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Posts posted by MrWizardGorlock

  1. OOC

    MC Name: MrWiz

    Skype User: mrwizardgorlock



    Name: Kochek de Frioli

    Age: 24

    Race: Human

    Prior Merits and Service: Trained scribe, I was a personal scribe for Percival Staunton for quite aqhile, working as his advisor. I helped secure an alliance with the Caliph to assure he was sending troops to help the Loyalist's of Oren, a speedily messenger I was. I have spent my life as a scholar, and learned many different cultures, and studied several languages that have allowed me to help in diplomatic situations. I sincerely hope you consider me.


    Do you understand that as an Initiate, your actions do not represent the Order of the Hallowed Flame?

    Do you agree to submit yourself to the Hierarchy of the Order, and in doing such, serve with loyalty undying to both your superiors and to Owyn himself? I Understand and agree to all of the above statements.

  2. ::OOC::
    MC Name: MrWizardGorlock
    Did you ever have a character with magic?: Yes
    Are you aware the rules of Magic: Yes
    Skype: (You can PM this to us if you wish, or just add johnmccullough10) pm me yours, windows 8 hates me and refuses to let anyone find me.
    Name: Shawn Black
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    What would you like to learn?: History, and Debate
    Which Class(es) are you enrolling for?: Any Speaking classes, Anthos Era History, Fringe Era History

  3. OOC:
    IGN: MrWizardGorlock
    GMT: 7:00
    Do you have ts3 and/or skype: yes
    Your name: Shawn Black

    Your age: 20
    Your profession (Thieve, liar, murderer, assassin, ect...): Liar, Thief, Pickpocket, Silver Tongue
    What snake type do you wish to be? Keep in mind that you are not restricted entirely to being whatever you choose: Brown Snake
    Do you understand that betraying the Society will mean that you will be hunted and killed: I Understand
    Any other questions?: Where is the nearest den?
    Any special requests?: I wish to be given an alias.

  4. OOC
    IGN: MrWizardGorlock
    GMT: 7:00
    Do you have ts3 and/or skype: Skype, I rarely use ts3
    Your name: Nari
    Your age: 79
    Your profession (Thieve, liar, murderer, assassin, ect...): Diplomat, and all the duties that come with it.
    What snake type do you wish to be? Keep in mind that you are not restricted entirely to being whatever you choose: Brown Snake
    Do you understand that betraying the Society will mean that you will be hunted and killed: Understanding this is an understatement in my line of work.
    Any other questions?: N/A
    Any special requests?: I wish to do most meetings by letter, unless it is serious.

  5. OOC Application:
    MC Name: MrWizardGorlock
    Skype?: Yes
    RP Experience: Several staff positions, as well as I hosted my own server. Have rp'd on many different games, and been on the server for two years
    Have you been banned?: Yes
    How active will you try to be? as active as life permits, but normally pretty active

    IC Application:
    Name: Nari Kantori
    Race: Wood Elf
    Age: 79
    skills(wood cutting, blacksmith etc.): Lumberjack and Farmer

  6. Alka frowns at the harsh words the mali'ker use against the man "We are supposed to treat each other like family, because we are a family, trying to stick together. You mock a man for pointing out something which is true. We literally live beneath the other elves, and not just because we usually live in caves, but because we are forced there under false pretenses of false will. We need to stick together, even if it is just all of us against one of us, if we hope to be the glorious people we once were. I beg of you citizens of ker'lomi to at least heed his words, and take notice. In Anthos, did our houses look like this? No, our caves were more expansive than some cities, rooms left and right. This is us crawling into holes, and that is only one reason many of the Isttel's left. Now I love your hospitality and such, but I alone would hate to lower myself into such a hole, where we have to share a space of ten feet with another. What hope do we have of having a family when we aren't even allowed to have our own hole? I plead you take this into consideration my friends."

  7. ~~OOC Information~~

    Minecraft Name: MrWizardGorlock
    Skype (optional): Pm me yours and ill add you.
    Time zone: UTC 7:00, or mountain time.

    Have you ever been banned? If so, why? Yes, I got banned because I hit sleep on my comp when I was talking to my dad and it was in the middle of an rp fight.


    Name: Celeiath Springpool

    Age: 18

    Race: Mali'ame

    Gender: Male

    Profession: Anything, but good servant, swordsman, archer.

    Choose a class


  8. IC:
    Name: Celeiath but Preferred is Eiodoch
    What deity do you follow (If not Iblees)?: None
    Anything about yourself: I am lost in the ways of my beliefs, and I wish to be found. As I have looked around I have noticed one thing that is clear in what always finds me. Darkness, but not unto most where it is a fountain of fear or weakness, but something that I as a person draws from and uses to my advantage. Hail the Darkness, hail Iblees.

    Username: MrWizardGorlock
    Timezone: UTC-07:00
    Skype: Pm me if accepted
    Will you be active?: Yes, daily

  9. Your Name: Celeiath Springpool

    Your Age: 18

    Your Race: Mali'ame

    Are you wishing to join the guild as a Mage, or a Pilgrim?: Pilgrim

    If joining as a mage, clarify on who has originally taught you, and for how long you’ve been learning: 

    What affinity of magic are you skilled in?:


    MC Name: MrWizardGorlock

    Skype: pm me

    When did you join the server?: about 14 months ago

    If applying as a mage, list your magic type and state when you have begun learning it: 

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