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Posts posted by _Cassius_

  1. Free Cassius Mini-Magazines are distributed throughout the majors cities of Anthos. They are appealing, new, and vibrant! You are overwhelmed by the beautiful lady on the front cover, and choose to open the magazine and read it through and through.














    [[Yeah so this is the first issue of my mini-magazine... I know it has a bit of a modern aspect to it, but I like it. I think it spices things up in a war torn world. I made this entire magazine by myself as well as the outfits portrayed in it. Have fun reading it LotC ! :) ]]

  2. Cassius Designer Boutique 



    We provide you with custom attire made of the finest silks and hairstyles that no barber can cut!

    Placing an order:

    There are two ways you can place an order for the Cassius Designer Boutique. The first is you can send a letter to Casimir Cassius [[A personal message on the forums.]] with your detailed request. You will then be sent the order back after payment.


    The next option for placing in order, is you can approach Casimir Cassius [[ _Cassius_ ]] directly at our boutique in the Conclave of Malin.

    Our location:

    The Cassius Designer Boutique is located in the Conclave of Malin as previously stated. It is the house with the emerald stone above the door, to the right of the cul-de-sac entrance. If you go around the Conclave you can't miss it.

    Order Options:

    [[All options except Introduction to Walking in High Heels include shading.]]



    This option includes a full designer outfit.

    Cost: 170 minas.





    This option includes a full facial make-over along with hair-styling or hat tailoring.

    Cost: 75 minas.


    Full Service Package:




    This option includes a full make-over. You will be dressed, and your hair will be done to perfection. If you are a female you have the option of getting full make-up service along with the requested dress and hairstyle.

    Cost: 250 minas.

    Introduction to Walking in High Heels:

    This option does not involve tailoring, hairstyling, etc. It is simply a lesson on how to walk in heels…

    Cost: 10 minas.



    Order Time:

    All orders will be done IN ORDER. That means if there are many orders at one time, the last ones will take a longer period of time to be completed.



    Order List // ETA :

  3. Out-Of-Character Information

    The simplest section of the application! Simply answer these questions so we can get to know you a bit better.

    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: - 

    How old are you?: - 14

    What time-zone do you live in?: - UTC + 01:00 [usually]

    Have you ever roleplayed before - if you have, how?: - I have roleplayed in various roleplay forums.

    Have you been on any other roleplaying servers?: -  No.

    Have you applied to this server before?(Please link past applications): - No.

    How did you hear about us?: - I saw it on a Minecraft RP Servers list.

    What do you think the server will be like? - I think it will be a friendly roleplay community.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: -  Yes.

    What’s your favourite rule / the rule you agree with the most?: - I agree with the griefing rule the most. [Don't damage or destroy other people's buildings - this is known as griefing, and it's not something we allow. Get permission before changing someone else's building!]


    This is simply so that we can get an understanding of how much you know about roleplaying. Feel free to Google the answers, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not another website / person's!

    What is roleplaying?: - 
    Roleplaying is the act of putting aside all personal feelings, thoughts, etc. and creating a character with their own personal feelings, thoughts, actions, and life. You then take on the role of said created character and play as them. You interact with other characters based on your characters personality and traits.

    What’s metagaming?: - Metagaming is the act of using Out Of Character knowledge to your character’s advantage. An example of metagaming is using disclosed coordinates from an Out Of Character chat to find a hidden treasure chest with your character in game.

    What’s powergaming?: - Powergaming is making your character unstoppable, godly, and unreasonably powerful. An example of this is if I had a character named Arthur who I claimed was the most powerful sorcerer in existence and could kill everybody with a snap of his fingers. Another example of powergaming is forcing and action/death on another character without allotting them an appropriate amount of time to respond.

    In-Character Information

    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.

    What’s your character called?: - 
    Casimir Cassius

    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Elf ; Wood Elf

    What sex are they?: - Male

    How old are they?: - 54

    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family (Include server lore when writing): - 


                    Casimir was born into a rather well-off pure Wood Elven family in Anthos. His mother, Mya, was a simple seamstress, while his father Elihu was a well-respected international trader. As an international trader, Elihu went away for several years on his ship The Helvetica, and was never able to see much of Casimir. Mya on the other hand spent much time with Casimir and focused greatly on his education and skills. At age five, Casimir was sent to a teacher along with five other kids from Malinor. There he was taught alongside them about basic subjects such as mathematics, and elven language. He did averagely in school, for elven language was a bore, and he loathed fractions in mathematics. As his basic schooling progressed, Mya eventually gave into her son’s interests, hiring a piano and art teacher for him. His ability to play the instrument excelled quickly along with his painting skills.


                    The Cassius Family were strong admirers of the Druidic Order, and spent one day each week in their grove, learning about the Aspects, especially those following nature such as Cerridwen and Cernunnos. The Druids also recalled exclusive stories of their dreams for the Cassius Family. There in the grove, basic principles of Malin were also taught to Casimir in a very philosophic and calm manner. He repeated them after each visit with the druids. “Protect the young… Respect others’ beliefs…Kindness and charity,” and on and on he went eventually living by such principles.


                    The time for Casimir to choose a path came at around age sixteen for him. His mother urged him to find out what he wanted to do with his life, and to be prepared to be on his own by age twenty. Casimir thought about his future heavily during painting and piano lessons, the music and gently strokes of the brush, easing his mind to reasonable thought. On a particular sunny day, Casimir asked his mother to teach him the ways of sewing out of the blue. Though surprised, Mya agreed and she spent days upon days teaching Casimir the art of the needle. Thousands of silks were used during their bonding with creating clothing, something Casimir enjoyed greatly though his sewing skills remained mediocre for some time. Together with his mother, Casimir created beautiful gowns, dresses, and coats for her shop.


                    As he approached his seventeenth birthday, Casimir decided what he wanted to do. The almost fully grown Wood Elf went to his mother to share his plans with her. “I will take up sewing and open my own boutique… I will make clothes a show of art.” Mya considered and then smiled. “Do as your heart desires my dear boy… I return to your father now that my duties as mother are no longer needed. Know I will always love you, “Mya began to cry as she spoke. And within weeks mother and son had went their separate ways.

                    Casimir worked as a simple tailor for three decades, making a middle-class living on his own, and now at age fifty four his true journey begins.


    What are they like (personality)?: - 


    Casimir is a slightly principled man with a laid back, calm, and fun personality. He finds happiness to be the most important thing in life and is not afraid to do as he pleases even if around societal pressures, though the pressures of authority do change his mind. Casimir has also taken a great liking to extravagance and luxury, something he developed over the time while living alone with just his work. With his surplus money, Casimir would buy expensive furniture for his home, and valuable items that eventually made him a bit of a materialist. These lavish items quenched his thirst for luxury and extravagance usually, but as the years go by, he grows more tolerant towards such expensive desire. All in all Casimir is a happy man with a little materialism on the side.  


    What are their ambitions?: - 


    Casimir ambition is to make sewing an art. A purposeful non-accidental accepted art. He wishes for clothing and luxury items to be displayed just as paintings are in museums or books in libraries. He wants to add a new branch to the trunk of tailoring his mother created for him, something of his own.

    Do they have any special skills?: - 


    Casimir’s special skills include but are not limited to playing the piano proficiently, painting, sewing, and designing. He does each of these with care and purpose, as well as symbolism, representation, and so forth.

    What are their weaknesses?: - 


    Casimir has many weaknesses. The first and most obvious would be his physical disadvantage. As a child, Casimir never focused on war, fighting, or any of that. Instead he sat in his cozy and safe home where exercise was not a necessity.


    Casimir’s second weakness would be his ability to trust and make friends easily. As a child he never really had to deal with dreadful people in Anthos, and therefore his perception of the world is generally unrealistic, adding to his extravagant personality. With that, his ability to trust quickly could easily be exploited.


    Finally, Casimir’s third weakness is his ambition. Sometimes the ideas in his head flutter around far too much and Casimir makes his work a priority rather than health, friends, finances, and other daily concerns. This can greatly affect him during and after these priority change events.

    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - 


                    Casimir’s face is oddly shaped, in such a way that is neither ugly nor angelic. His cheek bones come out lightly, while his eyes are deeper in his head. His cheeks come in a bit as well making his appearance thin and glamorous, but in no way greatly attractive. His eyes sparkle with a night green, something that looks like seaweed in dim light. His dark brown hair is longer on one side, nearly covering his right eye, while the other side is better trimmed and therefore slightly shorter. Casimir’s skin is light coffee color as is per Wood Elven traits. Casimir’s body is thin, standing at 5’6 inches. His fingers are slightly longer than any other Wood Elf’s and that contributes greatly to his piano playing. Finally, Casimir wears distinctive clothing of all colors which he hand-made and designed. The colors can range from very light cactus green to black and gold.

    Anything else you want to say about them?: - 


    Like any other Wood Elf, Casimir has a strong love for nature. He has grown around it due to visiting the druids often and seeing it in his mother’s sewing style. He uses nature as inspiration for his clothing [evident in the screenshot below] music, design, and art.


    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - 





    [[i made this skin myself - it is for my own personal use. Imitation is not appreciated.]]



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