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Posts posted by BradukOfficial

  1. Meetings with Thurak had been less then succesful. Ghazkull sat awake at night remembering Gors words. Was Thurak really possesed after he had left ? Either way Ghazkull knew that killing or bashing him would solve nothing. A clan is family, and if that family could be reunited then the Braduks could retore glory, restore power and be feared once more. He knew several Braduks still lived and aimed to try and track them down. He sent goblins out all across Anthos whos job was to track down these orcs.


    "There is one path. We live together we die together. We have lived and lost at the wims of ourselves and of others for too long. I would not have it so. I would not see the passing of a brother without purpose or cause. I would not see another heart ripped from chest or breathe forfit for no cost. We have show the other clans that a trembling hand can become a fist. We have challenged the idea that orcs must always know their place, accepting ridicule and shame because he was tought to accept it. We built their warnation with our hands, and our blood, and our lives. Yet we could see it fall at equal price. I believe in a united front. That Braduks stick together."

    ~Mokrag after the Braduk massacre.

  2. ((Filling in the gaps.


    Raurna was stabbed to death by dwarf bounty hunters.

    Gargant was crucified by Ghazkull for worshipping Haddez the god of death in Braduk culture.

    Ghazkull left because he couldnt bare the fact he crucifed Gargant

    Ghazkull returned with Mokbane cub of Mokrag who has been living in the snowy island of the holy land of Kenuk for all these years.))

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