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Posts posted by Lasacow

  1. This is a really good guide although I have to agree with kebab on one thing. The reason bandits are often so quick to take the money and gtfo of there is because they are afraid that the person they are mugging will go meta on their ass and message all their friends to come online and help them gank the bandit. Otherwise really good job +1 :)

  2. Do you know any other languages other than English?

    Why does Herlin hate magic?
    Why do you have a friend that practices magic? (the one that blew my door into pieces once :p )
    What does bs mean? (foreign and I really don't know :/ help mi )

    Also BS stands for bullshit which is what you say when you can tell that someone is lying i.e. Billy: My dad is Steve Jobs Timmy: Bullshit!

  3. Is this Ramsay Snow 2.0???

    I'll admit I did want to create this character after seeing Ramsay Snow, but no it's not. Many things are different.

    EDIT: Also I thoroughly enjoy playing torturers (my two previous chars were) so it's no surprise that I made another one.

  4. Character Name: Rendon Dread
    Nicknames: None
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human, Northerner
    Status: Alive

    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 210lbs
    Body Type: Not overly tall but not small either. He has a lot of upper body strength.
    Eyes: Ice blue
    Hair: Scraggly and black
    Skin: White but mildly tanned
    Markings/Tattoos: Various cuts and bruises on his face and body.
    Health: Fairly good although doesn't live in ideal living conditions and doesn't have the healthiest lifestyle. Good stamina and no disease however.
    Personality: Could be trustworthy if you do what he wants and advises. If not he wouldn't fail to backstab you in a heartbeat. Very malicious and cruel to his enemies and anyone that annoys him.
    Inventory: Has a shortsword with a skull head design sheathed on his left and a dagger sheathed on his right.
    Further Details: Rendon dons a thick wolfs pelt cloak along with black leather and brown wool attire under layered by chainmail.

    Life Style
    Alignment*: Lawful Evil although he often leans towards Chaotic Evil.
    Deity*: None
    Religion: Atheism
    Alliance/Nation/Home: Oren
    Job/ClassHe likes to consider himself a Lord although in reality he is middle class.
    Title(s): Lord of the Dreadrock (future)
    Profession(s): Rendon is a hunter, warrior and a torturer (if that counts).
    Special Skill(s): Rendon can be manipulative as he is both ruthless and clever. He is particularly good at tracking which makes him an excellent hunter and he is also very proficient in the art of knife-play.
    Flaw(s): His ego can often get the better of him. If someone insults him, his brothers or his men, he can often be quick to the draw which can often result in a very sticky situation. He is also known to over think his plans which can often lead to defeat or complete failure.

    Fighting Style: Fast but strong jabs and slashes (mostly prefers to kidnap his target and torture them later if he has the opportunity).
    Trained Weapon(s)Daggers, knives, shortswords and maces.
    Favoured WeaponDual wielding a shortsword in his right hand and a dagger in his left.
    ArcheryHe is fairly good at using a bow although he prefers hand to hand combat.

    Parents: His father Houndor 'Giantsbane' Dread was killed by Rendon and his brothers, and his mother Marionne Dread was killed by their father.
    SiblingsHe has two brothers who are both a year younger than him; Isaan (sinkeytrap) and Rorne (_Juggernaught_).
    ChildrenHe has none.
    Extended FamilyNone that he knows of.
    Pet(s): Him and his brothers have plenty of hounds at their disposal.


    (I'm going to get round to doing this section later)


    (I'll add some later)



    (Also this section)

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