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Posts posted by Henselt

  1. 2000px-Armas_del_soberano_de_Arag%C3%B3n


    Kingdom of Aragon



    Queen Petronilla sat on her throne. The crown on her head would proudly stand resolute upon her brown locks for the last time, and as she stood, her hands went for the adornment, where her son, grown and a man if ever there was, stood awaiting his inheritance. The ceremony was finished, and by the end, a new King named; Alfonso II of the House of Barcelona. The first monarch of his house.


    However, the heir, Ramon - who had been renamed to Alfonso in favour of his Aragonese lineage - is too young to rule. Petronilla's husband and Alfonso's father, Ramon, the Duke of Barcelona, ascends to Lord-Regent.


    The future of Aragon is rife with uncertainty. However, to seal their future and protection, as well as their attendance in any future crusades, the Duke of Barcelona extends an offer of betrothal between Prince Alfonso and Princess Sancha to Castille, the King's infant daughter.


    And with that, the Old Duke had yet a conqueror's mind. He would be the first to take the initiative against the Moors, and would prepare for another crusade against the Mardasanids. Sending word to the Lords of the land, the levies would be raised and ordered to gather at Barcelona, the Kingdom's new Capital. (DM Attention)


    Deus Vult!



    • Declare war on the Mardasanids.
    • Send betrothal offer to Castille. Prince Alfonso to Princess Sancha.
    • Abdication of Queen Petronilla. Duke of Barcelona becomes Lord-Regent, and the Prince Alfonso Heir-Apparent.
  2. 2000px-Armas_del_soberano_de_Arag%C3%B3n


    Kingdom of Aragon



    Queen Petronilla sat on her throne. The crown on her head would proudly stand resolute upon her brown locks for the last time, and as she stood, her hands went for the adornment, where her son, grown and a man if ever there was, stood awaiting his inheritance. The ceremony was finished, and by the end, a new King named; Alfonso II of the House of Barcelona. The first monarch of his house.


    However, the heir, Ramon - who had been renamed to Alfonso in favour of his Aragonese lineage - is too young to rule. Petronilla's husband and Alfonso's father, Ramon, the Duke of Barcelona, ascends to Lord-Regent.


    The future of Aragon is rife with uncertainty. However, to seal their future and protection, as well as their attendance in any future crusades, the Duke of Barcelona extends an offer of betrothal between Prince Alfonso and Princess Sancha to Castille, the King's infant daughter.


    And with that, the Old Duke had yet a conqueror's mind. He would be the first to take the initiative against the Moors, and would prepare for another crusade against the Mardasanids. Sending word to the Lords of the land, the levies would be raised and ordered to gather at Barcelona, the Kingdom's new Capital. (DM Attention)


    Deus Vult!





    • Declare war on the Mardasanids.
    • Send betrothal offer to Castille. Prince Alfonso to Princess Sancha.
    • Abdication of Queen Petronilla. Duke of Barcelona becomes Lord-Regent, and the Prince Alfonso Heir-Apparent.


  3. Forum Name: Henselt
    Skype Name: austin.fenton
    Realm/Holding (Please research your choice so that you actually know how to play it): Kingdom of Aragon

    Interesting Fact about your Realm: This is a turbulent time in Aragon. The succession leading up to Petronilla's coronation is rife with uncertainty and unrest. She came to the throne on rare circumstances. Her father was a Bishop (Ramiro), brother to the then current King Alfonso the First, and when he died without an heir decided to leave the crown to the prominent militaristic religious orders in Aragon, which not everyone agreed with. The Basque elected a new King in Navarra, thus regaining their independence, and the nobility of Aragon raised Ramiro to the throne. As King, he received a papal dispensation to abdicate from his monastic vows in order to secure his succession and legitimacy. This is Petronilla's father, who would marry Agnes of Aquitaine and then have their only child. Her marriage was a very important future of Aragon as it would decide, literally, their future. A marriage to Castille would cause a union that the nobility did not want, and so instead, Petronilla was betrothed to the the Count of Barcelona. This would seal their future after her abdication as Alfonso II ascended to the throne in 1164, the first ruling monarch of Aragon from the House of Barcelona.

    Dynasty: House of Barcelona (through Union); Ruling House is Jimena

    Did you read the rules: Nope, sorry! Haha.

    Brief RP paragraph to get a feel for how well you can RP said nation: Just over a decade Petronilla has held onto the throne with her husband, Ramon Berenguer IV, who performs most of the ruling and keeps the nation in check with his support from the nobles who backed his marriage to the future Queen. For years Aragon has been submissive to Castille in the crusades against the Moors, but no longer. This is Aragon's time, and with its much needed access to the sea secured for the Crown, this is a new found height of power for the Kingdom of Aragon. To look to Provence, to Sicily and to Navarra; it must all be theirs.

    The Mediterranean will soon be painted the Red & Yellow of the Catalans, and to the South in Andalusa, cry the green-hatted Moors who have harassed the Iberians for decades. One last crusade. One last crusade for a Crown.


    El gos vell quan lladra dona consell.

  4. Unless more than just two FRP threads become active, an entire sub-forum will not be created for two threads.


    Lol, why? You act as if adding a sub-forum that was already there takes more effort than the few seconds it took to remove it. It isn't. Why it was removed in the first place? Beyond me. I really don't see the issue. Was there a formal complaint? Was the sub-forum somehow clogging up space in the forum's storage? There has to be a rational reason other than 'this sub-forum doesn't have enough active threads even though there are two healthy and active FRPs in the sub-forum - all they need - thus, it should be removed'. Going by that logic, you ought to put every single thread in Off-Topic. Clearly organization isn't a priority here. Just mash everything together! No use having all these different sub-forums so they're easier to navigate, hah.

  5. 2000px-Flag_of_Ethiopia_(1897-1936%3B_19


    Republic of Ethiopia




    The President looked over the federal balcony of the Ethopian parliament building. Many had gathered to commemorate Ibrahim's victory in the recent elections. Adorned in a robe with the colors of Ethiopia he spoke out.


    "For too long, we have been suppressed by society! Ethiopia was once an empire, an empire I say! It can be so once again but not if we remain pacifists in a world gone bye of this tradition. To thrive now, we must go to war, but not as mongerers to stretch our ego and oppress others - no, as liberators, as liberators of the Nigerian menace! They will never stand against them, and so it is only right that we absorb them into our land and offer our protection so that the marching Nigerians are driven off! Will you join me or will you turn your back against me? You voted me as your leader, and I intend to make it count! I will see you all with a throne of your own to sit upon!"



    With that, he displayed a map of Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti to his advisers. Small, weak countries in the far East of Africa - bordering countries that must be subjugated if Ethiopia is to defend itself against her enemies. No declaration would be made. Advancements would be quick and decisive as troops occupy the three countries and easily subdue their meager military.


    Three theaters would be formed from the HQ in the capital. Three theaters named Adwa, the invasion force for Somalia, Alitena, the invasion force for Eritrea and finally, Agaro, the invasion force for Djibouti, the smallest and weakest of the three countries. Down below are the exact logistics for the three forces.




    200 Tanks

    400 Towed-Artillery

    50 MLRs

    2 Attack Helicopters

    15 Helicopters

    5 Transport Aircraft

    10 Fighter Aircraft

    50k Infantry





    50 Tanks

    150 Towed-Artillery

    10 MLRs

    5 Transport Aircraft

    5 Fighter Aircraft

    20k Infantry





    100 Tanks

    200 Towed-Artillery

    15 MLRs

    10 Fighter Aircraft

    40k Infantry



    The forces would be commanded to strike at night - fast, and decisive. An abrupt end to the war, with orders to take civilian prisoners if civilian resistance was met. No civilian casualties unless absolutely necessary.


    In response to the South African envoy, the plans for the wide invasion of East African countries is not revealed and instead their intent is said to be the prosperity and glory of Ethiopia - and of course, the expanding of the Orthodox Christian church. President Ibrahim prepares for a journey to South Africa and Prime Minister Samuel Raha takes control for now.


    Ethiopian Actions:


    • Envoy is told that Ethiopia's intent is to bring prosperity and growth to Ethiopia
    • President Ibrahim goes on leave for South African tour and meeting
    • Invasion of Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti 
  6. Nation Name: Federal Republic of Ethiopia
    Starting Military Strength (GlobalFirePower - Google it): http://www.globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.asp?country_id=ethiopia
    Leader Name: President Ibrahim Lawal
    Brief Biography: Ibrahim graduated a Chinese academy, studying politics & law from a very young age. His father was the President of Ethiopia before him and suppose this promotes an Obligarchy, though it is quite the opposite in his hands. Considered bright and always acting, Ibrahim was able to lower unemployment rates and homeless rates in the country, improving life ratings considerably with huge steps in improving the local infrastructure and modernizing the military. While quiet, recent stirrings in the West has caused him to be more vocal, especially with the source being Nigeria. With fears constant with their warmongering, steps are being made to improve defenses and expand the borders, even sending an offer of friendship to South Africa. Ibrahim's views are of a Reactionary sense and he strives to blend modern aspects into the country without risking tradition.

    Would you like to be considered to be a mod? Y/N: Nope!


    (Conor has Nigeria so here I am again, woops!)

  7. Nation Name: Republic of Nigeria 
    Starting Military Strength (GlobalFirePower - Google it): http://www.globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.asp?country_id=nigeria
    Leader Name: President Ibrahim Lawal

    Brief Biography: Ibrahim is a pacifist at best, though he knows how to best defend his people from the expansionism of this new era. Close friends with the Western powers and a good Protestant man born in Abuja, he's been able to continue Goodluck's ideas and innovations for the Nigerian people. He is no supporter of this new 'Empire' on the rise and desperately looks to Western powers for protection from the warmongering seen in Africa.

    Would you like to be considered to be a mod? Y/N: N

  8. Hey guys, I'm going to be dropping out and giving control of Canada to Brad through the NAC until someone else wants to sign up for them. Started off in the FRP late and it was a bit of a downer for me. With this new FRP I'm able to get in right from the beginning and I have a feeling I'll have a better time there! Appreciate the RP you've all given me and I'd like to congratulate you all on it, it's been pretty cool here. While I wasn't able to do much with Canada I'd say it's a leap forward from how it was at the beginning. Take care, guys! (With an election just about to happen in Canada, this should be an easy drop in, drop out situation).

  9. 1280px-Flag_of_Canada.svg.png




    The trading partner offer from Indochina is accepted. Immediately, plans are made buy Indochinese natural resources, especially industrial resources such as Coal and Oil among many other things as Canada offers money & canned food, to be imported into Indochina with the label 'made in Canada'. Indochinese and Canadian officials in Ottawa meet later that week to discuss the plans in full detail, with Governor Pierce himself shaking the hand of the Indochinese official.






    After the successful armament of the Royal Canadian Infantry Corps with modern American weapons & equipment, propaganda throughout Union Canada - in a nation not too liking of the military, much rather choosing to work hard and smart - touching on the key points of a nation without an army is a nation without walls in this world; we must protect ourselves. Dig to victory! Dig to victory! This manages to draw in more recruits which should number in the hundreds from all provinces within the year, bolstering numbers existing in Battalions in the Royal Canadian Infantry Corps (1 page).




    With that slogan, efforts into increasing national security and defense is increased as research goes into better fortifications along the coast and headquarters in the West and the East. Spies throughout the nation are hunted for by the CSIS (Canadian Security Intelligence Service) and deported back to their nations as to not cause extra tension. This entire operation should be executed within the next two years to excellent effect (2 pages).




    With the conflict in Central America in order to consolidate relations with Mexico, Governor Pierce fits an expeditionary force of 800 troops to be under Mexican command, named the 2nd Canadian Expeditionary Task Force. The schematics for the force are as followed;



    - 600 Regular Infantry

    - 100 Snipers of the attached 3rd Canadian Sniper Company

    - 100 Engineers


    Force is commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel D. Hobbs.





    In order to mend relations with the United Kingdom, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird is sent to England to discuss future plans of re-instating the Constitution. Governor Pierce offers this under the terms - either in his want to be His Majesty's loyal servant or another attempt at his earlier schemes - that he be appointed as the new Governor General, to which the position of Prime Minister will be also re-instated with an election to immediately follow throughout the next year. If declined, Governor Pierce will still follow through with the offer, and an election will still be had - as he will be running under his newly formed New Socialist Party of Canada.







    Canada's Actions:


    - Sent 2nd Canadian Expeditionary Task Force to Mexico to be under Mexican command, numbering up to 800 men in total, schematics typed earlier in post

    - Sent offer to United Kingdom to re-instate the constitution, terms can be seen earlier up

    - Efforts to increase national unity, security and defense

    - Recruitment for Royal Canadian Infantry Corps

  10. canada_flag_wallpaper_canada_world_wallp





    Reaction Post



    The offer to Canada to join the newly formed NAA by the United States of America is accepted. Governor Pierce publicly gives his approval of the new Mexican regime in a state conference, and states the following as well after the public apprecation on the joining of the NAA; "I am proud to announce our alliance with the United States of America. It is about time we conjoin once again, as we were long ago. Now both our people can live in safe, secure environments knowing that their brothers & sisters are just over the border. This is a wonderful moment for Canada, as it marks our return to the good old days. Thank you," Governor Pierce finished, smiling and nodding.




    Canada agrees to follow America's terms between the Imperium, and in an effort to cool tensions, a helicopter aide is sent to China with foreign-aid supplies to further help their campaign on the subcontinent. They only contain rations to help feed the Indonesian occupation force.


    Refusal of the declaration from the United Kingdom angered Governor Pierce but life goes on and nothing major occurs. After two years now of Governor Pierce's regime, the people are calling for an election early next year in October.


    Progress continues on the two HMS Elizabeth Model aircraft carriers, slated to be finished in eight years. Governor Pierce may not be in office to see the finishing of his carriers, but the country will surely thank him for his efforts. ((8 more pages))


    As American weapons and equipment reached Canada, Governor Pierce made efforts to re-arm the Army, starting with the Royal Canadian Regiment of the Royal Canadian Infantry Corps. Re-arming is slated to be wrapped up by next year before progress is made on the entire Corps. (1 page). 




    (Full post in a bit, sorry for the lazy one!)

  11. 600px-Flag_of_Canada_1964.svg.png





    Canadian reactions to Indonesian aggression has seemingly startled the nation as shipments holding Chinese refugees ceased making return trips in the last year. Refugees are still welcome, however national security has been elevated and border control is on the look-out for Indonesian vessels along the coast of British Columbia as fears of an Indonesian attack become frequent. The Chinese refugees in the country are said to be up in the thousands now as immigration officers rush to coordinate the setting up of several camps in British Columbia. Already, several Chinese officials have been caught trying to cross into Canada and have been, as per the Governor's word, deported back to the Indonesian government for prosecution.




    As part of the effort to modernize the Canadian soldiers - refitting all Canadian military personnel - Canadian officials spearheaded by the Minister of Foreign Affairs move to meet with American officials in hopes of sealing a deal for the purchase of modern weapons and equipment for Infantry Brigades and more. Governor Pierce said in a press conference just the other day, "The world is changing as we know it, fellow Canadians. In an effort to better defend our lands from agitators and invaders, I will be taking steps into ensuring our military is up to date with modern regulations," he continued, laying a respectful salute to the cameras before heading off stage.




    Years have passed since the beginning stages of the construction of two HMS Elizabeth modeled Aircraft Carriers, and progress is, slowly but surely, moving forward as more and more discoveries are made to better the model. It is slated for a finish sometime within the next eight years, with the second model to be finished the year after ((9 more pages)). The Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral George Russo, stated that this is a ground-breaking spearhead in the Canadian Navy, and once finished will allow the Canadians to better support friends & allies abroad.


    Governor Pierce called for an assembly of all the Ministers under him (Governor General is defunct) for a discussion on centralization in Canada, giving the administration more power over the country, though it is said Pierce is just trying to assert his power in a land quickly losing its democratic value. After reforms & several mandates were passed later that evening, reports of riots were seen in the Eastern Provinces, Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Quebec. While none too serious as of now, this is quickly becoming a serious issue on the plate of the Canadian government as their demands seem to replicate those of the Jacobins of old who helped establish the constitution in the British Empire.


    To quell sudden unrest - much to Pierce's dismay - he made a statement to rest assured all those with issues in his assertion of power: "My fellow Canadians! Are we not far from uncivilized? To riot in the streets and damage private property? My reforms will only give you a more efficient government, for your protection and for the better of Canada as a whole; with the loss of the constitution three years ago and counting, we have lost our national image, and we should do well to it back lest the world take it by force from us, my friends! Will you join me and cease your attacks, or will you act like those who destroyed their own country on the subcontinent?" 


    He went on to promise less taxes and better minimum wages for all the Unions in the country in both the West and the East Provinces, as well as a more efficient but less expensive health care plan still the envy of all in the Americas. Hoping that would be enough to quell their superstition until absolution was met in the coming months. 


    As mention of the constitution gave rise to old questions, Governor Pierce laid these to rest as relations with the United Kingdom were sought again, as the Foreign Affairs Minister of the United Kingdom was invited to Parliament Hill to discuss a full-time alliance & trade agreement, Pierce likely seeking the position of Governor General which would surely give him absolute power so long as the reforms and mandates remained from the old government, and so with those offers was also a request from Governor Pierce personally to be approved of by the King of the United KIngdom as per formality, and be declared Governor General of Canada. (Requesting mod post)






    Canada's Actions:


    - Offer to purchase better equipment and weapons from United States of America

    - Lowering of taxes and enacting a better minimum wage reform

    - Trade Agreement & Alliance Offer to United KIngdom

    - Request/Demand of United Kingdom to declare Governor Pierce the Governor General of Canada as per formality by the King/Queen

    - National security elevated, shipments of refugees from China ceasing to increase relations with Indonesia or rather stop them from looking at Canada as a target

    - Refugee camps for the thousands of Chinese refugees built in Western Provinces as part of the re-settling plan

  12. 2000px-Canadian_Duality_Flag.svg.png





    People's Dominion of Canada




    The situation in China would have been considered a global crisis in the days of the United Nations. But the United Nations is no more. However, its ideals are still strongly supported in the People's Dominion of Canada. It was expected for the Chinese refugees to come to Canada, with its long history of accepting immigrants torn by war and strife, such as the Syrians back in the years of 2014 through 2016.


    Airports were littered with refugees pouring in and it was Canada's humanitarian duty to allow them inside their borders. But what duty was that, truly, with no order to ensure it was even followed? Governor Pierce understood this - and he understood the declaration from the Imperium. He knew no one could speak against his decision to deny them entry, but if no others could act civilized in a world above the days of the Middle Ages, then it was Canada's place to do so. Governor Pierce would allow the Chinese to enter Canadian lands. And they would be given civil rights.


    "Let it be known to all," Pierce stated in a press conference, live to all in the world so long as the channel was not banned, "Canada is home to all who would work hard to build a future for our youth, our old and our glorious nation - I will not allow our world to be plunged back into the days of the Middle Ages; we are not barbarians, and we will never be barbarians. All refugees from Canada have been allowed into our lands, and if they so please, the right to citizenship through a series of evaluations," He continued, challenging the Imperium's warning.


    Afterwards, a transcript was sent to the Imperial desk from the Canadian Embassy, detailing their reasoning and condolences.


    "To the Emperor and his intendants, we, the Canadian Government, give our condolences for going behind your back in these petty affairs," the transcript went on, "But it is our God given right as human beings to be kind and open to the innocent; do not fret, however, as we will be fully cooperative in handing over any Chinese officials who, in your jurisdiction, are charged with crimes or are of high ranking and due for prosecution - we simply feel that the people are not responsible for their leader's actions and are thus liable for a new life in our country, thank you," the transcript ended with an abrupt beep.


    With business tended to and the tension elevated for now, already two hundred and counting Chinese refugees are undergoing the process of re-settling in the People's Dominion of Canada, with more to come as Governor Pierce mobilizes his workforce to ensure a safe and efficient transaction.


    The construction of two aircraft carriers of the HMS Queen Elizabeth model are also underway as plans are made to expand Canada's navy, with new reforms to follow in retrospect of Canada's army reforms, with plans made to improve equipment, field care and safety regulations while on peacekeeping missions. The estimated budget for the entire project is said to be $85 Billion, which is a hefty cut on Canada's risky economy these days, and without the interest of investors due to the Socialist ideas of Pierce's regime, it will be a tough but well-earned process in a leap for the better of Canada in its ambition for a larger spotlight.


    (10 pages)




    With the severe lack of SPGs, construction was also made on five new prototypes to ensure a steady run, with help from American investors. The prototypes would be called the Leopard C3. This is estimated to take up to two or three years until major production of the either unsuccessful or successful prototypes can follow.


    (4 pages)




    Canada's Actions:


    - Beginning of planning & construction of two HMS Queen Elizabeth modeled Aircraft Carriers

    - First stages of the SPG Leopard C3 prototypes, among the first in Canada's arsenal of fighting tanks

    - First stages of Navy Reforms in retrospect of Army Reforms, starting with better equipment, safety regulations and field care

    - Allowing Chinese refugees in Canada & working hard to re-settle them in the new provinces of Northwest and Yukon

  13. 2000px-Canadian_Duality_Flag.svg.png



    People's Dominion of Canada






    After Governor Robert Pierce's socialist/authoritarian-esque regime from the Canadian West was voted into power back in 2027 at a time when the Constitution of Canada was collapsing and Canada was gaining a new national order of autonomy along with all the other former British dominions, it allowed him to reshape the country in a way that revolutionized its place in the world while also managing to keep their overall image of law-abiding peace-keeping countrymen, Canada stepped out of the shadow of many Great Powers, including the United States of America and the United Kingdom, which gave the Canadians and their now Union-dominant government way to follow their own agenda. His reforms swept across the nation and while at first met with outrage, the following years have had an enlightened weight on his government. Remaining relatively quiet until now, it is now Canada's time to rise up and take its spot as a Great Power among squabbling, warring nations. 



    "Mr. Governor, tensions have been rising in the Middle-East. It would be imperative for us to seek better relations with the United States of America and Russia. Our lands are at stake. Russia has claims to our lands in British Columbia - and Alaska in America. If war were to come to North America, our people would suffer and it would not be in the interests of any of us. A treaty is underway." The Chancellor of Canada stated in a meeting with Governor Pierce about the current foreign affairs.


    "You're right. Prepare a transcription. Write it as followed, Gregory. Russia first. 'To President Ivan, it is in my hope that Canada and Russia can come to an agreement of no aggression, period. War would not be in our best interests. In order to quell any doubts of my intentions my Chancellor is offering a trade agreement & as discussed, depending on your decision, a no aggression pact. Thank you, and I hope that we can arrange a meeting in due time to further discuss these affairs', sincerely, Governor Pierce of the People's Dominion of Canada." Pierce says after a few short pauses to think and evaluate, then nodding to the Chancellor as business went forward.







    With the global recession in food stocks, this was a big issue in Canada which had never occurred before. A stroll through the capital of Ottawa City saw you looking at hundreds of homeless men and women - starving homeless men and women. Donations were made and new facilities established in already existing buildings to accommodate for the weak and the homeless, however not much else can be done and so foreign policy dictates Canada goes to its closest ally; the United States of America.


    "Send it as is, Gregory," Pierce said as he cleared his throat thinking for a moment, "To President Sherman of the United States of America. Governor Pierce sends his regards in these hard times as food has become scarce among the lower classes of our communities. Trade is no longer as secure as it once was, and our relations in the past years have only deteriorated," Governor Pierce explained in the transcript.


    "It is imperative that we, as historical friends & allies, sharing the longest conflict-free border in the world, conjoin once again as allies and partners in global economics, and so my government is offering a trade agreement with the main product being canned food among other important aspects of our field, and a defensive alliance to ensure North America remains free, strong and glorious!"





    Internal affairs are not without tension as well. With biased opinions from the government of Canada being relayed on the West with the East being neglected in almost every manner. Citizens of Canada living in the East are rapidly moving to the West as talk of huge minimum wages and payment fly rampant across the country. They want to get rich and who can blame them? The same thing happened between 2013 and 2015, though these rumors were quickly crushed as those who went returned with no money at all.


    But this was different. These rising wages were in retrospect of Pierce's new policies and Socialist-esque ideas that brought Unions back, and oh, were Unions very popular in the Canadian Prairies now-a-days. There is even talk of Americans moving to Canada, specifically the Prairies for the money, and this has bolstered Canada's population, allowing the territories of Yukon and Northwest to become full-fledged Provinces with a steady population and workforce run by local Unions who were managed by Mayors and Intendants. Things were looking mighty fine for Canada's economic future, but the recession goes on.


    Aboriginal communities have all been assimilated into normal communities, the years gone bye as even Anglo-phones and Franco-phones assimilate into what is the only culture found in Canada now - true Canadian, born free and strong, blessed by God. French is still a secondary language in Canada however Pierce is currently working to remove its overall importance in Schools, Colleges and Universities even in Quebec. With no formal competition from the Bloc de Quebecois, these reforms will easily go through.


    Military spending is currently at 80%, Bureaucratic spending is at 60% and Education has been lowered to 70% from 100%. Taxes are higher than usual but Pierce is also trying to rectify this with more expensive Tariffs on imported goods so that taxes can be enlightened.




    Canada's Actions:


    - Trade Agreement & Defensive Alliance Offer to United States of America

    - Trade Agreement & Non-Aggression Pact Offer to Russia

    - Military spending at 80% from 50%

    - Education spending at 70% from 100%

    - Tariffs on imported goods to enlighten taxes, taking on a more Protectionist trade system

    - Bureaucratic spending at 60% for a more effective and efficient governing body


    This is more so an introduction post. Going to do a lot more once people have interacted with me more.

  14. Nation Name: People's Dominion of Canada or just Canada
    Starting Military Strength: http://www.globalfirepower.com/country-military-strength-detail.asp?country_id=canada
    Leader Name: Governor Robert Pierce


    Backstory: Robert Pierce was an unexpected competition from Alberta who rose to fame in late 2019 after a long Conservative field in Canada, beating both the rising NDP Party and the steady Conservatives, with the Liberals falling behind in popularity. His new government - and ideas - brought forth an enlightened era all the way towards the collapse of the Canadian Constitution in retrospect of the crisis in Europe in 2028.


    Pierce continued Canada's traditional mannerisms such as peacekeeping, equality and good health care, however his most redeeming qualities were his Military reformations and Economic boosts which touched on Energy and the Canadian West. With his golden rule, he was able to modernize Canada's aging military and bring it to the forefront of the world, even rivaling America with its shaky decline during his 'rule'.


    Even though many in Canada despised the idea of the Constitutional collapse, it allowed the nation to step out of both America and Britain's mighty shadow and follow its own agenda by the people and for the people, striking a new meaning of the word patriotism. Make no mistake, however - this is not a dictatorship.


    The Governor is still elected into place, but parties have been abolished with the revival of Unions taking the spotlight and running for Governorship in their own province or territory. This is now a republic for the people and by the people, and while there is no sense of the word for expansionism, the Canadian people will take all steps necessary to ensure their place in this new world order that has been on the rise since the collapse of the United Nations.

    Would you like to be considered to be a mod? Y/N: Y


    (Also, would NATO still be established or has that collapsed as well? The North Atlantic Treaty Organization consisting of many countries like Canada, France, Belgium and so on)

  15. Mounted_battle_by_NeilBlade.jpg



    The Syndicate




    “Father, allow me to do this for you. I will not shame the family name.” Aliden said, kneeling before his Lord Father, Aiden. Sir Falconcrest and four men-at-arms silently stood at attention at the entrance. Aiden simply nodded, his gloved fists clenched and rubbing together in shear eagerness. He nodded, stroking his chin with his gloved hand, his eyes glowering down with an ardent glimmer. He dismissed the six men, including his son, and Falconcrest, as they scurried to the distant shore in the lowlands of Stromgarde. They readied a ship for the city port, prepared to infiltrate Trollbane’s hall.


    Meanwhile, Aiden and his commanders readied the men, preparing his armor and equipping the soldiers under him with proper steel. They lined up, standing at attention, the young standard bearer in the back fluttering the Falcon; rising into the sky - a sign of their finest hour.


    “My lords, my countrymen! The time is now to act against King Thoras and his people! The tides of war have shifted against those who felled us in the wake of the Second War! Our vengeance will not be swift; the Trollbanes will suffer, as they have made us suffer!” Aiden cried out on horseback, his enameled longsword in hand.


    He raised his sword hand into the air,  and released a mighty battle cry, which resounded throughout the siege camp, “For Alterac! The Falcon rises!” echoed the soldiers of Perenolde, as they marched for the city gates of Stromgarde. Ogre warlords and magi charged in front of them, throwing their weight against the gates, as a battering ram was being pulled forward by six men.




    “This way!” Aliden ushered, keeping his head down, as the five men behind him, including Sir Falconcrest, followed in pursuit. They made their way around the many districts, cutting down stray guardsmen and soldiers, as they crept into the halls of Trollbane, adorned in dark garments and hooded cowls, daggers and short swords in hand.


    Two of the men following Aliden had crossbows, and they took care of the two guardsmen in front of the keep, after a small contingent marching to the gates passed by them, the Alteraci men still unseen. In the confusion, a bell was tolled, yet the soldiers of Strom did not know where it was coming from; a call-to-arms was being sentenced for both the keep and the central square, yet which was more paramount? The six Alteraci men battled throughout the keep, and made their way to Thoras’ chamber.


    He had clambered out of bed, his honour guard by his side. “Sway your weapons, Trollbane!” Aliden called out, short sword pointed at him. “You’re out-numbered! My lord father demands justice!” Aliden cried out, as he gestured for two of his men to aim crossbows at the honour guard at their side. They fired, and a bolt instantly maimed one of the guardsmen, yet another raised their shield, and charged forward, taking the bolt in defense. He clashed with Falconcrest, but was soon cut down.




    “Archers!” Baron Tancred called out, as lightly-armored archers with yew bows lined up on the crest behind the army, nocking arrows to their bow strings and aligning their aim towards the walls, where the defenders of Strom were dropping rocks, firing arrows and bolts and stating orders. They fired, and a few defenders were hit, falling off the edge of the garrison, however, most of the arrows soared through the city.


    “Battering ram!” one of the officers called out, as the ram had finally arrived and begun to bash against the gates. The ogres retreated, and some of their magi cast spells and witchery on the defenders on the walls, sending streams of flame and ice their way.


    The attackers continued to throw their entire weight against the defense of Strom, whilst a matter more sinister occurred within the proud hall of Trollbane.




    “So, the traitor’s son has shown his true nature! I will not bend my knee to a traitor of the Alliance! For Stromgarde!” King Thoras roared, as he unsheathed Trol’kalar, never sleeping without it, charging forward. Falconcrest was the first to engage in combat, believing it would be a boost to his prestige to cut down a King of Strom! He had gotten the edge at first, but King Thoras quickly knocked him down and plunged a sword through his chest, wounding him severely, Falconcrest likely to die from bleeding out very quickly.


    Two men-at-arms charged at Thoras, one being knocked down, and the other stumbling back as he quickly parried the attacks. Aliden watched, and was eager to prove himself, as he himself charged at Thoras. “Thoras!” Prince Aliden cried, raising his sword hand into the air, only for Thoras to charge forth, bashing him with his powerful, broad shoulders, and pivoting on his heel to deal a slashing blow to his hand; lopping it off!


    Aliden fell to his knees, dropping his sword immediately. He gripped his hand, as blood splurted from the open wound. He cried in agony, screaming, “AAAAAGH!”.


    The other two men-at-arms attempted to drive spears into Thoras, but were mortally wounded in return, the crimson-ornate steel blade of Trol’kalar cutting through them like butter. Aliden had lost; however, Thoras did receive a serious wound to his leg. Thoras slowly limped over to Aliden, pointing his sword at his neck. “It’ll take more than your petty disrepute to cut me down, Aliden. And to think King Terenas had pondered the idea of making you King of Alterac. Pathetic.” King Thoras ushered, calling for the guards and a priest to tent to both Aliden and Thoras’ wounds.




    King Aiden knew his son was taking longer than anticipated. Many men were already lost attempting to siege the gate.


    Yet if his son had indeed failed, then had to breach the gates, else only failure would find them. They wouldn’t have a second chance of assaulting the keep, with the reinforcements of Redhall able to swoop down any moment now.


    The hinges on the gates shattered. As the battering ram continued its affront, the gates pushed in, and Perenolde could see the defenders ahead creeping through. And finally, at last, the gate was pushed open by force, and the attackers of Perenolde stormed through! “FOR ALTERAC!” the soldiers bellowed, as the streets of Stromgarde quickly began to swell with the resounding of steel clashing with steel; and the death cries of men and women alike. The ogres of Perenolde pushed through, acting as the vanguard.


    Aiden rode with his lords on horseback, cutting down defenders as they went, clad in the steel plate armor of Perenolde; the crest of his family proudly emblazoned on an orange-and-black fur cloak wrapped around his slim shoulders.




    • Aliden Perenolde has been taken hostage/prisoner by King Thoras Trollbane
    • The armies of Perenolde have breached the gates of Stromgarde City and are currently fighting it out in the streets
    • Falconcrest, one of the founding leaders of the Syndicate, has been felled by King Thoras Trollbane
  16. knights%20horses%20mountblade%20artwork%



    The Syndicate





    King Aiden Perenolde and his body of Barons still loyal to him sat around a round table in the main tent of the encampment outside the city walls of Stromgarde. They discussed tactics and exchanged information. One seat was empty; the seat of General Hath, who had betrayed Aiden's trust after the Orcs were let through. The thought still haunts Aiden, and despite efforts to find and capture General Hath, it was to no avail, the man just vanished.


    He had taken a large swathe of the royal army with him; and with that, most of the veterans and trained men-at-arms. Some say he fled to Stormwind, and others say he's left in exile with the army, seeking to carve his own kingdom in the south. All but rumors; yet just as important. There were only three Barons loyal to Aiden, and one landed knight, Sir Falconcrest. His father had been a loyal servant, and Falconcrest had been paramount in supporting the newly formed Syndicate. He was one of Aiden's most trusted men, and he often had him do much of the 'dirty' work in the operation. Among the 'council', was Aiden's son, Aliden. Still a boy, yet all the man otherwise.


    Aliden had not been too fond of the idea of rebellion against the Alliance. And some say he secretly plots with the Alliance to take over and pledge allegiance to Thoras. Of course, as King and Lord Father, Aiden must shrug off these rumors, as not to have people assume the family of Perenolde has grown weak.


    Aiden spread his hands calmly over the table, seemingly fingering the hilt of a fine dagger. He rubbed his chin with his other hand, and watched his lords squabble over debate and other such business. He was quiet, most of the time. Usually clean-shaven and organized, the affairs of appearance had all but vanished for Aiden. A dark, graying stubble had formed upon his mouth and jawline, and his hair had grown longer since his exile. It made him seem older; and he was already nearing his late fifties. He had never known this type of life. He was wealthy in his youth, and powerful. Now he was reduced to running and fighting, clad in armor most of the time. He used to never know need, now he needs everything; money, soldiers, alliances... yet the Falcon is Rising, and it shall not fall, not to Stromgarde, not to King Arthas, and especially not to those Horde mongrels.


    "We should storm the city on the morrow! The Stromsmen are weak; their city is crumbling under our might, brothers and sisters!" Baron Tancred had called out. He was the Lord of Dandred's Fold. Aiden looked on, shaking his head slowly, his head resting in his palm.


    "Don't be foolish, Tancred. Have the ogres serve as fodder for the slaughter! They'll crush the first line of defense; and there won't much left for us! We'll just have to claim the city! And take that fool Thoras' head with it!" Baron Ashford proclaimed. He was the Lord of Strahnbrad, before it was pillaged by the Orcs. Now he rules over the ruins; yet is never there. He is always by Aiden's side.


    "Let us be done with these petty Stromsmen. Alterac should be our focus. Let us go back home; forget about Thoras and his lackeys! They're broken, and hopeless! Our message is clear! We should reclaim the city. Lordaeron has been weakened by this famine in the Northlands. We won't face any resistance, other than those blasted ogres. We cannot afford to lose any more men, Lord Perenolde." Sir Falconcrest called out from behind the shadows, crossing his arms.


    One particular noble seemed depressed, he spoke up, frowning. "And what of this Scourge in the north, now that you bring it up? Who are we to say we are safe from this plague? What are we to do if it reaches the mountains, and breaches the pass?"


    Everyone looked to him, and some nodded, and others shook their heads in disagreement. Other remained neutral. In particular, Aiden was neutral, and sighed deeply. He did not say anything. A frown slipped over his face, and he finally rose from his seat, his chair being pushed back. He looked to his advisers and commanders, and bellowed out, in a calm, careful tone.


    "Enough. I will not have any of you doubting our purpose here in the Highlands. I will not retreat back to Alterac until King Thoras and his family is faced with the very same travesty felled upon us during the Second War. He will feel pain, and he will feel sorrow. When I am done with him, he will wish he had convinced the Lightbringer to end my life then and there. The Falcon Rises; and it shall not falter. Not even this Scourge will stop me from having my revenge." Aiden nodded to his men, and then dismissed them, as they shuffled out of the tent.


    King Aiden gripped the dagger hilt, and drove it into the wooden base of the table, his teeth clenching together, as his fists clenched around the knife. It had stabbed through a battle map, and what it had pierced was the hall of Trollbane in the city.


    "I come for you, 'Trollbane'."



    • King Aiden Perenolde and his Syndicate host is entrenched outside Stromgarde City. He prepares to besiege the capital of the Stromic people.
    • Men-at-arms from Strahnbrad bring news of fear and sorrow; as more news from Lordaeron reaches them. The self-proclaimed King Arthas now controls the North with an undead force backing them. What if he marches for Alterac?
    • The Syndicate is currently divided among these holdings: Dandred's Fold, Strahnbrad, Durnholde, Outskirts of Stromgarde City, Northfold Manor.
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