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Posts posted by Calihan

  1. -One that wishes to join would send an Application to the Fortress of Cavan-


    Name: Basilius

    Race and Subrace: Human Southeron

    Age: 36

    Are you willing to die for both the Creator, and The Decterum: Yes.

    Are you a citizen of Oren: Yes.

    Military Experience(None Needed): None


    The Decterum Oath

    I Basilius, swear to uphold the word of the Creator in anyway, shape, or form. I swear to give forth my utmost effort to perform my duties the best way I can, and to bring honor to both myself, and The Decterum. I swear to protect Oren and it’s people from whatever threat dares to show hostile actions towards my Nation, and to protect the Church and the Human Realm from barbaric heretics and those who wish to bring chaos to the Oren government. I swear to never disobey a direct order from my superiors, and to never act in a disrespectful manner while representing The Decterum. I swear, to be a member of The Decterum until I die.




    MC Name: Calihan

    What is your Skype: [email protected]

    Do you have TeamSpeak: yes

    Will you be able to make this your main character: yes

  2. Basilius looks down to the dirt floor in Kralta, he then places the hand on the fine hilt of his broadsword. He moves his head back up and looks around, seeing no one. A man carrying the colors of Carrion passes through the streets shouting for all able bodied men to join the battle in the south.


    Basilius says to the man "Who is to be fought?" the man smiles and replies "We make slay of dirty midgets!". Basilius nods and follows the man down the road, to the Orenian fort. Upon arriving, a party of armored men greet him and others who had joined them along the road. "Aye, it's goin' t' be a tough battle." says a man in the background "An army of the Creator who bears his Holy Cross cannot be beaten!" says Basilius, certain of victory. 



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