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Posts posted by Bloomkip

  1. Transgender people want those surgeries, there's no other real explanation. A need is something that is necessary to survival my friend, and I don't consider genital mutilation something they need to survive. If I felt I was born with the wrong nose, I could make the same 'cure' argument to argue that the government should pay for my plastic surgery. But it isn't right, because wanting a new nose is a want, same as wanting a new gender, and that's something you should pay for yourself. I have severe asthma and many of the tests and medication I actually NEED cost me and my family money out of our own pockets, yet trans get there genital mutilation paid for with my tax money. A cure would be something that you need to survive, or something that makes you vastly healthier and able to function and work. I've seen people like Bruce Jenner do fine before they changed gender, so obviously it isn't a need.


    You have a good point with the black people argument, but never the less, I'm still grossed out by trans, and I don't think I'm a bad person because of it. I can't change that fact, but I could understand why some trans people would hate me for it, but that's fine by me.

    "your tax money" lol ok. 


     I understand and mostly agree with your points except for the fact that "a cure would be something that you need to survive, or something that makes you vastly healthier and able to function and work." Ever heard of gender dysphoria? its a mental illness-so yeah a surgery would improve their lives vastly. I'm sorry about your asthma and your family having to pay for it, and I do agree that the tax payer money is not used correctly in that sense. 


    EDIT: Oh and I don't agree with the whole "trans gross me out" thing. Like come on kid...You're allowed to have your opinions, but people are going to **** on you about them. I'd say keep it to yourself if you feel that strongly about it. All I'm going to say is there is nothing weird or gross about transgender people, they are equals and deserve respect no matter your preconceived notions of them. 


    EDIT2: took out mean words :( 

  2. Literally this is happening to me, I tried checking if mc was let through my firewall, I tried re downloading mc and every single possible solution you can imagine. I can get on every other server fine, it says something like"Java error no further information"? Only solution I found was restarting my comp but it happens again after maybe 30 mins of playing

  3. Minecraft username: Bloomkip

    Age: 17

    Time zone: EST

    Do you have any past experience moderating Minecraft servers?: Truthfully, I've only been the admin of one server that did not last very long. Other than that, not much. Though, I know that even though I have little experience, I am entirely capable. 

    Why have you decided to create a trial GM application?: The first and foremost reason I made this application was to give back to the community. I have been on this server for a little over half a year and it has been great to me, I want to do something in return. Second, I am active a lot and I am able to be flexible with my time. 

    Additional information: hi

  4. The Death of Queen Katherine Carrion







                 Katherine Winter woke from her deep rest in a sweat. She brushed a strand of hair gently behind her ear and lit the torch that was propped beside her bed. She gently padded down the corridor to the room of her caretaker.

    “A nightmare.” She wiped her eyes as tears continued to seep from them.

    “Just go back to sleep Katherine…” The man turned over in his bed, obviously annoyed with Katherine’s interruption.

    “But I dreamt of a fire...taking my future husband from me. Ripping all my loved ones from my grasp.” Katherine had known for a long while that she was to be married to King Heinrik Carrion I in the morrow. She was determined to keep him and her loved ones safe, but there is not much a queen can do.


             Katherine eventually found sleep, she does not know how but it seemed to creep up on her. As the sun rose she knew that she was to be married very soon. The nerves mixed with dread and excitement crippled her to near break down. The day seemed like a fantasy; a plethora of different men and women were preparing her for the wedding. The dress was beautiful, made of silk and was covered head to toe in lace. As she walked down the aisle, she could hear audible gasps at how breathtaking she looked. Katherine closed her eyes for a moment as she sauntered towards Heinrik. This was her first look at him, she noted his striking good looks and his professional demeanor. Finally the wedding wrapped to a close after the two sealed the ceremony with a simple “I do.”



             This was her first day of being the queen of Oren. Such respect was given to her from people she had never met in her life. Men and women bowed to her as she walked down the streets of Abresi. ‘How can someone have so much respect for a women they know nothing of?’ Soon months passed, then years and Katherine seemed to grow accustomed to her new life. She knew what to say and how to act. Soon Heinrik and Katherine decided that they were in need of an heir. They were not able to keep the throne forever, they needed someone to pass it down to once they were withered and gone. Katherine was blessed with two beautiful twins, one girl and one boy. Heinrik wanted to honor his parents by naming the bundles of joy Roy and Ipera. Prince Roy was to take the throne after Heinrik was too old and brittled to rule any longer. The next few years Katherine was very happy, despite the fact her husband was constantly at war with the Dwarven Nation, and the Scourge. Katherine and Heinrik grew closer and closer each day. Their children grew into toddlers and were in need of constant care.


                The couple decided to try for another child, another to care of and give all of their love to. Katherine was once again pregnant but it was not like before. She was much older this time, the baby took some tolls on her body, she found herself with no energy and in need of constant rest. Her mood was also affected, Heinrik wanted less and less to do with her since she would snap at the simplest of things. The time had finally come and Katherine could feel it. The two rushed to their royal maid to give birth once more. Katherine could feel herself getting weaker and weaker at each push, at each breath she was losing consciousness. She became unresponsive and the efforts to open her eyes back up were in vain. Queen Katherine Carrion had died that night but another baby was born to the royal family.

    Heinrik leaves the room, closing the doors behind him and picking up his two young children. He looks to them saying quietly, saying “We come as crows” before kissing them both on the forehead and laying them to bed.



             Frederick, Heinrik’s bastard looks to him saying “Pappa, where is the queen?” Heinrik looks at him wearily and says with sullen eyes,“In a much better place, a place without war, without sin and without despair” before walking to the aviary, sending birds out to all of his nobles, friends, and allies. The crows flutter out of the aviary, Heinrik looks to them as they travel through the sky before leaving to grieve for the loss of his beloved wife.

  5. Character Name: Athena Aladar

    Nicknames: "A"
    Age: 24
    Gender: Female
    Race: Elf
    Status: Alive but mentally unstable.

    Height: 5'4
    Weight: 116 pounds
    Body Type: She is very lean with a small frame. 
    Eyes: Brown
    Hair: Purple
    Skin: White
    Tattoos: Deep scratches covering her arms. 
    Health: Mentally unstable but overall physical health is fine.
    Personality: She has Multiple Personalities Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Bipolar Disorder. Athena switches on and off between a sociopath and a psychopath, the aliases 'Andrea' and 'Thomas'. Her Schizophrenia causes her to see things that are not really there, this in turn causes her to do irrational actions. Also, the imaginary voices in her mind influence her to hurt herself and others. She is paranoid easily and is convinced everyone is out to get her. She refuses to eat or drink anything that is given to her because of the off chance that it could be poison. She is very anti-social and prefers to be alone and in silence. 
    Inventory: Athena carries two small daggers, a needle and dark red thread, rotten human flesh, and a diary. 

    Alignment: Chaotic Evil

    Religion: Atheism
    Deity: N/A
    Nation/Home: Athena owns a small tent near a lake. She belongs to no nation nor holds any alliances. 
    Job/Class: N/A
    Title(s): N/A
    Profession(s): N/A
    Special Skill(s): She is very good at throwing daggers and shooting a bow. Also eating people.
    Flaw(s): Athena's mental disorders and her anti-social tendencies. 

    Current Status: N/A
    Arch-type: N/A
    Sub-Type: N/A
    Rank: N/A
    Weakness(es): N/A
    Strength(s): N/A
    Current Spell(s): N/A

    Fighting Style: Throwing knives, eating people. 
    Trained Weapon: Dagger and a bow
    Favored Weapon: Dagger


    Siblings: One brother who is now dead
    Children: None
    Extended Family: None
    Pet(s): None

  6. Villain Applications are a necessary evil on this server. They're difficult to get only because the Villain App Team needs to make sure that the people applying are able to provide good role play and their story fits together. I don't think we should just get rid of em because some people are angry that it is "hard" to get accepted. 


    Edit: Also if you're accepted, you obviously read the rules.

    Removing VAs will prevent new players from reading the rules and ultimately cause more headaches for others to enjoy their time on LOTC due to unfair rp.


    All in all VAs provide order here on LotC and it should be more of a privilege than a right to play a villain. 

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