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Posts posted by MisterTiddles

  1. *Mark Languish walks towards the Guild Hall of The Explorer's League and slips a paper under the door. The paper is titled, "Mark Languish, Application to Explore"


    Basic IC Information
    Name: Mark Languish
    Age: 22
    Race: Human

    Desired Rank: Prospector, although I would not be objected to a leader rank in the future.
    Reason for Applying: I am a newcomer to these lands and would love to take this opportunity to see the world. I also have a passion for meeting new people. I would also like to be able to provide assistance to people in need at the places that we travel. Overall, I would like to be a part of this guild to travel, but have a place to call home at the end of the day.
    Relevant Qualifications: None at this moment, aside from being a quick learner.

    Past Experience: (N/A)
    Comments or Final Words:

    OOC Information
    Age: 18
    Discord Name: Passive#7460
    Reason for Applying: I'm applying because I would like to be involved with exploration. This map is unfamiliar to me, and I would like to be able to explore it with a dedicated group.
    First time to the Explorers' League?: Yes
    Are you applying with a main character?: Yes

  2. Minecraft username: MisterTiddles

    Age: 15

    Time zone: EST (Eastern Standard Time)

    Do you have any past experience moderating Minecraft servers?:


    I've moderated my own minecraft hamachi servers, nothing too fancy, but I do have experience with a bunch of bukkit plugins. Installing them, applying them into regular use. The servers I made were mostly just regular survival servers, and an Ultra Hardcore gamemode server. The servers were mainly just used for casual play with some buddies, along with myself.

    Why have you decided to create a trial GM application?:


    I've been playing on this server for some time now, and I've always admired the way mods help out wandering souls, quickly accepting modreqs, and almost always being there when someone needs something (the times they aren't being when no one is online). I'd like to give back to them, for the reason that mods have helped me with countless things, from renaming items, to finding out how plugins work. I'd like to be a part of the GM team (or atleast get a trial for now, one step at a time.) because they've helped me when I didn't know what to do, and I'd like to be in the helping position, now that I believe I have the experience to do so. 

    Additional information: I have Skype as well, it's Jadpad144 if you need to contact me about anything concerning my application. Thank you

  3. MC Name: MisterTiddles

    RP name: Roger Tiddles (See what I did there?)

    Reason for Joining: I was invited rply

    Short (very) character Biography: He's kinda edgy, I guess. He was a part of the Daelenic Order from the day the name was picked. He participated in 2 wars, so he's fairly strong. He likes food, I guess. 

    Race: Human

    Age: 22, and counting.

    Notes: I like food in real life too


    Have you ever been banned,  or had a strike put against you?: Nope

    Do you agree to act maturely in this guild, and represent us well, if accepted?: we'll see

    ...Just kidding, I agree.

  4. Roger is shocked by this, and turns to face the new keep of The Daelenic Order. "Farewell friend, may your endeavors leave you victorious." He turns back to Lucius. "My advice to you, is never forget where you came from. Never forget your brothers here." He leaves you with one smile, before heading back into the keep.

    • [NOTE] This app is for Actor
    • Minecraft name: MisterTiddles
    • Skype ID: Jadpad144
    • Time zone: EST (GMT -5)
    • Have you ever been banned or received a strike? If so, link the report: None
    • Do you hold any other staff positions? Nope
    • What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a Event member? Only one, Roger Tiddles. Since I only have one, I wouldn't sacrifice him.
    • What race/group do you think your events would best cater to? Humans and elves, maybe halflings.
    • What do you believe are key factors for a successful event? Enough roleplay to keep the audience engaged, and enough interaction for them to have fun.
    • When was the last time you saw a event? If it counts, there was a war that was supposed to happen and there was a broadcast on it because it got cancelled, but other than that, a festival at the tavern at spawn. I worked the gambling center in the basement.
    • What strengths could you contribute to the Event Team? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing? Tell us! I'm fair at organizing. I can get a lot of people to contribute to the event, and creating it wouldn't be a problem. I also like to get involved in an event when I see one, so creating it, I would imagine, would be twice the fun.
    • Why do you want to be part of the ET? I would like to support the idea of events more, rather than having one once every 2 months. Also, I would like to have a part for myself in the LotC community.
    • Create three distinct RP scenarios/events that you would organize.
    • 1) For one-3 person: A person is holding someone hostage. The ransom is ten thousand minas. The person being held hostage has a certain amount of time before getting enslaves, and just plain imprisoned, taken advantage of, or sold. (That's the idea. If the person didn't save them in time, rply that's what would happen, but in actuality, they'd be fine.) 
    • 2) For a group of 5-10: A boat is being stolen by a group of bandits. These bandits are well armed with weapons, but they have no armor. A group of mercenaries show up, and try to claim back the boat. The bandits attempt to make a clean getaway with the boat, while the mercenaries are trying to get on board.
    • 3) For a group of 20+: Huge festival in Abresi. The festival will be held in the town, prices of ale and food will go down 20%, and games and gambling will be held in certain areas. There would be pony rides for the children, and also magic shows (unharmful magic.). There would be music (music boxes) and dancing. At night, people would gather and sing around a campfire, and then the event would come to an end.
    • How long do you plan to stay in the ET? As long as you'll keep me I suppose.
    • Tell me a joke: Three guys walk into a bar, but the third one is a duck
    • EDIT: I now have 2 characters. Roger Tiddles, and [Child] Excalibur Tiddles.


    MC Name: comanderbly

    Age: N/A

    Country: portugal!

    Timezone: GMT (Lisbon, London)

    Skype Name: leonardo

    Do you have Teamspeak?: yes sir

    How long have you been playing on the server?: wow, like since august 2011 so two years yes.

    How long you can you be online per day?: idk, like 1-2 hours

    What past guilds have you been apart of?: i was on the merry men back in asulon, i was accepted into the teutonic order in asulon, but never showed up, i was part of the Red dragon guard in Kalos and I was part of the northmen in elysium, then i was a spymaster for house carrion

    Have you ever held a leadership role before?: no, nobody trusts me with it for some reason :/

    Do you have a VA? (What evils?): n/a



    Name: Grand Strelt Roderick Krawfyod

    Age: 38 years of old

    Race: Human, Raevir

    Past Experience in military and combat: well, roderick participated in the flay/carrion vs teuton war, he participated in battle of shadowcastle, many, many raids against dwarves, he defended abresi many times too, he also was going to participate in battle against the rebels, but it got called off, he participated in some more battles, but I dont remenber name

    What are your skills?: he's a great warrior, and he's loyal, that's it

    What weapon do you prefer?: Scimitar 4life

    Why do you wish to join the Order?: because, since i got kicked from being spymaster of house carrion, and wasnt accepted into teutonian order, i decided to try to join the other rebel faction. although i can assure you im not spymaster anymore :yes: 

    What are some strength’s of yours?: i am very good at fighting with my scimitar, and i can follow orders very well, i am also a good potato farmer

    Tell us more about yourself (Brief Biography): well, roderick was born in very late kalos, by the carrion tavern. he then moved to kralta and was grown there, when he came of age he became a strelt and since then he has served House Carrion. Will make great soldier!


    *reviews the application. He looks up. "I have some questions about your application. I'll contact you soon." ((Aka I'll add you on skype.))

  6. As word spreads in the many lands of Anthos of this new group, A woman cloaked in dark toned gold and silver trimmed robes stumbles upon the ledger that tells her of this Order. She seems to smile, taking a copy home for her to write a letter.


    ((check PMs))


    Please do not PM applications. We need them posted on the forums, so new people applying know what to expect from initiate members. Thank you. :)

    -Roger Tiddles

  7. What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - MisterTiddles
    How old are you?: - 15
    What time-zone do you live in?: -  EST

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: -I haven't. 
    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: - Nope
    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): -Nope 

    How did you hear about us?: -Google. I searched up a roleplay server and you guys were the first to come up and the server seemed interesting.
    What do you think the server will be like? -  A roleplay experience similar to that of an mmorpg. For example, wars, making a living, etc.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: - Yes
    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: -  "Racism is allowed in-character, but make sure you don't do it out-of-character - it can only be towards other in-game races."


    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel freearrow-10x10.png to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: -  Acting as a person of your creation and deciding their traits, job, etc. and interacting with other in game characters

    What’s metagaming?: - It is the use of out of game information to change your decisions in game. 

    What’s powergaming?: -  Making your progress in the game as quick as possible, making it no fun for other players slowing down and enjoying themselves.

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: -  Roger Tiddles, but he goes by "Tiddles", or "Mister Tiddles"

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Human (Northerner)  

    What sex are they?: - Male 

    How old are they?: - 19 

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): -  
    He lived on a small unmarked farmhouse outside of Leumalin. As a child, his family was very poor, due to the family's lack of farming skills. However, they could usually find something to eat out of hunting, because of Tiddles' father's skills with a bow, but he would never participate in The Great Hunt. He thought of it as "too much of a hassle". Tiddles' mother was a great cook. She prepared the meals that Tiddles' father prepared. She was especially good at making Stew. Her stew was amazing. Tiddles always wanted to learn to use a bow and arrow, and maybe even learn to do a sword swing here and there. His father would always tell him "when you're older Tidds". On Tiddles' 15th birthday, his father took him out to the shooting range to try out his first bow shot. He hit a bullseye on his third try, which his father was impressed by. Tiddles' father had always looked for what he passed on to his son, and he realized this was it. Every day after his daily hunt, he would take Tiddles' to the shooting range for practice, until Tiddles' 19th birthday. Grish hit Tiddles' mother and father. They decided not to tell him however, for his own good. His parents stayed in bed until the day they died. When Tiddles had found out, he started planning what he would do now. He grabbed some things of his parents. His dad's bow, some arrows, food, and he was off. He planned to not be unmarked anymore. He wanted to be someone, and do things that would make his father proud.

    What are they like (personality)?: - Usually friendly, but if you get on his bad side, someone's getting killed. Whether it's him, or you. 

    What are their ambitions?: - He wants to become strong, and have a home he can keep. Possibly make some money and friendships along the way.

    Do they have any special skills?: - Skilled with a bow. His sword strikes could be better, but they're average. 

    What are their weaknesses?: - Learning magic without hands on experience. If he's reading a book, he'll probably just bore himself to sleep.

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - Medium length brown hair, red eyes, white jacket (belonged to his dad) white cotton shirt underneath. Black leather shoes (he traded a whole cow for them). His favorite sword on his back and a chest backpack to keep his things in. 

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - At time's he's desperate for money. Give him a job worth the pay, and he'll do it. Even assassination.

    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: -  post-63603-0-41324100-1384610810_thumb.p
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