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Posts posted by ChilledVapes

    Skype name: Richhomebrax
    Username: Chilledvapes

    A roll of paper makes its way to you. A set of seemingly familiar initials had you been born within the tribe. Either way, this parchment calls for your attention.

    You open the letter that is cold to the touch.

    The letter reads:


    "We are looking for our brothers and sisters that when we landed on Vailor were lost. If you believe yourself to have been one of us in another life, or are a lost brother or sister, call for a hawk.

    They know our people's spirits. They will bring your reply to us."

    What is the name you were given at birth? Baron Endicott
    What is the race you were born as? Human

    Whose words are final? Chieftan's

    Do you have ancestry within the Warhawkes? Nay. 

    If you were to be lost in a place you couldn't recognize, how would you find your way back? Why try to find a way back when the new can only bring knowledge?

  2. IGN: ChilledVapes

    RP-Name: Kairo Stryker

    Do you hold any prior faction allignment: Yes, Scions but haven't done any RP with them yet.

    Are you willing to dedicate your life to the Storm-sword:"Aye, my honor belongs to the Storm-Sword."

    Do you understand desertion or breaking your contract mean's execution:Yes

    What company would you intend to join:Free-Swords

    Skype (Feel free to PM it):

  3. ((OOC))
    MC Name:Chilledvapes
    Timezone:US Est

    Name:Kairo Stryker
    Nation Allegiance (Only if you are a political member, this does not count citizenship):N/A
    Can you fight?:You may test my skills if you feel it is needed.
    Do you know magic?:No.
    Would you do work (Nexus professions) for the Scions?:Possibly if needed as a blacksmith, though I would prefer to be primarily a fighter.

  4. OOC:


    IGN: Chilledvapes

    How active are you?: From 12pm-10pm (US Eastern Daily)

    Do you have Skype? If so post name here: Richhomiebraxton

    Do you have TS?: Yes




    Name: Kairo Stryker

    Age: 19

    Race: Human

    Profession or other specialty: Enchanter/Blacksmith/Miner

    What job position are you aiming for?: Merchant/Blacksmith

  5. Full Name: Kairo Stryker


    Place of Birth: The city of Leuvaarden


    Date of Birth: The Deep Cold 1484


    Age: 19 


    Profession: N/A


    Date of Issue: 14th The Deep Cold 1507


    Date of Expiry: 14th The Deep Cold 1511


    Core Guild Enlistment: (Currently nulified)


    Valais entitlement Status: NO


    Ownership of property within Salvus: None

  6. The light you cannot see, shines the brightest.

    The Order Of The Blacklight.


    A seemingly average military order who participates in trade and battles However there is a lot more to the order, even some things the members don't know about. The Order is completely neutral, so anyone can join. Whether you are a heroic warrior, or a villainous assassin. The Order is run by Wolfe Stryker, and was originally made to protect the village Chrisendale from some of the surrounding forces. Wolfe believes that the creator wanted him to start this Order for a reason. 



    Code Of Conduct:

    1. Obey your superiors.

    2. Always fight by your Brother/Sister(s) side.

    3. Do not snoop around the barracks/ stay in your permitted area.

    4. Do not steal from fellow Brothers/Sisters

    5. Do not harm Brothers/Sisters.

    6. Do not question Orders.

    7. Only complete quest assigned directly to you, unless told otherwise.

    8. Do not bring things from the Order meetings to the public.


    Starter Rank: Blacklight Order Apprentice


    1st Rank UP: Blacklight Junior (Job title)


    2nd Up Rank: Blacklight (Job title)


    3rd Up Rank: Blacklight Adept (Job title)


    4th Up Rank: Blacklight Master (Job title)


    5th Up Rank: Blacklight Council Member


    The Council Members are usually the most secretive, yet elite members of the guild. Ranks under Masters never usually have no idea who they are receiving the orders from as they should never make direct contact with the Council Member who commands their section.


    6th Up Rank: Guild Master


    Guild Uniforms:

    The uniforms are currently being worked on.



    Not to be disclosed just yet.


    Application (Send ChilledVapes a Bird with the following information and also post a copy below):

    IC Name:





    OOC Section(Do not send this part through a bird):

    Skype(If you have one):


    What Villanous Actions Are You Approved for?:


    What is your name?
    Wolfe Stryker
    What is your race?
    Do you have access to Golden Weapons?
    Are you willing to sacrifice yourself to slay beasts whom terrorize Anthos?
    Yes, Anything to rid the land of these creatures.
    Why do you seek to join the UMHG?
    I want to become a great hero and I think this would be a start.
    Where were you born?
    I don't quite remember
    Do you understand the difference between Monsters and the paranormal(Gravens, apparitions, etc)?
    Have you slain a Monster before?
    Flesh Eaters, and Skeletons.
    Do you believe the UMHG should import a sub-group UPEG (Unnatural Paranormal Exorcism Group)?


  8. Out-Of-Character Information

    The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can

    get to know you a bit better.

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - ChilledVapes


    How old are you?: - 18


    What time-zone do you live in?: -  United States Eastern. GMT-5:00


    Haveyou ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - Yes, But not much as
    they were small communities.


    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - Yes I Have.

    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - No.


    How did you hear about us?: - Doing research on roleplay servers.


    What do you think the server will be like? -  I think it will be filled
    with excitement and adventure.


    Haveyou read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes, I have.


    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - No Cybering. It
    is just inappropriate and wrong. 



    is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about
    roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the
    reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    Whatis roleplaying?: -  Roleplaying is when you act as a a character you
    normally wouldn’t. Much like a play or screen write.

    What’s metagaming?: - Metagaming is using out of character information to provide yourself with a unfair

    advantage in character.

    What’s powergaming?: -  Powergaming is basically making your character
    overpowered and supernatural. Making him/her nearly invincible. It is also when
    you roleplay with out giving others a chance to react to your actions.



    you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure
    they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that
    you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - Wolfe Stryker 


    What race are they (and sub-race?: -  Human


    What sex are they?: - Male

    How old are they?: -  23


    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood,

    family: - 

     Wolfe was the oldest of 3 siblings. His mother was a baker and

    his father was a warrior. Growing up he'd spend hours wandering around town and
    observing the petty thieves. Wolfe had been mischievous enough already by nature,
    often pranking the other kids. A teenager who went by the Alias Shy caught his
    interentest. Shy was very secretive and mischievous as well. Shy saw that Wolfe
    was interested and begin mentoring him. Shy taught Wolfe the he can use his
    innocent fWolfe to deceive others. Together they started pulling small pranks
    together. They soon progressed into petty thievery. Shy taught Wolfe advanced
    tactics of theivery such as pick pocketing and how to blend in with the
    shadows. Wolfe's Father heard about Wolfe spending a lot of time with Shy and did
    not approve of this. Wolfes Father started training him in combat to keep him
    away from his buddy Shy. Wolfe's Father trained him from dawn to dusk in
    everything from Hand to Hand, Swordsmanship, and marksmanship. Each day Wolfe
    grew stronger and became better at each talent. At the age of 18 Wolfe decided he
    would leave home and try to reunite with his old buddy. He finally found Shy
    but things were different this time around. leave home and try to reunite with
    his old buddy. He finally found Shy but things were different this time around.
    Shy had grown darker and even more evil. Shy had went from petty theivery to
    straight up murder. Assasinating targets for money. Wolfe didn't agree with what
    Shy was doing so they began arguing. The arguing turned into a fight resulting
    in Wolfe being the only one standing of the two afterwards due to his fathers
    training. Shy swore he'd get his revenge, and so they went their seperate ways.
    Today Wolfe spends his days traveling and going on new adventures. Maybe one day
    Shy and Wolfe will cross paths again.


    What are they like (personality)?: -  He may come off a bit rude and
    arrogant as first, but as you get to know him he can be one of your greatest
    allies or your most hated foes. You either love him or hate him. He doesn’t try
    to come off this way but it usually is what happens. He is not very trusting
    and doesn’t like to show emotion.

    What are their ambitions?: - 

    To Become one of histories greatest heroes and to find true love. Known throughout the land and praised by everyone.

    Do they have any special skills?: - 

    Marksmenship,swordsmenship, stealth, and deceiving.

    What are their weaknesses?: - 

    Horse riding, magic, women, and ale.

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - 

    Blonde, with greenish blue eyes, He has golden blonde hair. He is not the most muscular guy but he is well defined. He has no facial hair and appears to be younger than he is. He is about 6 feet tall and broad in the chest and shoulders. Most would consider him quite attractive.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - 



    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: 

    Cloudstrife_minecraft_skin-4381277.jpg This is only temporary I am working on a custom skin which I will seek approval on before using.

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