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Posts posted by Sheffield

  1. qL5FKgp.gif






    Name's Edward Sheffield or Sheffield, the name I go by on the forums, pleasure to meet'cha!


    I'm not exactly new, although I'm aware that I'm a bit of a 'ghost-cat' here on the forums. That is to say, I'm a bit unknown! Hopefully this post is a little step further in the right direction to becoming a more active member of the community!


    Anyhow, here goes!


    I don't particularly roleplay much, as odd as it sounds, although I've roleplayed for five years prior to Lord of the Craft. I don't have any specific reason for losing the enjoyment I used to get out of roleplay, I just sorta' did. That said, I do still love watching the roleplay from afar and being apart of the roleplaying communities. I still take part in forum roleplay on sites such as the 'Roleplayer Guild' and I saw that these forums have their own forum roleplay section too, so I'll more than likely join that at some point!

    The character I do roleplay as when I pop on the server is called Elroy Sheffield, a member of the old House Sheffield. I was reading about the lore on the wiki, and came across House Sheffield and upon further investigation, realised that it had in a sense died out. It seemed to me like it had a rich history, and sharing the same name, it seemed natural to join the house! I'll admit I don't particularly do it much justice in the way of making it what it once was, although from what I've read it always seemed to be a relatively small house (member-wise) and I don't want to do anything to major that may ruin the reputation of the old house.



    A bit about me in general, would be that I'm going on to study history at University, and hopefully then I shall take a teacher-training course to teach the subject to secondary pupils. Nothing I love more than history, and both of my parents along with most of my extended family have either been teachers, or involved with education departments. As such, education seemed a natural career path for me to follow!

    I'm also a large fan of tennis and have been playing it for a large part of my life and i'm a part-time coach at my local club.

    Oh, and my biggest fear is open water! Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it!



    Heh, I dont really know what else to mention! Well, that's a bit about me at least, and I look forward to getting more involved within the community!

  2. Since you have proof of having an accepted application, I dont think being rewhitelisted would be a problem.


    When you first log in however, be sure to use /register, as we all have to register in-game again. That may simply be the issue, rather than not being on the whitelist.

  3. I believe that if you were killed/wounded, you would remember perhaps minor details of the battle. After all; the monks would ultimately revive you and I dont see any harm in remembering that you were apart of a conflict/battle, in which you were wounded in, so long as you do not remember specific detail.


    I would play it safe and simply remember minor details of a conflict, as that to me seems like a way to encourage further roleplay as your character desperately tries to figure out precicesly what happened, how their friends are holding up, and what the outcome of the conflict was.


    Be sure to check the rules here regarding war, found here;


  4. I would like to see a total removal of character history from the application. As the signs read when you step into this world. It is a birth for your character. You shouldn't be expected to know much, which gives you a chance to learn and grow IC vs OOCly.


    Removing character history would only help new players, as they could start from scratch and although they can still have personality's fleshed out a bit, they will soon find they are shaped by the world which they have entered and not by a per-determined focus.


    Heck, when I first was asked to join. I created a young Elvish woman, who was raised by Dwarves and sold fabulous soup for a living.....It only took me 2 days to realize that no one wanted to buy soup and quickly change my direction.....'Many thanks to Availer for the nudge.'


    I disagree. I dont think a complete removal of character history is necessary. I believe that more than anything else, the development of your character during the application stage indicates the current level of writing and roleplay you are at, murity and mindset.

    Naturally, characters will change throughout a players time on LOTC, that is to be expected. Though I think the creation of a character history actually gives players a chance to decide what kind of character they want to play, and it gives them initial talking points and roads into RP, or at least I feel it does. If they decided in their history that they wanted to play a warrior, though through actually playing on the server they discover that is no longer what they want to do, then so be it, however I dont feel that warrants the removal of generally the largest part of the application that requires the most time and dedication.

  5. I agree mostly with what's already been said. I feel that the application is good as it stands, although I would personally re-introduce Open-Ended Roleplaying questions. Whilst the quesitons may not directly relate to the roleplay on the server, it gives whomever is reviewing the application a better understanding of just how the applicant intends to roleplay, which I think is an incredibily important part of the reviewal process.

  6. [Right. I've temporarily-updated the Roster with what information I have. This coming Sunday, I will be performing an activity check, and I will be removing all guards whom have not played their character. I will also be speaking with the Serjeants to find out whom is what rank, so if your rank is currently incorrect on the roster, please bare with me whilst I sort it all out.]

  7. OOC Announcement:



    Hello folks!

    I'm going to be doing an activity check of the guard before dishing out pay. I suspect quite a few of the current guards to be inactive. I'm going to be sending PMs to those I suspect of being inactive, and see if we can work things out.

    Should you be inactive as a member of the guard for a prolonged period of time, you will unfortunately be removed from the guard force.

    I am however understanding of those whom have reasoning, personal or otherwise, for being somewhat inactive.



  8.                IC                               


    What is your name?: Arjen de Sarkozy





    What is your name?: Xander


    Reads over the application, before writing a reply, attatching it to a bird and sending it off, it reads;


    "Your application to the Abresi City Watch has been accepted. You will become a Recruit of the Watch, and trained by the Serjeants and/or specified trainers. For now, please ensure you pick up a Uniform from the Guard Headquarters, there is a uniform waiting for you.

     Feel free to put it on and report for duty as soon as you wish. Stick with a superior for now, if possible."

  9.                     IC                               
    What is your name?: William, but my friends call me Willian the wanderer

    Reads over the application, before writing a reply, attatching it to a bird and sending it off, it reads;



    "Your application to the Abresi City Watch has been accepted. You will become a Recruit of the Watch, and trained by the Serjeants and/or specified trainers. For now, please ensure you pick up a Uniform from the Guard Headquarters, there is a uniform waiting for you.

     Feel free to put it on and report for duty as soon as you wish. Stick with a superior for now, if possible."

  10.                     IC                               


    What is your name?:Brand Gores


    What is your name?:

    I am called Karze, for the name I was born into is far too long.




    What is your name?: Felix


    Reads over the application from the three, before writing a reply, attatching it to a bird and sending it off, it reads;

    "Your application to the Abresi City Watch has been accepted. You will become a Recruit of the Watch, and trained by the Serjeants and/or specified trainers. For now, please ensure you pick up a Uniform from the Guard Headquarters, there is a uniform waiting for you.


      Feel free to put it on and report for duty as soon as you wish. Stick with a superior for now, if possible."

    (I'll add ya'll to the chat. PM your Skype Names.)

  11.                 IC                               


    What is your name?: Isac

    Reads over the application from Isac, before writing a reply, attatching it to a bird and sending it off, it reads;


    "Your application to the Abresi City Watch has been accepted. You will become a Recruit of the Watch, and trained by the Serjeants and/or specified trainers. For now, please ensure you pick up a Uniform from the Guard Headquarters, there is a uniform waiting for you.

      Feel free to put it on and report for duty as soon as you wish. Stick with a superior for now, if possible."

    (Please also PM me your Skype name, and I'll add you to the chat.)

  12. What is your name?: Mordin Raloch Be my name mate



    Reads over the application from Mordin Raloch, before writing a reply, attatching it to a bird and sending it off, it reads;


    "Your application to the Abresi City Watch has been accepted. You will become a Recruit of the Watch, and trained by the Serjeants and/or specified trainers. For now, please ensure you pick up a Uniform from the Guard Headquarters, there is a uniform waiting for you.

      Feel free to put it on and report for duty as soon as you wish. Stick with a superior for now, if possible."

  13. The Abresi City Watch


    The Abresi City Watch are entrusted the duty of ensuring the city of Abresi remains a safe enviroment for all within. We are tasked with upholding Law and Order within the boundaries of the Kings Law.

    Peace and Security, above all else.




    Ranks & Pay of the Watch




    It is the Captains duty to ensure the Guard remains running smoothly, and efficiently. The Captain achieves this by assigning tasks to those below him, and he is also responsible for the appointment of the two Serjeants, based on recommendations given to him by the Lieutenant.




    The Lieutenant is the second-in-command of the Guard Force. It is the duty of the Lieutenant to manage the day-to-day running of the Guards within Abresi, whilst the Captain is mostly found behind a desk. The Lieutenant has the ability to promote, or demote guards based on their performance, and is also responsible for keeping an eye on the Serjeants, and informing the Captain of their progress whilst also making recommendations for their promotion, or demotion, based on their performance.




    There can only be three Serjeants in total at all times. It is the job of the Serjeants to train the City Watch guards, recruit potential guards and lead the members of the City Watch on their tasks and assignments. They are paid 175 minas per Elven Week and may keep 50 Minas of all fines they issue.




    The rank and file of the City Watch, they will perform patrols, enforce laws, issue fines, and maintain the Kings Peace within Abresi. They are paid 100 minas per Elven week and may keep 25 Minas of all fines they issue.




    Newly recruited members, they will follow alongside Guards and learn the tricks of the trade. Recruits will be promoted to Guards after one elven week of commitment, and will receive a bonus of 150 minas when they are promoted.





    -All members of the City Watch must own and reside in a home within Abresi.


    -All members of the City Watch must display professionalism whilst on duty, and are to treat the citizens of Abresi with respect.

    -All members of the City Watch must be in uniform while on duty.

    -Any member of the City Watch caught committing crimes or abusing powers will be banished and be delivered an equivalent punishment befitting their crimes.

    -All members of the City Watch must obey their superiors.

    -Potential recruits must be above the age of 16 years.

    -The City gate must be kept open unless there is a guard on duty.




    (May be altered in the near-future)

    -All recruits are given chainmail gear with a dyed leather helmet and an iron sword

    -Guards are given full chain with an iron helmet and an iron sword

    -Serjeants are given full iron armor and an iron sword

    -Captains are given full iron armor and a gold helmet



    (To be changed in the near-future)






    One could find a stack of papers outside the City Watch Headquarters bearing empty application formats. It seems all that’s in your way of joining the City Watch is filing some paperwork…



    What is your name?:


    Do you have any previous military/combat experience?:


    Why should we recruit you?:


    What is your preferred weapon?:


         Do you currently own a home in Abresi?:      


    Are you aware of the laws of Abresi?:





    Minecraft Name:


    How long have you been on the server for?:


    Do you have access to TS and/or Skype?:


    If you have Skype, what is your name? :

    (Feel free to PM me)


    Roughly, how active can you be:


    Have you been banned before, if so, why:




    All major announcements regarding the City Watch will be displayed here...



    Guards will now recieve pay every elven week!

    (Basically, after having been in the Guard for a week, you will begin to recieve pay every Sunday. So, Sunday is pay-day!)



    Current Guard Roster



    Edmure Sheffield




    Dionysius Light




    Richard Marthall, Dingo, Arjen De Sarkozy





    Willhelm Strife,

    Pierre Flahough ,


    Rydan Ashur,

    Bael Tunnelmasher,

    Oliver Crowley,

    Konrad Heinzreich,


    Maria Manston,

    Mordin Raloch




    Henry Westfall

    George Smith

    Henry Graywind

    Veronia Ashur






    Sheon Ryder

    Ewan Gunda

    Rick Felder

    Edmure Parkins

    Aliesha Eyes

    Zorak Rosenthal

  14. Commands:

    /search [player] - sends the target player a request to search their inventory.

    /search accept (slot) - accept the search. By adding a number after ‘accept’ you can also try hiding an item in your hotbar. 20% chance that you are discovered, it may be quite suspicious to be caught red-handed. The # can be from 1 → 9. (hotbar size)

    /search deny - denies the search.

    [This is the new search plugin.


    All Guards should learn the ins-and-outs of this plugin, as it will certainly be needed during work.]

  15. IC:

    What is your name?


    "Edmure Sheffield is my name, Sir."

    Do you have any previous military/combat experience?


    "Only that of some training, sir. I've never before been in an Army, albeit I believe I have the skills required with a blade. I have indeed used it to protect myself, and as you can see, I've emerged victorious.

    Aside from that experience, I also pride myself on my literacy and I feel as though my skills not only with a blade, but also behind a desk, could be of use."

    What is your preferred weapon?


    "A blade, Sir. I feel as though a true man fights up close, with his foes."

    Where do you live in Abresi? A house in Abresi is required.

    "I currently take residence in a local inn, yet with the pay earned through this Guard Force, I will no-doubt invest in a permanent abode here in Abresi."


    Have you been banned before, if so, why?


    I have never recieved a ban, nor any sort of warning on LOTC.

  16. Out-Of-Character Information

    The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: -



    How old are you?: -



    What time-zone do you live in?: -



    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: -


    I would say I have been roleplaying for perhaps three years now. Be it Forum Roleplay, Specific MMO Roleplaying Servers or what have you. This is my first time roleplaying on a minecraft server, however.

    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: -


    None that are based on Minecraft.

    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): -



    How did you hear about us?: -


    I merely began searching for a Minecraft Roleplaying Server.

    What do you think the server will be like? -


    I originally perceived it to be a high-fantasy server (as it was advertised), albeit after glossing over the forums, it appears my original perceptions were wrong. Nontheless, I still wish to join this community, and experience it's roleplay, which now seems to be different according to each nation.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: -



    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: -


    • Racism is allowed in-character, but make sure you don't do it out-of-character - it can only be towards other in-game races.


    • "We don't allow 'cybering', paedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, or
      anything akin to that - if you're not sure whether what you're doing is
      allowed - your best bet is: to not do it!

    Simply, the safety of the players must come first at all times.


    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: -


    Roleplaying is the idea of taking direct control of a fictional characters life. You almost become them, thinking as they would, and acting as they would. I like to view it as acting on a stage, albeit the script is made up as you go along.

    What’s metagaming?: -


    Using information your character would not have knowledge of.

    What’s powergaming?: -


    SImply giving your character ridiculous abilities that they would, realistically, have no means of doing.

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: -


    Edgar Provost

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: -


    Human ( Southerner )

    What sex are they?: -



    How old are they?: -



    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family: -


    Having been an only child, Edgar was raised on the outskirts of Solace. His family were poor, and could afford no luxuries, yet the family always remained a somewhat optimistic one, and Edgars parents were extremely lenient, almost always allowing him to do things of his own choice, instead of working on the farm, which was odd for an impoverished, farming family.


    There is not much else to be said for his Childhood, for it largely consisted of playing with his friends, and helping around on the farm when he was not found to be playing. There were no major events in his childhood, no disasters and no major hardships. Life was simple.


    However, his parents, growing old and somewhat frail, opted to stay on Asulon, instead of also making their way towards Anthos. They provided Edgar with what little they had. Tattered clothing, several gold pieces, and a mug, engraved both the names of Edgar, and his parents. When the many people of Asulon began to settle on Anthos, it was a shock for Edgar at first. He had a feeling of emptiness, a feeling of a life without purpose. Until now, his parents had given him direction, guidance and chores. He now had none of that. Instead, a large, new world lay before him, with endless possibilities and outcomes.


    Edgar had no large aspirations. He new he would not change the way the world works. He simply wanted to get by. To life a fulfilling life. With that in mind, he simply returned to what he knew. Working on a farm. He remained working on the farm for years, earning what he could, and learning what he could also.


    Now, however. Edgar has left the farm. He is instead on his way to bigger, greater things. His aspiration being to open an inn. Not an easy task for a man such as him, yet he knew he had the skills to run one, and the task now, was to get the inn itself...

    What are they like (personality)?: -


    A jovial and optimistic man, Edgar is never one to be in a foul mood, no matter the circumstances. He is somewhat known for it. Despite this, he is perhaps naive to the world around him, caring little for the wars or politics of the nations.


    Edgar is also known to be extremely helpful. Perhaps a reason why he wishes to open his inn, is to help the weary travellers of Anthos. He believes, whilst there are many heroes, and adventurers in Anthos, without people such as him to tend to them whilst they rest, they would simply fade.

    What are their ambitions?: -


    Edgar has simple aspirations for his life. He wishes to open an inn, and simply remain there until his death. He does not care for a family, for wars, or for politics. He merely wishes to live a life that is fulfilling to him.

    Do they have any special skills?: -


    Farming, Brewing and Managing. Edgar has refined himself so that he is able to run an inn without hitch, and his experiences in life have all contributed to the skills he has now.

    What are their weaknesses?: -


    Edgar has never held a sword in his life (or any weapon for that matter), and he expects never to have too. He is perhaps all too easy a target for bandits, or any other with foul ambitions.

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: -


    Overweight, with dark brown, ragged hair and slight stubble to accompany it. He is never one to be seen in elaborate clothing, tending to simply stick to comfortable, yet somewhat tattered clothing.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: -



    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: -



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