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Elvrohir Aureon

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Posts posted by Elvrohir Aureon

  1. 1 minute ago, The Pink Lion said:

    "What a waste of parchment." Woodie hums, moving around to start collecting some of the various fliers before folding them into hats. "Next people will be preaching about purit- oh wait. I wonder how the 'aheral feel seeing us 'ame turn more and more into them after such a fight was made to get out from under them."


    Elvrohir thinks this dude is a moron and could not distinguish an apple from an orange. 

  2. A breeze guided by the hand of Cerridwen somehow floats deep into the uncharted depths of Linandria's forest, where an old hermit passes the time meditating on the Aspect's Balance and caring for a pack of wolves. Elvrohir Aureon finds the scroll, taking a minute to read through it. 

    "Whoever took over the Sirame should fix that shilt. That's flucking gross. Better not be someone in my Seed."


  3. 14 hours ago, BrandNewKitten said:


    That is like telling the wood elven nation that they can't make wood elf q&a. If you play a high elf and are impure then you just play a regular elf tbh. If you absolutely need to call yourself a high elf you are already prescribing to a race & culture that was born from Haelun'or. Haelun'or are the high elves.


    You trying to stir shiz on a Q&A thread that is meant to help is bullshit. :] Comment elsewhere, please, and have a fabulous day.


    We can, as a majority of our people live with us.


    Meanwhile High Elves are split between Norseth'onn and Haelunor. 


    Yall can can make a Mali'thilln no problem tho.


    Haelunor isn't High Elven culture, it's Silver Law culture.

  4. 9 hours ago, Trinn | nnirT said:


    But Why. Haelunor is the city, and Haelunorian would loosely imply someone living in Haelunor - not necessarily always  a High Elf. Thus, High elf is more fitting; if anything, Mali'aheral should be up there.



    Let your inner edge out. 

      Reveal hidden contents

    Image result for gandalf go back to the shadows gif




    It's /a/ High Elven city. Not /the/ High Elven city.

  5. "A generous offer, but the Chikr leaders of the Warhawkes have no doubt found a way to make us seem like the bad folks again. I can say I have never tried to kill a child, neither has anyone in the Sirame, and as far as I know, nobody in the Dominion has either.


    Can the Warhawke leaders say the same?"





  6. 6 hours ago, mirofel9 said:

    As war drew nigh, the remnant of the Dreadlands banded together with the Warhawkes in a last defense against the Orenian Imperial Army.  Casting aside their previous vestiges as bandits and assassins, they became soldiers, grim and fierce.  Blacksmiths forged armor and weapons, commanders rallied their forces, and citizens laid down their plows and took up their swords.


    The defenders took on a new name, the Last Alliance, a coalition of men and elves one faction of one subrace of elves.  Their single goal: to drive Orenians from their lands and restore peace and prosperity in the Dreadlands and all Axios.

    Elvrohir ponders how a nation of bandits and assassins could have been peaceful.

  7. Joe is an Asian whos going to UC Irvine hes a walking cliche smh -1



    No but actually hes hella meticulous and literally wont stfu when it comes to editing documents until their perfect, he'll be a good worker in the wiki* department.

  8. As the former High Prince walks through the city the day after his resignation, he turns a corner, and is greeted by the entire Order of Sirame, standing on bended knee, in rows of three. At their head is Elvrohir Aureon, standing straight, his hands held behind his back. He takes a step forward, and begins to speak...


    "There is little to say sir. You picked the Mali'ame out of the dirt, and threw us into a Golden Age. Our race owes you a debt it can never repay. Your dedication, your skills as a warrior, and as a diplomat, have been an inspiration to us all. Thank you for your service, it was nothing short of an honor to be your El'Annil."


    Elvrohir thumps his chest twice, and the entire Order rises, and in unison, exclaims


    "AME AME AME!"

  9. I've seen her go off the handle on the global OOC chat a few times. One I remember was her arguing  with 4 people about defender default and when she realized she was in the wrong just turned it into a  salty shitstom. 


    Does not understand how the server works yet, and instead of adapting, she tries to force things to go her way.


    I feel that if she joins the team, the staff will quickly find her flaunting all her 'experience', which will probably be annoying.


    In the end, can she do the job of the GM team? Can she moderate players? 

    No, you can't enforce rules that you dont understand, or don't like. Furthermore, she has not spent nearly enough time with this community for most people to value her opinion.



  10. Just now, Kukiii said:

    >Insults i_am_ricky

    >uses harambe as evidence

    >harambe was a warhawke

    >ricky is a warhawke


    how dare you bring up Harambe the great warhawke.



    How dare you say Harambe was a Wahawke

  11. Elvrohir clutches his skull, as somehow, after the battle, the telepathic voice of the Shaman sobs and curses in his head, whining about his horse that had died in the battle. Elv begins to shudder and collapses, passing out. A doctor would examine him, and determine he had been exposed to massive sodium levels during the battle, for Uruks tend to exude the substance. 


    Elvrohir's fate is uncertain, he might become the only casualty of the battle, everyone else on both sides having survived. 

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