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Han Solo

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Posts posted by Han Solo

  1. Forum Name: ...

    Favorite Rule: lolweiner

    Gang/Crew Name: The Leoni Syndicate

    Crew Type: Italian Mafia

    Allowed Race/Ethnicities: Anyone of Italian descent or invited by leading members of the Mafia.

    Leader Name: Godfather Ottavio Leoni

    Five Leader traits (Cruel, sly, strong, etc): Disciplined, Honorable, Cruel, Respected, Intelligent
    Mark where you'd like to set up HQ (keep it relevant to your gang info, such as no Mexicans in Chinatown for their HQ):


  2. Headmaster Austentine looks over several applications and nods his head in approval



    OOC -
    Minecraft IGN Thaddeus12
    RP -
    Character Name: Dorin
    Age: 484
    Race/Gender: Male Cave Dwarf
    What you would like to teach: FIre and Water evocations
    Experience on Subject: T5 in both subjects, i have been teaching for quite sometime now, holding 4 students ATM, and 3 before them. I have studied these subjects fer over 30 years now.
    Willing to prepare a demonstration (Y/N): Yes
    Current Occupation (if one): Steward and High Councilmen of public affairs at the barony of Praedium.


    On a side note, I MIGHT be able to get you a location if you do not already have one.


    ((Already have a location but it'll take renovation so to speak)) Austentine stamps the application in approval, eager to have a magic teacher on board. 


    OOC -
    Minecraft IGN:cyndikate

    Character Name: Blair
    Age: 27
    Race/Gender: female
    What would you like to learn?: Science
    Economic Background (Poor, Middleclass, or Rich?): Poor.


    Austentine smiles at the news of a student application. He approves it and starts drafting an admissions exam. Because of her economic background, he sees fit to give her a scholarship for her first semester and the fact that she is the first student applying.



    Teacher Application
    OOC -
    Minecraft IGN: GiratinaXable
    RP -
    Character Name: Elvira Naromis (formally Terryal)
    Age: 30 years old.
    Race/Gender: Human. Female.
    What you would like to teach: Alchemy
    Experience on Subject: Elvira has ten years of training under her belt and she is actually a mentor Alchemist, meaning she is qualified to teach Alchemy to people. Plus, Elvira enjoys teaching Alchemy to any students who are willing to learn just as long as the students behave and follow her instructions clearly as she will not tolerate any misbehavior in this subject.
    Willing to prepare a demonstration (Y/N): Yes.
    Current Occupation (if one): Bartender of the Drunken Monk Tavern. Mentor and Council Alchemist of Praedium.
    - A small note will be included at the bottom of the application -
    "Mind adding where this university will be located please? - E.N"



    Austentine reads over this application several times. It is well-written and since he has a fond passion for Alchemy, he quickly stamps accepted. He also would send a letter to her notifying her the location of the University. ((Through PMs))


    OOC - 
    Minecraft IGN CountSictor
    RP -
    Character Name: Damon Sictor
    Age: 32
    Race/Gender: Male Human 
    What you would like to teach: Fencing or he could be the librarian 
    Experience on Subject: He  is an amazing fencer and swords person and he is an excellent teacher in english (Or the Lotc equivalent)  
    Willing to prepare a demonstration (Y/N): Yes
    Current Occupation (if one): Librarian


    "Ah, a Librarian. I think we can have him as both a combat instructor and a Librarian." Austentine stamps his application in approval.


    ((The location of the University was kept secret for a reason, but everyone accepted will be given directions. Thanks for applying!))

  3. The University



    Several posters advertising the University are found around nation capitals.


    The University is a place of learning, knowledge, discipline, and enlightenment. Here you can pursue your dream career and get a formal education on just about every subject you can imagine! Our job is to connect hardworking students with prestigious teachers and to enlighten the population across Athera. Everyone is welcome to learn, and those qualified enough are invited to teach.




    The University is founded upon these basic principles:


    1) Everyone is at the University to learn. Even I, the Headmaster. The University does not only dabble in a student's education, but it also strives to make everyone more intelligent and knowledgeable, including staff. Here, the teachers can continue or start their own research with the aid of the students. The University is a place of discovery.


    2) Anyone can receive an education. Respect plays a huge role in the University. We do not turn away students based on race, religion, age, or gender. If you pass the admissions and can pay your set tuition, you are allowed to attend.


    3) Knowledge is neutral. We do not align ourselves with a certain nation or group. All members from all nations can come and learn, but none will have our support in a conflict, and none shall be harmed by us. We are a non-biased non-profit organization.






    What we teach:


    It all depends on the number of teachers and the collective knowledge we have. We do not have a set in stone curriculum on any subject and allow the teachers of one course to decide on a curriculum together. If we only have one teacher that teaches Alchemy, then we will only teach alchemy. If we have a hundred teachers that teach a everything from Astronomy to Electric Evocation, than we will teach all of those things. We would think it a great disservice to teach something we do not fully understand ourselves.




    Attending the University sadly does cost money, however we try to trim it down wherever we can. The University is completely non-profit and the only thing that covers our expenses (paying teachers, purchasing materials, etc) is covered by donations and tuition. The fee for tuition is determined by your admissions exam. Score well, it can be as low as ten mina per elven month. Do poorly, and it can be as high as a thousand mina per elven month. Hardworking pays off at the University, but we also give out scholarships to the most bright students who cannot afford an education. Each year, we set aside money as scholarship funds and award it to the less-wealthy, brighter students. Also, I and the higher-up staff do not get paid at all, aside from lodging and food.




    If you are interested at teaching at the University, please fill out an application below. Also note that we pay teachers based on our tuition rates for students, so in the beginning, income may be a little slow. You can apply to teach whatever you want, 




    If you would like to be a student and attend the University, please fill out an application below. If you state a profession you want to pursue, but there are no teachers available to teach it, you can take your exam anyways to determine your tuition. Tuition is paid after you start learning and there are no other fees. The University also provides shelter and housing for those who need/desire it.


    - Headmaster Austentine Cothe







    OOC -
    Minecraft IGN
    RP -
    Character Name:
    What you would like to teach:
    Experience on Subject:
    Willing to prepare a demonstration (Y/N):
    Current Occupation (if one):


    OOC -
    Minecraft IGN:
    Character Name:
    What would you like to learn?:
    Economic Background (Poor, Middleclass, or Rich?):

    List of Available Curriculum:


  4. sons-of-liberty-1.jpg


    Sons of Liberty - Nationalist Rebels


    Toledo, Ohio:


    A man in a blue, buttoned down coat entered a small, homely inn. He studied the room around him. The inn was unusually packed with rabble-rousers and people without a real purpose - nobodies who were at one point somebodies. As the people noticed he entered, an eerie silence filled not just the inn, but somehow the entire town. Some people even saluted.


    A young boy - no older than seventeen grinned profusely. He ran up right towards the man and gave his report.


    "Mister President. We have the arms. They were well hidden in several crates and the Marines that guard the armory were sympathetic to our cause. Let us pass right through. Hell, we even recruited them. We have about a thousand-five hundred good an' trained men - all ready to fight for our freedom. We have enough M16s for all of 'em, and we even got some of them armored humvees if we need it."


    The President nodded, and smiled at the boy. "Of course we'll need the Humvees, Jeff. We'll need everything."


    The former U.S President was now the head of the movement, ready to rebel against the newfound merger and wanting a total unification of the former 50 states of America. He stood upon a podium, pulled out an honorary replica of a Japanese Katana he earned for serving his time in the U.S Army, and stabbed it into the ground and grinned.


    "Ladies and Gentlemen. The town is ours!" 


    The Crowd laughed at the light joke since pretty much every resident in the small town sided with the Rebels.


    The President winked and continued,

    "Those at the top levels of our government have betrayed the trust of the American people! We do not want to combine our nation with a former Communist power. We shouldn't even be involved in Europe or Asia and instead focus on making our God Blessed nation great once more!"


    The crowd clapped and roared in approval.


    "In our Declaration of Independence, it states that "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.


    We have the right to rebel!" He slams his fist on the podium as the crowd roars in unison,


    "We have the right to rebel because they have not taken the consent of the governed into consideration and merge with an authoritarian regime and bypass our very own constitutional laws!" He slams his fist on the podium once again as the crowd roared.


    "As Thomas Jefferson, our forefather,stated:


    It is our right. No, it is our duty to form a resistance movement towards a tyrannical government! So as the first Sons of Liberty said centuries ago, We mutually pledge each other our lives, our fortunes, and our Sacred Honor!"


    The crowd roars extremely loudly once again.






    As the limited amount of men are taught guerilla tactics and the entire town is able to look seemingly normal, ads on websites to join the movement go out temporarily, and also ask  foreign nations for anonymous aid.


    Armed rebels would move towards other towns in Ohio, hoping to secure them discreetly, and asking the residents to join the resistance. Hopefully, these tactics will let them shadow-control the state of Ohio and send a state-representative to the U.S Congress in the coming election. ((Mod Needed))

  5. usa.jpg


    The United States of America - Part of Russo-American Empire


    The President suddenly resigned, and was replaced by a pro-Russian leader named Axel Bird. The discontent among the merger was high and as people took to the streets to protest it, and the government looked to Russia for answers. Either way, the years of rebuilding had apparently been for nothing in the eyes of some Americans. A large resignation of many members of the White House faculty was something to note - paving the way for more pro-Russian leaders to take positions. Several infrastructure projects went underway and it seemed the entirety of the United States was not part of Russia - no, under Russia. The Bear now harnessed the Eagle and its vast resources. But some were not happy. Some were not happy at all.


    The President was infuriated. His resignation after the Olympic ceremony was not a surprise and a large group of politicians followed him out the door. The Union was now truly free from nationalistic principles. With the merger, the help from the Californians were appreciated and all the Projects were turned over to Russian hands - all but one. The blueprints for Project LION seemed to go missing. Stolen or destroyed, it didn't matter - life went on. Technology seemed to finally be cutting edged and the space mission made rapid progress. However some were not happy. Some were not happy at all.


     America had access to Russian resources and natural gas/minerals. Plus, there were many Americans that did favor the merger. The Vice President even apologized to the politicians at the Olympics for the ignorance of President Kennedy and his inability to see the benefits of a Russo-American union. He urged the politicians to recognize the unification and continue on with their diplomacy and that - Americans really were happy with it. Yet some were not happy. Some were not happy at all.


    The Union seemed to be under the control of Russia and had accumulated the largest landmass of any land empire on the planet. They had merged former enemies into a superpower and created a place to stand against oppression for years to come. However, it created a lot of resentment, since some were not happy. Some were not happy at all.


    -=The Union States are under the control of Draeris now=-

  6. 13-star-us-flag-HD-1024x576.jpg

    The United States of America


    The United States makes great progress regarding future space endeavors. With Russia and Britain in collaboration, the nations pool in their efforts and the Project RAPTOR takes a huge leap forwards since all three nations have been in Space, and Britain is currently still there. Their expertise would help the Americans and Russians join the other nations and explore the last great frontier. With Leprechaun rocket designs from Britain, and access to their Space Station, America's space program grows at a rapid rate. A mission is already underway and the destinations of Olympus Mons on Mars and the icy moon of Titan are planned, with seats available to collaborating scientists. All America needed now was the aid of the Australian Federation to quite possibly put them in space within the next year or two, and America would be set. A statement is made to the Federation requesting their aid, but if they do not, America starts preparing to test rockets in Alaska and try and get there without aid.




    In the Arctic, the American team creates an outpost with several Icebreaker ships and elite special forces soldiers to guard it. The oil is not touched or infringed upon, however, and a trade agreement between the NBC is made. With an abundance of oil now coming in from the Arctic and the Confederacy, America is set natural-gas wise. Project LION also goes well. Development stage is finished and a model is created. Although it would take years more to actually enter its first phase of combat, the model seems relatively viable and further research is ordered on the matter.




    In order to increase relations with the Californian Dominion, the U.S invites it to join Project LION and Project RAPTOR. The Californians were a mysterious bunch and little was known about what was inside their walls. The one thing that the Americans did know was they California was technologically superior - to them and the rest of the world. With a new government installed, President Kennedy hopes to heal old wounds and fix relations.







    Brussels, formerly Belgium - German Empire:


    A tanned woman in her thirties sits in a Cafe. A fair-haired man who appears to be middle-aged sits across from her, a laptop open in his hands. He pulls out a USB flash drive and hands it to the woman. They pretend that they are on a date for the rest of time, and go about their business after that.


    Both of them spoke fluent and perfect German. They pledged allegiance to the German Kaiser daily, and appeared have a strong sense of nationalism. But the truth was, they didn't have any pride in the German Empire - and they definitely did not pledge allegiance to the Kaiser. Hell, they weren't even German. They were two Americans sent to Germany to figure out if the Germans were responsible for the kidnapping of Russian Politician, Vladimir Putin. They had very intricate backstories and could act really well - undergoing brutal CIA training for years. If they were caught, they'd pretend to be French Rebels and die a grizzly fate - their last words being, "Viva La France." They could never be identified as American, and they had several ways of ending their lives ranging from a cyanide capsule to pulling a simple string.


    The USB had orders from top American officials, and they begin their work. They would now try and get into high positions of power, as they have a fantastic resume and any official would be impressed at their fake life.



  7. 13-star-us-flag-HD-1024x576.jpg


    The United States of America




    With the tiresome war now far over the Union had time to fix itself. It had time to think. The people had time to gather their thoughts and voice them in government. Fed up with all the humiliation - all the embarrassment, the American people impeach President Dalton - who sadly had big dreams for the nation, but who lived under the shadows of the arrogance of General Patterson. A new figure is elected into the Oval Office. A highly capable people's-man who radiated an aura of confidence, hospitality, and generosity not to mention his very American personality that made him an excellent candidate and politician. The first thing he did when elected president was change the name back to its former United States and have the flag redesigned to look more like the old Yankee flag from nearly three hundred years ago. His name was Roy Kennedy and his speech was broadcast all over national television, airing after the NCR railgun demonstration:


    "We the people have had enough of the former failures in the United States Congress and Unified Grand Parliament. Yes, we now own the vast territory of Canada and with that, most of North America, but at what cost? We have lost severe trust with our closest allies and our oil reserves are thinning - not that we had too much in the first place, anyways. Thank the Lord that the Confederates decided to look out for their brother, or we would be at the mercy of the reserves in the Arctic. We should no longer refer to us as the Union States - since the very name infers that we are the enemy of the nation that has offered to aid us repeatedly without asking for anything or little in return. We shall once again be the United States of America - and our flag will consist of thirteen stars to represent the states that fought hard for our own independence and success. I personally will not see undone what took us billions of dollars and thousands of lives to accomplish. Canada shall remain part of the U.S. and we shall see to it that these new Americans find their home hospitable. Thank you for giving me the honor to serve in the White House, ladies and gentlemen, and may God Bless you all!"







    As soon as the President stated it in his speech, it was made official. The U.S accepted the oil deal with the Confederacy and quickly moved to thank them and pay a hefty sum of money in return. Immediately afterwards, the Unified Grand Parliament looks over the conditional peace that Britain had offered. The U.S agrees to let the Imperium have honorary rights in Canada and allows Canada to own a seat in the Commonwealth following the terms that Britain had offered. The Union did not suffer major losses at the hands of the British - only minor conflicts and a decent amount of damage, so reparations are not asked for. Britain is allowed the territory of Newfoundland on one condition - that American troops would be in a joint-occupation with the British. The territory would still be under British rule. The reason for this would be the general distrust of a foreign non-American power on North American soil by the people of the land. The Unified Grand Parliament under a new establishment also offers the following treaties for further peace between the nations:


    1) The Imperium is offered a voice and seat in the Unified Grand Parliament. A legislative assembly dealing more with political affairs than social ones, it would act more like the UN and make sure treaties are honored. The Grand Parliament had replaced the U.S Senate and was far bigger and included the Vassal State of Canada and the Government of the United States. The Parliament had the power to keep the President in check and if the Imperium joined, it would help repair relations and strengthen ties.


    2) The Grand Parliament would pay a debt to the Imperium for the damages and lives lost in the war with Canada. In exchange, the Code of Brothers rule would be enacted that would make future ties with the Imperium and the U.S binding so that the President or any leader would not have the power to betray a formed alliance or treaty unless under direct threat from that sovereign nation itself. It would be a two-way deal.


    3) The Imperium and Britain would continue to farther diplomatic ties and conduct joint military operations again, hopefully being able to rebuild a military alliance and a close pact. A free-trade deal is also included




    The U.S accepts the deal with Russia and offers it a spot on the ((Mod-approved)) Project Raptor to eventually launch it into space. A defensive alliance to eventually form into a military alliance is also offered.The President makes a statement about this newfound friendship:


    "Both the U.S and Russia are fallen superpowers with a strong and brave population. Once enemies, we have rebuilt ourselves from the darkest depths of our own mistakes and now we strive to make ourselves great once again."




    With ((Mod-Approved)) Project LION ((17 pages)) and Project RAPTOR ((21 pages)) underway, official drafting begins. The Projects are kept a total secret. None but top officials know the Projects even exist. Russia is the only sovereign power with its hands on the new developing technologies and a delegate is sent to Britain to ask if they would like to participate. The U.S thinks of involving the Confederacy and maybe even the NCR and hopefully repair ties. However, no official statement is made.


    ​The NBC is offered a trade agreement for oil, since they lay claim to it. The Team is on standby for further orders regarding any actions taken to secure it or not.

  8. tumblr_static_8momrlg2d6skcwo48kcwo408g_


    The Union States of America


    Military Force:


    America - once the beacon of hope that boasted the world's most powerful Army, AirForce, and Navy, was now starting to catch up where it fell behind. Strength is in numbers, combat experience, and morale. Lacking in technological prowess since other countries like Australia are starting to surpass them: ((I'm basing my numbers off of globalfirepower - I cut the numbers in half since the numbers were divided between the USA, CSA, and the NCR and I added to that afterword because I've been recruiting personnel and expanding America's military industrial complex for a multitude of pages. I also subtracted the numbers lost in the Pacific: If anyone has a problem, do tell me, because I don't want to feel like I'm PGing - I'm trying to be reasonable. Thanks!))




    Active Personnel: 2,500,000 (Mostly RHINO Armor Equipped - it's just cheaper more effective flexible body shielding)

    Reserve Personnel: 650,000

    Tanks: 5,662

    Artillery: 590

    Attack Helicopters: 655

    SPGs: 750

    Armored Vehicles: 31,338

    MLRs: 495




    Fighters/Interceptors: 1,446

    Transport Craft: 3,991

    Helicopters: 3,843

    Attack Helicopters: 623

    Bombers: 1,675




    Pacific -


    Only on the coast of Western Canada, Oregon, and Washington:


    Aircraft Carriers: 3 (2 MTW Equipped)

    Submarines: 19

    Destroyers: 22

    Frigates: 2


    Atlantic -


    Aircraft Carriers: 4 (3 MTW Equipped)

    Submarines: 35

    Destroyers: 30

    Frigates: 3


    Defense Budget Annually: $477,000,000,000




    Finally, war with Asia was over. Well, aside from Japan at least. Since the U.S lost all of its Pacific Territories already, it asks Japan for peace. If Japan continued to stay at war with the Union, the Union would not surrender or attack without premise. In the Atlantic, the U.S asks the British for peace. Union troops stay at the ready near Eastern Canada. The Atlantic Navy does its best to repel British ships and now, since the MTW has been repaired from its prior initial failure, it seems that there is hope for the USA to endure through the weary war. The fixed version of the MTW blueprint is sent to the CSA and apologies for inconveniences are made.


    A team of Americans are sent into the Arctic to scavenge for oil and natural gas near Canada and Alaska. ((Mod Needed)). Canada is made into a U.S State and the Unified Grand Parliament governs the joined nations. The small Canadian military is quickly absorbed into the U.S and bases finish completion - located all around the country. Canadian countrymen are offered better lives if they joined American Special Forces teams and create the Canuck Corps. Roads are expanded and school adopt the American system which is improved.


    In Washington D.C, plans to relaunch the abandoned Orion space project are made underway. It will take many years to launch a capsule into space with humans aboard, but the U.S thinks it is worth it. Russia, an enemy of Japan, is offered a non-aggression pact and trade agreement. The U.S offers aid to the Russians in the form of food rations and medical kits.


    The Brightswood Defense Corporation is offered asylum in the United States and a proposed deal. America's free market society would be a perfect place for them and the U.S military would pay a hefty amount for rapid technological growth. A contract is planned and a place in the Union is offered to them.


    In order to catch up technologically, America starts the planning phase of Project LION and Project RAPTOR. America asks for a trade agreement between all player-operated nations.

  9. (Mobile Post: I'll send a real detailed post tomorrow, sorry guys I've been slacking and hopefully will have access to a computer soon)

    Union States:

    The Union accepts Australia's offer of peace whole heartedly, ready to end the tiresome war and formally cedes all of its Pacific Territories to Asia. The Union also states that Canada will still have semi autonomy as a U.S. state and all Canadians will be treated as American people.

    The M16 Spy gains a high position in the U.S. military, although suspicions about him are apparent.

    Americans begin excavating for oil in the arctic near Alaska and Canada. ((Mod Needed))

  10. (Mobile Post - On a Trip):

    The Union fortifies Canada's coasts from attack and about 65% of the troops are in coastal cities. The rest are in various bases around Canada and turn Canadian citizens into Americans and give them full Union priveleges. The US also warns Australia that any attempt of an invasion of Canada or North America would be catastrophic since, well, they are quite a bit away and could not get near enough troops to match the sheer amount of Americans in Canada. Regardless, defensive measures are taken on all fronts.

  11. United-States-of-America-Eagle-Flag-HD-W


    The Union States of America


    The Inaugural Address of President Rick Dalton:




    "... That is why my fellow Americans we continue the campaign into Canada. Not because we view the Canadians as our enemy, but because in this very dangerous world they are weak and we must protect them. The British claim that we are liars and imperialists. The Chinese claim that we pretend to be the global force we once were. But in all truth with Almighty God as my witness, they are all hypocrites. The Japanese lay claim to the very islands that they once oppressed. The British give in to the demands of the Germans! They ignore the plea of their French brothers and call us liars!? What about the Australians? Can they claim that we are imperialistic when they mercilessly conquer islands across the pacific and dare try to question our morals? The Chinese say that we are 'pretending' to be the global force we used to be, but that is a lie. Since the downfall of our nation, we have rose up from the ashes and rebuilt ourselves as a world force to be reckoned with! From humiliation and division we have rose up! Forget the British, Australians, Chinese or Japanese! They cannot question our values without first looking into their own! 


    The Canadians may be the cousins of the British, but they are our brothers! We now join together today as one unified Union and celebrate the newly founded Unified Grand Parliament! Forget what the world says, my fellow Americans. We are United and we will always be United. With our Canadian brothers now standing tall among us, we shall bring our glorious nation into the democratic and moral state we once were. God bless our troops, God bless our citizens, and God Bless America!"




    Troops amass in Washington ready to repel a possible homefront invasion of the United States. Since the war with Canada is over, Union troops start to settle into the nation and mobilize along the East. The American Atlantic fleet meets the British in the Atlantic and war ensues. A common battle-cry is heard, "When the redcoats attack, we attack back! Remember the fallen in the Pacific!"


    Devastated by the humiliating loss in the Pacific that took America completely off guard, the morale to fight on the Atlantic is high. Fortunately, Project RHINO finishes mass-development and deployment ((Mod Approved and been over 10 pages)):


    RHINO Armor is a technologically forward, shielding, flexible, and a cost-effective way to make military gear. It is made for lightning wars, or Blitzkriegs, and special operations. It's HUD screen that appears on the helmet give users advanced communication abilities that allow orders to be followed precisely and the chance to give officers more control of situations and communication. It is prone to the MTW ray as the two were produced side by side:




    The MTW (Microwave Transmission Weapon):


    The MTW is a microwave emitting missile defense and offensive operating system. It sends focused microwave rays of high energy to take care of missiles at a distance and can be aimed at humans as well. The Union is careful not to use this against people since the ray is extremely painful and would most likely be considered a war-crime under that scenario. It is deployed onto ships and shields them from most missiles as well as targets certain ship components in an attempt to disable them.




    In Canada, money is used to improve infrastructure and begin the naturalization process of Canadian citizens into Americans. The United States also secretly sets up work teams throughout the North to search for oil and natural gas, which is rumored to be abundant in the area ((Mod Needed)).


    The plans for the MTW system is discreetly sent to the CSA. It arrives with a post-it note that simply says "Thank You" and a box of chocolates. In the file it asks the CSA not to share the technology with any other nation.

  12. Union Reply Post:


    President Richard Dalton, eager to end the fighting in the North to concentrate on the Pacific, accepts the offer. American troops hold their fire and negotiations begin. After intense debate on the senate floor and the passing of the previous president, terms are agreed to and Canada's political parliament merges with the Union's and the Unified Grand Parliament is born. Money is poured into Canadian infrastructure to make highways U.S Compatible. Several bases are planned in Canada and the Canadian leader is brought in as part of a joint-leadership committee that would administer the northern part of North America. 

  13. United-States-of-America-Eagle-Flag-HD-W


    The Union States of America


    All NCR spies had failed - all but one. However, this spy had done what no one would have thought imaginable. After two days in the nation's most renowned hospital, General Patterson succumbed to a bullet wound. The NCR is suspected as the culprit but so is the UK and Japan, and no public accusations are made. Whoever the spy was had succeeded and that was all that mattered in the current moment.


    His vice president, Rick Dalton, was quickly sworn into office for the remaining two years of the term he had to complete. He was a lot more open than Patterson, however he did not end the invasion of Canada. In fact, the death of his friend strengthened his resolve to quickly win the war.


    The Union had no idea why China had elected to declare war on the Union, since they were not aware that Japan ever did, but regardless they went ahead to defend themselves. Thankfully, the Union's second major conscription ((started page 24)) was finally finished, and a total of 3,400,000 troops were now part of the Union military. However, most American economists considered this the cap and now only conscripted when needing to fill up open positions.




    The war in Canada goes relatively smoothly, aside from the Guerillas. An anti-guerilla task force composed of Alaskans who are used to even more frigid conditions than the Canadians are, are sent to deal with them. In response to the British and Commonwealth reply, which was expected and planned, the new president agrees to meet with the Prime Minister. However, no statement is made about the situation in Canada. The Union expected worldwide retaliation which why such a sheer number of troops had invaded in the first place. Canada would be the easy part - the British, however, is who they were really at war with.


    With American forces now occupying major cities such as Ottawa and Toronto, Canada is expected to fall very soon ((Mod Needed)), and U.S forces move to defend their own east coast as well as Canada's from the British.




    The Union army appreciated the friendly gesture from the Confederates, and vowed to themselves that the debt would be repaid. Timing seemed to be the best thing on the side of the Union and Project RHINO finally finishes. The armor was finally being mass produced and sent to frontline soldiers, while the weapon finished installing itself on most of America's aircraft carriers. In the Pacific, the Union readies to defend itself from Chinese, Japanese, or Australian aggression.




    President Rick Dalton did what no American would think a Unionist would do - he withdrew troops from the surrounding NCR border. Instead, he focused them in Washington to deter a possible Chinese assault. He wanted to have good relations with all Americans and knew that the feud between California and the Union would be detrimental to both of their nations.

  14. United-States-of-America-Eagle-Flag-HD-W


    The United States of America


    A wry smile appeared on the face of the American President. He watched and saw the NCR fortifying their position. Not that he cared, anyways. It was funny that the NCR prepared for an American invasion right after negotiations with Japan. It all worked out, safe and sound. The U.S had no interest in the NCR - at least, not anymore. Now they shifted their eyes to a much larger and more viable target. But first, he had to wait for the project to be completed.


    World War Three had come, and to be prosperous, America had to do what needed to be done and secure its place in the world yet again. It ends relations with the United Kingdom. It gives the order for a retreat of American troops from Europe - the official excuse being that they were needed for an American front. The military fortification in Washington holding Project RHINO together finally finishes testing. The results are very satisfying and new technologies to add on to the suit also start being developed. The original suit is mass-produced through America's wartime factories and is sent to American troops to be worn- about 500,000 wear them. It is in combat-testing phase and not complete. The second, more promising part of Project RHINO is sent to the Pacific Islands and begins an installation project on America's Carriers there. The Nimitz finishes repairs and installation and is sent out into the sea once again.


    As America's Conscription reaches its eighth year, the target military personnel amount is nearly reached. General Patterson apologizes to the NCR and welcomes Channing Tatum back to the negotiations table. The United States agrees to stay out of all NCR affairs, if they agree to stay out of the Union's. General Patterson also sends a message to the NCR that the United States will not invade or attempt an invasion or conflict with the New California Republic as long as they remain neutral towards American affairs.



    General Patterson, smiling, agrees with his joint chiefs. The American troops are ready. The Americans amassing in Washington invade Victoria, Canada with lightning quick speed and precision. Union troops stand ready in Oregon in order to repel a NCR counter-attack, if one happens. A New York offensive is launched as well and American troops would quickly move to take Canada's capital, Ottawa, and then proceed to invade through Canada. A second front would be opened through Alaska, and troops there would march and conquer Northern Territories. The best part about the plan was that Canada had open borders with the United States and was easily accessible, and offered little chance of resistance. The capital was only a few miles from the Union's most populous city and accessible. The invasion, Patterson hoped, would go well. ((Mod needed)).



    Washington Offensive (invading through Seattle and capturing Victoria Island to set up base):

    - 85,000 U.S Troops

    - 1,000 Gunboats

    - 35 Bombers

    - 10 F-35s


    New York Offensive (Will divide in near halves later: One invading and securing Ottawa and Toronto, the other larger one into Quebec):


    - 375,000 Troops

    - 2,110 Tanks/Armored Vehicles

    - 100 Towed Artillery 

    - 650 Fighter Jets

    - 200 Bombers

    - 3,000 Transport Helicopters

    - 120 Fighter Helicopters


    Alaskan Offensive (placing troops and building forts in remote Canadian territories and readying the infrastructure for American occupation):


    - 30,000 U.S troops

    - 400 Snow-Based Vehicles/Snowmobiles

    - 200 Gunboats to patrol Yukon River


    Oregon Defensive:


    - 250,000 U.S troops


    Arizona Defensive:


    - 175,000 Troops




    The United States also asks for an oil-trade deal from the Nordic-Baltic Confederation.

  15. United States Response Post:


    Upon hearing the Imperialistic actions of the Germans, the United States immediately dispatches a large division of its armed forces headed towards the British owned territory of France. They would help fight the Germans back to Germany and, if pushed, make a naval retreat to Great Britain and guard the island. ((Combat strategy will be explained when confrontation arises)).


    Operation Fairydust:


    - 150,000 U.S Ground Infantry

    - 2,000 Tanks

    - 300 Fighter Planes

    - 2 Aircraft Carriers

    - 30 Bombers

    - 3,000 Transport Aircraft/Helicopters

    - 25,000 Navy SEALS Special Operations Forces

    - 200 Towable Artillery

  16. United-States-of-America-Eagle-Flag-HD-W


    The Union States of America


    As word gets out that there is oil in the Arctic, the White House goes crazy. Phone calls are being made all over the place. General Patterson has a grin on his face wider than the Grand Canyon - the same that separated the NCR from the Union. Immediately the U.S releases a statement on national television.


    "We have sent American patrols through Alaska into the North Pole. They will protect our assets there and make sure that none oversteps national boundaries and plunders our natural resources. However, we would also like to add that since the Nordic-Baltic Confederation and the people of Scandinavia own the territory of Greenland, Iceland, and several other near-arctic territories, we respect their claim to one hundred percent of the natural gas and oil that is there."



    The Union offers a protectorate agreement to Canada. This agreement would mean U.S forces would be sent into Canada, build bases, and occupy the land - making it part of the NAC (North American Coalition). This would protect Canada from invasion and they would keep their government and continue to be part of the British Commonwealth. The Canadian government would be a sovereign state, however it would be under the watch of the American government and be a permanent ally and trading partner of the U.S. No threat is given if refused, and there is no new military mobilization. If Canada accepts ((Mod please)), then the UK would be sent an offer to add troops and build bases in Canada to help strengthen relations between all three nations.




    The Union also sends Japan a trade request and defensive alliance. General Patterson knows full well that the two nations' egos have been on the line since the start of the second world war, yet it is prepared to overlook that and prepare for a better future. Offers of the Union sending plans for a Railgun prototype and American space knowledge is also sent.


    Project RHINO has its first prototype and enters testing phase. The results are decent but it will take time to get what they wanted. With new research and more testing, Project RHINO will finally be able to enter production.




    Slightly offended by the CSA's raised taxes on Panama and their cutting of oil deals, General Patterson looks elsewhere. The North American continent was a mess. South America was a bunch of feudal states. The world was in an entanglement of alliances and conflicts. The Union did not know who to look out for and which countries to invest in. Although they regarded the CSA as an ally and a trade partner, they knew with the worldly political mess, the Union could not trust anyone. The CSA is offered plans to participate in Project Rhino, but other than that, the added feeling of re-unification and the T.R.A.C makes the Union colder to its closest friend. What was the General even talking about? Countries didn't even have friends.


    General Patterson holds a meeting and invites the Japanese Empress to join him in his hometown of Columbus, Ohio. ((Will be done through PMs)). The Union sad to see the leader not show up in D.C, sends the NCR envoy home. If the leader of the NCR hadn't the mood to resolve diplomatic conflicts, than neither did Patterson.




    General Patterson knew that the Union was about to change forever. Hopefully for the better, but he could be wrong.


    It may have been a grave mistake.


    Or a golden opportunity. 


    What he was going to do would change America forever.

  17. United-States-of-America-Eagle-Flag-HD-W


    The United States of America


    The Union had never run more smoothly. Not only had everything seemed more grand, but states across the continental once U.S had actually been urging for re-unification. Although the United States does not act on these people's wishes yet... the pride in their former country is encouraging to the United States government. In Washington, a facility is arranged for the NCR-American meeting. It is made comfortable, yet dark and gloomy. The lighting is dim and several maps of the world litter the room. General Patterson receives the NCR envoy and things are expected to go somewhat efficiently. At least, he hopes so. ((Will be done through PMs))




    The Union Pacific Fleet starts working on expanding America's older Railgun technology projects. Not as caught up or developed as the NCR, they don't expect to finish the project and match the progress the NCR as already made. However, they have extremely advanced prototypes and designs useful to any nation with the desire and means to create one. It would make for powerful trade negotiations.


    Project RHINO continues according to plan.




    Military factories that have redone the American miltech industry create dozens of infantry vehicles and GI equipment. Conscription continues at maximum effectiveness, and rates are steady and go as planned. Most of the U.S budget goes towards defense, as infrastructure is no longer a worry.


    The United States also works on upgrading the U.S.S Nimitz - the world's largest Aircraft Carrier - in the Pacific Islands. The name of the island it is held on is not disclosed, and upgrades/repairs are expected to take a few years to finish. Project RHINO, once completed, would be beneficial to this project.




    The United States accepts the trade offer from the Australians, but are wary of the entanglement of alliances. Although the Union regards the CSA as a great ally and trading partner, it is suspicious of the NCR and the Commonwealth of Afrika. It, however, hopes to make a slow and gradual peace with the NCR with the lifting of the trade embargo.

  18. United-States-of-America-Eagle-Flag-HD-W


    The Union States of America


    No doubt, the world was different. Patterson studied a map of the planet. Mother Earth lay spread in her endless beauty in front of him and he scowled when he pictured the tyrannical states across the globe. Mankind had destroyed her and her grace and moved to subject each other to a state where one greedy human would have seemingly infinite power. The United States of America had nearly collapsed during the changing Climate, and had worked hard to build a stable infrastructure. However too many powers had made its people slaves to the state and had forgot of the democratic values that once united a truly global world. American democracy was scarce and General Patterson hoped to change this. He received a Military Census report from his secretary and his scowl remained. The Accord was the global dominator of Planet Earth now, taking the place of the United States. Although America was still considerably powerful - maybe powerful enough to take on the Accord nations one on one, it was still a Lion among the Dinosaur. America needed an overhaul. And it needed one fast.




    The United States immediately tells the Australian Commonwealth to retreat from the Polynesian islands. Some of the islands Australia lay claim to are American, such as the Marshall Islands and the American Samoa, and the Union Pacific Fleet guarded these 24/7. Engaging in further expansion would mean engaging the United States Navy in the Pacific. Australia is warned that even though it is a British Commonwealth nation, if it attacks, it will be a declaration of war.


    Union Pacific Fleet since Page 11:


    United States Pacific Islands Naval Fleet:


    - 500,000 Navy Sailors and Active Front Line Personnel

    - 8 Aircraft Carriers including the U.S.S Nimitz

    - 665 Fighter Planes (On Carriers)

    - 225 Fighter Planes (On Base)

    - 22 Destroyers

    - 20 Submarines

    - 300 Long-Range Bombers (On Base)

    - 25,000 Navy SEALS Special Operations Forces



    The Trade Embargo on the NCR is lifted and the treaty is accepted. The Confederates helped the Union cool its attitude towards the NCR, but tensions remain. General Patterson would like to meet with the leader of the NCR and discuss the future of both nations.


    A missive for a temporary defensive alliance is sent to the Japanese. If Australia or the Accord pushed forward in Pacific Expansion, the two nations could work together to repel the threat from the region and launch a counter-offensive.


    The troops stationed near Canada start constructing a base of operations. They are not an invading force and General Patterson assures the UK King/Prime Minister that the U.S would not betray a trusted ally or disrespect Canada's sovereignty. The General also visits the UK to pay respect to the King who recently passed.


    The U.S pushes for trade with all nations. The oil deal with the Confederates greatly aided the United States, although the high priced oil by the Caliphate was detrimental as there was a deficit. Even with the oil reserves in Alaska, the Union would be in deficit soon. America admitted 100,000 Union troops to be under Confederate command in Nigeria to help strengthen relations and show that the U.S would not sit idly by when its ally was at war.


    The Union is interested in trade with China. A non-aggression pact and a free-trade offer is sent, waiting for approval.




    The Union army stars the development of Project RHINO. It is expected to take a few years to finish. ((Mod-Approved)).




    The Union starts its second major conscription. Although the Union army only now consists of 1,700,000 personnel, that number is expected to double in ten years of gradual recruitment programs. Military factories ((started page 6)) finish completion and overhaul America's military production. It employs hundreds of thousands and allows America to quickly and efficiently produce military gear and vehicles. It almost quadruples America's military production rate, making it amongst the fastest on the Earth.

  19. United-States-of-America-Eagle-Flag-HD-W


    The United States of America


    General Patterson sighed at the soldiers that fell in the Suez Canal. He had not thought about alliances or the fact that maybe the Egyptians were actually enemies of the Arabians. He cursed. Now the entire world thought Americans were ignorant, even in the face of war. He had to rethink his strategy. He cuts off any lasting ties with the Middle East.


    Patterson's mood however was actually lightened by Arnold's Speech. His response and his vigor meant that California was suffering and willing to do anything to achieve trade and success. And what was even funnier was that they chewed America out on their "piracy" or lack of "freedom" when they were imitating the German Nazis. And then, they said the U.S was a failing power. Never before had the United States been more united or had such a steady growth and stable infrastructure than now since the climate change. His mood was great. The United States continues blockading any NCR trade towards Europe since the NCR has no port in the Atlantic and the Suez Canal is obviously blocked. All Greek and Iberian goods are stored and saved with a return address on them.


    "The United States of America are not pirates or a falling and desperate state." He has a wry smile. "The United States have never had such growth since its downfall and acknowledges that it is not the World Power that it used to be. However, the United States is not seizing these goods because they are pirates or need it themselves, but instead because they are so easy to obtain and are directed towards an enemy. Think of this. If California is an enemy of the United States and if the only way they can trade with Europe is through the West, wouldn't it be completely logical to seize their goods if to reach California they must enter the Union? The United States has no ill will towards Iberia, and is willing to work with the Greeks to an extent. But, if any European nation does engage in trade with the NCR, they can expect it to be unsuccessful. As the NCR is a fascist state and cut off from resources, why would anyone want to support it? The NCR asks for trade since it cannot support itself. And because of this, and their tyrannical government and brutal handling of the American people, the United States calls upon the world to denounce the NCR. If any Eastern nation truly wishes to trade with California, then it must also understand that this would sever relations with the Union. Not because the Union is threatening them. But because they will be supporting an enemy, and any logical state would do the same in America's position. The Union currently only trades with Britain in Europe, so to the leader of Iberia, I say this. End your trade with the NCR. All Greek and Iberian goods will be sent back to their nation respectively regardless of your response. We are not pirates or desperate scavengers. We merely do not want someone supporting our enemy in this cause, and if we can stop it, we will."


    The Union asks for a defensive alliance with all Asian nations like their confederate kin are doing.  As a counteroffer to the NCR, the Union promises advanced American technology to any nation that denounces the NCR. Grateful to the CSA for their drones, Some American tanks and helicopters are redirected to aid the Confederates in their Latin America Campaign. All Greek and Iberian trade goods are sent back free of charge. However, the US issues a warning that if the Greeks and Iberians continue, American ports will be closed off to Greek and Iberian trade and will never be able to reach the NCR or the Union.

  20. United-States-of-America-Eagle-Flag-HD-W


    The Union States of America


    General Patterson curses at the movements of NCR. Not a curse of defeat or humiliation, but a curse of annoyance. This small Californian state was invading into Mexico and claimed that they were fighting for "liberty". They had no idea how the NCR would ever be able to accomplish trade with Europeans and any attempt of it would easily be thwarted. Any Greek or Iberian goods attempting to reach the NCR would have to go through the East where they would be seized by the Union. In the Pacific, the General asks all Asian nations to place a trade embargo on the NCR. Union Submarines and destroyers patrol Pacific Waters to seize and destroy outgoing merchant NCR ships. This would hopefully give the NCR no choice but to submit.


    In the North, American forces mobilize on the Canadian border. Although they do not attempt anything, they stand there and muster more men. It looks as if they ready for an invasion. General Patterson accepts King Mohammed's friend request, and has no love for the Islamic Caliphate. A regiment of 10,000 Union troops are sent to join their Confederate brothers in Saudi Arabia and help fight the Caliphate. A trade request and ability to pass through the Suez Canal is also asked for.


    Union ships docked in Seattle begin to leave for the Sea of Cortez, Mexico. There they would meet the NCR fleet and issue an ultimatum for their immediate surrender. If they do not, they will be engaged upon.


    Trade with the United Kingdom is accepted. A defensive alliance is also offered.


    General Patterson promises to the Indian President that the U.S will not take any aggressive positions against the Japanese unless provoked.


    The Union also states that any nation attempting to ally with the NCR will be considered an enemy of the United States of America. The U.S conscripts more and more men - an additional 250,000 are nearly trained and armed. This is their last large group conscription until the Union is involved in a war. Budget Surplus goes to the Institute of Military Technologies and the stabilization of Alaska.

  21. United-States-of-America-Eagle-Flag-HD-W


    The Union States of America


    General Patterson is satisfied in knowing the Californians are closed off from International support. All trade requests offered to the Union are accepted. A bustling economic was key in turning the Union into a global power once again. With the alliance of their kin - the Confederate States of America, the Union invites it into the North American Coalition, or the NAC. This way they could merge military forces to act on a global scale and promote worldwide peace and democracy.


    The United States Pacific Navy, docked in the Port of Seattle, begins patrolling Pacific Waters, wary of Japan's recent movements. There were strange reports from loyal American Polynesians that stated the Japanese were trying to ally them and lead a potential rebellion in the U.S Pacific Islands. One named Arthur Umuwawe said they wanted to be citizens, but didn't trust the Japanese and knew of their atrocities committed in World War Two. The people were conflicted. The Union officially starts an investigation on these reports. As a precautionary measure, an additional 30,000 U.S Sailors report to the Pacific. Troubled by China's expansionist policies, and the reports of the Japanese, the fleet stays strong. They are undoubtedly the Union's most powerful force and awe-inspiring. The U.S.S Nimitz and seven other Carriers are docked in Hawaii. Hundreds of planes and over a five hundred thousand troops guard the Pacific. They were a strategic blessing and gave the U.S the ability to ward off an invasion or deploy into Asia.


    China is sent a non-aggression pact. The Americans cancel all previous offers to the Japanese. They worry of invasion and prepare accordingly.


    On the mainland, General Patterson's approval rating is at nearly 96%. Since the Union is now growing economically and stabilizing, and a civil war was avoided, yet the two sides both got they wanted, he is effectively elected as a democratic leader. He follows the Union Constitution strictly and no liberties are infringed upon.


    The Union finishes the training, armament, and conscription of over a million men, including those in the reserves. The Union military personnel numbers at around 1,500,000 - 500,000 of which are stationed in the Pacific. More and more are trained and the military grows in size - the primary Union budget goes to defense and infrastructure.


    General Patterson also sends a missive to the Islamic Caliphate. Although there is nothing mentioned, it is a political game to show them that the General responsible for their near-destruction, before they were a powerful force, was now President of the United States.



    United States Pacific Islands Naval Fleet:


    - 500,000 Navy Sailors and Active Front Line Personnel

    - 8 Aircraft Carriers including the U.S.S Nimitz

    - 665 Fighter Planes (On Carriers)

    - 225 Fighter Planes (On Base)

    - 22 Destroyers

    - 20 Submarines

    - 300 Long-Range Bombers (On Base)

    - 25,000 Navy SEALS Special Operations Forces

  22. United-States-of-America-Eagle-Flag-HD-W


    The Union States of America


    The shock of the brutality of the Californian people devastated the American populace. The drones captured images of the extreme brutality of the Californians and how brainwashed these American had become. And now a new nation dared close itself off from the Union and dared to pretend to be sovereign when they had acted in such a way against departing troops. Hell, they weren't even a democracy or a "Republic". The General scratched his chin. Before he gave up his position to an elected President, he needed to stabilize the country... and this was not okay. Since deals with the Confederacy go extremely well - well beyond their expectation, the Union redirects its border troops to mobilize on the coast of the California Republic. They were not going to attack or invade. They, however, would besiege it. Cut off all of its trade with California, cut all maintenance to its levies, and declared that the Union did not recognize the independence of California as they had previously planned to do. The Naval Fleet in San Francisco, however, had left to go to the Pacific Islands, and were now stuck there until they had an active port on the West Coast. The American Navy in the Pacific turns its sights on California. A possible Naval attack may be necessary. The Californians didn't have the missile defense capabilities that the Unions and Confederates did and wouldn't be able to attack a force miles away. However, the General is hesitant to use violence to end violence, and instead asks the Confederacy and all foreign nations to put an embargo on the Republic of California, which was obviously an authoritarian regime.


    General Patterson makes a speech on national television:


    "... By God these Californians - once a peace loving bunch of Americans have now become barbaric. They say we impede on their liberty yet they attack our troops and hang them like animals. Neither the Confederacy or Union had ever commit such a gross action against their own kin. We hereby declare that the New California Republic is not recognized as a sovereign nation and is instead committing treason towards the Union States of America. If they want for us to open trade and negotiations with them, and consider them a nation, they must provide evidence of the people's approval of the government and the true democracy that every nation should have. We will not take military actions ... yet... to secure their allegiance and instead ask the people respectfully to lay down their arms. Liberty is prominent in the Western Hemisphere - more so than it ever has been before. If these people have the nerve to chew America out on its lack of liberty, they should look on at their government first and ask if they are really free."


    30,000 Union soldiers stand ready on the border of the illegitimate Republic. They are well armed and well trained and they wait for further orders. The Confederacy is asked to send in coalition troops in case it is discovered that the Californians are unsatisfied with their new government and/or that it is an oppressive state that has brainwashed its people.


    The CPNA troops in Alaska are met with embraces and alcohol. The Alaska State Militia cheers the military alliance and close relations with the Union and Confederacy and the evasion of a Civil War. They guard the Alaskan frontier from any threats and they train as well. Union politicians govern the land, however the state is very independent and the people enjoy as many liberties as elsewhere on the Continental United States.


    The U.S Military scavenges everything it can find military-related and builds up its arms and weapons cache. American Corporations, saved by the Yankee Summit Close Alliance Treaty, help finance industry to make more weapons and employ American civilians. The United States Military Academy at WestPoint also starts accepting Confederate Americans as if they were U.S Citizens. The Common currency, open borders, trade, an avoided civil war, and an effective military alliance makes the rifts between the Confederates and Unionists begin to heal. Soon, they are all considered American, yet they operate in two sovereign nations.


    The U.S asks Japan, India, and China for a trade agreement. It watches as small Japanese regiments enter American shored. U.S Navy sailors are taught to be wary. Naval ships are on constant patrol. American merchant ships send food rations, ammunition, and fuel to the French, being as discreet as possible. Not wanting anymore Russian Imperialism, they seek to aid the French in their defense.

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