurt the man seemed to be unharmed aside from some bruises, so Maximus went and picked up all of the man’s coins. With each coin he picked up he thought more and more about taking the coins and leaving the man to his fate, but he thought back to the teachings of his parents and how they would condemn such an action. Maximus finished picking up all the coins and then helped the man to his feet he gave the man all his coins, but the man tried to give him one back in gratitude for Maximus‘ help. Maximus thought about taking it but said no. The man’s gratitude was enough for him.


    [b]3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion involved).


    Answer: Maximus enjoyed hunting, it gave him a chance to practice his archery and once in a while he was able to make some money from doing it, but this time he just needed food. the thought of some roasted chicken made his mouth water. As he walked, he came upon a trader. The trader beckoned maximus over. Maximus thought of continuing on his way but his quiver did feel a little light, and he had fresh food to trade with along with the few coins he had with him. He approached the man’s very colorful cart, “I sell just about everything here!” the man said with a grin. “How about some arrows,” Maximus said, “of course” said the man. He showed Maximus a whole quiver of new arrows, they were a little crooked but Maximus could compensate for that if he needed to. “I’ll give you the whole quiver for 20 Minas” said the man, maximus looked at the man and smiled, “these things are not worth 20, They’re crooked,” said maximus now grinning at the man. “Fine, 15” said the man, “and one of those chickens.” Maximus smiled and said “How about 10 and one of the chickens.” The trader put his hand to his chin considering the offer, and after a quick examination of the chicken he agreed. Maximus waved the trader goodbye and continued on his way.

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