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The Illuminus Obscura

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Posts posted by The Illuminus Obscura

  1. In those High Elven Lands, a fallen rampart litters the countryside. Three dead men lay around it, fallen upon its spikes and cackles. The Usurper stares, he found that position fabulously well.  It was perfect. He was tired, and there was more work to be done. This was just the beginning. Outside the city there was a man with his throat slit and a smile upon his face, inside its walls one of their own was being flayed and searched and experimented on, perhaps even tortured. It was worth it. 


  2. Tylos would wonder if the man knows what usurper means, but alas he had no knowledge of this man.


    1. usurper is someone who wrongfully takes someone else's place. Ausurper usually tries to take someone's place on the throne, rather than someone's seat on a bus.


    The Illuminus Obscura is a Society of those who seek power and peace. Realizing the empty promises and lies the gods have exclaimed, this society "reaches" to become the gods. Whether it is is literally or figuratively, we aim to become a superior race of beings. Symbolizing the five focal points on which the society is founded upon, these ideals are set to maintain order and power."  The post utilizes the term Usurper perfectly well, as it means to wrongfully take a place.))

  3. neo_severian.jpg


    Work was nearly at an end.


    The Usurper looked over to the large, sandstone and quartz structure which flew above the men at nearly fifty feet high, carvings and artwork adorned the sides in ornate fashion and multiple insignias of the Illuminus Obscura marked it. It was a monolith, and a foreboding to the beings of ignorance which gawked in its magnificence. The Usurper spoke, and the torturer behind him smiled as he did.


    "Vinz? Prepare the iron maiden." 
    "With pleasure, my lord!"


    The sounds of screams of the blessed and holy men permeated the thin air of the mountain.


    Morality was grey, on the snowy peak, it had no real edge or beginning, it had no substance. If god was to starve to death of their own volition, let his death be enshrined in magnificence.


    And so it would be, and the screams continued.

  4. nuMqDtB.jpg



    The men were walking along the cobblestones, black boots and spurs rattling against them, 'tick tick tick', the soft iron hummed along as they continued on. A casket was in their hands, four handles about it, a loud thumping was coming from the inside. A cross was on the front, the wood was splintering a bit from repeated pounding from the interior.


    The coffin was set along the side of a small ditch, the men had shovels in their hand. Their cyan robing swayed in the breeze, covered in dirt as well. There was screaming now, it was growing louder. If one looked now, blood soaked along the side of the coffin, seeping out in slow streams. The screams began to grow dimmer, something was said about heresy and disgust.  The voice stopped, and the man in slightly cleaner robing went toward the coffin, grabbing a side. He spoke in a husky voice, "Get the sides, let's let the father rest." 


    They began to walk over toward the ditch, but it was found unfortunate that the coffin seemed to have grown in weight due to the soaking of the cloth interior with the blood of the man inside. It fell from their hands with a loud smash, the clasps broke, the priest fell out of the side. He had fifty or sixty piercings in his chest, and the coffins interior seemed to be populated by multiple retracting syringe-like pieces all coordinated with a button at the top of the interior. 




    It was a week later. The area itself was silent, but not undisturbed. Some blood soaked along the grass, dried out among the twigs and ferns. A small cross was over the dirt, scrawled in ink. It was almost covered, but it was there. Nothing else remained, and the men were gone. If one were to unearth the rest of this cross, they would find words below it.

  5. Time was on their side. Time was always on their side. It's very existence was an aid. The Userper looked off toward the open sea, a piece of flesh turned into calcium as such with natron was plain there as, cradled in his hand. As concentration was lost, flesh returned to the small crab. It went on like this, until he finally crushed it, the hours of continual dislocation and re-connection to the void seemingly wasted, and he threw the remains back into the ocean. It was only a matter of waiting now. Just so, and as the days passed into weeks, and into months, and maybe months into years. It was coming. It was cyclical nihilism.

    It had to come.

  6. 1Iogu7d.jpg




    The stench of sulfur rots your nose, coupled with the terrible sight of crimson on grey. It seeps into the cobblestones, causing a clear contrast in the dark.Death was common, in this world. It happened daily, of any situation or naught. Though not of normal happenstance, a body was strung along the roads. In garb most akin to that of a preacher, with gold and silver adorning him, though a question was of who would harm a preacher? With the majority of world in religious frenzy, it was a curious question. His face was mangled to avoid recognition, but one could see he was quite simply, a Human.


    If one were to observe further, an odd symbol was thrown unto his corpse, engraved with a soldering iron. A pentagram, an eclipse, and an open eye. Beyond this, it was standard form for mutilation. All but his tounge was left un-manipulated, with the words "THOU SHALT NOT LIE." Burnt unto it within his mouth, without identification, the man forms a John Doe.


    The rot festers.









    ((inb4 'such edge.' "I SUSPECT AN EDGY IS AFOOT".))

  7. The Usuper looks about, two men by him. Both in odd, golden robes, masks as well. In the center is a symbol of Iblees, and the next, the symbol of the 'new' black hand. A letter is sealed, and sent to this leader.


    "The BLACK HAND is weak. The BLACK HAND will FALL as they have before. They worship gods of no meandering knowledge for self-gain. The inquisition will have their way with them, and their bloodied corpses will fuel the coals of malcontent within the scourge, and bring their low eyes on us. They will fall, for their heinous idiocy.


    None ever expect the Obscura Inqusition."

  8. >☼ The Society of Illuminus Obscura ☼<


    "The Veiling of Light."

    "The symbolism of the Illuminus Obscura. Five pillars to mark our first creation, an eclipse as two askew the sight of the pretending gods, and an eye in the center to lord over it all."

    Taken from the last memories of the original order of Illuminus Obscura, in their efforts of recruitment, before collapse.

    █The Lies of Histories and Mysticism█

    "Hear me now, before you might leave, heed my words instead of simply listening.

    The world you know is a lie. The working man struggles for an eon to make enough minas to buy a loaf of bread, and he is killed for worshipping a cow instead of a hen. The god toils above in laughter as he delivers his judgement, as does the other cry when it's servant is delivered. All get enjoyment of their machination, and yet the man gets death.

    It is all an illusion, a falsity deviated by the mind of another. Yet above the gods still toil, as the order before had yet to consider. They watch over us in laughter, as none of us may have it right but the most insane, and yet we are expected to follow.

    The sun is blotted on a day as an eclipse, and the gods weep nor consider any longer. The common man does not consider the plight of his gods as he prepares to die in grim riposte to the truth.

    They enslave us. The common man, the working man, the noble. They bind us in chains and send us into the ocean with a line and a prayer, hoping for whatever reasons beyond love that we will found our way up, we dirty ourselves, become weak, wet, and yet we go on. In a game of eons, we go on in servitude, and the light keeps shining until the dawn. Do you, do the people of the world deserve this? Is it fitting of men of true stature that you must be FILTHILY USED, as INSTRUMENTS, of a god?

    Yet remember when these gods were not myth but fact, and Iblees raged in the world, and Aeriel cried for her minions as they became his thralls yet again..Yet she is an alligator.

    They have no compassion, no love, no kindness for the man who works for his family, for the wife who adulterates to relive the stress of a hellish life. Yet he never gets the the redemption he deserves, and the light keeps on shining.

    Think of a world free of this, where the common man can work and worship nothing at all, or perhaps a bit of pasta, without worry of execution. Think of a world where the woman can sleep with as many men she wants and not be beheaded and burnt for witchcraft.

    Let it end. ROAR in the face of the gods, skew their vision and blot the sun with an ink so potent it would take Aeriel and Candle themselves to wipe it away.

    A god is a puppet, and all of you are now the puppetmasters. Know freedom, and rise like the phoenix.

    Feel redemption, and know freedom."

    █Comprehension Guide to the Illuminus Obscura█

    [[Originally written by Simonbane.]]

    The Illuminus Obscura is a Society of those who seek power and peace. Realizing the empty promises and lies the gods have exclaimed, this society "reaches" to become the gods. Whether it is is literally or figuratively, we aim to become a superior race of beings. Symbolizing the five focal points on which the society is founded upon, these ideals are set to maintain order and power.

    Another ideal in the concept includes the ending of violence with violence. According to the Illum, the Book of Teachings, greed is the source of all sins. But, to become a god, one must possess some greed to sate their greediness. Once becoming a god, greed is no longer existent. What more can you wish when you are god?

    Another goal we must achieve, is to rid the world of the traces of the gods. According to the Obscurum, the Book of Retribution, the gods rely on support and worship to exist. Without these beliefs, they will not exist and their power will wane. Since gods rely on worship, we shall gather our ranks to worship ourselves as the supreme deities. Only then, shall we rise to their thrones.

    █The Aims of the Illuminus Obscurum█

    Continuing some of the two teachings of Illum and Obscurum, the Illuminus Obscura must lead the socities of the four towards their collective goal, to uproot, and disassimilate the traces of gods in the world. On and on, continued or waivered, they must be decimated for the world to be at peace. See the mindless horde of people, as if Subudai, people devoted to gods, the Usurpant, whom was once named Erin, yet now has passed to the name of Yethin.

    To bring down the oppresion, the horrid falsalites of the gods, the Illum..shown by a star that courses through the people and their whims, that forces the gods to pay attention, for the people relying on worship and support, they dwell within our very existences, because we believe them to. The nature of men is monsterous, it is the core of all of our beings that we cause destruction wherever we go. With this, and our false fealty to the beings known as gods, they have strayed.Turning themselves and horror and disgust to the people they ‘serve’.

    With this, the birth of the Aeguls and Daemons took place, seeing their existences form and take shape in the realm. The Wandering Wizard, Iblees, Aeriel, and the like, are creations of the gods, their pets. As the Illum believes, they are slaves of the gods, the gladiators and the mitigators, complying to the world directly, keeping the gods safe, hiding behind a masquarade of proportions so epic one of mind mortal would never comprehend. Not unlike gladiators, they fight their kind to the death, slave fighting slaves. If they are slaves, we are considered playthings, or puppets rather. As puppets, we are not expected to do much, rather to please the audience. The viewers, being the gods, laugh and cry at our anguish, never ceasing. The puppetmasters, and us now along the strings, Aenguls and Daemons, pulling our hearts in tug relentlessly, just to please their master. There is truth in why we have never seen god..it is because he would be grinning.


    [[The OOC Purpose of this Reformation of the Illuminus Obscurum, is simply to provide some good-natured villainous roleplay, and antagonize the more religious groups as a heretical force, IC.]]


    ☼ The Subsidiares of the Illuminus Obscurum ☼ 


    The multitudes of subsidiaries in the Illuminus Obsucrum are as follows, with five cardinal districts to oversee their respective focuses.


    The College of Cardinals


    The highest sect of the Illuminus Obscurum, composed solely of the most inteligent, and most loyal of the order. These are the people whom make sure law, order, and civilization are kept intact within the Ilum. They are able to make alliances, declarations of wars, and gather all available muscle behind the order at a moments notice.


    The Inquisitors Road 


    These men and women are tasked with uprooting, and conforming those who mindlessly worship the gods to the facet of reality. During training by the Cardinals, they are given the knowledge to avoid any emotion while doing this, and in extreme cases, they are allowed to execute their subject. After these, they are the purgers of the land when said inquisition is complete.


    The Path of Obscuration


    True to their word, these are the conductors of all rites and rituals related to the Illuminus Obscura. They harbor a direct line to the Usurper, and are able to carry out anything in relation to research of heretical faiths. Converters of many to the cause, they are the brunt of the force, rather than the slim. Many start here, and ascend to higher callings. Though others whom stay find themselves in greater positions than those who run.


    The Usurpers Alley


    The Userper. Lord of the Illuminus Obscurum. None harbour this college, as it is only of the man himself.




    Specific Details for the Faiths

    ☼The College of Cardinals☼




    Directors of the College, two uphold the laws and integrity of the Illum. By shaping the Illum to what it must be, they determine all the happenings and doings of all the five sects.






    Tasked with Chronicling, recording, and maintaining the meeting discussions, they must be attentive. They may also contribute through their respective standing Vicarus.



    ☼The Road to Inquisition☼

    High Inquisitor



    Leaders of Inquisitorial Sect, leading the inquisition of the people's beliefs. The High Inquisitor is tasked with the welfare, responsibility, and success of an inquisition. Possessing intimacy and wordplay, they must be able to coax the secrets and separate the lies from the truth. Ruthless, yet subtle, they are the interpreters of belief. They are also members of the College, providing providence and law.






    Followers of the Road to Inquisition. Two Precepts rule their actions, to follow their faith, and to follow their leaders. Ruthless as they may be, they hold no weapons other than their unquestionable faith in their words.


    ☼The Usurpers Alley☼


    The Usurper:

    The leader of the Obscurum. One is only appointed upon the previous one's eath by the Obscuring Hands.


    The Obscuring Hands


    Servants of the Usurpant, they serve both the Illum, faith, and the Obscurum, judgement. They swear fealty to the Usurpant, and the Usurpant alone. They are equivalent to the god's puppeteers, shaping their own destinies, along with opposition.




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    Have you ever been banned,  or had a strike put against you?:

    Do you agree to act maturely in this guild, and represent us well, if accepted?:


    [[This post will be updated to be more unique to the original over time. Permission for reform given by simonbane. All who apply, please send it to me in a PM.]]


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