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Posts posted by neopianzz

  1. General rule of thumb is you must not be banned in order to hold any staff position. Staff which were banned had their positions removed temporarily.


    Et's are not technically on the server, they're on another server building or even doing it alone and just sending schematics.

  2. Aren't you still banned?


    Yeah I am. I'm not the person to give up though, I hardly ever give up. If I can give something back to this community dammit i should try. Plus I enjoy building so why not try to give something back doing something I love, and there's no restrictions to being on the et as far as i'm aware of.

  3. Note I added the planet mc links to each build because the contain more pictures, also more clear pictures without editing. The  black italic text under the pictures represents the text i wrote with uploading it to planet mc, the black non italic one is how i feel about it.

    Minecraft name: 
    Skype ID: 
    What is your favorite building style?:
    Fantasy like, very colourful with patterns, also I like working on big builds, castles, cathedrals. Etc. 
    What are some of your most treasured builds? (screenshots if possible):
    More pictures
    'The safe haven'
    This is a little cute church inn thing, idk. I was bored and whipped this up. It's not symmetrical neither is it furnished inside, so hence not uploading it.. Again lol. I feel like all i ever do is not upload things and just show em off. I'm not happy with it :( I do have the schematic, I may upload it later tonight It's pretty early in the morn anyway, well the colour scheme is orange/red/yellow/purple. Sunset colours. Hence the name. And uh. Yeah. Inspired by notre dame in paris. Not much to say bout this one
    The safe haven is my favourite because I spent a lot of time on it and it's inspired by one of my most favourite builds in the world, notre dame. I used to see it everyday outside my window so I pretty much know how it looks by heart. The colour scheme is very warm on this one, mixed with purple which is typically a kind of cold colour, but it looks good together ( If that makes sense. ) Maybe i'm just blabbering here.
    Please provide screenshots of any medieval builds strictly you have built and a description of each:
    'Fairy inn'

    More pictures
    I was just kinda bored and built this, I had fun. It's more of a castle rather than an inn. It's not furnished, nor are there any decorations on the inside other than the one in the pictures. It has three floors, though you could probably fit one more if you really wanted to. There is a table and some chairs on the second one. I may upload the file later on when I feel like it :P It's inspired by pixie stuff, hence the colour scheme ( Blue, Purple and Pink)
    The fairy inn is one of my favourites, it's all furnished and this one has more work on the inside than it does on the outside, it has patters that i worked hard on and it's partly furnished, this one is probably my best furnishing job.
    ' Vallhalla safe haven'
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    Yay! This is a build i've been working on for a long time, it's inspired by Vallhalla, the nordic mythology's 'heaven' if you die in combat, you get taken to vallhalla. Well, according to mythology at least. It's in asgard, as most of you know from thor or whatever even though it's painfully inaccurate. Below is an illustration of valhalla swell it's very colourful with a lot of warm colours hence the colour scheme red, orange & yellow. There's different representations of vallhalla a lot of temple like rather than castle like but my favourite is the one below. I don't know how many fellow 'norms' are on pmc but I guess there's gonna be one person complaining about the accuracy, there is no 'official' illustration of vallhalla so basically, this is kinda freestyle. Because surprisingly i've never been in vallhalla lol
    This one is inspired by nordic mythology, vallhalla heaven for the battle peoplez. I like it a lot, it has a lot of warm colours swell as a lot of my builds, the shape is inspired by the illustrations of vallhalla while the colours is swell but from different illustrations. ( this probably sounds really confusing :s) 
    'Fairy cruiser'
    more pictures
    I am kinda bored tonight and in a fantasy mood, lol. Here's a fairy cruiser, it's really simple. Just a boat with some butterfly wing, :-D I think it looks pretty cute, I'll add a download link l8er when I feel like it :3 It's kinda inspired by that one fantasy world episode of south park. Lol. I was watching it and kinda got the idea.
    Um this is kinda lame, cause it was inspired by south park, the episode where butters get stuck in imaginary land and cart man takes kyle to court and stuff. I saw some giant butterflies in the background and came up with this. It's the first boat i built that I was proud of, the past few days i've gotten better at building boats it's kind of a forte now. This particularly doesn't fit in to lotc maybe, but i'm still pretty proud of this.
    ' Shining suns pvp arena'
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    Yay! A request done :D It's a pvp arena, my first one mostly pixel art, it has seats and all the good stuff. It's kinda inspired by tribal, the colour scheme is purple, blue,light blue,cyan,white,orange, red yellow. A lot of colours, I really like the design it's not supposed to be anything specific though it kinda looks like a flower I guess. Enjoy :D Feel free to put on your server just don't reupload.
    This again, is something that really doesn't 'fit' into lotc, but i'm posting it cause of the pixel art. It's all symmetric, it took a long time to make because at the time I usually sucked at making symmetric art. This is just to prove how good i am at pixel art work, like the one above. It kinda looks like a church window, so my skills in this could be used for something like that.
     'The sunset surfer'

     Yay! This is my first ship, I'm not too good yet but it was fun to make, i'm not sure how to build and stuff it's not very symmetrical. It's not done really, I'm not sure if I wanna finish it either. It's a bit rough but it's good start, this one is inspired by the old asulon docks in lotc :D The colour scheme is cyan/white my favourite colours :D ( And purple, but purple isn't on the ship heheh.) Well, hope ya think it's pretty n'd all :D
    This ship is actually inspired by the good ol asulon docks, it's not symmetrical in the picture so you can't really see the imperfections later on i went and fixed it, so it was symmetrical not in this picture though.  It looks pretty basic as a ship If I wanted to i could probably make more intricate ships.
    'Night mist inn'
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    Wo! Have another little thing, it's an inn not inspired by anything specific just inns. Not furnished, the inside is all cluttered, it's a little furnished Iwas gonna but got tired so it's like half furnished. I hope ya like it, for once I actually got the download link directly set up :D No color sheme just wood and white wool with bricks. The part that actually is furnished is purple. But not much of the inn is furnished.
    This one is really simple and i built it really fast, I just put it here to show how I work with basic small builds.

    As a builder, what makes you unique and stand out from the crowd?:
    I'm pretty independtend and I like colours a lot, I can build with normal materials that aren't coloured but I am really good with coloured wool and coloured clay. I can build pretty good cathedrals/churches aswell.
    Are you an independent builder, and are you capable of handling all aspects of a build?

    Yup, I work independently. I can work all aspects, from furnishing to building the actual thing. I can work with others pretty well but working alone  is my forte. 
    Additional details:

    My planet mc account maybe have two or three builds I haven't posted here so check it out if you want more to look at. 

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