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Posts posted by hoodmaster906

  1. (ooc: Just a song I made out of boredom... Click like to get a instrumental melody for the song!!! :D ENJOY!!!) 



    The Siege of Luminaire


    Hark and listen my children!

    For I shall unfold,

    this story,



    Oh! The great city of Luminaire!

    Where many elves lived with out care!

    None would dare,

    destroy Luminaire...


    Oh woe! Setherin's sight,

    was on the elves,

    a terrible plight.


    His dark power,

    seeped into the very foundations!

    And thus began,

    the exodus of a nation...


    The high princess,

    a beautiful queen,

    sent her princes,

    Khel and Lion!


    The Order of Teuton,

    and the Elves,

    both so gallant and brave!

    Fought the evil knave!


    Many a' brave man died,

    but evil could not,


    from justice!


    And thus,

    was the tale of,


  2. "Come to Polaris! Bring us your sick! Bring us your hungry!

    Bring us your young and old!"


    Come whether ye be heathen or faithful!

    Come whether ye be farmer or merchant!

    Come whether ye be saint or convict!


    Polaris is the fatherland to all orphaned folk! Come to Polaris for a home, a job, a purpose in life, a family, come to Polaris for whatever thy heart desires! Polaris is mother to Elf, Human, Dwarf, Orc, and Halfling alike!


    Ask any member of the regent council for a home on arrival to Polaris!


    Location: Polaris is located north of Vanderfell, Aestwerwald.






    (I will be on holiday for a few days and will return Tuesday, if you can not find and regent council members in game contact me on the forums and I will reply sometime on Tuesday or Wednesday!)




    Signed, Duke Roland of Polaris.




    Phew, I got that out of me... anyway this warclaim crap and the GM favoritism is annoying me so much. The humans need to calm their tities they are the biggest group therefore they should teach people and lead by example. The dwaves are acting like 12 year old squeakers it is moronic, they raid and wine! The GMs favor one side or the other, they act like it is their job to cradle people! All of this needs to stop, have some decent RP. 


    I would like to speak with some GMs, like have a little meeting since I don't represent Oren or the Dwarves.

    Message me if you would. :D


    P.S. Lets just have some fum RPing okay? Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

  4. OCC: This is a little ballad dedicated to Oren and the High Elven victory against Kruganistanbloc.


    A lil rhythm: 



    The Battle of Haelun'or Gate


    The great Vibius waited behind the gates of Haelun'or ready to kill,

    Albrecht charged gallantly behind the enemy, their blood he would spill,

    "Sally men! Charge!" cried Vibius and his men charged out down the hill,

    Albrecht's men broke the enemy who's blood did chill!


    Many a foe men fell and died,

    And the sons of humanity were covered in blood dried,

    "Ave Chivay, Ave Orenia!" the men cried!



    The cowardly enemy broke their ranks,

    Leaving their comrades to die on the banks,

    For this Oren's men gave thanks!



    It was a great victory that day,

    For Oren's children kept the enemy at bay,

    Though many a good man on the field lay,

    It was a glorious death to die in the fray!

  5. OOC: I have decided to write a little song/murder ballad in tribute to the Colins! :D Enjoooooy!

    Side notes: It is meant to be a sad slow song, so read it or sing it as such to get the fullness of it! XD

    Use this link as a little back ground music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgfHBUp8pbk






    The Murder of the Colins


    Celcian Colin



    The orders were clear,

    leave none alive to run in fear,

    The brave Colin of stories and fame,

    Adarin was his name,

    he stood with pride,

    his strength he would not hide.


    In the end,

    Adarin's knee would not bend,

    the savage imperials took him to the noose,

    where he would loose, 

    his last breath,

    for this was where, he and his sons met their death.


    Thus ends the ballad of Lord Adarin,

    A loving father,


    and Lover.

  6. *Posters can be found around the Empire of man!



    The Colins Seek Men, Women, and Children!




    The Lord Celcian Colin seeks smallfolk and nobles alike to work their craft under his watchful care and protection. Men-At-Arms will pay no tax and will have free housing. Farmers will work the land and pay with 25% of their harvest. Craftsmen and artisans will pay a meager tax of 25 mina once a year. Anyone may barter for their tax or accommodations.


    We have many houses and fertile lands! Join today!!!

  7. Name: Celcian Colin

    Race and Subrace: Northerner

    Age: 15

    Are you willing to die for both the Creator, and The Decterum: I suppose,  I need experience and joining will help. And I LOVE MY GOD AND KING!

    Are you a citizen of Oren: Yes!

    Military Experience(None Needed): I have traveled and fought for my father and his men!


    I Celcian Colin, swear to uphold the word of the Creator in anyway, shape, or form. I swear to give forth my utmost effort to perform my duties the best way I can, and to bring honor to both myself, and The Decterum. I swear to protect Oren and it’s people from whatever threat dares to show hostile actions towards my Nation, and to protect the Church and the Human Realm from barbaric heretics and those who wish to bring chaos to the Oren government. I swear to never disobey a direct order from my superiors, and to never act in a disrespectful manner while representing The Decterum. I swear, to be a member of The Decterum until I die.




    MC Name: Hoodmaster906

    What is your Skype: Glay Hood Collier

    Do you have TeamSpeak: YES!

    Will you be able to make this your main character: YESH!




    The Grey Watch is an elite military group mainly looking for Adunian men that are not loyal to the Dwarf oppressors or the current ruling Adunian authorities! 



    And now a few words from its founder, Jonnel Tartanripper

    "Only the brave few may join! Sniveling cowards and weak fools will not be accepted! May the old faith guide ye, or any other faith ye have..."



    Requirements are as follows

    • No permanent loyalties to the Dwarves, or Adunian leadership.
    • Ye can't be a coward.
    • Ye better be ready for HARD training!
    • Must be willing to do as you commanders tell ye even if it means to stand your ground and die with almost no chance of victory! (if ye listen to them properly ye will live!)
    • Must be willing to fight anyone, even the Dwarves or Adunia itself!
    • Be able to loot and burn without question!




















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