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Posts posted by Trintastic

  1. MC Name: Trintastic

    Character's Name: Ajashuu

    Character's Age: 14


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Kha are cat people allegedly made from Metztli. There are four subraces. Ajashuu is the kha’cheetrah subrace. They have accents and refer to themselves in the third person. They also have a few words of their own language, I.E “Sa’vi,” which means goodbye. “Dees eez Ajashuu’s ten’ een zha vuuds.” (This is Ajashuu’s tent in the woods). They usually die around 150 years of age. 5’2”-6’4” is the height range. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. MC Name: Trintastic

    Character's Name: Emikael

    Character's Age: 15


    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Seer of Vaasek


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:




       Dear Nin Taliame, The letter began. It wasn’t long until tears mixed with the wet ink. A shaky hand drew the quill to the paper, urged to continue. The wielder was especially careful with his unsteady writing, for he knew it had to be legible. It had to be perfect.


       I never could have foreseen myself writing this letter to you.


       Blankly, Harlan stared at the page. A hundred memories crossed his mind. He could hardly hear himself think over the deafening sound of his own sobbing.


       I stitched your robes as best as I could in case of your return. Did you know that I met Carsandra? I assured her that we would bring you back safely. I can’t lie, Nin, I was certain that we would bring you back to her. I envisioned the children you would’ve had, the wedding in all of its splendor. What a display it would’ve been.


       Before you left us, I thought night terrors were a thing of the past, only present at a time when my soul was tainted with the greatest darkness of all. I was mistaken. Nightmares have haunted my mind during the sleep I do get. All I can reflect on is how close we were to you and Richard. I would’ve sacrificed anything, even my own life, to have saved yours.


       As a result of Aeriel’s blessing, I believed that I could heal from any wound, but I know that this is a pain I will carry for the rest of my life. I will never recover from losing you. For the rest of eternity, I’ll lament over your absence. You were such a young and purehearted boy with the world at his fingertips.


       I can’t call you a boy anymore, can I? You became mature. An Ascended, worthy of great respect in his magical talents and innovative gadgets alike. There is a reason why we all came to your rescue, Nin.


       My greatest regret is that I was not able to even hold you in your last moments. I couldn’t have looked you in the eyes and told you one last time that you were treasured, and that your efforts to do good were never in vain, and that the world could hate you infinitely and forever but nothing could persuade me from believing that you could’ve done anything you put your mind to. I could have never foreseen your potential being squandered quite like this.


       The Ascended remained planted in his seat. He squirmed as he pondered the letter’s unavoidable conclusion. It had to end somehow.


       I know that I will see you again. Until then, I will carry on with the mission Aeriel wills, with an aching heart, and though you are not by my side, I will heave my sword with twice the strength to ease your absence.


       I love you, Nin; my brother in Aeriel, my equal, my son.


       ~Doctor Harlan Everage

       Harlan Everage let the ink dry. He creased the letter twice. Neatly, the man tucked the note into Nin's restored robes, which he then placed into a box. Candlewax was painstakingly melted along the edge of the lid, sealing Nin's precious belongings away from the harsh elements.
       Of course, Harlan knew exactly where to put it.

  4. OOC Application:
    Minecraft Name: Trintastic
    Discord: Trintastic#5653

    In-Character App:
    Name: Indognea
    Race: Wood Elf
    Age: 105
    Previous Martial Experience: I may not possess the combat experience of the finest Virarim, nor do I possess a particularly intimidating vessel, however, if you bless me with the opportunity, I will demonstrate more vigor in servitude than a pack of wolves happening upon their first meal after a week's time. Lend me your patience, knowledge, and weaponry, and I in turn will gift you with my life in service. Thank you for your consideration. 

  5. MC Name: Trintastic

    Character's Name: Harlan Everage

    Character's Age: 261


    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Ascended Ruinous Flame


    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):



    Aeriel’s Chosen, the Ascended, are normal descendants who have endured a ritual in which they die and are reassurected by Aeriel herself, reborn to serve her. During the ritual, they are given an ember by their teacher-to-be, which is the deciding factor of what kind of Ascended they are; the nature of their flame; Rapture, or Ruin. Harlan bears the Ruinous flame, therefore that is what he will teach.

    Ruinous flame ignites and burns tainted/twisted beings. Rapturous flame merely weakens them.

    The flame itself can be conjured by the Ascended from the ember in their soul that they were given during the ritual. Over time, they are able to partake in multiple methods of casting their flame, whether it’s in the shape of a fireball, a torrent, a plain fire, or even create soulfire braziers.



    Write up a lesson that your character would give to a student:


    “Good evening, Kevin. It’s good to see such an eager student… Apologies about the location, a latrine isn’t ideal. Anyway, let’s sit down, you and I.”


    “You’re probably nervous, aren’t you? There’s no need to be,” Harlan assures. “Aeriel is already with you, and the ember in your soul is ripe to utilize. All it takes now is for you to clear your mind, relax,” he explains, proceeding to splay either of his hands upon his knees.


    “We might not be successful today. I imagine it will take several attempts. Start by thinking of nothing, and focus on what’s left; your spirit. Think about the body your soul possesses; your legs, arms, head, even your toes. Now, I want you to think about your left hand - you’re left-handed, aren’t you? Not that it makes a difference...  Anyway, think about your hand, and sense your ember within it. Don’t feel it? Don’t forget that you have the ability, Kevin. It’s in your power.”


    “Maybe I should show you what it looks like first.” Harlan centers his hand before him, making it visible for his demonstration. His eyes grow alight with a heavenly gleam, and he speaks. “There is so much that you can feel than you can see when summoning your flame. But alas, it is possible, if you have faith and try,” he explains. Within the palm of his hand, a meager flicker of fire materializes, though it is a shrivelled green hue rather than the fierce orange color of a natural flame. It holds the same strength as the light of a candle and provides just as much brightness.


    “...Tired already? Or perhaps it's the toxic fumes in here... We can always try again tomorrow."


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  6. MC Name: Trintastic


    Character's Name: Harlan Everage 

    Character's Age: 218


    Character's Race: Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Ascended Ruin


    Teacher's MC Name: _Fid_


    Teacher's RP Name: Belestram Sylvaeri


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  7. Name: Calia
    Age: 100
    Race (If not 
    mali'ker then an interview will be required): Dark Elf
    Notable Skills: Good at collecting bird eggs
    How many will be moving in with you? None
    Do you accept the laws of Ebonglade and by extension Laureh'lin? Yes


    MC Name: Trintastic
    Skype: Ya'll already got it.

  8. (IC)


    Name: Calia


    Age: 101


    Gender: Female


    Do you accept that in joining this order you may at times be tasked with taking the life of another mali’ker? Yes


    Do you accept that under particular circumstances you may be removed from the order?

    And under serious enough terms, executed? Yes

    Do you accept that we are not fanatics? And that should a mali'ker refuse to accept the Ancestors (Provided what they believe is wholesome) that we shall do no harm to them? Yes

  9. RP Information

    Name: Izzy

    Age: 24

    Race: Elf

    Allegiance (Current nation of residence): Nowhere

    Past Military Experience: Nothing real fancy, just know how to fight I guess.

    None-Military Experience/Skills: I'm good at climbing and ****.


    OOC information

    MC Name: Trintastic


    Skype Name (Used for updates, news and information): trinnybin


    Teamspeak is a required tool for battles and major events, it is recommended that you at least download it. (ok)


    Do you plan to make this character one of your primary?: This character is basically my main.

  10. Name: Luca

    Race: Wood Elf

    Age: Fifty something

    Occupation: None

    Experience: Some

    Proficiencies: Archery for the most part

    Place of Current Residence: Hopefully somewhere soon




    Username: TrintasticAlt

    Nexus Profession+Proficiency: None

    Timezone: CST

    Do you have Teamspeak?: N

  11. Minecraft name(s): 
    Skype ID: 
    Time zone: 
    Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report: 
    Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions? 
    What MMORPG/video games have you / do you play? (Past and Present)
    RuneScape, Dead Space, The Sims 3, Ratchet and Clank, Spore, Five Nights at Freddy's, Guild Wars 2, Istaria, and others.
    What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member? 
    My characters are Leyuperith and Izzy. Yes I am willing to sacrifice one of them. 
    What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain.
    I think I could create an event for any group or race, but the easiest one to cater to would be elves or humans. 
    What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?
    Giving everyone a fair chance at having the spotlight. I think it's even more important that everyone gets something out of the event - and I don't mean an item. I mean they enjoy it, and it aids in their character development.
    When was the last time you saw a event?
    A week ago or two ago.
    What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing?
    I'm good enough with LotC lore, especially when it doesn't come to obscure races or entities. I'm a very positive person, and 95% of the time, I just want to create some good RP. Half of my enjoyment during an RP comes from knowing other people are having a good time, and I know I can make a lot of people have fun at once if I have the abilities of an ET.
    Why do you want to be part of the ET?
    Well, I guess my last answer leads into this. Basically, I see a lot of people who aren't having a lot of fun. I RP with them almost every day. I'm sure it's not just them who aren't having fun neither. I'm already involved in the community, so I just really want to instill some inspiration and excitement for others. I want to give people a reason to get online and start RolePlaying, and not be trolling around because they're so bored.
    Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. 
    1) For 1-3 person
        (This could be done in any city/town/inhabited area where there aren't enough animals.) A small group of wild horses transverse through the designated area, and through plentiful RP, a horse (or two) can be tamed for the use of the RolePlayers. The characters would have to chase the horse down, tie it, and break it in. If they didn't manage to finish breaking in the horse, they wouldn't get the actual horse. It would be an interesting story for a character to tell about how they got their horse, give that horse some personality, and also inspire people to base their RP more around horses and animals in general. It takes people out of that feeling of just using horses for travel/PvP.
    (This event is a less exciting one and more of a small-time scenario. In my opinion, it would be useful to have an event that isn't based around violence or some crazy adventure. To me, it's a really nice, calming idea of just having a wild animal show up, and not one that's going to tear everybody's heads off. It would be perfect for one of those areas where roleplayers don't have many horses, and feel deprived of that experience.)

    2) For a group of 5-10
        Wandering the roads alone is definitely dangerous. Who would ever harm a child? Charlie Grinstone, that is who. There's rumours about, saying he's been abducting children and taking them to his farm. For what purpose, you might be wondering. 
    Helping hands are expensive in this day and age, and few people would be eager to spend their minas. But even fewer are brave enough to steal an innocent kid off of the streets.
    Things grow complicated when Charlie takes the wrong child, and is thrown into a complicated predicament. Unfortunately for the parents, he wouldn't give up their children so easily. He's got a few tricks up his sleeve, and a terrible secret.
    (The roleplay would go as follows; Charlie abducts a child, and the child's parents seek him out. His farm wouldn't be very far away from the location of the parents. Of course, the parents would likely bring more than just themselves, but this really depends. When they find him, Charlie refuses to give up their kid, resulting some nice drama. Of course there would be conflict, and Charlie would be easily taken down. He begs the parents to help him, and reveals a horrible secret; there is something living in the nasty well of his farm, and it must have a sacrifice every three months. That is why he'd been taking so many children. At this point in the event, it's too late for the sacrifice to take place. The monster in the well could be a number of different things. I was thinking either a Vodnik, or a Fluegal. Depending on the amount of people, there would probably have to be more than one. But whatever the monster is, it's hungry.)

    3) For a group of 20+
        Over the course of a couple of days, a hole starts to form in the middle of the Caliphate(for instance). Prior to this, there had been a few earthquakes but nothing too serious. Eventually, the hole gets big enough to the point where characters can begin squeezing down - if they dare - and they find themselves in a lair. The difficulty begins when another earthquake strikes, and the hole closes up again, sealing them inside. This doesn't even mention the possible casualties from the earthquake alone. They are left to find a way out, encountering different challenges and facing difficult decisions. But the characters are left to wonder, is there truly a way out? 
    (So the event really begins when the hole starts to open up. Down in the lair, the eventees find a couple of very old, frail people. They explain that every fifty years there are a series of earthquakes and the ground opens up. When the hole is opened, people fall into the lair and are trapped. That's what happened to them, they say. These ancient folk have been guarding themselves against the beings who live down in the cave. They tell a story of many centuries ago, there was a war which took place. It was way up on the surface before the Caliphate came to be. In the middle of the war, there was a severe earthquake, and the majority of the soldiers fell into the deep crevice. They were swallowed up by the earth. In the current age, these dead men still wander the caves, especially at night. The eventees would presumably try and convince the old folk to come with them and escape, and fight the Boggens until they could find a way out... if there is one.)

    (These are some ideas I've had, but they're not my favorites. I'm saving the best ones!)
    How long do you plan to stay in the ET? 
    If I'm accepted into the ET, I couldn't see myself leaving. I love RolePlaying, I love LotC, although I currently feel extremely limited by the capabilities I have right now. If I had ET abilities, I would be even more active than I am right now, and be RolePlaying like craycray. 
    Tell me a joke
    What did the hungry dalmation say when it ate?
    "That sure hit the spots!"

  12. MC name: Trintastic

    Character's name and age: Leyuperith Onnekina, 64


    Character’s Race: Dark Elf

    What magic/s did you learn?: Telekinesis and the beginnings of Electrical Evocation.


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Artimec Camoryn (Leowarrior14) taught her roughly 45 years ago, which would be almost a year's time IRL. 


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: Electrical evocation is the art of connecting to the void, and taking out of the void - specifically - electricity in the form of a bolt, a spark, or a continuous stream of lightning. This kind of evocation is particularly draining, considering how powerful a lightning bolt is. (Red lines) Electrical evocation is extremely dangerous, and can drain the user considerably. It's much more draining than other evocations, since it's raw energy and difficult to use. It can even cause harm to the user, no matter how skilled they are. Oh, and the lightning will be drawn to any metal nearby, since it's conductive. 

    Telekinesis is the art of changing how gravity affects an object and allows the user to move the object. Depending on the skill level of the character, they are limited to be able to lift a certain amount of weight, and it's more difficult to lift heavier objects. (Red lines) It cannot be used on liquid, gasses, or living things. It also cannot be used to stop objects flying at high speeds. Living things also cannot be manipulated. 

  13. Name: Kairn

    Race: Wood Elf

    Age: Adult

    Do you have any form of Prior combat training?: Yes. I am trained in the art of the bow, with little experience in swordsmanship. 

    Do you live in Leyulin or plan to live in Leyulin?: That is inevitable.


    MC Name: Trintastic

    Skype ID (optional but very recommended): Trinnybin (You know dis!)

  14. MC Name: Trintastic.
    Your Full Name: Leyuperith Onnekina.
    Your Age: 16.
    Your Gender: Female.
    Are you moving in alone or with family/friends? (Specify if second option): Calia Maehr'Tanya. She is my guardian, and I am filling this out for her.
    Are you an elf, half elf, or parent of a half elf?: I am an elf.
    Of which subrace(s) are you?: I am a Mali'ker.
    What skills do you have?: I can do a funny thing with my tongue.
    Grandpa Ierven approves this message. *Ierven Camoryn has signed his name here.*
  15. Name: Gage Robert Fryman
    Race and Subrace: human
    Age: 19
    Are you willing to die for both the Creator, and The Decterum: Yes
    Are you a citizen of Oren: yes.
    Military Experience(None Needed): no
    The Decterum Oath
    I Gage Fryman, swear to uphold the word of the Creator in anyway, shape, or form. I swear to give forth my utmost effort to perform my duties the best way I can, and to bring honor to both myself, and The Decterum. I swear to protect Oren and it’s people from whatever threat dares to show hostile actions towards my Nation, and to protect the Church and the Human Realm from barbaric heretics and those who wish to bring chaos to the Oren government. I swear to never disobey a direct order from my superiors, and to never act in a disrespectful manner while representing The Decterum. I swear, to be a member of The Decterum until I die.
    MC Name: Trintastic
    What is your Skype: Trinnybin
    Do you have TeamSpeak: Nope.
    Will you be able to make this your main character: Indeed!
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