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Posts posted by kkp2

  1. Out-Of-Character Information

    The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: -  Koalaa27 
    How old are you?: - 14
    What time-zone do you live in?: - EST

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes, I've roleplayed on a few other Minecraft servers and play Dungeons and Dragons almost every night with my friends. 
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - Yes I have.
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - Yes I have:

    How did you hear about us?: - My brother and sister recommended it to me. 
    What do you think the server will be like? - I think the server will be fun, with a whole community of people working together to make awesome roleplay. 
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: -  Yes I have and I do agree.
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - 
    "You must not use your soulstone to escape combat and arrest or to avoid roleplay."
    This rule sticks out the most to me because it has happened to me countless times. Not necessarily with a soulstone but by running off or logging off without a word. I like this rule the most because it is only fair.  


    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: -  Roleplaying is taking on the persona of another and making intricate stories with other players!

    What’s metagaming?: - Taking knowledge that you heard or know out of character and applying it in character. 

    What’s powergaming?: - Forcing an action on another person and not giving them a chance to respond or find a way  to prevent that action from happening 

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - Camille Locke

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Human, Northener

    What sex are they?: - Female

    How old are they?: - 22

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): - 
    Camille lived a rather sheltered life; her family never let her be a child or make friends. Camille was locked in her room and was only let out for basic needs. Her parents were deathly afraid that something would happen to her if she ventured too far from them. She had always dreamed of running away and heading North to Abresi. She has heard many wild stories about Abresi and the many opportunities there. At the ripe age of 13, Camille decided to make this dream a reality. In the night she slipped out while her parents were fast asleep. It was snowy and windy, Camille had not thought to pack her things when she left. While aimlessly trudging through the snow Camille realized that she had no idea where she was going; she started to regret her decision greatly. It was about 4 miles into her journey that she decided to turn back. The only problem is, she had no idea where she was. Camille collapsed on the snow crying, completely and utterly lost. She was terrified and exhausted, all hope was lost as she stared into the stars. 
    It was hours maybe minutes when she finally got up. She was shaking from the melted snow in her shirt, pants, shoes..it even soaked into her socks. Every step was a burden and she began closing her eyes and walking.
    "OI!" Yelled a very short red headed man. Camille looked up and began to run, not yet seeing a creature like this. The dwarf ran after Camille and eventually caught up with her and tackled her to the ground. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE?" He roared from on top of her. "I-I'm going to Abresi." Camille stammered. The dwarf stood up and looked at the Camille for a moment. "You do know you are in the forests near Brom'kah right?" Camille scratched her head. "Brom'kah?" The dwarf extended his hand to Camille and she shakily took it. "Come on, let's go."
    The dwarf took her to Brom'kah and that is where she lived for years. He took her in, taught her many skills like how to wield a sword or how to brew ale. Camille finally felt like she belonged,  she even made a few friends along the way. Camille  eventually said her goodbyes to the town and began her travels to Abresi at the age of 20. She had saved up a fair amount of minas to even buy a home. To this day, she resides in Abresi and even owns her own tavern. Her parents never did find her, but maybe one day she will return to her home. 

    What are they like (personality)?: - She is very ambitious and strives to finish whatever she starts. Camille also has a genuine concern for the well being of anyone she cares about. She always tries to make sure their needs are taken care of before her own. 

    What are their ambitions?: - Camille's ambitions in life is to perfect the special brew she is working on. She very much would like to find a lover also. 

    Do they have any special skills?: - Her special skills are:
    Sword fighting

    What are their weaknesses?: - 
    Her weakness is that she cares too much about what other people think. She overthinks everything and tends to make things bigger than they are. She is also a very slow runner, children could beat her in a race. 

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: -  Camille has thick red hair and bright blue eyes. She is also very pale. 

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - Camille has a very prominent fear of spiders!

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - 

  2. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - Koalaa27

    How old are you?: - 14
    What time-zone do you live in?: - EST

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes, I've done roleplaying in World of War Craft various times.
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - No
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - Yes

    How did you hear about us?: - My brother and sister told me about it
    What do you think the server will be like? - I think it will be very fun and an interesting experience because I've never roleplayed on Minecraft before.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - The rule. "Don't damage or destroy other people's buildings" I think this rule is very important. It would be so terrible if someone came and griefed my house or town, I'm very glad it isn't allowed.


    is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know
    about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that
    you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: - Roleplaying is pretending to be someone different for fun

    What’s metagaming?: - Metagaming is a term used to describe a method, strategy, or action used in a game that surpasses a certain ruleset.
    What’s powergaming?: -  Powergaming is a style of interacting with games with the aim of expanding progress towards a simple goal.

    In-Character Information

    you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable!
    Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with
    a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - Rhea Aladar

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Northerner

    What sex are they?: - Female

    How old are they?: - 19 years old

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): - Rhea was born in Adunia with her two older siblings, Athena and Brdurid. Their parents had died in an awful fire which left them orphaned and alone. The three children grew up in an abandoned house with a large supply of food that they found in it at the far edge of Adunia, out of sight of anyone.There, they learned many skills such as archery and sword fighting. But, soon, they began to run out of food. They couldn't risk going out into the city and being spotted, so they set out on their own in the threatening wild. There they found a fresh water spring, not even ten miles away from Adunia. They decided to stay there for a while to regenerate. But, they still had no food. Being the brave one, Rhea set out to find food in the vast wilderness. There she found an abundant supply of wild berries and roots. Heading back to their camp she couldn't help but notice a small light out in the distance. She decided to investigate, thinking that it will not take too long. There she found what she thought was an abandoned camp. There were human and monster heads on stakes and burlap bags full of meat and bones, but no one seemed to be there. She was amazed at the sight before her, so much food to eat and so many places to store them in, then suddenly, Rhea heard a loud noise in the woods and turned around to see ten orcs charging at her. They took her and locked her up in a cage and brought her to their main campsite 100 miles east of Adunia. Just as she was about to get eaten, she discovered that she still had her hunting knife. Slowly, she got a hold of the handle and started cutting away at the rope binding her. She was free, but she was stll surrounded by thousands of hungry orcs. From there, she ran, fighting and clawing her way though the orc's camp and into the woods. She was safe again, and since then, she has been searching for Athena and Brudrid, hoping that one day, they will once again be reunited.

    What are they like (personality)?: - Brave, charismatic, fierce

    What are their ambitions?: - To find her brother and sister

    Do they have any special skills?: - Archery, swordsmanship

    What are their weaknesses?: - Curiosity

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - Rhea is very pale with  bright red hair and icy blue eyes. She is very small, but muscular. She usually wears her mother's wrist guards\ that she gave to her the day before her death.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - Nope

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - http://imgur.com/MKo1iwM


  3. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: -  Koalaa27
    How old are you?: - 21
    What time-zone do you live in?: - EST

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes I have played on a few other role playing minecraft servers and I play Dungeons and Dragons. 
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - Yes
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/93786-my-application-elf/#entry836373

    How did you hear about us?: - My brother and sister suggested it to me.
    What do you think the server will be like? - A fun role playing experience and a place I will stay for a while.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes.
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - I think the rule I agree with the most is the "please don't spam the chat feed." I like this rule the most because I'm not the fastest reader and extra junk messing up my role playing will throw me off. 


    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: - Taking on the role of another person and playing as them. 

    What’s metagaming?: - Saying something that your character is not supposed to be aware of.

    What’s powergaming?: - Forcing an action on another player. 

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - Halena Highwaters

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - She is human and northerner. 

    What sex are they?: - Female. 

    How old are they?: - 21

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family: - Halena was born and raised in a rather wealthy family, she never really understood the feeling of intense hunger or distress. She was always well fed and her needs were taken care of. You could say that Halena's childhood was very sought after. By the age of 16, Halena was ready to travel around the world of Anthos but her mother soon fell ill and it postponed her dreams of exploring. Halena was forced to stay home and care for her mother until death fell upon the ill woman.
    Halena's mother passed away on Halena's seventeenth birthday. Her father was devastated and fell into a deep depression that lasted until the day he died. By this point in time Halena was the ripe age of 21. With the memories of her childhood still fresh in her mind she decided to travel to Adunia and attempt to start a life. Having no prior experience of the outside world Halena took off and soon found a man who taught her everything about brewing. Halena decided to pursue the arts of bartending with her new found skills.

    What are they like (personality)?: - Very sensitive and quiet. She does not like confrontation and will cower away from a fight. She is delicate and kind to others around her.

    What are their ambitions?: - She strives to make friends with everyone and to be a very good bartender.

    Do they have any special skills?: - Bartending. 

    What are their weaknesses?: - She tends not to stand up for herself or others.

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - She has golden brown eyes and very pale skin. Halena's hair is also a beautiful dirty blonde color. She is 5'6 130 pounds in weight.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - N/A

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - http://i.imgur.com/bcJquMd.png
  4. Out-Of-Character Information
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: koalaa27

    How old are you?: 14

    Time-Zone: EST

    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes

    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: None

    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: My sister

    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server:


    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above): Yes

    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Playing the role of someone different, whether real or made up.

    Meta-gaming:  strategy, action or method used in a game which puts writing into a recommended rule set.

    Power-emoting:  The act of forcing the result of one's actions on another character.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Raven Witherstar

    Current Age: 18

    Sub-race (if any): High Elf

    Past / History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long):
    I was adopted into a poor family, my mother died at an early age taken
    by the plague and I was raised by my sister, Ariana.
    My father left us in the dirty streets of Kingston soon after my mother
    died. He was stricken by grief and couldn't handle us. My sister and I
    wandered the streets for months. After what seemed like years of begging and pillaging
    houses for food, I fell ill. My sister set off to find me medicine and that was the last time we saw each other. A generous stranger found me lying in the streets, took me in and nurtured me back to health. He taught me how to be agile and swift. He trained me in acrobatics as well. He wanted me to be in tip top shape before I left. In 8 years time, I was finally ready to leave and start my life. I left his humble abode a little after my seventeenth birthday, but not without
    his help. He gave me food and tools to help me on my way to find my
    sister, and my life. I found myself, again, in the same position as
    before my sister left. I was wondering the streets of Kingston when I
    found a tavern that displayed a wanted sign for work. It was a calling
    to me. I could get money and fund my search for my long lost sister.


    9 years past from the last time I saw Ariana, and not a day goes by
    that I have not thought about her. I wonder what happened to her, if she
    is dead, or if she is alive somewhere out there in the vast land of
    Anthos. I have made good money from my job
    at the tavern in those days and have inherited it from the owners. I
    make good business, but it never seems to be enough. I took up bar tending at the tavern, too, I seem to be pretty good at it, but I still struggle everyday, but I am happy, and that's all that matters.

    Ambitions for the Future: To find out what happened to my sister Ariana, and if she is still alive.
    Personality: Ambitious, protective, timid, does not like confrontation.
    Skills: Bar tending, acrobatics, speed, agility.
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): Tall, natural silver hair, and dark blue eyes. http://i.imgur.com/iSoOUDG.png

    Any other details you wish to share about your character: I am terribly shy.

    Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.

    1. As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you realize that a group of older elves are mocking a small elven child. How do you react?

    I glance over at the scene and slowly make my way towards the group. I
    hide behind a tree and watch closely. I listen intently to what they are
    saying and gather my courage to confront them. Timidly, I step forward
    and say with a quiet voice, "Stop that right now." They glance over at
    my direction, clearly they hadn't seen me. "What did you say lil' girl?"
    I pause for a second, clearly embarrassed, and stutter, "N-nothing,
    sorry." I creep away slowly and go back to what I was doing. They stare at me as I go.

    2. Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with a walking stick. He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?

    I slowly, but steadily walk up to him and help him up. "Thank you, kind
    lady, I very much appreciate your well doings" he says gratefully. "No
    problem sir" I quietly reply, whilst picking up his gold coins and
    handing them to him. He smiles at me, clearly happy that I did not steal any of his precious coins. I say fare well to him and send him on his way. As I watch him leave, I can't help but feel warm knowing that I helped someone in need.

    3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about everything, and that he's
    willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your character do?
    (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion

    Answer: "Hello good sir, I would very much like to look at your
    sword collection, please, I have been thinking of taking up swords
    play." He grins and shows me his fine selection of swords, varying from
    wood to diamond. "Which one would you like, missy?" he says as he
    gestures to his collection. "Oh, I would very much like the stone one,
    you see, I like to start out small." He smiles and asks, "What is your
    starting price?" I ponder for a second and declare, "I will pay 20 minas
    for it, if that is okay with you?" We stand there for a moment and he
    replies, "I'm afraid I cannot do that, miss, these swords go for at
    least 50 minas and that one in particular is worth about 55." I look at
    him, clearly disappointed and walk away because I do not want anymore

  5. [b]Out-Of-Character Information[/b]
    Please fill out the following questions as accurately as possible, and ensure the essential details are accurate.

    Minecraft Account Name: koalaa27
    How old are you?: 14
    Time-Zone: EST
    Have you read, understood and agreed to the rules?: Yes
    What previous experience have you had in role-playing?: None
    How did you hear about the the Lord of the Craft?: My sister
    Link any applications that you have previously made for the server:


    Have you posted this application on the Minecraft Forum? If not, then please do so (link above):
    Have you read the Elven lore, and shall you ensure you make use of it and follow it in your biography?: Yes

    In your own words define the following terms. Do not take any definitions from elsewhere!:

    Role-playing: Playing the role of someone different, whether real or made up.
    Meta-gaming: Saying something out of character.
    Power-emoting: Using force on another player.

    In-Character Information:
    Complete the following biography on your character:

    Full Name: Raven Witherstar
    Current Age: 18
    Sub-race (if any): Wood Elf
    Past /
    History (include childhood, major-events, etc. 2+ paragraphs long): I was adopted into a poor family, my mother died at an early age taken by the plague that swept the land and I was raised by my sister, Ariana. My father left us in the dirty streets of Kingston soon after my mother died. He was stricken by grief and couldn't handle us. My sister and I wandered the streets for months. After months of begging and pillaging houses for food, I fell ill. My sister set off to find me medicine and that was the last time we saw each other. A generous stranger found me lying in the streets, took me in and nurtured me back to health. I soon left his humble abode to start a life of my own, but not without his help. He gave me food and tools to help me on my way to find my sister, and my life. I found myself, again, in the same position as before my sister left. I was wondering the streets of Kingston when I found a tavern that displayed a wanted sign for work. It was a calling to me. I could get money and fund my search for my long lost sister.


    9 years past from the last time I saw Ariana, and not a day goes by that I have not thought about her. I wonder what happened to her, if she is dead, or if she is alive somewhere out there in the vast land of Anthos. I have made good money from my job at the tavern in those days and have inherited it from the owners. I make good business, but it never seems enough. I struggle everyday, but I am happy, and that's all that matters.
    Ambitions for the Future: To find out what happened to my sister Ariana, and if she is still alive.
    Personality: Ambitious, protective, timid, does not like confrontation.
    Skills: Bar tending, acrobatics, speed, agility.
    Appearance (this must include an in-game screenshot of your skin): Tall, natural silver hair, and purple eyes. http://imgur.com/F2tDkPl
    Any other details you wish to share about your character: I am terribly shy and love all animals

    [i]Each question in this section must be answered with a minimum of one paragraph which must describe the event in full. Please be as descriptive as possible and do not break character or lore at any point.[/i]

    [b]1. As you walk through the deep forests you hear the sound of whispering and snickering. Upon inspection you realize that a group of older elves are mocking a small elven child. How do you react?[/b]

    Answer: I glance over at the scene and slowly make my way towards the group. I hide behind a tree and watch closely. I listen intently to what they are saying and gather my courage to confront them. Timidly,  step forward and say with a quiet voice, "Stop that right now." They glance over at my direction, clearly they hadn't seen me. "What did you say lil' girl?" I pause for a second, clearly embarrassed, and stutter, "N-nothing, sorry."

    [b]2. Whilst wandering through the Elven forests you come across a frail old man with a walking stick. He collapses in front of you, falling to the ground with a sharp thud. Out of his pocket falls a small pouch of gold coins, which hits the ground and splits open spreading coins across the pathway. The man lies there, defenseless - what do you do?[/b]

    Answer: I slowly, but steadily walk up to him and help him up. "Thank you, kind lady, I very much appreciate your well doings" he says gratefully. "No problem sir" I quietly reply, whilst picking up his gold coins and handing them to him. He walks away happily and I get a warm feeling in my chest, knowing that I helped someone in need.

    [b]3. Whilst traversing the Elven Woodlands, you come across a small clearing in which a colored carriage sits. A trader stands outside of it and calls you over, telling you of his wares. He points out that his carriage sells just about everything, and that he's willing for you to haggle for a price. What does your character do? (Please include:- item, haggling for prices and the discussion involved).

    "Hello good sir, I would very much like to look at your sword collection, please, I have been thinking of taking up swords play." He grins and shows me his fine selection of swords, varying from wood to diamond. "Which one would you like, missy?" he says as he gestures to his collection. "Oh, I would very much like the stone one, you see, I like to start out small." He smiles and asks, "What is your starting price?" I ponder for a second and declare, "I will pay 20 minas for it, if that is okay with you?" We stand there for a moment and he replies, "I'm afraid I cannot do that, miss, these swords go for at least 50 minas and that one in particular is worth about 55." I look at him, clearly disappointed and walk away because I do not want anymore confrontation.

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