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Posts posted by Minea_

  1. Captain Wulf Asgeir would frown in sadness at the group "I met one of your lads at our keep, your general, couldnt even afford to outkit you lot. Might need to get some contracts or start farming lads if times are so hard a mercenary group cant event afford armour"

  2. Captain Wulf Asgeir would nod his head once in approval "This is the only official order of the true church of Canonism, any others who profess religious zeal are better spent joining us"



    Name: Captain Wulf Asgeir

    Race: Northerner

    Position applied for: Captain of the Order

    Oath: “I Wulf Asgeir do swear upon all that I hold dear to live to the tenets and doctrines of this order, I do solemnly swear to be true to my brethren and zealous in fighting those who would seek to harm this order. I promise to follow any and all that is asked of me from those in command.”



  3. Minecraft Name: Mounkey_ (also Minea but that account is hacked/lost)

    Skype ID: You already have it, i'd prefer to keep it private for now.


    Do you, or have you held, any other staff positions: I was on the VAT back when we had villain apps.

    Where do you grab inspiration from: I'm a massive reader of historical fiction, thats probably most of my RP inspiration. Funnily enough LoTR is one of my favourite franchises and what led me to discover this server after typing LoTR minecraft roleplay server back in the end of 2011.

    What are your current list of characters, and are you willing to sacrifice anyI have two characters. My main is Wulf Aegir, a northman whom I would sacrifice for some awesome drama or an event, but not just for the sake of it and number two is Lothar Earth a heartlander whom I dont mind sacrificing at all.

    What race, or group, do your events best cater toMy events would best cater to humans, namely because that is the only group I have ever CONSISTENTLY RP'd around. But I would love to RP around any race/group.

    What do you believe are they key factors for a successful event Honestly I feel the key factors for a great event are participation from all involved, whether hostile or not people need to feel like they were experiencing the event not just witnessing it. Also the trait of accepting and not minding defeat! I've noticed that a lot of events get muddy when every joe and his toy soldier want to deal some death blow or be the saviour of some citizens. I personally feel from all involved the ability to LOSE and not just lose but actually enjoy being cut down or humiliated IRP makes for a very memorable and enjoyable event from all involved. And this is a teeny one but the ability to keep up with emotes.

    What strengths would you bring to the team: I feel like I am experienced in roleplay, I came to this server not too long after its creation and have seen good and bad over my time here. I am an organised person due to having led various successful orders and guilds over the years. I feel my people skills are up to scratch as the fact of the matter is RP and OOC mix and clash and it takes being a nice diplomatic person to stop feuds and potential jealousies.

    Why do you want to be part of the teamI feel like it'd be great to help the impromptu as well as planned RP of the server. Plus i've noticed with my timezone we have around 30 people online when all the yanks are asleep, it'd be great to have some impromptu RP to help along the RP down here in australia when there isnt too many people online. I would just enjoy being involved in all of that. Ive always loved RP as my imagination has always been one of my arguably worst or best strengths. It'd be good to use it.

    Create three distinct event scenarios based on the servers lore that you would organize: (Keep in mind that these pitches are to the managers and the lead, no the community.)

    1. A dazed and bewildered Northman walks into the streets of Sutica, his chain mail ragged and torn and eyes wild. Rambling nonsense about some creature of the mountains and his group of apparently slaughtered kinsmen he convinces a group of armed locals to investigate. Upon following the terrified man and further investigation they discover the slaughtered remains of the mans group amongst scattered belongings are the tracks of a massive bear. Shocked into action the group follow the tracks to a snowy mountain cave where they discover the sleeping form of a behemoth white bear, before any decision is made the crazed man runs into the cave screaming about revenge and glory. The bear awakes and a battle for survival ensues, where the group must either defeat the bear or somehow flee the rugged perilous terrain. When some attempt to flee they find the way back blocked by a second white bear, the mate to the first and now both groups are forced to fight off the large creatures. If the groups fail to do so the bears will prey on the local citizens until a levvy is raised in force to drive them off. Perhaps a couple cubs would be discovered after the slaughter of their parents?


    2. A group of tar slick sailors take a berth at the Jburg docks. Upon their arrival they regale the local citizens with stories of mass treasure on some unknown island to the north, none present have ever heard of the island or its apparent abundance of treasure, however the sailors are very charismatic and entrance the local citizens to the point that the crowd is begging for an opportunity to get on board the ship and venture forth with them. A few hours of sailing later takes them to a point where land isnt in site, the sailors looking a little confused consult their maps only to be interupted by the explosion of water on their starboard side and what appears to be some behemoth of the deep hissing and growling at the figures aboard the small vessel. Before anyone can react the fron end of the ship is shattered and the debris and wreckage is snapped in twain, forcing all those on board to either choose a side of the sinking ship or trust their luck to a piece of debris. The behemoths snake like arms start to seek out the unsuspecting and bewildered survivors dragging them under to their deaths. Some of the local citizens curse their choice to come aboard and others take matters into their own hands leaping and climbing the quickly sinking mast whilst the beast is occupied with those swimming survivors. The only chance at survival being the small vulnerable soft spot on the beasts crab like head. Whether they slay the beast or everyone dies is yet to be seen.


    3. A scruffy soldier type man clatters into the settlement of Aegirstrond, his mount lathered in sweat and clothes travel worn. Gesturing to the raiders present he begs for their help in seeing off what he can only describe as a large wolflike creature prowling the marshlands. Ever keen for sport those raiders with horses  mount up and follow the scruffy man, coming to a thick forest the group is set upon by a large force of undead fiends, the scruffy man smiles wickedly to himself before galloping out of site leaving the group of now surrounded hunters becoming the hunted. Forced back against the trees the group must now choose whether to fight or flee. With horses going down and rearing in fright the small group starts to get overthrown with one or two succumbing to the overwelming force of undead. Quickley realising that fight is not an option they ditch their mounts and climb the trees seeking to stay above the ground which is now full of the undead. Now they must leap from tree to tree thanking the gods that the forest is so tightly packed. They get to the other side where they have a better chance of facing their opponents, and trying to survive the long night. Finally having gotten away the question remained who was the man and what purpose did he serve?

    How long do you plan to be able to work on the team: As long as I am needed, or until this hunk of junk computer gives out on me.

    Tell me a joke: Bloody NSW's origin team mate. 

  4. Florian swaggers forward with an air of confidence before looking around furtively and writing a note beneath the sign.

    "The brown horse and black horse (375) I am very interested in buying, perhaps you could give me a deal for the both of them- Florian the Bard"

  5. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: - Mounkey_

    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?:- Minea (although the reason for this alt app is that I have lost control of Minea that account should be unwhitelisted./black listed)


    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes

    Do you understand you can not be on both of these accounts at once?: Yes

    Do you understand that if one account is banned, so will the other(s)?: Yes

    How long have you been on LoTC?: I think three years?

    How many accounts do you currently have whitelisted?: One.



    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.


    Character’s name: Florian McHaryn

    Character’s gender: Male

    Character’s race: Human

    Character’s age: 28

    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):

    Florian is a warrior bard that travels around with his best friend Dr. Hudson. He has always had a love of music and and the finer things of life, his interests are always about his own safety and furthering in life, which as it happens aligns with the interests of his friend Dr Hudson. He learnt the art of the sword from his father Jock, however although he is proficient with the blade he would much rather use his silver tongue to talk his way out of a sticky situation. He is not a coward although he is well versed in the sense of a strategic withdrawal if odds are not in his favour. When he was born, his father a citizen and soldier of Felsen, took Florian to a relative in the countryside in an attempt to escape the higher chance of falling sick to the plague of 1526, however after the plague seemed to die down they both returned  to Felsen, meaning Florian was raised in Felsen until the age of 18, his life consisted of the rigorous training only a military father/average swordsman devoted to the future safety of his son could provide, however at the age of 18 he ran away from home sick to death with the training and household rules of a common soldier. His life then ventured to take him onto a ship where he finally sated the desire for freedom and consequently picked up his talent for playing the lute from a fellow seaman. 


    He has a twisted sense of honour and to the passing observer seems selective in times where he would choose to be a"hero", but ultimately his desire for survival and gain are his biggest drives and besides Dr. Hudson he would not flinch at deserting a friend.  His skill in music surpasses his skill in the blade, although he sometimes feels as if he is some hero reborn; his actual skill sets do not in the slightest back up that confidence, average with a sword and slightly above average in the art of music he sometimes has a higher opinion of himself.


    Personality Traits: He is very cunning and described as having a silver tongue. His sense of honour is selective although he has a soft spot for those less fortunate, this soft spot does not make him selfless though. 

    Ambitions:Further his lot in life purely desiring to bask in the glory of the finer things, whether fine food or horses he wishes to relax. He is however somewhat content with his role of a travelling bard as he enjoys the freedom of the road.

    Strengths/Talents: He is proficient in the blade and his profession as a bard has allowed him to hone his brawling skills as some of his audience are less the accommodating. He figures himself quite the looker and will attempt to charm any of the finer sex, although that can be hit or miss. He is more well versed in the intrigue of a noble court than a common soldier as on occasion his profession and skill as a bard has caught the eye of a local dignitary, along with this though as his occupation would force him to be, he is well acquainted with living rough and having ruffian company. He is quite adept at playing the lute and has a clear tenor voice.

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: His lifestyle makes him almost completely undisciplined, so although he has a goal all thoughts of planning or investing are non existent, meaning he almost always blows whatever money he has on a temporary bout of pleasure. This can sometimes leak into his military skills, as he forgets that after a month of rough living and heavy drinking his sword skills diminish tremendously leaving him incapable of defence even if he feels he can defend against anything. The only thing that is unaffected by the lack of discipline is his holding a grudge, and will plan and connive anyway to get revenge on those he feels have wronged him; with his average sword skills and complete lack of powerful friends this desire almost always gets him into more trouble that he is unable to get out of.

    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight): He is around 6 ft and roughly 85 kg, he has green eyes and brown hair, he is well muscled but the kind that comes with travelling rough and eating the finer foods when he can, meaning that the muscle is under a thin layer of fat so he would never be considered lean or "ripped", however this fat does not make him less agile.

    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):  %7Boption%7Dhttp://i.imgur.com/H7mlxCT.png[/img]  (I posted this off an iPhone and it was extremely difficult to even get this far please don't deny purely because the awkward screen shot!!))

  6. MC Name: Grouchybadger.

    Rank/Class applied for (Be specific):  Cavalier, I'm skilled with and axe and focus my time upon skill in battle and fighting foes much large than myself.

    Timezone: GMT.

    Skype: Lawrencemillington.

    Why do you wish to join: For honor and glory and maybe some minas.

    Cavalier is a knightly rank, we will have to test your ability, it is uncommon to join straight as a cavalier. 

  7. Hey guys, sorry to be a bother. But recently my account was hacked (Minea), and PW changed, I have however managed to unhack it and rechange the pass word. Unfortunetly upon my request the forum account was banned. I have it back now and would like to have it unban, and this one here (Minea_) banned/deleted. Can I please have this done?? Thankyou.

  8. MC Name: c360

    Rank/Class applied for (Be specific): Keeper

    Timezone: Central Standard Time (GMT -6)

    Skype: Skype is a bit glitched for me, I will try to fix it soon though

    Why do you wish to join: Wulfgar wishes to join to learn more about Magic, and other odd, or strange things in the world.


    ((Sweet sounds good we'll organise a meeting place, try and get that skype fixed :P))

    MC Name:


    Rank/Class applied for (Be specific):



    Mountain Time



    Why do you wish to join:

    Sir Eddard wishes to futher his knowledge on Comabt and weapons so he can better defend the people of the world from the north and such.

    ((Awesome i'll add you on skype man, we'll talk from there about a meeting time))

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