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Posts posted by Jahrmann

  1. Normally I can put up comments on statuses quite fine but everytime I posted on Hanrahan Brae's forum status it glitches and disappears. I don't think I am posting anything against the rules because I am just asking him to check his PMs. Is there something wrong with my forum account that it can't comment on status long-term?


    Thank You,



  2. Guys! Listen to me! Just because Aislin left twice because he had to take care of his sick dog doesn't mean he's the bad guy here. In fact, I think it makes YOU guys the bad guy.


    Thank You,


  3. OOC: What kind of RP name is Absolution? Sorry for interrupting but that is not a logical name. It'd be like if I named my character Conjugation or Edification. You should rethink your character, I can tell you are new to roleplaying.


    Thank You,


  4. Alright we have two rules where I'm from I explained this in my Iron Sale thread but some FM deleted it. Here goes.


    1) Parents said always be polite and thankful for what you got, not all of us have access to computers to play computer games


    2) Golden Rule: If someone talks smack you got the right to talk smack back, if someone's nice you gotta treat 'em nice.


    Don't give me smack I do what I want


    Thank You,


  5. Francesco joins the Herendul for a visit. 


    Francesco: "Ah, thank you, thank you my good sire!"

    Posh Herendul Butler: "Jolly Good Show, Chap! Anything for a Monk of the Priory!"

    Francesco: "Aye, well, nothing good like Herendul butter on Herendul toast"

    P.H.B: "Dig in!"


    Francesco enjoys the toast as he sits in the castle, enjoying the view of Herendul. 


    "Don't see this everyday, right ole' Butler?"



    The sun sets, and another day in Herendul passes. Francesco heads home, enlightened by his visit.


    Thank You,

    Francesco Boniface.

  6. He's a good guy and fun to be around, I say give him a chance. +1 from me.


    P.S. I think it would be best if you took this seriously this time, I'm not sure the server or their staff will ever take you serious again if you leave for another server just because they offered you a staff position and you thought that it would beat LoTC. :P Good look though, I know you can handle the job if you get it.


    Words of wisdom, seriously. Listen to Charles Greymane - Rurikk, Aislin. Keep things serious. Keep things level-headed. You can handle it though. We all believe you.


    I only got so many of these, but here. You earned it, take this +1.


    Thank You,


  7. Since this is your third time, and you've left the position the other two times, I see you not entirely fit for the position. 

    However, some GMs have been given 3 chances, and you're asking for one as well, so I'd say...

                  + 1


    See, this is the kind of attitude the server needs. Not nay-sayers and haters. +1 to you, Asilin!


    Thank You,


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